Alamance Co., NC

Glencoe Baptist Church:
Alamance County, North Carolina

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A community about four miles north of the town of Burlington, N.C., in Alamance County, there had been a village built and grew on the banks of Haw River. A cotton mill was established, a store built and other industry and trade to make the village quite prosperous for the age. Life had made itself into a little group of people who called themselves of Glencoe. Life had continued there for years, but one vital element of their lives had been neglected, and that was the Spiritual life. There had never existed in this community any religious denomination or organization. Thanks to the Almighty that in this little village there lived some devout and God-fearing Christians-Baptist, and by the faith of God and their trust in their Savior Jesus Christ, on October 19, 1893,

John C. Hocutt,
G. F. Blakman,
Alvis Andrews,
A. H. Rimmer,
J. W. Cates,
E. H. Steele,
R. E. Andrews,
Samuel Elexander, and
Jesse Holt,
David Mathews,

all then members of Burlington Baptist Church and

Geo. W. P. Cates,
Charles H. Wynn, and
Thomas Evans

from Haw River Baptist Church, were residing at this village of Glencoe. There had been much interest manifested by the Baptist residents of the village with a desire to organize a Baptist Church in this village for some time. As, a result, upon this day the above brethern secured the assistance of John C. Hocutt, pastor of Burlington Baptist Church, and met in a meeting which resulted in the organization of a Baptist Church, which was named for the village: "GLENCOE BAPTIST CHURCH." At this meeting they elected deacons and other officers necessary to form such an organization. The officers were:

John C. Hocutt,      
I. H. Dunlap,
I. F. Meachum,
I. H. Dunlap,
John F. Allen,

The worship meetings were held in what was then known as the "Old Mill House," formerly a tobacco factory and grist mill, located on the north band of Haw River on the road leading from Yanceville, Union Ridge to Burlington. John C. Hocutt served as supply pastor until a conference on December 2, 1893, at which time Rev. Alvis Andrews was unanimously called to serve for the year 1894 as pastor of the church, and decided upon the day for preaching service to be every first Sunday at 11:00 A.M. and 7:30 P.M.

The Church's organization was composed of the following thirty-eight charter members:

Robert Lee Payne,
Ida J. Meachum,
Nannie Pennington,
William J. Hall,
Mary Alice Mechum,       
W. B. Roberson,
John F. Allen, Jr.,
Albert W. Payne,
Haston Pennington,
Frank Morris,
Delila Isabelle Cook,
Mary F. Watson,
Alice Morris,
Mandy P. Cook,
I. H. Dunlap,
John H. Watson,
Gordia R. Cook,
Cora E. Dunlap, and
James Watson,
Caston Conklin,
I. F. Mechum
Dora M. Roberson,
Elizabeth I. Hall,
Lucy F. Roberson,
Sally Payne,
Martha S. Roberson,         
John Allen, Sr.,
Susan L Hall,
Rebecca A. Allen,
Belle Allen,
Ellwood Allen,
Felitha Bachelor,
Nacy A. Watson,

During the ministry of Rev. Andrews, in spite of severe difficulties and hardships, the church held with great faith to their lord and made a well foundation. A Sunday School was organized and reached an enrollment of one Hundred ninety-two with a church membership of fifty-six. At the close of 1896 Rev. Andrews resigned.

The following is the first letter to the Baptist Mount Zion Association 1894:

Received by letter
     Losses - Excluded
Received by Baptism
     Losses - Death
Total membership
Church Expenses:
Pastor's salary
Sunday School

In a conference held April 10, 1897, the Church called Rev. P. A. Fergerson as pastor at an annual salary of $36.00. Rev. Fergerson served until February 13, 1898, at which time the Glencoe Mills, Inc., built and organized a Union Chapel for worship by all denominations. At this time the Baptist united their efforts with the Christians of the Union Chapel, but it was not long until the Baptist wandered off and became disorganized, and we are regretful to find that no records were kept from February 13, 1898 until March 8, 1908.

About this time we find the Baptist of the village encouraged once again to "press onward toward the High Calling which is in Christ Jesus." In the early part of 1908 the State Baptist Mission Board employed Rev. J. A. Hackney to pastorate the field of churches surrounding the Northern section of Alamance County. Rev. Hackney was called as pastor of The Glencoe Baptist Church on March 8, 1908. His ministry was very brief and on April 10, 1909, Rev. W. E. Dunnegan was called as pastor of the church. Rev Dunnegan resigned at the close of March 1910 and on April 10, 1910 Rev. S. W. Oldham was called to serve as supply pastor for the remainder of the year. The Church during January 1911 called as their pastor Rev. S. L. Morgan, who was then pastor of the Burlington Baptist Church to serve the Church on the second Sunday Afternoons. Rev. Morgan successfully served the people until he resigned as pastor in the close of 1912, at which time he also resigned his work at the Burlington Baptist Church.

At this time the retiring pastor learned that Rev. Martin W. Buck, pastor of Lorimer Memorial Church, Chicago, Ill., was considering removal to the South, and suggested his name to the pulpit committee, as he likewise did to the Burlington congregation. Rev. Buck was called to the work the first of January 1913. From the first he was greeted by remarkable congregations. The attendance and interest in all the meetings were unprecedented. New life and enthusiasm became apparent along all lines, and the feeling was justified that a new era of prosperity had begun for the church. At this time the church since its reorganization in 1908 had been holding its worship services in the Union Chapel of the Glencoe Mills Inc.

Immediately upon the beginning of Rev. Buck's pastorate a new interest among the Baptist arose. The greatest revival ever held before in Glencoe was conducted and there were added to the church twenty-six by Baptism. The old members and the new were spiritually and materially revived to ambitious desire for the Lord. The Sunday School was re-organized and made great progress. The days of service were increased to every second and fourth Sunday afternoon after the Sunday School hour which was 2:00 P.M. Ministers of other denominations began to intrude upon the Sunday School services and press the congregations in the Union Chapel until the Baptist were forced and enthused to take actions for erecting their own edifice. This program was launched the first year of Rev. Buck's service, and was well under way by the end of the year; and the latter part of 1914 saw the present church home completed and dedicated to the services of God's work. A vacant lot in the northern section of the village and a great proportion of the building funds were donated by Robert L. Holt, President of the Glencoe Mills, Inc., and Brother and Sister G. L. Fonville, members of the church. The Mount Zion Association and the State Baptist Mission Board donated $200.00 respectively. By the prayerful enthusiasm, and interest and cooperation of the brethern and sisters and through the divine guidance and blessings of God the church began the year of 1916 with their worship house costing $3,500.00 freed from debt. Under the pastorate of Rev. Buck, the Baptist Church house was finished inside and completely furnished with modern and beautiful furniture. The Church adopted the Duplex envelope system of finances. Rev. Buck had seen the membership grow to more than double that which it was when he began his work. On May 11, 1919 Rev. Buck brought to a close the most successful and greatest ministries of any pastor of the Glencoe Baptist Church. His resignation was rendered because of the pressing need of his services at the First Baptist Church of Burlington which had greatly increased during his years of service there.

On May 11, 1919, the church unanimously extended a call to Rev. Walter H. Dodd to become their pastor, this call was accepted and he served the church until January 1, 1920.

The church on March 28, 1920 extended a call to Rev. F. C. Feezor of Wake-Forest College to serve as pastor. The outstanding events of his services were a great revival, and special training and emphasis in Sunday School work. On October 1, 1920, Rev. Feezor tendered his resignation in order to take up his studies in the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary of Louisville, Kentucky.

On October 21, 1920 a call was extended Rev. E. C. Dean to take up the work as pastor of the church. His services continued until December 5, 1920.

December 26, 1920, Rev. R. S. Lennon of Haw River was called as pastor of the Church. The most eventful accomplishments of the Church under the leadership of Rev. Lennon's pastorate was that of erecting a five thousand dollar pastor's home, which was completed by the end of 1924. During July 1923, a forward step was made when the church, through the assistance of a State worker, organized a Baptist Young People's Union in the Church. Rev. Lennon closed his ministry with the Church on August 13, 1925, moving his family to Spencer, serving the Church four years and eight months.

On the same day that Rev. Lennon's resignation took effect, Rev. J. A. Hackney of Morgantown, was extended a call to become the pastor of the church. Brother Hackney began his work August 28, 1925, being the only pastor to serve the church twice. 0n September 16 , 1925 the church upon the recommendation of the pastor licensed brother Iver Johnson, a member of the Church, to enter the Baptist Ministry of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He was then a student in a Baptist college at Wake-Forest. On December 9, 1925, brother G. L. Murray, also a member of the Church was granted license to enter the ministry of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. During the pastorate of Rev. Hackney the church sponsored the digging of a well for the use of the pastor's home. Rev Hackney is the only pastor to ever ask the church to reduce his salary. He was receiving $34.00 per month and asked that it be reduced to $25.00 per month. Rev Hackney faithfully served until on Saturday evening at 9:30, August 4, 1928 suddenly fell asleep in Christ Jesus at his home.

The Church was without a pastor from August 5, 1928 until October 21, 1928. On the latter date the church extended a unanimous call to one of the youngest ministers of the state, Rev. T. Rupert Coleman, of Durham, North Carolina, who was then only 20 years of age and with us he began his first pastorate. The Church has continued with much progress under Rev. Coleman's leadership until this date. Under the pastorate of Rev Coleman the church has conducted two of the most successful revivals the church has ever held, as a result the Church received 37 new members. The year 1930 the pastor held his own revival and there resulted one of the greatest spiritual upbuildings the Church ever witnessed and saw 37 lost souls enter the Kingdom of God. In the latter part of 1928 there was organized a well functioning Women's Missionary Organization. In September 1929, the Church held the greatest Sunday School Evangelizing and enlargement campaign in which the Sunday School increased its enrollment more than double and became standard, leading the churches of the Association in percentage of improvements. In October 1929, the Church held a B.Y.P.U. evangelistic and Enlargement Campaign, which greatly enlarged the Young People's organization and begun an Intermediate Union. The Church has also cleared a large proportion from the debt which was upon the pastor's home. In August 1930, the church built a Baptistry on the Church lot and at the same time remodeled the church building and erected a large bulletin board in front of the church.

Brother Coleman served the church in some very lean years. The Glencoe Mills closed down and did not run very much this year (1930).

April 24, 1932, the church was called in special conference at the request of the pastor, Rev. T. Rupert Coleman. To the surprise of all present he read his resignation to take effect June 15, 1932, asking the church to grant him leave of absence for twelve months that he may take up studies in the Seminary. Thus closing four very successful years as the youngest pastor of the church history.

When the Reverend Coleman entered the Seminary he made the acquaintance of a young minister who's desire was to come to North Carolina. Reverend Coleman contacted the Church and informed the Church of this young man's desire. A conference was called and the church extended a call to the Rev. Paul Baish, who served the church approximately a year.

In September 1933, the church did something very unusual. There was a young man who was teaching the Men's Bible Class, Mr. Ralph A. Wilson. He had a very successful Sunday School class and was a very fine teacher. Through the influence of Deacon John R. Allen, brother Wilson was persuaded to preach. The Church being without a pastor he accepted a call extended him by the church. On October 1, 1933, the Church called for the ordination of Brother Wilson. A presbytery was formed and Brother Wilson came before the presbytery for examination. Because of Mr. Wilson being a young man who grew up in the village with the people the committee would not consent to his ordination. But the Church would not let this change their minds and respect for him and their faith in him, and called for a second examination. A second presbytery was called and he was duly recommended for ordination. He was duly ordained September 10, 1934. Shortly afterward the Church went from twice a month to full time preaching. The first revival meeting conducted by Reverend Wilson, there were forty-six souls saved and nineteen were received for membership in the Church. Some of the most outstanding achievements have been accomplished under his leadership. The Church has more than doubled it's membership, and a great spiritual awakening has been manifested.

In 1938, a beautiful brick veneer educational building was added to the Church at a cost of approximately five thousand dollars. It has nine class rooms and a Pastor's Study. In 1945 a nice heating unit was installed adding much more convenience and comfort to the church.

October 1, 1946, the newly elected and re-elected officers and teachers of the Church assumed their respective places with much interest. May it be said of the retiring officers and teachers, that their work for the preceding year was very commendable and highly appreciated by the Church. In October 1946, the Church received a gift of one thousand dollars from Glencoe Mills Inc., in memory of the late Mr. Holt Green, who was killed in the service of his country, in World War,#2. Young Mr. Green was President of Glencoe Mills Inc., although not a member of the Church, he had the interest of the Church at heart, and on various occasions he gave donations to the Church. Our Church was made to sorrow at the going of this young man.

A gift of thirty dollars was given to the Church by Mr. Otis Murray, a member of the Church, in appreciation for the use of the well at the Pastorium. Also in the month of October 1946, the Pastor, Reverend R. A. Wilson gave to the Church a gift of thirty-six dollars for use in repairs on the Church.

Reverend L. A. Lammonds of West Virginia was the visiting minister for the series of revival services that were held the latter part of September 1946 and continued through early October. Reverend Lammonds was an old fashion Baptist Minister, filled with the spirit of God. The church experienced a general awakening. Several souls were saved with many rededications. The Church's love gift to Reverend Lammond was one hundred eighty-five dollars and seventy-eight cents.

The church's gift to the pastor Reverend R. A. Wilson for Convention expenses was one hundred twelve dollars and thirty cents.

Mr. I. H. Dunlap of Bonlee, who was the first Church Clerk, visited with the Church on it's annual Home-Coming in September 1946. He renewed many old acquaintances and made many more. He was very happy to return to his old Home Church once again. He gave to the members of the Church and friends a small booklet he had written of his life experiences. This was a wonderful spirit filled little book and was enjoyed by all that read it. The Church gave brother Dunlap a love five of ten dollars. Shortly after, Brother Dunlap was called in death.

In October the Church had the Church and Pastorium newly painted at a cost of five hundred ninety dollars.

In November 1946, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Tankersely had the misfortune of having their home and all their possessions burned to the ground. The members of the Church rallied together and gave them many gifts consisting of furniture, dishes and clothes and many other useful items together with fifty dollars and ninety-five cents in money.

December 29, 1946, Mrs. J. R. Fogleman was elected superintendent of the Primary, Junior and Intermediate grades of the Sunday School. This being the first departmental Superintendent of the children. The basement of the Church was renovated and arrangements made for them to have their own devotional exercises.

January 1947, the Adult Men and Lady's Classes donated to the Church a very beautiful silver communion set. This was dedicated to the Church in a very impressive service by the Pastor the first Sunday in January 1947. Following the dedicational service the Church observed the ordinance of The Lord's Supper.

December 1946 the Glencoe Mills Inc., gave the sum of one thousand dollars to the Church in memory of the late Mr. W. G. Green, father of the late Mr. Holt Green, who before his failing health forced him to resign his position as president of Glencoe Mills Inc., Mr. Green, like his son, was interested in activities of the Church and community. A Christmas gift of twenty-five dollars was given the Church by Mr. Walter Green, the present president of Glencoe Mills Inc.

A metal cabinet was purchased by the Church for storing the choir robes. Mr. Joe Morene built another cabinet in the Pastor's study for keeping the communion ware.

In March 1947, the church gave donations to the Cape Fear Baptist Church at Acme, North Carolina, and the Hawthorne Baptist Church at Winston Salem, North Carolina for their building programs.

In the early part of 1947, the Church was very fortunate in having Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Marley, both talented in music, to join with them. They immediately began forming and training a young peoples chorus, a trio, and a quartet.

In April the church held a two weeks revival meeting with Reverend Sherman Young of Graham, North Carolina, conducting the services. There were several conversions and many rededications.

In May the Church had the yards leveled, top-soiled, and landscaped preparatory for seeding in the fall. Connecting cement walks were laid in front of the Church and Pastorium. Also parking facilities were improved to the left and front of the building, This being done as a memorial to Mr. W. G. Green, Sr. and son Mr. Holt Green.

1948 The Sanctuary was insulated overhead by Faulk Insulation Co.
1949 A metal sink and cabinet was installed in the parsonage. The Sanctuary was repainted on the inside. An electric clock was donated to the Church by Alamance Electric Company, who installed the new lights in the Sanctuary and on the outside of the Church.
1951 The land where the fellowship Building now stands was accepted by the Church as a gift from Mr. Walter Green, President of Glencoe Mills. Approximately .54 Acre.
1952 The heating system was changed from coal to oil in the church.
1955 The Fellowship Building was completed and dedicated as THE REV. R. A. WILSON MEMORIAL RECREATIONAL BUILDING. This was done on May 1, 1955.
1959 New light fixtures were donated and installed in the Fellowship Building.
Our Pastor, Rev. Reid Harris passed away tonight at 7:30 P.M. December 6, 1959.
1960 New Pulpit furniture was presented to the Church by the WMU and Brotherhood. (1-17-60)
A brass flower vase and two flower stands were presented to the Church by the G.A.'s and Sunbeams. (8-28-60)
1961 A mimeograph machine was purchased by the church at a cost of $307.00. (3-5-61)
1963 The Mount Zion Association met at our church on October 23, 1963. The Young People of our church held a Brunswick Stew Sale in order to raise money for future building.
1964 New Baptist Hymnals were purchased and dedicated, with all present reading the church Covenant. (2-24-64)
During the remainder of 1964 much remodeling was done in and around the church and parsonage. A new front porch was put on the parsonage and wrought iron columns were added. The Utility Room in the basement of the Educational Building was completed. Six (6) boxwoods were planted in front of the Church by the Brotherhood. Wrought iron hand-rails were installed in front of the church by the WMU and G.A.'s. The Associational Sunbeam Camp for 8 year olds was held at the church. 133 persons attended.
1965 The Sanctuary was completely remodeled, with finished paneling installed on the walls and celotex installed on the ceiling. Total cost-$2643.91
The Brotherhood built and installed bookshelves in our proposed Library. Our Library was opened on March 28th, and a dedication service was held on the same day, Two parking lots were cleared and made ready for use.
1966 New roofs were put on the Parsonage and the Educational Building. All the old light fixtures were removed from the Educational Building and replaced with new fixtures. On August 7th, the roofing bill was paid in full.
1967 All of the church buildings were completely repainted on the outside, as well as the inside of the fellowship Building. Aluminum Siding was installed on both towers at the front of the church. All buildings were exterminated and several large trees topped and trimmed. A new cement porch and steps were added to the rear of the Educational Building. Iron rails were also installed at this time.
A new ceiling was installed in the dining room at the parsonage. Cost-$70.00.
1968 July 28, 1968. Our choir was presented 26 choir robes as a gift from the Grove Park Baptist Church of Burlington.
1969 9-21-69 A safe was donated to the church by Louie Phillips from the Railway Express agency of Burlington.
11-9-69 A Hammond organ was donated to the church by Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Greeson and Johnny.
12-14-69 Storm windows were installed in the parsonage.
1974 February 1974 Installed paneling on the Educational Building halls and entrance. Cost-$93.13
June 1974  Brick veneered Sanctuary        Cost- $9727.00
                  Added cross at front of Sanctuary         250.00
                  Corner Stone                                          10.00
July-Sept. 1974 Remodeled inside of Parsonage, paint, etc. added study on back porch of parsonage.
1975 August Built basketball court Cost-$1650.00
May Installed air conditioner in parsonage        Cost-$338.00
                                                                      Labor- 268.00
August Installed carpet in Sanctuary and two side rooms. Cost-$2600.00


Pastor's Salary
Final Payment for Architect Plans
Thomas Hall- Hauling Bricks
7000 Bricks
Payment on Building Contract
Hauling Sand
372 feet oak lumber @ 5.95
1823 feet pine lumber @ 25.60
Payment on building Contract
Hauling materials to church
Burlington Hardware-Shingles
Freight on Church Bell
S. B. Thomas for roofing tower for bell
Bell & Foundry Co., For Bell
Kirk Holt Hardware-Bell Rope
1000 lb. coal-Glencoe Mills Inc.
Heater, Elbow, Pipe, Mat
Pulpit Desk
Piedmont Box Go., for Church Pews.

We trust that this brief history of our church will be helpful in bringing each of you up to date on some of the things that has happened in years gone by. We are grateful to the many fine people that have worked so hard in the years past and are still working to assure that we will always have a place of worship.


38 charter
John C. Hocutt (interim)   -----   Alvis Andrews - Pastor
Alvis Andrews
Alvis Andrews
Alvis Andrews
P. A. Fergerson
P. A. Fergerson
J. A. Hackney
W. E. Dunnegan
S. W. Oldham
S. L. Morgan
S. L. Morgan
Martin W. Buck
Martin W. Buck
Martin W. Buck
Martin W. Buck
Martin W. Buck
Martin W. Buck
Martin W. Buck   -----  Walter H. Dodd
F. C. Feezor   ---  E. C. Dean   ----  R. S. Lennon
R. S. Lennon
R. S. Lennon
R. S. Lennon
R. S. Lennon  ------            (Parsonage Built $5000.00)
R. S. Lennon  ----   J. A. Hackney
J. A. Hackney
J. A. Hackney
J. A. Hackney  T. Rupert Coleman  (WMU Organized)
T. Rupert Coleman
T. Rupert Coleman
T. Rupert Coleman
T. Rupert Coleman

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Mary Wrenn Ellis

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© 2000 by Mary Wrenn Ellis
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This page was last updated July 4, 2000.