Friendship Dedication
Hugh Bentley George Hefner Daniel L Isenhour
David B Little Lt Daniel A Little Joseph Page
John R Stafford Ephraim Bowman Lewis Bowman
Tilford J White
Service of Dedication
Sunday, November 9, 2008
3:00 p.m.
Friendship Lutheran Church Cemetery
Alexander County, North Carolina
by the
Sons of Confederate Veterans
Rocky Face Rangers Camp 1948
with the Ladies of the Order of the Confederate Rose,
Chapter 27, Southern Cross
New Veterans Administration grave markers were dedicated for the following Confederate Soldiers and veterans buried in
Friendship Lutheran Church cemetery:
Pvt. Hugh B. Bentley, Co. A 7th NC
Corp. George W. Hefner, Co. G 37th NC
Pvt. Daniel L. Isenhour, Co. F 37th NC
Pvt. David B. Little, Co. G 37th NC
1st Lt. Daniel A. Little, Co. E 32nd NC
Pvt. George Little, Co. E 32nd NC
Pvt. Joseph Page, Co. B 37th NC
Pvt. John R. Stafford, Co. B 37th NC
Pvt. Tilford J. White, Co. E 32nd NC Regiment Infantry
Ephraim Bowman, Home Guard NC
Lewis Bowman, Home Guard NC
Davolt B. Little, Home Guard NC
Photos From Dedication

Raven Earnhardt and sister, Pearl Earnhardt Livengood;
great-grandchildren of Pvt. Hugh B. Bentley
Photos provided by James Miller
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