About Alleghany
County Source: Alleghany Chamber of Commerce North Carolina
Yearbook Index
NCGenWeb Project
My name is LaRae Halsey-Brooks, and my daughter, Eireann Brooks, and I are the County Co-Coordinators for the Alleghany County NCGenWeb Project. I've been researching our Ashe, Alleghany and Grayson County families -- Halsey, McMillan/McLamont, Gambill, Landreth, Wyatt, Hackler/Hechler,
Grayson, Nall, Davenport, Peak, Young, Weaver --
30+ years, and now I take great pleasure
in transcribing
and posting records for all of Alleghany
My daughter, Eireann, is an attorney in Santa Barbara, CA. She has been creating and maintaining USGenWeb Project pages since she was 16, and will be doing all web work for the Alleghany County page. If you would like to contribute Biographical Sketches of your Alleghany County families to this website, please let us know. We will be happy to create a special page for your material and include any photographs, scanned documents, or other items you'd like to add to the page. We also would like a list of your Alleghany County Surnames with dates and townships. We'll include a link back so others researching your families can contact you. I'll start the page with my own families, but hope you will each add your own surnames to the new page. If you live in or near Alleghany County and would like to take digital photographs of cemeteries and tombstones, please let us know. If you have access to existing cemetery transcriptions, land records, tax rolls, school class rosters/photos, etc., we would be most grateful for any and all submissions. If you are interested in hosting another county in North Carolina for the NCGenWeb Project, please visit the Adoptable Counties page. The transcription of the U.S. Federal Census for Alleghany County is
now complete, and we recently added the records
to the website.
Please check back from time to time as we add more information to the page! Thank you! LaRae & Eireann
© 1997-2023 by the Alleghany
County Coordinator |