Free Church on Chocowinity
Transcribed and contributed
by Elizabeth Ross.
From the original in the Family Papers
"We the undersigned agree to pay to Joseph Potts the amount
anex'd to names for the purpose of building a Framed house 26 by
20 feet at or near the 10 Mile Post for a School House and Church
the Building to be free for all Christians to Preach in."
James R. Hooker paid 5.00 Joseph Potts (in Nails) paid 5.00 Robert Salter paid 5:00 Jno. McWilliams 1:00 16 00 A Burbank [Benbank?] paid 5.00 John Orkney paid 2:00 Jarvis B Buxton in Lumber paid 8:00 Saml W Lucas paid 2:00 17 00 Welcome Hoell 1:00 33 00 Joseph B Hinton 10:00 Lewis L[eroy?] pd 2:00 Wm. Barrow paid 2:00 Nathl. J. Oliver paid 2:00 17 00 Fred' [Ferd'?] Brooks paid--- 1:00 Jno. W. Potts / 2:00 William Blackledge 1000 feet Lumber 10:00 George Hill paid 10:00 Clemmons Arnold paid 1:00 Joshua Arnold paid 1:00 25 00 Arden Blount 5:00 Edmund Edwards paid 2:00 Joshua Ecklin Senr 5.00 Joshua Ecklin Jr 3:00 James Brown 2:00 17 00 92 00 Continued and forwd $92 00 John Dixon 2:00 Abram Raven 1:00 Nathl. Harding paid 2:00 John Cratch pd $8-- 10:00 Lucinda Edwards paid 5.00 Fred Downs 5.00 25 00 Michl. Hill 10:00 Israel Harding pd 1:00 Joshua Shivers 1:00 12 00 D. H. Burbank 1:00 Corns. Patrick 2:00 Harvey Hill pd 3$ 5.00 Hayes S [Labarbe?] paid 5.00 Arnet Edwards 1:50 Thos. Searles pd.$1 1:00 15 50 Danl. Paul 2:00 Wm Roberts 1:00 Geo. W. Arnold paid 1:00 Jesse Nobles paid 2:00 John Weston paid 2:00 John Osborn 2:50 Simon Cruthers paid 5.00 15 50 to this place the amt. appears [struck] Isaac Nobles pd 3:00 Sally Blount paid 5:00 Wm. Adams paid 1:00 Wm. Knox paid 5.00 John D. Barr [Burr?] 2:50 Miles Blount 1:00 S Denb[eigh?] 1:00 John Purser 1:00 John Scarborough 1:00 James Caramer? [Cramer?] 1:00 21 50 18 50 [forward] 181 50 Jonathan Havens 1:00 Allen Edwards pd. 2:00 David Edwards pd. 2:00 Aron Cox 2:00 Isaac Nobles 1:00 John Buck 1:00 James Knox pd. 2:00 Bryan Grimes pd. 2:00 Noah Gallaway pd. 1:00 Henry Harding 2:00 Stephen C Worsley 1:00 Robert Godley Sr 2:00 Robt. Godley Jr 5:00 24 00 Chs. E. Sla_y [Slazy, Slagg?] 2:00 Noah Knox pd. 2:00 Joseph W. Patrick 5.00 Willi[s?] Knox 2.00 Jordan Knox 2:00 Jordan Knox 2:00 Lemmon Edwards 1:-pd 14 00 Matthew Kelley 2:00 Thos. A. Dernell? [Durrell?] 2:50 Richd. Nobles 2:00 James Buck 2:00 William Patrick 2:00 Reading Grist 5:00 J C K [JOK?} Williams 5.00 Thos. Ellison 4:00 So__ [looks like Soda] Redditt 5.00 D H. McCabe 2:00 Joseph Wall 2:50 18 50 $269 50 Thos. Allen paid 5 $264 50
Dating this document: The handwriting for this document seems to match that of Noah
Gallaway (Sr.), as appearing in the Bible Records. The account is not dated, but definitely
pre-dates 1850, judging from the names appearing in the list. The more recognizable
persons were all born in the latter fourth of the 18th century, and few of them were still
living when the 1850 census was taken. Joseph B. Hinton, according to p. 14 of Pamteco
Tracings, Dec. 1988, was born in 1788, "near Washington." In 1809, he was Register of
Deeds in Washington. This commitment to a church/school in the Chocowinity area was
probably made prior to his removal to town.
Copyright 2009