"Earth from Space"
Images of
Eastern North Carolina
Pamlico River, North Carolina, U.S.A. October 1989. The east-southeast-flowing Pamlico River, shown here as a wide estuary, is visible as it empties into Pamlico Sound along the east coast of North Carolina. The broad estuary of the much shorter Pungo River can be seen as it flows into the north side of the Pamlico River near its mouth. The light colored area in the center of the image is an operating phosphate mine and a single runway. Most of the lighter colored landscape, consisting of angular shaped field patterns, are used for agriculture; while the darker terrain tends to be extensive woodlands.
Pamlico Sound Area, North Carolina, U.S.A. March 1994. The small scale of this northwest looking image allows the viewing of two river basins that creates most of the wetlands along the North Carolina coast. Several sediment-rich river tributaries are visible as they flow into Pamlico Sound, the large, muddy embayment west of Cape Hatteras, and to a lesser extent into Albemarle Sound, the smaller estuary north of Pamlico Sound. The barrier islands extend from coastal Virginia to Cape Hatteras and Cape Lookout and beyond (southwest-bottom left). In addition to the coastal wetlands of North Carolina, some of the wetlands of Virginia and Maryland are visible. Unfortunately clouds mask the mouth of Chesapeake Bay.
Source: Earth from Space; Image Science and Analysis Laboratory, NASA-Johnson Space Center. 2004
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