Historic Woodville
Preserving Woodville's Heritage
Urquhart Genealogy in Letters
Urquhart Genealogy
Lewis Thompson m. 1833 Margaret Ann Cathcart Clark
Built and lived at home place in Woodville, Bertie Co.
Their Children:
1.Mary Bond Thompson m. 1871 Burges Urquhart, of Southampton Co., Virginia
Among other Children, were:
a. Martha (Pattie) Urquhart m. Cliff Whitehead 1907
[was not living at homeplace, had married and lived across from homeplace]
1. Clifford b.1908
2. Burgess (Rat) b. 1910
3. Lewis b. 1912
4. Joe Green, b. 1914
b. Mary (Mamie) Urquhart died 1917
c. Margaret (Mog) Urquhart m. Thos Griffin 1917
at time of these letters was unmarried, lived at homeplace
d. Lou(ise) Urquhart m. Chas Griffin 1910
was married, but she and husband and child were living at homeplace until 1915
1. Charles Jr b. 1912
e. Burges Urquhart m. Emily Mizell 1920
was unmarried at time of these letters, living at homeplace. Though his future wife Emily was mentioned
frequently in these letters, they were not courting at the time
f. Richard A. Urquhart m. Kate Fenner 1914
**Only the grandchildren mentioned in the letters are listed here
2. William Clark Thompson m. 1882 Virginia Ann Griffin
Their children were:
They were orphaned in 1905, and lived with their first cousins at the homeplace.
Lewis lived there until he married in 1913, John Sam shared room with RAU.
Billy moved out in early 1915 to live with Lewis & his wife, before marrying in 1924.
Lewis Whitmel Thompson m. Sallie Lyon 1913
John Sam(uel) Thompson unmarried d. 1940
William "Billy" Thompson m. Ruth Smith 1924
3.Thomas Whitmel Thompson m. 1871 Helen McKenzie Clark, no children
4. Martha Clark Thompson died 1867 at age 18

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