Burke County Genealogical Society
P.O. Box 661
Morganton, NC 28680-0661





The Burke County Genealogical Society

was formed in November 1982 to encourage and aid in the accumulation

and preservation of the historical and genealogical records of the Burke County area.

Membership dues support journal publication and Society activities and events.


Quarterly meetings are typically held in February, May, August and November.
In-person meetings have been suspended until further notice, due to Covid related restrictions.
We will host online meetings until it is deemed safe to return to normal programming.

Next Meeting:  On-line, Monday, May 17, 6:00 pm

Speaker: Thomas MacEntee, from GenealogyBargains.com, will present
"After You're Gone: Future-Proofing Your Genealogy Research."
Details will be sent to members via email/mail.
For questions, contact Laurie Johnston 828-764-9266.


Membership is open to all who are interested in genealogy and history of Burke County, NC. 

Individual: $20.00
Family: $25.00
Contributing: $30.00

Membership dues are on a calendar year basis from January 1 to December 31.

Members receive a copy of the quarterly journal and are entitled to

submit articles and queries in the journal at no charge.

New mid-year memberships will receive all the journals for that calendar year.

Membership FORM.


 Membership entitles the member to receive our award-winning JOURNAL,

published by the Society on a quarterly basis, containing material submitted by members,

such as transcribed records of genealogical interest, obituaries, book reviews, and historical sketches. 

Queries may be submitted for printing in the journal at no charge to members. 

Back issues of the journal may be purchased based on availability.

Additional Publications are available for purchase in the North Carolina Room of the Burke County Library

or by mail from the Burke County Genealogical Society. Click on links below for details.

Burke County Genealogical Society Publications Available   <printable form>

BCGS Publications Order Form  <printable form>

Ø  A Comprehensive Alphabetized Table of Contents
BCGS Journal 1983-2014
, By Margaret C. Richards
click here>

Ø  Topical Index to the Journal of the BCGS
Volumes I to XVI (1983-1998)
, By Ray A. Yount
TEXT version >    < PDF version >

Please Note:
The Burke County Genealogical Society, at P O Box 661, Morganton, NC 28680-0661
The Burke County Historical Society at PO Box 151 Morganton, NC 28680-0915
are two different organizations.

By accessing this site, you hereby agree that any data posted is copyrighted by the NCGenWeb,
the respective county host and/or individual contributors. Nothing contained herein is to be used for other
 than personal research and is not to be reposted, captured or cached on another server without the
 express written consent of the contributor.

Robin Mace Barger - © 2017-present
Last Modified:  05/02/2021 01:42:29