(Or - History of S. F. Paine (Smith Ferguson Paine) Written by Request of My Children)


I have contemplated writing a history for sometime as I am the only living member of my family. (S. F. Paine died August 30, 1932 in Sevier Co., TN.)

I will first give what I can remember of what has been told by my ancestors.

My grandfather, Robert B. Paine*, was a Virginian. His wife, Rachel Lord, was also a Virginian. To them was born a large family of three sons and seven daughters.

Grandfather Robert B. Paine lived in Virginia until after the close of the Revolutionary War. He then moved to Burke County, N.C. (now Alexander County, N.C.) and settled on the upper Little River in March of 1789. He died there not many years later.

Robert B. Paine served three enlistment's in the Revolutionary War. He was in the trenches under the command of Lafayette when Cornwallis surrendered at Yorktown.

Daniel Paine, the eldest son, settled near Memphis, Tenn. He had an only son, named Mycager. Father and son were both soldiers in the War of 1812, and were at the Battle of New Orleans. Some years after this battle, he visited his old home in North Carolina. When he was asked how the Battle of New Orleans came out, he said; "All right, America got the beef and England got the lead".

John Paine, the second son of Robert B. Paine, was my father. He married Mary Bradburn (my mother). Mary Bradburn was the daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Bradburn. Elizabeth Bradburn's maiden name was Elizabeth Elledge. Thomas and Elizabeth Bradburn lived on and owned property known as Bradburn's Cross roads, and was located three miles west of where Taylorsville now stands.

I suppose that they were married in Virginia as they moved from Virginia to North Carolina.

Robert Paine, the youngest son of Robert B. Paine, settled on Battle Creek in Tenn. He reared a family of eighteen children, mostly boys.

Frances Paine, the eldest daughter of Robert B. Paine, married William Fox. Betty Paine*, another daughter of Robert B. Paine, married Edward Teague.

Rachel Paine, another daughter of Robert B. Paine, married James Paine (son of Thomas Paine, a Revolutionary War Veteran).

Mary Paine, another daughter of Robert B. Paine, never married. She died on Sandy Mush Creek, Madison County, North Carolina in 1844.

There are three more daughters of Robert B. Paine but their names are not known at this time. One married Mose Teague, another married Ben Austin, and the third married Elijah Teague. These three families settled in Greene County, Missouri, near Springfield.

The Paines were of English descent.

John Paine (husband of Mary Bradburn), my father, died on the 28~ day of March, 1866 at the age of seventy-seven years, one month, and seventeen days. He was laid to rest in the Turkey Creek Cemetery near Leicester in present Buncombe County, N.C.

My mother, Mary (Bradburn) Paine, was born August 6, 1796. In Grandfather Bradburn's family were three sons and three daughters.

Elizabeth married Ephrim Shuford.

Mary (my mother) married John Paine (my father).

Isaac was the eldest son.

Jane married John Grant.

Joseph married Jane Hughey

Thomas (no wife listed for him)

Thomas Bradburn, my grandfather, was a merchant farmer. He owned sixteen slaves and a considerable land. The Bradburns were of English descent. My grandfather gave my mother a slave but my father did not like negroes and returned the slave to Grandfather Bradburn.

Mary (Bradburn) Paine, my mother, was rather above medium size, tall, erect. And well built, very stout, weighing from 130 to 135 lbs. She had dark complexion, long straight black hair, black eyes, deep and thoughtful. She was kind, tender and affectionate. She was of Swiss descent. Her great grandmother emigrated from Switzerland during he early settlement of this country. She was a flax spinner by trade.

Mother loved her home and her family. She was always interested in her children and was always doing something for their comfort. She was happiest when working for them or helping my father. She inherited her industrious nature from her ancestors. She was always busy, never idle. She worked much at night, carding, spinning, sewing, or knitting. She was a good cook and delighted in cooking a good meal and having a full table.

Mother was not very talkative, abominated laziness, was of good moral character, very high toned, adverse to vice or low society. She was very religious, humble, sincere and devoted to her Christian duty. She was a member of the Baptist Church which she attended regularly.

Mother was never ill very much, had some billiousness and sick headaches. Those were her greatest troubles. She had a good appetite and enjoyed her meals. She outlived my father six years and five months. During the summer of 1872 she gave away, grew more feeble each day, and some days she could hardly go.

On August 21 8t the Doctor came and said the end was near, her system was worn out. That night she was restless and I sent for the children that were within reach. Rachel came at once. On the 22nd she sat up part of the day, carded some cotton rolls, ate as usual, but on lying down she suddenly took bad again and about 10 o'clock she passed away. Next morning her sons, Anderson and Daniel, came for the burial. They started at dark one day and arrived there about 10 o'clock the next day. Turkey Creek is in Buncombe County, N.C. Her coffin was made by Martin White. We laid her to rest by her companion in life.

John Paine, father of our family, was born in Fairfax County, Va., 2-11 - 1789. He was the second son and married Mary Bradburn, born 8-6-1796. She was the daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Bradburn.* Elizabeth Bradburn's maiden name was Elizabeth Elledge. The Bradburns lived and owned property known as Bradburn's Cross Roads, three miles west of where Taylorsville now stands. I suppose they were married in Virginia as they move to North Carolina from Virginia.

John Paine was a medium sized man, rather low of stature, 5 feet 10 or 11 inches tall, weighing 165 lbs. A divided or hair lip, other wise a very handsome man. He had brown hair and almost blue eyes.

John Paine was a blacksmith by trade, and made bells in abundance. He was a very stout and active man, was hard to handle. He was very lively and loved sports and the chase, was honest and strict in his dealings with man, wore a smile rather than a frown. A true friend, one who never forgot a favor. He was very sympathetic, ordinarily mild and gentle, but when insulted or injured was revengeful, fearless and determined. John Paine loved his family and friends with a devotion unsurpassed. No sacrifice was too great or toil too hard for him, if necessity demanded it. While working in his shop one day a sliver or scale of hot metal flew in his left eye, causing him to loose it. Some years later he lost the sight of his right eye. He was blind ten years before is death.

John Paine served in the War of 1812 from North Carolina (John Paine W.O # 7480). He volunteered in Burke County, N.C. and served from Feb. 1, 1814 to Sept. 4, 1814 as a private in Captain James Martin's Company of North Carolina Militia against the Creek Indians. He was discharged at Salisbury, N.C.

At the age of 63 while living in Madison County, N.C., he applied for a bounty of land on April 24, 1850. He was allowed 80 acres of land on Warrant #47101, under the act of Sept.28, 1850. At the age of 65, he applied for an additional bounty of land and was given another 80 acres #33504. He was at Horse Shoe Bend reaching there just as the battle was over. He helped build a Fort there.

During the Winter of 1852, he became very much interested with regard to his future welfare and professed faith in Christ, joined the Church and was baptized the first Sunday in May 1853. I have often thought that I saw proof of the work of Grace manifested in his life afterwards. Before this time, he showed little interest in spiritual things. He loved romance and fun, and often indulged in drinking more than was prudent. After this, such things to him were at least hateful. He loved his Church and his pew was never absent with it was possible for him to go. His was a religion to live in duty for his Master. His last days were those of humility and trust.

(This Essay by Rev. Smith Ferguson Paine, born
April 22, 1837, died Aug.30, 1932, at the age of 95.

A copy of this essay furnished to Jane Knox Chapter, DAR, by Mr. Roy S. Ingle, Locust St., Columbia, Tenn.)

* 1. Smith Ferguson spelled his last name Paine. Other spellings are Pain, Pane, Payn, and many of the family now spell it Payne.

*2. Some researchers list this man as Robert Bynum Payne. There is some question on his middle name.

*3 Betty is an unusual name at that time in history. She may have been Elizabeth and the family called her Betty. No proof either way at this time. (1998)

*4 This paragraph repeats earlier information but is left in as the original copy used for this printing had it just this way.


(Contributed to Jane Knox Chapter, DAR, by
Mr. Roy 5. Ingle, Locust Street, Columbia, Tenn. 38401)

John Paine, born 2-11-1789, in Fairfax County, Virginia. Died 3-28-1866, at age 77.

Buried at North Turkey Creek Cemetery, at Alexander, North Carolina. Lived at Alexander, North Carolina, in Burke County. I believe it is Buncombe County today.  Fifteen miles west of Asheville.

JOHN PAINE married Mary Bradburn (Called Polly) in 1810 or 1811, at age 14 or 15 years. Mary Bradburn born 8-6-1796, died 8-22-1872, at age 76. The graves are marked with stones. The stones and cemetery are both in good shape.

Mary Bradburn was the daughter of Thomas Bradburn and Elizabeth Elledge Bradburn. Thomas Bradburn was a merchant farmer, owned slaves and had a lot of land. The Bradburns lived and owned property known as Bradburn's Cross Roads, three miles west of where Taylorsville now stands.

Bradburns were of English descent.

Sixteen children, 11 sons and S daughters, were born to John and Mary (Bradburn) Paine. All did not live to maturity.

1. THOMAS PAINE, born 1-7-1812, died small, 4 or 5 years old.

2. ROBERT PAINE, born 7-29-1813, lived near Bessemer City, N.C. Married Mary Anne Froneberger. Died 5-6-1896. Both are buried at Bethel Arber Cemetery near Bessemer City, N.C. Children: J. A., Mary, Thomas, Joseph, Salina.

3. RACHEL PAINE, married Joe Norris and had children in North Carolina. She is buried at Spring Creek, N.C.

4. REBECCA PAINE, born in January of 1815, died. (It is possible that Rachel and Rebecca were twins.)

5. ISAAC ELLEDGE PAINE, born 1-28-1816, lived in Lincoln County, N.C., married Sarah C. Sherrill. Died 5-23-1894 and is buried at Poole's Baptist Church near Denver and McPhelah, N.C. This church used to be Marvin's Chapel. They had a son, John W.

6. MARY PAINE, (called Polly), born 11-27-1819, married Silas James. Buried at North Turkey Creek, Alexander, N.C. There were two children, Dallas James lived at Term Emets Cove about 1880. There were 2 sons and 1 daughter, all deceased now. Mary James married Bige Medows, there was not any children.

7. JOHN FRANKLIN PAINE, born 2-25-1821, lived in Lincoln County, N.C. ,married Elizabeth Burch, died 2-2-1881, and is buried in the McCorkle Cemetery. Children were Frank, Sam, Epsie, Pauline, Francis, Laura, and Emerson. 8. JOSEPH ALLEN PAINE, born 9-19-1 822, married ______Rector. Had two children. Got on a horse and rode away one day and was never heard from afterward.

9. ANDERSON LORD PAYEN, 5-13-1824, married Uncle Jim Paine's girl. Died at Marshall, N.C., buried North Turkey Creek, Alexander, N.C.

10. FRANCES PAINE, (called Frankie), born 10-22-1826. Married Tom Massey, lived at Caney Fork, N.C. buried at North Turkey Creek, Alexander, N.C. Had a daughter named Mary.

11. WILLIAM PAINE, born 11-17-1829, (called Bill), was a sheriff at Fresno, California and was killed in a gun fight during the Gold Rush Days. Rev. Smith Ferguson Paine had letters from him during the time he lived in California. He married out there and had sons and one daughter.

12. TWINS.

13. ONE BOY AND ONE GIRL. Born and died in 1830, unnamed.

14. DANIEL ALEXANDER PAYNE, born 11-8-1831, first married Anna Ball. She died. There was a second marriage. He is buried at Round Top Pine Creek, Madison County, N.C.

15. AMBROSE PAINE, born 7-10-1833. Married twice and had S or 6 children. Went West, either to California or Arizona and died there.

16. REV. SMITH FERGUSON PAINE, born 4-22-1837, youngest child. He was a Baptist preacher at Sevierville, Tennessee. Married Mary Emily Mclntire, born 11-2- 1846. She was the daughter of Zeb Mclntire ;and Mary Randles, from Buncombe County, N.C. Smith died at the home of his daughter, Lillie Bell Clark (Mrs. B.W. Clark) 8-20-1932 at 5:00, at the age of 95. He and his wife are buried at Zions Grove Baptist Church on Birds Creek at Sevierville, Tennessee.

*(There is some question about the authors use of place names. In question is the area of Buncombe County that he states as Alexander. Further research is needed to determine the correct place names he has used.)

Contributed by William (Bill) Joe Payne

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Last Modified:  03/28/2008 18:30:49