Catawba County Cemeteries
St. John's Lutheran
Church Cemetery, Conover, NC (estb. 1798)
Catawba County contains over 180 cemeteries. Some are large and well maintained. Others are overgrown, unkept and threatened with destruction.
Among threatened cemeteries, these pages detail these cemeteries and illustrate the conditions that need to be addressed if these grave sites are to continue to provide a lasting heritage and remember those who formed our county over two hundred years ago.
Search for individuals in ALL Catawba County Cemeteries
Preservation Challenges
Threatened Cemeteries
since 1998)
Old Barger Cemetery, Hickory
Bethlehem Lutheran Church
Boyd Cemetery, Maiden
Brooks Cemetery (A-A)
Catawba Memorial Park (partial-2010 only)
Conover City Cemetery (in process)
Conover City Cemetery (my granddaughter)
Eastview Cemetery-map
Coulter Cemetery (A-A)
Henry W. Link Family Cemetery
Hudson Chapel Baptist Church Cemetery
Huffman-Lanier Cemetery
Maiden City Cemetery (complete)
Part 1 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5-1 - Part 5-2 - Vets Sect.
McCaslin Cemetery, Maiden (complete)
Moore's Cemetery (complete)
New Jerusalem Lutheran (complete)
Ramsour-Reinhardt Cemetery
Ridgeview Cemetery, Hickory (A-A) - MAP (complete to 1999)
Shiloh United Methodist Church Cemetery
St. John's Lutheran Church Cemetery (partial)
Washington Park Cemetery, Conover (A-A) (new section)
Wesley's Chapel Methodist Church[Note: A-A = African-American]
This index is taken from the Catawba County Gen. Soc. series of nine volumes of cemetery
records. They are copyrighted and listing all aspects would violate intellectual property laws.
(The following links duplicate the above but are NCGenWeb Archive pages)
[The above cemetery listings are taken from an index created by Derick S. Hartshorn. The gravestone inscriptions appear in Catawba County Cemeteries which are copyrighted by the Catawba County Genealogy Society and are unavailable outside of the publications in which they appear.]
Catawba County Confederate Grave
Photos of Catawba County Tombstones
- NAME - |
Jacob FEY (P) | Old St. Paul's-Newton |
Andreas KILLIAN (P) | Old St. Paul's-Newton |
Rev. Adam MILLER (T) (P) | Old St. Paul's-Newton |
Frederick THRONBURGH (P) | Old St. Paul's-Newton |
KEY: (T) text, (P), photo
Photo submissions solicited.
[Some Other Catawba County Cemetery Photos]
NORTH CAROLINA has enacted legislation to protect cemeteries.
It can
be a Class I felony to disturb an existing cemetery.
Please visite the NCDOT site for more details.
These pages are copyrighted in the name of the NCGenWeb Project and/or the submitters and webmaster of this project.
They may not be used, housed or copied by any for-profit enterprise. Fair Use Doctrine allows for exerpting limited portions.
Robin M. Barger ©2008-present
Last Modified: 01/19/2020 01:49:07