Catawba County, NC Soldiers Buried at
Conover City Cemetery
Conover, NC


BOLICK, Jerod (or Gerald) -Company C, 8th Batallion. (Maj. James B. Ellington, commanding). Organized about June 23, 1864, with three companies. By S.O. 277, A&IGO, Nov. 22, 1864, this Batallion became part of 3rd Regt. N.C. Jr. Res., Cos. A, B, and C becoming Cos. F, E, and G of the Regt. [Local Designations were: C, Burke and Caldwell Reserves Co. A, Iredell Reserves].



ECKARD, ELCANAH, Private, Company E, 72nd Regiment, NC Troops - Resided in Catawba County where he enlisted. He served in the Junior Reserve with other 17-year old Catawba County boys and was probably present at Fort Fisher at the end of the war. [M-4:321/P-326]


HERMAN, Elkanah. L., Private, 12th-A - Enlisted in Catawba County on April 1, 1862. Present or accounted for until discharged on January 27, 1863. Reason discharged not reported, North Carolina pension records indicate he was wounded near Richmond, Virginia, in July, 1862. [NCT-5:122]


HERMAN, Miles Monroe, Private, Company A, 18th Regiment, NC Troops - Resided in Catawba County where he enlisted at age 34, August 14, 1862, for the war. Present or accounted for until he was reported missing at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, July 3, 1863. No further records. [NCT-6:314]


HUITT, NOAH, 3rd Sargeant, Company E, 3rd Regiment, NC Junior Reserves - Born in Catawba County 28 Sep 1846 enlisted with the seventeen-year olds. He was married to Ellen Caroline Lutz on 20 Dec 1870. He died three years after his wife, on 16 Sep 1920.


LAIL, Calvin, Private, Company K, 35th Regiment, NC Troops- Born in Burke County where he resided as a farmer prior to enlisting in Burke County at age 24, October 15, 1861. Reported present during January-April, 1862. Wounded at Malvern Hill, Virginia, July 1, 1862. Returned to duty on an unspecified date. Captured at Five Forks, Virginia, April 1, 1865. Confined at Point Lookout, Maryland, until released on June 28, 1865, after taking the Oath of Allegiance.[NCT-9:456]


LAIL, Polycarp, Private, Company C, 28th Regiment, NC Troops. - Resided in Catawba County where he enlisted at age 18, March 9, 1863, for the war. Wounded in the thigh at Spotsylvania Court House, Virginia, May 12, 1864. Returned to duty on November 6, 1864. Transferred to Company H of this regiment on February 1, 1865. [NCT-8:147]

LAIL, Polycarp, Private, Company H, 28th Regiment, NC Troops. Previously served in Company C of this regiment. Transferred to this company on February 1, 1865.Surrendered at Appomattox Court l'lousc, Virginia, April 9, 1865. [NCT-8:203]


SHELL, William D., Private, Company F, 23rd Regiment, NC Troops. - Resided in Catawba County where he enlisted at age 20, June 6, 1861. Present or accounted for until he was reported absent wounded in October, 1862. Place and date wounded not reported. Returned to duty in December, 1862-February, 1863. Present or accounted for until wounded in the left hip at Chancellorsville, Virginia, May 2-3, 1863. Returned to duty prior to July 1-4, 1863, when he was wounded in the head and captured at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Hospitalized at Davids Island, New York Harbor, until paroled and transferred to City Point, Virginia, where he was received September 16, 1863, for exchange. Returned to duty in January-April, 1864. Present or accounted for until captured near Spotsylvania Court House, Virginia, May 12, 1864. Confined at Point Lookout, Maryland, until transferred to Elmira, New York, August 10, 1864. Released at Elmira on June 27, 1865, after taking the Oath of Allegiance. [NCT-7:204]



SMITH, PETER F., Corporal, Company A, 12th Regiment, NC Troops - Resided in Catawba County and was by occupation a teacher prior to enlisting in Catawba County at age 26, April 27, 1861. Mustered in as Corporal. Present or accounted for until transferred to Company F, 32nd Regiment N. C. Troops, September 14, 1861.

SMITH, PETER F. Captain, Company F, 32nd Regiment, NC Troops - Previously served as Corporal in Company A, 12th Regiment N.C. Troops (2nd Regiment N.C. Volunteers). Transferred to this company on September 14, 1861. Appointed 2nd Lieutenant on an unspecified date. Elected Captain on December 15, 1861. Present or accounted for until wounded in the knee and captured at Spotsylvania Court House, Virginia, May 10-12, 1864. Hospitalized at Washington, D.C., May 27, 1864. Transferred to Old Capitol Prison, Washington, September 28, 1864. Transferred to Fort Delaware, Delaware, October 21, 1864. Paroled at Fort Delaware on October 30, !864; and transferred to Venus Point, Savannah River, Georgia, where he was received on November 15, 1864, for exchange. Retired to the Invalid Corps on March 1, 1865.

Peter Franklin Smith was the first mayor of Conover, NC


SPENCER, J. PINKNEY, Private, Company C, 28nd Regiment, NC Troops- Resided in Catawba County where he enlisted on August 13, 1861. Wounded in the hand at Gaines' Mill, Virginia, June 27, 1862. Returned to duty prior to November I, 1862. Present or accounted for until he surrendered at Appomattox Court House, Virginia, April 9, 1865. [North Carolina pension records indicate he was wounded at Turkey Ridge, near Richmond, Virginia, on an unspecified date.]


TOWNSEND, SOLOMON, Private - Resided in Catawba County where he enlisted at age 25, March 15, 1862. Captured at Hanover Court House, Virginia, May 27, 1862. Confined at Fort Monroe, Virginia, and at Fort Columbus, New York Harbor. Paroled and transferred to Aiken's Landing, James River, Virginia, where he was received July 12, 1862, for exchange. Declared exchanged at Aiken's Landing on August 5, 1862. Died in hospital "in Virginia" on August 10, 1862, of" febris typhoides."


YOUNT, DANIEL McDUFFIE., Captain, Company F, 38th Regiment, NC Troops - Born in Catawba County* where he resided as a physician prior to enlisting in Catawba County at age 28. Elected 1st Lieutenant on October 31, 1861. Elected Captain on April 18, 1862. Present or accounted for until he resigned on or about September 8, 1862, by reason of "pulmonary disease (chronic bronchitis)" and "piles." Resignation accepted on September 18, 1862. [NCT-11:126]


YOUNT, George Washington, Private, Company F, 38th Regiment, NC Troops- Born in Catawba County* where he resided as a farmer prior to enlisting in Catawba County at age 23, October 31, 1861. Present or accounted for until he deserted on June 18, 1863. Returned to duty on or about September 25, 1863. Present or accounted for until captured at or near Hanover Court House, Virginia, May 23-24, 1864. Confined at Point Lookout, Maryland. Released on or about May 13, 1865, after taking the Oath of Allegiance. [NCT-10:67]

[Marker photographs by Derick S. Hartshorn-all rights reserved]

Derick S. Hartshorn - ©2008
Last Modified:  05/16/2008 13:32:09