A Dedication and Memorial Ceremony

in Remembrance of Jonas Hunsucker

Confederate soldier, Jonas Hunsucker, born in Catawba County, May 24, 1826, enlisted on March 31, 1863. He currently lies buried in an unmarked grave at Point Lookout, Maryland.

He is now remembered by his descendants and those who appreciate a soldier's valor, especially one who they sent off to serve their nation.

This dedication ceremony was held at August 21, 2005
at St. John's Lutheran Church., Conover, NC


Here's how the project began:

The Capt. C.F. Connor Camp 849, Sons of Confederate Veterans exists to pay tribute to the memory of those who died in the defense of their nation. Many gave all they had:

All Gave Some, Some Gave All !

This is just one example how we have all worked together to accept the charge given by Lt. Gen. Stephen Dill Leee, in 1906.

Seeking to remember his ancestor, Jonas Hunsucker, Dwight Rockett, of People's Bank in Conover, sought to find a way to memorialize him. The C.F. Connor Camp 849, SCV has worked tirelessly with the Hunsucker family to memorialize this brave Catawba farmer who gave his life for his wife, his family, his country and all he knew. At an age when he would normally expect to be exempt from military service, Jonas Hunsucker chose a heroic and patriotic path.

August 21, 2005, a week short of his 179th birth celebration, Jonas was finally given a final memorial during the Annual Hunsucker Reunion at St. John's Lutheran Church.

His record reads as follows:

HUNSUCKER, JONAS, Private - Resided in Catawba County where he enlisted at age 37, March 31, 1863, for the war. Present or accounted for until captured at or near Spotsylvania Court House, Virginia, on or about May 10, 1864. Confined at Point Lookout, Maryland, May 18, 1864. Died at Point Lookout on August 27, 1864, [of pneumonia].
North Carolina Troops-A Roster 1861-1865, Vol IX:50]

Listed in Confederate POWs, by Ingmire and Ericson (pg.356):

HUNSUCKER, Jonas Pvt., Co E, 32nd NC Inf, 8/27/64, Con. Cm., Pt. Lookout Cem.

We seek to help those who want to memorialize their Confederate ancestors.
We, like they, have not forgotten these brave men and will be there to remember them.

--C.F. Connor Camp 849, Sons of Confederate Veterans
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Cousins come together
for a special event.
Ken Johnson, Dana Drum
and father, Dwight Rockett
A great turnout on a very hot day! Pastor Johnson blesses the event.

Many brave soldiers of the Confederacy have been ignored, in spite of their ultimate sacrifice. Most memorials to them are necessarily of a private nature due to the political shroud that sullies the memory of these brave Confederate soldiers.

On behalf of the descendants of the bravest of the brave, we make no excuses for their uncommon valor and how they fought to protect their homeland. Time and politics may fade but the truth of heroism will never die. Of those who marched off to war, a full one-third never returned alive.

The recently dedicated Confederate War Memorial list Jonas.

For more news on the Memorial please go here:

Derick S. Hartshorn - ©2008
Last Modified:  05/08/2008 17:00:53