Catawba County, NC Soldiers Buried at
Mulls Grove Baptist
Church Cemetery
Jacobs Fork, NC

Mulls Grove Chapel Baptist Church was founded.

GOODSON, MILES, Private, Company F, 55th Regiment, NC Troops- Born in Cleveland County and resided in Catawba County where he was by occupation a farmer prior to enlisting in Cleveland or Catawba County at age 16, April 22, 1862, for the war. Reported present in June, 1862. Reported on duty as a teamster in September, 1862. Hospitalized at Lynchburg, Virginia, October 8, 1863. Discharged at Lynchburg on October 30, 1863, by reason of "hypertrophy & valvular disease of the Heart with effusion into the Pericardium; extensive anemia & debility." [NCT-13:485/P325]


MULL, ABEL BURTON, Private, Company K, 35th Regiment, NC Troops- Resided in Catawba County where he enlisted at age 29, August 14, 1862, for the war. Reported present during November, .1864-February, 1865. Captured at or near Fort Stedman, Virginia, March 25, 1865. Confined at Point Lookout, Maryland, until released on June 29, 1865, after taking the Oath of Allegiance. [NCT-9:457]


MULL, DAVID FRANKLIN, Private, Company A, 23nd Regiment, NC Troops- Resided in Catawba County and enlisted in Iredell County on September 6, 1862, for the war. Present or accounted for until he died near Fredericksburg, Virginia, January 13, 1863, of disease.


MULL, EZRA, Private, Company F, 55th Regiment, NC Troops - Born in Catawba County* where he resided as a farmer prior to enlisting in Cleveland County at age 34, April 24, 1862, for the war. Mustered in as Sergeant. Reported present in June, 1862. Reduced to ranks in January-October, 1863. Reported absent on recruiting furlough in May-June, 1864. Reported present in September-October, 1864. Wounded near Hatcher's Run. Virginia, February 5, 1865. Died of wounds on or about the same date. Place of death not reported. [NCT-13:485/P325]


MULL, JACOB, Private - Resided in Catawba County and enlisted in Iredell County on September 6, 1862, for the war. Present or accounted for until wounded in the side and captured at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, July 1-5, 1863. Hospitalized at Gettysburg until confined at Davids Island, New York Harbor, July 17-24, 1863. Paroled at Davids Island on August 24, 1863, and transferred to City Point, Virginia, where he was received August 28, 1863, for exchange. Returned to duty on March 12, 1864, and was detailed for light duty at Staunton, Virginia. Rejoined the company in November-December, 1864. Present or accounted for until paroled at Appomattox Court House, Virginia, April 9, 1865. [NCT-7:151]


MULL, JOHN M., Private, Company F, 55th Regiment, NC Troops - Born in Catawba County* where he resided as a farmer prior to enlisting in Cleveland County at age 32, May 3, 1862, for the war. Mustered in as Private. Reported present in June, 1862. Appointed Musician prior to September 1, 1862. Reduced to ranks in January-October, 1863. Captured at Wilderness, Virginia, May 5, 1864. Confined at Point Lookout, Maryland, May 17, 1864. Transferred to Elmira, New York, July 27, 1864. Died at Elmira on June 20, 1865, of "chro[nic] diarrhoea." [NCT-13:492/P325]


MULL, WILLIAM T. , Private, Corporal - Born in Burke County and was by occupation a farmer prior to enlisting in Burke County at age 21, October 15, 1861. Mustered in as Private. Promoted to Corporal in December, 1861. Reduced to ranks on December 28, 1861. Present or accounted for during January-April, 1862. Promoted to Corporal prior to May 1, 1862. Died in hospital at Richmond, Virginia, December 4-5, 1862, of "pneumonia."[NCT-9:457]


RHONEY, WILLIAM PINKNEY, Corporal, served in Copmpany E, 72nd Regiment, NC, Jr. Reserves.


NCT = North Carolina Troops - 1861-1865-A Roster, N.C. Dept. of Achives & History, Raleigh, NC (1983-2001)
B =
NC Confederate Militia, Officers Roster As Contained in the Adjutant General's Officer's Roster, Stephen E. Bradley, Jr., 1992
P =
A History of Catawba County, Compiled and Published by Catawba County Historical Assn. Edited by Charles J. Preslar, Jr., 1954 Printed by Rowan Printing Company, Salisbury, NC.


Derick S. Hartshorn - ©2008
Last Modified:  05/16/2008 13:32:04