St. Paul's Church is located in Catawba County, about two miles west from Newton. It was at first called the "Dutch Meeting House," while Rev. Arends referred to it as the "South Fork Church."
This is one of the oldest churches in Catawba County. The deed for their land was made May 20, 1771; however, there is reason to believe the church was started a few years before land was purchased, possibly about 1768. The property was jointly owned by Lutherans and German Reformed.
The first house of worship was a small log building, and stood where a part of the graveyard is now. The second building, which is the present one, was built about 1808. The walls of this building are of large hewn logs, weatherboarded on the outside and ceiled inside. Some of the timbers of the old building were used in this one. Homemade nails were used in its structure. This building has a gallery, which originally was used by colored people. The building is rectangular in shape, with a door in each end and on one side. There was, at first, a high goblet-shaped pulpit, which was later replaced by a more modern one.
The first services conducted here were by visiting ministers, or by one or more of their laymen. Rev. Adolphus Nussman probably visited and ministered to these people soon after he came to America.
However, J. G. Arends is generally regarded as the first pastor of this congregation. He, like Pastor Nussman, first lived in Rowan County, but in 1785 moved to Lincoln County, and served all the Lutheran churches West of the Catawba River.
St. Paul's Church originally belonged to the North Carolina Synod, and may have taken part in the organization of that Synod in 1803. Then, after the Tennessee Synod was organized in 1820, a part of the congregation left the North Carolina Synod and united with the Tennessee Synod. In 1846, or possibly a little later, a part of the congregation withdrew from the Tennessee Synod and united with the newly organized body, called the Tennessee Synod Reorganized, under the leadership of Rev. Adam Miller, Jr., but later united with the Joint Synod of Ohio.
It should be noted here, that a part of the original St. Paul's Congregation remained associated with the North Carolina Synod, up to and beyond this time. In fact, the North Carolina Synod held its annual convention of Synod in St. Paul's Church in 1848. Now, when we remember that the Reformed congregation also shared in the ownership of the church property, and worshiped at stated times, in the same building, we need not wonder, if confusion existed.
In 1905, the Tennessee Synod Congregation built a house of worship of its own, at Startown, some two miles away, and relocated there. The name, St. Paul's Church, is retained, and the congregation is a continuation of the church at the old location, connected with the Tennessee Synod. Meanwhile, the group that adhered to the North Carolina Synod continued in that relationship for a while, but later on discontinued as a separate congregation, and its members united with other Lutheran congregations in the surrounding community.
In course of time the Reformed brethren also withdrew and built a house of worship of their own which leaves Old St. Paul's in the hands of the American Lutheran Church, which is the successor of the Joint Synod of Ohio in that locality.
List of Pastors
J. G. Arends, 1785-1807
Philip Henkel, 1805-1814
Daniel Moser, 1815-1820
David Henkel, 1820-1831
Adam Miller, Jr., S., 1832, 1835-46
J. R. Moser }
C. G. Reitzel } S., 1847-1848
P. C. Henkel }P. C. Henkel, 1849-1869
J. M. Smith, 1870-1894
J. A. Rudisill, 1895
J. C. Moser, 1896-1897
R. L. Fritz, 1897
E. J. Sox, 1897-1899
F. K. Roof, 1900-1905
BOST, MILES W. A., Private - Born in Catawba County* where he resided as a carpenter prior to enlisting in Catawba County at age 37, October 31, 1861. Present or accounted for until be was reported missing at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, July 1, 1863. Returned to duty in September-October, 1863. Present or accounted for until wounded at or near Spotsylvania Court House, Virginia, May 17, 1864. Returned to duty in September-October. 1864. Deserted to the enemy on or about February 12, 1865. Confined at Washington. D.C.. February 17, 1865. Released on an unspecified date after taking the Oath of Allegiance.
WILLIAM ROBERT DAVIDSON BOST, Private, Company F, 23nd Regiment, NC Troops - Resided in Catawba County where he enlisted at age 28, June 6, 1861. Present or accounted for until wounded at Seven Pines, Virginia, May 31, 1862. Died on or about June 9, 1862, of wounds. Place of death not reported. [NCT-7:197]
CALVIN MONROE BOWMAN, Private, Company C, 28th Regiment, NC Troops - Born in Catawba County where he resided prior to enlisting in Catawba County at age 18, March 15, 1862. Captured at Spotsylvania Court House, Virginia, May 12, 1864. Confined at Point Lookout, Maryland, until transferred to Elmira, New York, August 8, 1864. Paroled at Elmira on October 11, 1864, and transferred to Venus Point, Savannah River, Georgia, ;where he was received November 15, 1864, for exchange. Died "at home" on November 22, 1864, of disease. [NCT-8:141, H-177]
CICERO CLINE, Private, Company E, 57th Regiment, NC Troops - Born in Catawba County* where he resided as a blacksmith prior to enlisting in Catawba County at age 23, July 4; 1862, for the war. Reported present through February 28, 1863. Wounded in the right leg at Chancellorsville, Virginia, May 3, 1863. Hospitalized at Richmond, Virginia. Furloughed for thirty-five days on August 12, 1863. Reported absent wounded through October 31, 1864. Returned to duty in January-February, 1865. Retired on March 7, 1865, by reason of wounds received at Chancellorsville "destroying the action of the gastrocnemius muscle to such an extent as to impair the power [of] locomotion." [NCT-14:150]
PHILIP AUGUSTUS COULTER, Private, Company E, 57th Regiment, NC Troops - Born in Catawba County* on June 15, 1834. Resided in Catawba County and was by occupation a farm laborer prior to enlisting in Catawba County at age 28, July 4, 1862, for the war. Reported present or accounted for through February 28, 1863. Reported at home on sick furlough on April 22, 1863. Returned to duty prior to September I, 1863. Reported present on surviving company muster rolls through April 30, 1864. Captured at or near Spotsylvania Court House, Virginia, May 22, 1864. Confined at Point Lookout, Maryland, May 30, 1864. Paroled on or about October 30. 1864. Received at Venus Point, Savannah River, Georgia, November 15, 1864, for exchange. Reported absent sick on December b, 1864. Returned to duty in January-February, 1865. Captured at Farmville, Virginia, April 6, 1865. Confined at Newport News, Virginia, April 14, 1865. Released at Newport News on June 14, 1865, after taking the Oath of Allegiance. [NCT-14:150]
JOHN SUMMEY COULTER, Private, Company E, 72nd Regiment, NC Troops [M-4:321, P-326]
FYE (FRY), JONAS, Private, Second Company C, 12th Regiment, NC Troops - Enlisted in Wake County on September 30, 1864, for the war. Present or accounted for through December, 1864. [NCT-7:151]
JOSEPH HAWN, Corpora, Company A, 18th Regiment, NC Troops - Resided in Catawba County where he enlisted at age 26, August 14, 1862, for the war. Mustered in as Private and was promoted to Corporal on January 1, 1864. Present or accounted for until captured at Wilderness, Virginia, May 6, 1864. Confined at Point Lookout, Maryland, until transferred to Elmira, New York, August 10, 1864. Released at Elmira on June 23, 1865, after taking the Oath of Allegiance. [NCT-6:313]
DARIOUS L. HERMAN, Private, Company E, McRae's Battalion N.C. Cavalry. Born in Catawba County where he resided prior to enlisting in Burke County October 5, 186.3 for the war. Present or accounted .for until transferred to Company H, 28th Regiment N. C. Troops when this battalion disbanded in June 1864. [NCT-2:708]
DARIOUS L. HERMAN, Private, Company H, 28th Regiment, NC Troops. Records of Company E, McRae's Battalion N.C. Cavalry, indicate he was transferred to this company in June, 1864; however, records of this company do not indicate that he served herein. [NCT-8:201]
JOSEPH HAWN, Corporal, Company A, 18th Regiment, NC Troops - Resided in Catawba County where he enlisted at age 26, August 14, 1862, for the war. Mustered in as Private and was promoted to Corporal on January 1, 1864. Present or accounted for until captured at Wilderness, Virginia, May 6, 1864. Confined at Point Lookout, Maryland, until transferred to Elmira, New York, August 10, 1864. Released at Elmira on June 23, 1865, after taking the Oath of Allegiance. [NCT-6:313]
FRANKLIN L. HERMAN, Private, Company E, 72nd Regiment, NC Troops [B-246}
PHANUEL J. HERMAN, Sergeant, Company C, 28nd Regiment, NC Troops - Born in Catawba County* where he resided as a farmer prior to enlisting in Catawba County at age 23, August 13, 1861. Mustered in as Private. Captured at Hanover Court House, Virginia, May 27, 1862. Confined at Fort Monroe, Virginia, and at Fort Columbus, New York Harbor. Paroled and transferred to Aiken's Landing, James River, Virginia. where he was received July 12, 1862, for exchange. Declared exchanged at Aiken's Landing on August 5, 1862. Returned to duty prior to November 1, 1862. Promoted to Corporal on March 25, 1863 Wounded and captured at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, July 1-4, 1863. Hospitalized at Davids Island, New York Harbor, July 17-24, 1863. Paroled at Davids Island and transferred to City Point, Virginia, where he was received September 8, 1863, for exchange. Promoted to Sergeant on or about September 9, 1863. Surrendered at Appomattox Court House, Virginia, April 9, 1865. [NCT-8:145]
WILBURN SYLVANUS HERMAN, Private, 8th Batallion(?) [Research Continues]
LAWSON HOLLAR, Private, Company A, 18th Regiment, NC Troops - Enlisted at Camp Holmes on October 5, 1864, for the war. Present or accounted for through February, 1865. [NCT-6:314]
ELCANAH HUNSUCKER, Private, Company F, 38th Regiment, NC Troops - Born in Catawba County* where he resided as a carpenter prior to enlisting in Catawba County at age 30, October 31, 1861. Mustered in as Private. Promoted to Musician prior to April 1, 1862. Reduced to ranks in May-June, 1863. Present or accounted for through October, 1864. Captured at Petersburg, Virginia, April 3, 1865. Confined at Hart's Island, New York Harbor, April I1, 1865. Released on June 19, 1865, after taking the Oath of Allegiance. [NCT-10:63]
NOAH KILLIAN, Private, Company F, 32nd Regiment, NC Troops - Resided in Catawba County and enlisted at Camp Hill at age 20, October 17, 1862, for the war. Present or accounted for until he died on December 14, 1863, of disease. Place of death not reported. [NCT-9:61]
SAMUEL E. KILLIAN, Private, Company K, 46th Regiment, NC Troops - Born in Catawba County where he resided as a farmer prior to enlisting in Catawba County at age 18, March 13, 1862. Present or accounted for until wounded in the left hand at Wilderness, Virginia, May 5, 1864. Returned to duty in July-August, 1864. Detailed for light duty in the division commissary department on October 29, 1864, by reason of disability for field service. Surrendered at Appomattox Court House, Virginia, April 9, 1865. [NCT-11:234]
WILLIAM F. KILLIAN, Private, Company F, 23nd Regiment, NC Troops - Resided in Catawba County where he enlisted on June 6, 1861. Present or accounted for until wounded at Seven Pines, Virginia, May 31, 1862. Returned to duty prior to September 14, 1862, when he was captured at South Mountain, Maryland. Confined at Fort Delaware, Delaware, until paroled and transferred to Alken's Landing, James River, Virginia, October 2, 1862, for exchange. Declared exchanged at Aiken's Landing on November 10, 1862. Returned to duty prior to May 1, 1863. Present or accounted for until wounded in the right ankle and captured at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, July 1, 1863. Hospitalized at Gettysburg and at Baltimore, Maryland, until paroled at Baltimore on August 23, 1863, and transferred to City Point, Virginia, where he was received August 24, 1863, for exchange. Returned to duty in January-April, 1864. Present or accounted for until paroled at Appomattox Court House, Virginia, April 9, 1865. [NCT-7:200]
HENRY L. LUTES, 1st Sergeant, Company K, 46th Regiment, NC Troops - Born in Catawba County* where he resided as a farmer prior to enlisting in Catawba County at age 22, March 13, 1862. Mustered in as 1st Sergeant. Present or accounted for until he died in hospital at Gordonsville, Virginia, November 20, 1862, of "pneumonia." [NCT-11:234]
MARCUS A. POOVY, Private, Company K, 46th Regiment, NC Troops - Resided in Catawba County and was by occupation a farmer prior to enlisting at age 33, August 15, 1862. for the war. Present or accounted for until wounded in the hand at Wilderness, Virginia, May 5, 1864. Returned to duty in July-August. 1864. Present or accounted for through December, 1864. Captured at or near Fort Stedman, Virginia, March 25, 1865. Confined at Point Lookout, Maryland, until released on or about June 17, 1865, after taking the Oath of Allegiance. [Records of the Federal Provost Marshal indicate that he was "blind in right eye."] [NCT-11:229]
MILES MILANCTUM POOVY, Private, Company K, 46th Regiment, NC Troops - Resided in Catawba County where he enlisted at age 35, March 16, 1863, for the war. Present or accounted for through December, 1864; however, he was reported absent sick during much of that period. Captured at or near Fort Stedman, Virginia, March 25, 1865. Confined at Point Lookout, Maryland, until released on June 17, 1865, after taking the Oath of Allegiance. [North Carolina pension records indicate that he was wounded at Wilderness, Virginia, in May, 1863.] [NCT-11:229]
WILLIAM PINKNEY POOVY, Private, Company E, 57th Regiment, NC Troops - Born on September 7, 1834. Resided in Catawba County. Place and date of enlistment not reported (probably enlisted subsequent to February 28, 1865). Captured near Petersburg, Virginia, February 6, 1865. Confined at Point Lookout, Maryland. February 9, 1865. Released at Point Lookout on June 17, 1865, after taking the Oath of Allegiance. [NCT-14:155]
WILLIAM S. PUNCH, Private, Company C, 28nd Regiment, NC Troops - Resided in Catawba County and enlisted at Camp Fisher on September 9, 1861. Captured at Hanover Court House, Virginia, May 27, 1862. Confined at Fort Monroe, Virginia, and at Fort Columbus, New York Harbor. Paroled and transferred to Aiken's Landing, James River, Virginia, where he was received July 12, 1862, for exchange. Declared exchanged at Aiken's Landing on August 5, 1862. Returned to duty prior to November 1, 1862. Died "at home" on July 15, 1863, of disease.[NCT-8:149]
WILLIAM PINKNEY RADER, Private, Company C, 28nd Regiment, NC Troops - Resided in Catawba County where he enlisted on August 13, 186l. Captured at Hanover Court House, Virginia, May 27, 1862. Confined at Fort Monroe, Virginia, and at Fort Columbus, New York Harbor. Paroled and transferred to Aiken's Landing, James River, Virginia, where he was received July 12, 1862, for exchange. Declared exchanged at Aiken's Landing on August 5, 1862. Returned to duty prior to January 1, 1863. Surrendered at Appomattox Court House, Virginia, April 9, 1865. [NCT-8:150]
GEORGE FIDAS RINK, Private, Company F, 23nd Regiment, NC Troops - Resided in Catawba County .where he enlisted at age 24, June 6, 1861. Present or accounted for until wounded and captured at or near Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, July 1-5, 1863. Hospitalized at Davids Island, New York Harbor, until paroled and transferred to City Point, Virginia, where he was received on September 8, 1863, for exchange. Returned to duty in January-April,1864. Hospitalized at Richmond, Virginia, June 4, 1864, with a gunshot wound of the left side and/or left breast. Place and date wounded not reported. Returned to duty prior to September 19, 1864, when he was captured at Winchester, Virginia. Confined at Point Lookout, Maryland, until paroled and transferred to Boulware's Wharf, James River, Virginia, where he was received March 18, 1865, for exchange. [NCT-7:203]
ALLEN M. SETTLEMYER, Private - Enlisted in Catawba County on January 1, 1864, for the war. Present or accounted for through December, 1864. North Carolina pension records indicate he was wounded near Appomattox, Virginia, in April, 1865. [NCT-5:126]
JOHN P. SETTLEMYRE, Private - Resided in Catawba County and was by occupation a carpenter prior to enlisting in Catawba County at age 22, April 27, 1861. Present or accounted for until captured at Fredericksburg, Virginia, May 3, 1863. Exchanged on or about May 13, 1863. Present or accounted for until he deserted on August 23, 1863. Returned to duty at an unspecified date and was court-martialed on or about December 26, 1863. Reported absent sick until discharged on April 15, 1864, by reason of disability. [NCT-5:126]
JOHN F. SETZER, Private, Company F, 23nd Regiment, NC Troops - Born in Catawba County where he resided as a clerk prior to enlisting in Catawba County at age 16,June 6, 1861. Present or accounted for until discharged on September 4, 1862, by reason of being under age. [NCT-7:204]
JOHN LOGAN SETZER, Company A, 18th Regiment, NC Troops - North Carolina pension records indicate he enlisted in this company on October 1, 1864. No further records. [NCT-6:319]
JULIUS A. SIGMON, Private, Company I, 49th Regiment, NC Troops - Resided in Catawba County where he enlisted at age 18, October 9, 1863, for the war. Reported present in November-December, 1863, and March-April, 1864. Wounded in the left hand (one finger amputated) near Petersburg, Virginia, on or about June 17, 1864. Hospitalized at Richmond, Virginia. Returned to duty on or about September 3, 1864. Hospitalized at Richmond on November 2, 1864, with pneumonia. Returned to duty on December 31, 1864. Captured at Five Forks, Virginia, April I, 1865. Confined at Point Lookout, Maryland, April 5, 1865. Released at Point Lookout on June 30, 1865, after taking the Oath of Allegiance. [NCT-12:125]
GEORGE WALTON SMYER, Private, Company K, 46th Regiment, NC Troops - Resided in Catawba County* where he enlisted at age 40, March 16, 1863, for the war. Present or accounted for through December, 1864. Captured at Hatcher's Run, Virginia, March 31, 1865. Confined at Point Lookout, Maryland. until released on June 20, 1865, after taking the Oath of Allegiance. [NCT-11:237]
ELON M. STARR, Private, Company C, 28nd Regiment, NC Troops - Resided in Catawba County where he enlisted on March 14, 1863, for the war. Captured in hospital at Richmond, Virginia, April 3, 1865. Paroled at Richmond on or about April 25, 1865. [NCT-8:151 ]
JOHN ABEL STARR, Private, Company C, 28nd Regiment, NC Troops - Resided in Catawba County where he enlisted on March 14, 1863, for the war. Surrendered at Appomattox Court House, Virginia, April 9, 1865. [NCT-8:151]
NOAH P. WAGNER, Private, Company C, 28nd Regiment, NC Troops - Born in Catawba County where he resided prior to enlisting in Catawba County at age 20 on March 15, 1862. Captured at Hanover Court House, Virginia, May 27, 1862. Confined at Fort Monroe, Virginia, and at Fort Columbus, New York Harbor. Paroled and transferred to Aiken's Landing, James River, Virginia, where he was received July 12, 1862, for exchange. Declared exchanged at Aiken's Landing on August 5, 1862. Returned to duty prior to November 1, 1862. Died at Richmond, Virginia, July 24, 1864, of disease. [NCT-8:152]
PETER LEMUEL WAGNER, Private, Company E, 57th Regiment, NC Troops - Born on March 28, 1834. Enlisted in Catawba County at age 28, July 4, 1862, for the war. Reported present or accounted for through February 28, 1863. Hospitalized at Richmond, Virginia, March 8, 1863. Died in hospital at Richmond on April 12, 1863, of "chr[onic] dysentery." [NCT-14:159]
JOHN F. WIKE, Private, Company K, 46th Regiment, NC Troops - Resided in Catawba County. Place and date of enlistment not reported; however, he probably enlisted subsequent to December 31 ,1864. Captured at Hatcher's Run, Virginia, March 31, 1865. Confined at Point Lookout, Maryland, until released on June 22, 1865, after taking the Oath of Allegiance. [NCT-11:239]
GEORGE McD. WILFONG, Private, Company A, 12th Regiment, NC Troops - Resided in Catawba County and was by occupation a merchant prior to enlisting in Catawba County at age 27, April 27, 1861. Mustered in as Sergeant but was reduced to ranks in March-October, 1862. Present or accounted for until paroled at Appomattox Court House, Virginia, April 9, 1865. [NCT-5:129]
GEORGE W. WILSON, Private, Company K, 46th Regiment, NC Troops- Born in Catawba County* where he resided as a farmer prior to enlisting in Catawba County at age 22, March 20, 1862. Present or accounted for until wounded in the left leg at Fredericksburg, Virginia, December 13, 1862. Reported absent wounded or absent on furlough through December, 1863. Reported present but sick in quarters in January-February, 1864. Returned to duty in March-April, 1864. Hospitalized at Farmville. Virginia, May 6, 1864, apparently still suffering from the gunshot wound of the leg he received at Fredericksburg. Reported in hospital at Richmond, Virginia, in July-August, 1864. Detailed as a hospital guard at Richmond from August 15 through December, 1864. Captured in hospital at Richmond on April 3, 1865. Transferred to the Federal Provost Marshal on April 20, 1865 [North Carolina pension records indicate that he survived the war.] [NCT-11:239]
WILLIAM C. WITHERSPOON, Private, Company E, 57th Regiment, NC Troops - Resided in Catawba County and enlisted at Camp Godwin, Virginia, January 1, 1865, for the war. Reported present through February 28, 1865. Captured at Fort Stedman, Virginia, March 28, 1865. Confined at Point Lookout, Maryland on March 28, 1865. Released at Point Lookout on June 22, 1865, after taking the Oath of Allegiance. [NCT-14:159]
DAVID YOUNT, Private, Company C, 28nd Regiment, NC Troops - Born in Catawba County* where he resided as a farmer prior to enlisting in Catawba County at age 41, August 13, 1861. Discharged on May 1, 1862, under the provisions of the Conscription Act. Later served in Company E, 12th Regiment N.C. Troops (2nd Regiment N.C. Volunteers). [NCT-8:153]
DAVID YOUNT, Private, Company E, 12th Regiment, NC Troops - Previously, served in Company C, 28th Regiment N.C. Troops. Enlisted in this company on or about October 24, 1864. Present or accounted for until captured at Petersburg, Virginia, April 2, 1865. Confined at Point Lookout, Maryland, until released on June 22, 1865, after taking the Oath of Allegiance. [NCT-5:185]
NCT = North Carolina Troops - 1861-1865-A Roster, N.C. Dept. of Achives & History, North Carolina Troops - 1861-1865-A Roster (1983- )
M = "Roster of North Carolina Troops in the War Between the States" by John W. Moore
P = A History of Catawba County, Compiled and Published by Catawba County Historical Assn. Edited by Chrales J. Preslar, Jr., 1954 Printed by Rowan Printing Compant, Salisbury, NC.
B = NC Confederate Militia, Officers Roster As Contained in the Adjutant General's Officer's Roster, Stephen E. Bradley, Jr., 1992
= Cemetery stone photograph is pending
[Marker photographs by Derick S. Hartshorn-all rights reserved]
Derick S. Hartshorn - ©2008
Last Modified: 05/15/2008 15:41:33