Widow’s Claim for Pension

State of North Carolina
County of Catawba

On this 25 day of May, A. D, 1885, personally appeared before me, P A Hoyle, C. S. C., in and for the State and County aforesaid, Catherine Cline, age 49 years, and a resident at Newton post-office in said County and State, and being duly sworn makes the following declaration in order to obtain the pension under the provisions of an act entitled "An Act for the relief of certain soldiers in the late war between the States, " ratified March 11th, 1885, that she is the widow of the late Wm P Cline who enlisted in Co K, 46 Reg. N. C. State Troops, on or about the 13 day of March, 1862, to serve in the armies of the late Confederate States, and that while in performance of duty in said Company and Regiment, in the State of Virginia, on or about the 5 day of May 1864, he received a wound or wounds, which terminated his life.

She further states that she holds no office in the United States, State or County, from which she is receiving the sum of three hundred dollars in fees or as a salary, that she is not worth in her own right or the right of her late husband, property at its assessed value for taxation in the amount of five hundred dollars ($500), and that she has never remarried.

Sworn and subscribed to before me, this 25 day of May, 1885.
P A Hoyle - Signature of C. S. C.
Catherine (her mark) Cline - Signature of the Claimant

Also, personally appeared before me, G M Haynes, who resides at Newton post-office, in said County and State, a person whom I know to be respectable and entitled to credit, and being of me duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with Catherine Cline, the widow of the late Wm P Cline of Company K, 46 Regiment North Carolina State Troops, and that he believes her to be the identical person she represents herself to be, and that the facts set forth in her affidavit are correct to the best of his knowledge and belief, that he has no interest direct or indirect in this claim.

Sworn and subscribed to me, this 25 day of May, 1885.

P A Hoyle G M Haynes
Signature of C. S. C Signature of the Witness

State of North Carolina,
Catawba County,

To the Auditor of the State of North Carolina:

We certify that we have carefully examined the application of Catherine Cline, the widow of the late W. P. Cline, who enlisted in Company K, 46 Regiment North Carolina State Troops, for a pension under the provisions of an act entitled "An Act for the relief of certain soldiers in the late war between the States," ratified the 11th day of March, A. D. 1885, and the proofs filed in support thereof; that we are satisfied that the said Catherine Cline is the widow of the late W P Cline enlisted in Company K, 46th Reg N C State Troops on or about the 13 Day of March 1862, and who lost his life in consequence of a wound received in battle on or about the 5 day of May 1867; that she is now a bona fide resident of the County of Catawba in this State; that she does not own either in her own right or in the right of her late husband, property of the assessed value of five hundred dollars; that she is not in the receipt of a salary or fees arising from any office in the County, State or Nation, to the amount of $300 annually, and that she has never remarried , and therefore her application is correct under the act.

A G Corpening, Chm’n Board Com’rs.
M M Gabit, Commissioner.
A M Huit, "
S L Yount, Sherriff.

P A Hoyle
Clerk Superior Court

At this point the claim was delayed for a year for further documentation. Resent with more proof and approved.

State of North Carolina
Catawba County

On this 18th day of November 1866 …appeared J L Huitt, a resident of Catawba County since 1861 swears….
That on or about the 13th day of March 1862 he enlisted in Co K 46th NC State troops to serve for three years or during the war. That he served in the said company until the end of the war in April 1865 and knew all the members of said company and that W P Cline was a member of said company and served therein until about the 5 of May 1864 when said W P Cline was wounded and died at the battle commonly known as the battle of the Wilderness, and this he knows because said W P Cline was his neighbor and he had known said W P Cline all his life. That he also knows Mary Catherine Cline, the widow of said W P Cline that she has not remarried …..This deponent further knows that he was present on the 5th of May 1864 and was by the side of said W P Cline in line when said W P Cline was shot and instantly killed by his side. That he has no interest in this claim….

Signed J L Hewitt

Sworn to me and subscribed before me this 18th of Nov. 1886.

P A Hoyle
C. S. C

…Charles Parker…says he was a member of Co K 46 Regt/ of NC Troops in the late war…that he well knew W P Cline who was also a member of same company K and that W P Cline received a wound in the battle of the Wilderness in the state of Virginia on the 5th day of May 1864 from the effects of which wound said W P Cline died a short time thereafter. He also knows Catherine Cline, the widow of said Cline and that the facts stated are true….

Signed C Parker

Signed before me on 19th of November, 1866

P A Hoyle, C. S. C.

…G M Haynes being sworn says he was also a member of the same company K, 46th Reg of N C Troops and knew the above named W P Cline while he was a member of the said company and Regiment and was wounded and died as above stated in the foregoing affadivit of Charles Parker.

Signed G M Haynes
P A Hoyle, CSC

[Note that this was transcribed by a copy of the original, hard to read, the name Huit was so written by the clerk of court, and note that Mr Hewitt when signing his name did so correctly.]

Prepared by Zelia H. Cline
7075 Hwy 73 Extension
Mt Pleasant, NC 29124-9791
E mail yesteryear@ctc.net


Derick S. Hartshorn - ©2008
Last Modified:  07/03/2008 16:36:02