A Dedication and Memorial Ceremony
in Remembrance of Wilson Soldiers

Soldiers to be Honored at Startown/
Jenkins Cemetery on 8 July 2006

Adolphus Lafayette WILSON

WILSON, ADOLPHUS L., Private, Company A, 18th Regiment, NC Troops - Resided in Catawba County where he enlisted at age 30, August 14, 1862, for the war. Present or accounted for until wounded at Shepherdstown, Virginia, September 20, 1862. Died in hospital at Staunton, Virginia, November 1, 1862, of wounds. [NCT-6:321]

9 Jan 1829 - 1 Nov 1862
PARENTS: Matthew and Julia Arney) Wilson

Benjamin Franklin WILSON

WILSON, BENJAMIN F., Private, Company C, 28nd Regiment, NC Troops - Resided in Catawba Co. and enlisted at Camp Fisher on Sept. 10, 1861. Died in hospital at Lynchburg, VA, May 30, 1862, of "chr[onic] diarrhoea." [NCT-8:152]

ca. 1844- 30 May 1862
PARENTS: Hulda Wilson, a widow from Caldwell County


WILSON, DAVID,Private,Company K, 46th Regiment, NC Troops - Born in Catawba County* where he resided as a farmer prior to enlisting in Catawba County at age 28, March 20, 1862. Present or accounted for until killed at Bristoe Station, Virginia, October 14, 1863. [NCT-11:239]

ca. 1832 - 14 Oct 1863
PARENTS: David and Mary "Polly" (Settlemyre) Wilson

Joseph Henry WILSON

WILSON, JOSEPH H., Private, Company A, 12th Regiment, NC Troops - Resided in Catawba County and was by occupation a railroad conductor prior to enlisting in Catawba County at age 27, April 27, 1861. Present or accounted for until wounded at Malvern Hill, Virginia, July 1, 1862. Died at home in Catawba County on or about October 13, 1862, of wounds. [NCT-5:130]

ca. 1834 - 13 Oct 1863
PARENTS: Joseph and Catherine (Det ter) Wilson

Matthew Marcus WILSON

WILSON, MATTHEW M., Sergeant, Company K, 46th Regiment, NC Troops - Born in Catawba County where he resided as a student prior to enlisting in Catawba County at age 18, March 13, 1862. Mustered in as Sergeant. Present or accounted for until he died in hospital at Richmond, Virginia, on or about December 12, 1862, of "pneumonia." [NCT-11:239]

ca. 1844 - 12 Dec 1862
PARENTS: Matthew M. and Mary Ann (Setzer) Wilson

Thomas W. WILSON

WILSON, THOMAS W., Captain, Company C, 28nd Regiment, NC Troops - Resided in Catawba or Cleveland counties and enlisted in Catawba County at age 26,June 6, 1861. Mustered in as Private and was detailed as Commissary Sergeant on October 24, 1861. Elected 2nd Lieutenant on or about April 16, 1862. Present or accounted for until captured in Maryland in September, 1862. Paroled at Baltimore, Maryland, and transferred to Aiken's Landing, James River, Virginia, where he was received October 12, 1862, for exchange. Returned to duty on an unspecified date and was promoted to 1st Lieutenant on November 3, 1862. Reported on duty as acting Captain of Company H of this regiment in January-February, 1864. Returned to duty with this company and was promoted to Captain to rank from May 6, 1864. Killed at Spotsylvania Court House, Virginia, May 10, 1864. [NCT-7:195]

ca. 1833 - 10 May 1864
PARENTS: Thomas and Rebecca Wilson of Cleveland County.
(Thomas came from a family which included three sets of twins.)

(His memorial stone was not received in time for this memorial ceremony)

(Isaac) Newton WILSON

WILSON, NEWTON, Private, Company E, 32nd Regiment, NC Troops - Resided in Catawba County where he enlisted at age 20, August 14, 1861. Present or accounted for until wounded in the back at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, July 1-3, 1863. Died at Gettysburg on July 3, 1863, of wounds. [NCT-9:55]

17 Feb 1838 - 3 Jul 1863
PARENTS: Nathaniel and Mary C. (Templeton) Wilson
Nathaniel Wilson, noted state and local legislator was the founder of
Catawba County. He was murdered in 1852 by his son-in-law, Wilson England.

Newton Wilson was the individual for whom the city of Newton was named for.


Rev. Dean Hart (Startown Bapt. Ch.) & Carl Jenkins (Jenkins Funeral Home) mark stone placement spots. Sticks mark the proposed stone placement in a beautifully shaded grove surrounded by other Wilson family members. 9:00 am. Derick Hartshorn wheels in the tools necesssary to dig the holes for the stones.
Camp 849 Cdr., Ken Johnson begins the first of six holes. Joe Brown, Wilson Reunion Chairman, "directs" the operation. 11:am. Still digging. Carl Jenkins volunteers his labor.
John Brinkley joins the crew. He becomes the tree root expert. 1:30 pm. Finally finished.
(l. to r.) Earl McAlister, "Rosebud," John Brinkley and Carl Jenkins
Hot and tired, but satisfied
with a job well done.


Joe Brown, Wilson Reunion chairman and organizer, greets the ceremony attendees. Wilson dedication ceremony
attendees witness the proceedings.
Capt. C.F. Connor Camp 849 Cdr. Ken Johnson explains purposes of the event.
Rev. Mike Jenkins and Cecil Thornburg observe the recently dedicated stones. John Brinkley and Penelope Bost Judd discuss ceremony with Camp Cdr. Ken Johnson Sylvia Kidd Ray greets President Mary Raye Casper, UDC president of the Syracuse, NY UDC Chapter.
American Legion Post 16 Bugler plays the traditional "Taps." Rev. Dean Hart of Startown Baptist Church gives the benediction. Carl Jenkins, President of Jenkins Funeral Home, receives Certificate of Appreciation from Camp Commander Johnson.

The history of the Startown Baptist Church reaches back to the early 1900's. During the 1990's, church attendance exceeded the physical limits of the facilities. It was proposed to build a new church which was eventually completed on Sigmon Dairy Road. The existing facilities were sold to the Jenkins Funeral Home who continued to do an excellent job of maintaining the buildings and grounds. President of Jenkins Funeral Home, Carl Jenkins, was instrumental in making this dedication ceremony a reality. In addition, he worked alongside of SCV members preparing the site for the stones. When he could have simply have given his blessing to our project, he gave up an entire day working with camp members. On the day of the ceremony, he supplied tents and chairs to make the ceremony an unqualified success. The Wilson family and the SCV owe Carl Jenkins and his family and business a sincere debt of gratitude.

For those who seek to provide a compassionate transition for their loved ones from this present life, and, at the same time, respecting the financial needs and the untimely decisions thrust on family members, the Jenkins Funeral Home and Cremation Services serves Catawba County families with the qualities that are so necessary to the bereaved. Carl Jenkins attention and efforts to our cause are but a small example of his desire to serve others. Thank you, Carl.

Many brave soldiers of the Confederacy have been ignored, in spite of their ultimate sacrifice. Most memorials to them are necessarily of a private nature due to the political shroud that sullies the memory of these brave Confederate soldiers.

On behalf of the descendants of the bravest of the brave, we make no excuses for their uncommon valor and how they fought to protect their homeland. Time and politics may fade but the truth of heroism will never die. Of those who marched off to war, a full one-third never returned alive.

We seek to help those who want to memorialize their Confederate ancestors.
We, like they, have not forgotten these brave men and will be there to remember them.

--C.F. Connor Camp 849, Sons of Confederate Veterans
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Derick S. Hartshorn - ©2008
Last Modified:  05/28/2008 15:17:13