A Dedication and Memorial Ceremony

in Remembrance of William Silas Deal

Confederate soldier, William Silas Deal lies buried in an unmarked grave at Point Lookout, MD.
He is now remembered by his descendants and those who appreciate a soldier's valor.
The dedication ceremony was held on
Saturday, October 23, 2004 at 2:00 P.M.
at St. John's Lutheran Church, off highway 16, north of Conover, NC.



This is how the marker arrived from the V.A. This is all it takes to do the erect the stone.
About ten minutes of digging ... ... the stone is in place, ready for the ceremony.


Here's how the project began:

The Capt. C.F. Connor Camp 849, Sons of Confederate Veterans exists to pay tribute to the memory of those who died in the defense of their nation. Many gave all they had: their lives. This is just one example how we have all worked together to accept the charge given by Lt. Gen. Stephen Dill Leee, in 1906.

Seeking to remember her ancestor, William S. Deal, Paula D. Dirkers, sought to find a way to memorialize him. The local SCV camp was able to assist her in providing a lasting memorial. We seek to help those who choose to memorialize their ancestors. We, like they, have not forgotten these brave men and will be there to remember them.

Paula, a native of Conover, now living in Arkansas, asked how she might erect a memorial to her great grand uncle.

The following is a pictorial on the memorialization process and how it works.

For the past dozen or so years, I have studied local and NC State records in an attempt to identify local Confederate soldiers. Many of them have been ignored, in spite of their ultimate sacrifice. Most memorials to them are necessarily of a private nature due to the political shroud that clouds the memory of these brave Confederate soldiers.

Paula approached me and asked how she could document the life of her Confederate ancestor. With previous experience at planning memorial ceremonies, I was delighted to help. My first attempt to organize a memorial for a Confederate soldier was for my wife's gr-great grandfather, Daniel C. Wilson

I searched every available record the history and family of William Silas Deal. I discovered that he was the son of Solomon Deal, probably from Iredell or Alexander County. William Silas Deal enlisted at about age 40 and was later wounded at Hatcher's Run. He was overlooked by his company, and unfortunately left behind. Captured by the enemy, he spent seven weeks in that malaria-ridden prison of Point Lookout, Maryland before succumbing to disease, about eight weeks after his capture.

Long before serving for the Confederate States Army, William S. Deal was Church Secretary at St. John's Lutheran Church. In 1849, he was the synod representative to the "Evangelical Lutheran Tennessee Synod, Re-Organized." (At the time, St. Johns Church was well attended by Reformists from Alexander County). William Silas originally served his country as a camp guard in Mallat's Batallion and then as a private in Co. F, 38th Regiment, NC Troops. He was well known and respected in his community during his life-time. Nevertheless, until this project was completed, he was not remembered in either Catawba or Alexander county with any sort of permanent marker.

On behalf of the descendants of Solomon and his son, William Silas Deal, we petitioned the conscience of this community to come together and remember this proud ancestor who came before us. Cut down in the autumn of his life, he is now recognized and remembered for all time.

[This page (since edited) was designed to inform folks of the October 23rd, 2004 dedication ceremony.]


As a post-script to this story, the sponsor of William S. Deal, Paula (Deal) Dirkers, of Calico Rock, Arkansas, was approved for membership in the UDC (United Daughters of the Confederacy).

Paula (r.) is shown with her mentor and sponsor,
Marti Frasure, receiving her certificate of membership.
Congratulations, Paula!

This page and the content therein is dedicated to the memory of Mark Smith (1950-1996)


Derick S. Hartshorn - ©2008
Last Modified:  05/15/2008 15:41:13