A Guide
Military Organizations
and Installations
North Carolina 1861-1865


 A.& I.G.O.  Adjutant and Inspector General's Office
 A.G.O .  Adjutant General's Office
 Arty.  Artillery
 Battn.  Battalion
 Batty.  Battery
 Bn.  Battalion
 C.S.  Confederate States
 C.S.S.  Confederate States Service
 Cav.  Cavalry
 Co.  Company
 Cos.  Companies
 H.  Heavy
 H.G.  Home Guards
 Hy. Arty.  Heavy Artillery
 Inf.  Infantry
 Jr. Res.  Junior Reserves
 L and Lt.  Light
 L.A.  Light Artillery
 L.D.  Light Duty
 Loc. Def.  Local Defense
 Lt. and L.  Light
 M/in  Mustered in
 Mil.  Militia
 N.C. Vols.  North Carolina Volunteers
 N.C.I.  North Carolina Infantry
 N.C.I. (S.T.)  North Carolina Infantry (State Troops)
 N.C.M.  North Carolina Militia
 N.C.P.R.  North Carolina Partisan Rangers
 N.C.S.T.  North Carolina State Troops
 N.C.T.  North Carolina Troops
 N.C.V.  North Carolina Volunteers
 Orgn.  Organization
 P.R.  Partisan Rangers
 Pl.  Plate
 Regt.  Regiment
 S.O.  Special Order
 S.S.  State Service
 S.T.  State Troops
 Sr. Res.  Senior Reserves
 Vols.  Volunteers

Derick S. Hartshorn-webmaster - © 2008
Last Modified:   07/08/2008 21:16:46