Catawba County in the Spanish-American War |
When war was declared against the Kingdom of Spain, and the President called for Volunteers, Catawba County immediately responded; and Colonel Armfield says that she furnished more soldiers than any County in the State save one.
Below is a complete list of the names:
Catawba County enlistees in the Spanish-American War
Campbell, James H., enlisted April 27, '98.
Campbell, William O., enlisted April 27, '98; he was discharged July 1, '98.
Cilley, Gordon H., Corporal; enlisted April 27, '98; he was discharged June 31, '99.
Deal, Milton F., enlisted April 27, '98; he was a Musician.
Garvin, Frederick T., enlisted April 27, '98; he was disch,arged November 4, '98.
Kale, Avery E., enlisted August 14, '98; he was discharged April 8, '99.
Keever, Herbert O., enlisted April 27, '98.
McCorkle, Charles M., enlisted April 27, '98; he was disc. December 31, '98; Corporal.
Sherrill, Charles M., enlisted April 27, '98; he was discharged April 31, '98.
Williams, William H., enlisted April 27, '98.
Yoder, Ainslie T., enlisted April 27, '98.
Yount, Albert O., enlisted April 27, '98.
Yount, Lee C, enlisted June 15, '98.
Yount, Thomas E., enlisted April 27, '98.
Yount, William II., enlisted April 27, '98.
(All those who were discharged were discharged with honor, in Company A.)COMPANY E, 1st REGIMENT N. C. VOLUNTEERS
Benfield, Robert E., enlisted April 27, '98.
Erwin, Erwin O., enlisted April 27, '98.
Gaines, Fleming W., enlisted April 27, '98.
Gains, Fleming W., enlisted April 27, '98.
James, Frank A., enlisted April 27, '98.
James, Frank A., enlisted April 27, '98.
Lafon, Lawrence A., enlisted April 27, '98.
Lafon, Pinkney E., enlisted April 27, '98.
Payne, C. W., Corporal; enlisted April 27, '98.
Rufty, Robert D., Sergeant; enlisted April 27, '98.
Seaboch, Luther E., enlisted April 27, '98.
Sigmon, John W., enlisted April 27, '98.COMPANY K, 1st REGIMENT N. C. VOLUNTEERS
Pierce, Edward T., enlisted June 15, '98.
Armfield, J. W., enlisted April 27, '98.
Hoke, Charles W., enlisted April 27, '98.COMPANY C, 2nd REGIMENT N. C. VOLUNTEERS
Hawn, Perry W., enlisted May 15, '98; he was mustered out November 10, '98.
Hill, John W., enlisted May 15, '98; he was mustered out November 10, '98.
Isenhour, David B., enlisted May 15, '98; he was mustered out November 10, '98.
Jones, Joseph, 0., enlisted May 15, '98; he was mustered out November 10, '98.
Lael, Daniel II., enlisted July 1, '98; he was mustered out November 10, '98.
Miller, Thomas C, enlisted May 15, '98; he was mustered out November 10, '98.
Mull. George P., enlisted June 9, '98; he was mustered out November 10, '98.
Pendleton, Horace, enlisted ; he was mustered out .
Tolbert, Charles E., enlisted June 2, '98; he was mustered out November 10, '98.
Williams, Ambrose M., enlisted March 15. '98.
Williams, Ivey, enlisted ; he died at St. Augustine, Fla., in August, '98.COMPANY G, 2nd REGIMENT N. C. VOLUNTEERS,
Hallowell, Herl, enlisted May 11, '98; he was mustered out November 10, 98.
Mull, Frank R., enlisted May 24, '98; he was mustered out November 10, '98.
Mull, Sidney W., enlisted May 24, '98; he was mustered out November 10, '98.
Norton, Henry A., enlisted June 29, '98; he was mustered out November 10, '98.COMPANY M, 2nd REGIMENT N. C. VOLUNTEERS
Huffman, Joseph H,. enlisted May 20, '98; he was mustered out November 10, '98.
The Negroes were equally responsive to the call for Volunteers, as is shown by the organization of the 3rd Regiment. But few, however, are to be found from Catawba County. The list is as follows:
COMPANY C, 3rd REGIMENT N. C. VOLUNTEERS.Holloway, James D., enlisted April 27, '98; he was mustered out February 8, '99.
Bell, Augustus, enlisted June 23, '98; he was a Musician; he was mustered out February 8, '99.
Evans, Robert, enlisted June 23, '98; he was mustered out February 8, '99.
Harshaw, Alexander, enlisted June 23, '98; he was mustered out February 8, '99.
James, Martin, enlisted June 23, '98; he died September 10, '98.
Lutz, Robert, enlisted June 23, '98; he was mustered out February 8, '99.
Pickenpack, Thomas, enlisted June 23, '98; he was mustered out February 8, '99.
Shores, Clarence, enlisted June 23, '98; he was mustered out February 8, '99.[REF: The Catawba Soldier in the Civil War, Prof. Geo. W. Hahn, 1911, pg. 378-80]
Catawba County burials of Spanish-American
War veterans
transcriptions from markers]
Oakwood Cemetery, Hickory, NC
Coleman O. Moser 8 Jan 1878- 20 Dec 1903. Span-Amer & Philp. Soldier enlisted Co A. 1st NC Reg 1898. Discharged as Corporal, 1899 Re-enlisted Co. L US Army 1901. Died on Malahi island of ptomain poisoning, 1903
Ralph F. Rogers 2 June 1878-14 Nov 1961. Iowa Pvt Co M 50 Regt Iowa Inf. Span-Amer War
Harry W. Hayes 5 May 1876-20 Oct 1918. USA-Cuba- Phillippine Islands- Puerto Rico. United Army Batt. Spanish-Amer War Veteran 1898-1902
Horace L. Pendleton 12 Feb 1874-18 Nov 1958. NC Pvt Co C 2 Regt NC Inf Spanish-American War
Henry Allen Wise 19 May 1872-14 Jun 1967. NC Mus Co D 2 Regt NC Inf Spanish-American War
Ambrose M. Williams 9 Nov 1863-25 March 1956. NC Cpl 38 Regt US Vol Inf Spanish-Amer. War
Eastview Cemetery, Newton, NC
John Gordon Wilfong 17 Oct 1879-8 May 1957. Cpl Co A Regt NC Inf Spanish-American War
Cpl. Fleming W. Gaines - No Dates. Co E. 1st NC Inf. Spanish-American War
Frederick E. Garvin 14 Sept 1872-8 Oct 1956. Mus 1 Regt NC Inf Band Spanish-American War
Catawba United Methodist Church Cemetery
Robert D. Rufty 8 Nov 1872-1 Oct 1951. Sgt 1 NC Inf Spanish-American War
Williams & Chapman Cemetery, W. Catawba Co.
Adolphus J. Wacaster May 8, 1878-Jan 23, 1965. NC Pvt Hospital Corps Spanish-American War
Mt. Ruhama Baptist Church Cemetery
John Avery Story 31 Aug 1873- 13 April 1961. North Carolina PVT Co A 2 Regt NC Inf Spanish-American War
May's Chapel Methodist Church Cemetery
Robert Lee McClure 9 July 1881- 7 March 1958. Spanish-American War Veteran 1898
St. Stephens Lutheran Church Cemetery
Hillard C. Baumgarner 7 Sept 1874-11 Sept 1898. Died at Jacksonville, Fla while serving in the American-Spanish War - Age 24y 4d
Fairview (Houck's Chapel)Cemetery, W. Hickory, NC
William D. Mitchell 18 July 1875-24 Feb 1970. Spanish-American War
Pinkney E. Lafone 23 April 1878-20 April 1949. Pvt 1 NC Inf Spanish- American War
Zion Lutheran Cemetery, Mountainview, NC
Perry P. Hawn 16 July 1870-26 Jan 1933, 62y 6m 10d. Co C 2 NC Inf Spanish-American War
Old St. Paul's Lutheran Cemetery, Newton, NC
Raleigh E. Bollinger 21 Nov 1875-13 Feb 1957. PVT Co B 1 Reg Ga. Inf. Spanish-American War
Catawba Memorial Park Cemetery, Hickory, NC
Joseph H. Huffman 19 May 1879-27 Feb 1958. Waggoner Co M 2 Regt N.C. Infantry Spanish-American War
Henry R. Triplett 30 Jan 1879-26 May 1966. Pvt Co K 38 Regt Inf. Spanish- American War
Derick S. Hartshorn - ©2008
Last Modified:
05/16/2008 13:32:47
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