Posted January 8, 2013 by Myrtle Bridges

 Died, December 30, 1898, Miss Dorothy E. Hall, daughter of William and Mary Hall, and a sister of 
Mr. A.S. Hall (at one time a member of the Fayetteville bar, but now residing at Douglass, GA.) 
Miss Hall was in her usual good health Friday before Christmas, but before the sun sank behind 
the western hills, she lay helpless and unable to speak fo any one, though she regained her power 
of speech one or two times for a word or so only before she died. Thus how forcibly we are reminded 
that death is certain and life uncertain. She was kind to all she met, always ready to help those 
who needed help and to lift life's burdens with a ready hand. The community has lost a noble lady-
especially the sick and distressed. The funeral was preached Sunday, January 1, in Evergreen church, 
by Rev. Martin Page. We extend our sympathy to the sorely bereft family.

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Last up-dated September 1, 2022