This is from a book on the Moore Family written by Paul E. Daugherty, a descendant of William Moore,
Matthew Moore, John Moore, Hardy Moore and William E. Moore. It was donated to the Clayton Library
in Houston, Texas.
A typed copy of the foregoing will is among the relatively few old recorded wills in the Courthouse of
Cumberland County. When I asked the Clerk for any old original papers in the estate, I was advised
that there were none; that the few old originals, that had not been purloined, had been sent to the
State Archives at Raleigh. I found no estate papers for Matthew or Prudence at the Archives, but on
my third trip to the Cumberland County Courthouse at Fayetteville, I hit the jackpot. I peeked into
an old wood filing cabinet labeled "Special Proceedings", and searching back to "M", I found a very
old dark yellow envelope marked "Matthew Moore". Inside was the original will. A clerk photographed
same for me.
On the left margin of the original will, next to the signatures of the two witnesses is
written "John MacDougald", barely legible; this being the way the scrivener identified himself.
Other words near the bottom of the page are indistinct, except the name "Parker". Perhaps they
were some old pencil notes of the lawyer. The old paper almost fell apart in my hands; and I was
ever so tempted to take it, before handing it to the clerk.
The scrivener, John MacDougald, was a close friend of the son, John Moore, my ancestor. The will
hastily written, as indicated by the opening, when words are repeated and garbled. Unfortunately,
for researchers, the names of the children contingent beneficiaries, are not included. In a sick room,
a lawyer tends to expedite. The testator must have been quite ill, signing with a mark, whereas earlier
records carried his signature. Also, the Matthew Moore children were numerous, and the lawyer could have
reasoned that some children then living might not survive Prudence. From
various circumstances, my guess is that the children included: Benjamin, Hardy, John, Perry,
Lewis, Silas, Britton and Matthew, Jr. , as well as girls Edney ( Stancill ) , Prudence
( Parker ) and the Moore girl who married Mason Harvill . The records do not seem to reveal
what happened to the land that Matthew devised to Prudence, for life, including " the
plantation and house I formerly occupied."
Submitted by Betty Moore
Posted February 12th, 2000 by Myrtle Bridges.

"In the name of God, Amen. I, Matthew Moore, on being weak in body, but of sound and perfect mind
and memory, or you may say this consideration of the uncertainty of this mortal life, and being of
sound and perfect mind and memory, blessed be Almighty God for the same, do make and publish this my
last will and testament in manner and form following, vis: I give and bequeath to my beloved wife,
Prudence Moore, the plantation and house that I formerly occupied, with all the household furniture,
stock, hogs, sheep and cattle. When at her decease, what remains over and above shall be equally divided
among her children. I do hereby appoint Prudence sole Executrix of this my last will and testament,
hereby revoking all former wills made by me. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal
this 6th day of October in the year of our Lord, 1824.
Matthew Moore (mark) (Seal)
James Hodges
John Moore"

Read the John Moore Marriage Bond
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This page created February 12th 2001