Amy Murphy wrote: This letter was written to Samuel Watson Murphy by his brother, A.D.B. Since his wife's name was Anna, I wondered if the initials were for "Anna" and then D.B.

Revised August 25, 2002:
Recently discovered information gives reason to believe A.D.B. might not be a brother to Sam, but a brother-in-law, J.D.B.

Emma Weldon found an estate record dated 1868 for Thomas D. Murphy referencing his sister, Anna who is married to James Duncan Buie. An unnamed brother is also mention who "last heard from was in Texas" (that could be Samuel). So, the letter could have been written to Sam by James Duncan Buie.    Posted by Myrtle Bridges 12/9/99

Samuel Watson Murphy,
Son of Thomas Murphy & Rachel Watson
b. 2 Feb. 1833
Kingsbury, February 1858
Dear Sam

After a long silence I once more approach you a long ways off. For a beginning we have not heard from you in so long that we began to think you were dead. To my surprise I seen a letter you wrote to Douglas today in Fayetteville which was the second ____?_____ I have seen from you. Doug and Bob is well. Doug said Bob's school would be out this week and Bob had some idea of buying land but did not say what nor where. Anna is very well and looks prettier than you ever seen her. Rachel and Alice has the whooping cough but looks very well. Mother is complaining very much of pains. Sister Jane is just so. As for me, I have to work so hard that it keeps me in good health.

I am bothered so tonight that I can't think what I want to write. I have rented the same portion of the Law Plan that we had year before last and the mill. Me and Anna expect to move soon. If it wasn't for two law suits that are pending I would have come out this spring but I see no change for me to come before next winter and I am afraid that land will get so high I won't be able to buy any more there than here. I have been very hard put up to live as I had so much bad suite last year. I have lost four head of horses since you left here and about $50 worth of Steam Boat Wood and made a very sorry crop last year. But you know Sam, I was born of a cloudy day and always have to make the best I can of a bad job. I never have been able to do anything with Gayney. I must conclude as I have nothing much to interest you.

Kingsbury has become to be quite a gospel land. We have preaching every week or two. Some Baptist and some Methodist. Time is very dull and closed around here. But still they will marry. GEORGE A. McKAY and MAG BUIE run away and was married a short time since. CHARLEY McALISTER is trying for another of Mag's sisters. JOHN ARMSTRONG is flying round BETH HARGROVE. If there is any pretty girls out there tell them that I have a boy that will be out there in need of a wife next year. Just fix up. Sam, write me a long letter. None of your great hunting tales. Just tell me a little about everything. No more tonight. But remain your brother. A.D.B.

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