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Currituck County Bible Records
and Family Papers


Ashby/Ashbee, Abel [1747-1815]
(Ashby, Midgett)
Aydlette, John  [1840-1929]
(Aydlette, Gregory, Jones)
Ballance, Willoughby White [1789-1919]
(Ballance, Poyner, Tatum, White)
Bateman, Gilbert & Ann E. (Brickhouse) [1849-1921]
(Alexander, Bateman, Belangia, Brickhouse, Cahoon, Corbell, Hill, Holloway, Hopkins, Patrick, Prudin, Rousom, Sawyer, Sexton)
Bateman, L.L. & Meddie E. (Corbell) [1910-1942]
Bateman, Cartwright, Corbell, Garrington, Overton, Willoughby)
Ball, Reuben [1780-1884]
(Ball, Bray, Crane, Jones, Poyner, Sanderson, Taylor)
Baxter, Enoch F.  [1830-1963]
(Baxter, Ferebee, Glasgo, Wilson)
Baxter, Joseph [1747-1843]
(Baxter, Bell, Dozier, Hughs, Sanderson)
Bell, James & Elizabeth (Turten)[1785-1875]
(Bell, Bray, Dozier, Ferebee, Garrett, Turten, Woodhouse)
Bell, Tully & Penelope (Ferebee) [1798-1882]
(Bell, Bonner, Ferebee, Gray, Gordon, Kenyon, Old, Smith, Snowden, Thaxton, Wilson)
Berry, Joseph [1814-1865]
(Berry, Forbes, Jarvis, Owens, Woodhouse)
Bray, Isaac [1814-1879]
(Bray, Pike)
Brice, John P.  [1839-1899]
(Brice, Forbes)
Brumsey, Augustus W.  [1838-1911]
(Brumsey, Parker)
Brumsey, James C. Sr. [1899-1979]
(Brumsey, Gray, Hampton, Kegebien, Old, Sivills, White, Willoughby)
Capps, Caleb  [1778-1904]
(Capps, Gilmer, Prather, Reid, Taliaferro)
Capps-Kruzan  [1804-1939]
(Brennan, Capps/Caps/Capts, Cox, Haddock, Hawkins, Kruzan, Lee)
Cowell, Solomon  [1773-1934]
(Cowell, Creekmore, Grice, Newbern, Poyner, Sanderlin, Spence, Whitehurst and many more surnames)
Cox, David A.  [1843-1934]
(Cox, Davis, Gordon, Johnson, Staples, Trafton)
Cox, Thomas  [1781-1859]
(Bell, Cox, Gray)
Cox, Thomas  [1756-1887]
Cox, William C.  [1849-1864]
(Cox, Smith)
Creekmore, William Theodore [1874-1898]
Creekmur, Horatio S. Journal [1805-1857]
(Creekmur, Milton, Morse)
Doxey, Johnathan Lindsey  [1770-1935]
(Bryant, Doxey, Hindman, McGehee, Tedford and many more)
Dutcher [1785-1931]
(Dutcher, Field, Smith, )
Ferebee, Joseph [1754-1948]
(Abbott, Ashbee, Bernard, Cotter, Cowell, Creekmore, Dauge, Ferebee, Ferrell, Herbert, Turton)
Ferebee, Samuel  [1815-1943]
(Bell, Ferebee, Halstead, Simmons, Taylor, Walker, West, Woodhouse)
Forbes, Andrew Jackson [1837-1902]
(Forbes, Grimstead, Jarvis, Morgan, Sparrow)
Forbes, Isaac T.  [1787-1917]
(Forbes, Gallop, Gummar?, Langdon, Mandeville, Melson)
Frost, Alfred Perkins [1840-1956]
(Ferebee, Fischer, Foreman, Frost, Humphries, Malo, Newberry, O'Hara, Rowden, Williams, Wilson)
Gallop, Hiram G. & Lucinda Harrison  [1832-1934]
(Forbes, Gallop, Gard, Harrison, Newbern, Owens, West)
Gallop, Mollie Shannon  [1917-1973]
(Baum, Cox, Creef, Foreman, Gallop, Payne, Shannon, Sykes, Twiddy)
Gilden, S.H.  [1856-1932]
(Fisher, Gilden, Mercer, Sawyer, Woodhouse)
Gregory, Noah W.  [1833-1880]
(Gregory, Owens, Sawyer)
Hampton, Nathaniel N. [1829-1945]
(Ballance, Barco, Brown, Burton, Dunton, Hampton, Jones, Mathews, Newbern, Simons, Taylor, Tillett, Walker)
Harrison, Zorobabel [1796-1887]
(Brinn, Debnam, Etheridge, Gallop, Greaves, Gregory, Harrison, Tillitt]
Hayman, Daniel  [1823-1882]
(Hayman, Tillett)
Jones, William B. [1799-1884]
(Fisher, Jones, Taylor)
Kelly Family  [1791-1958]
(Alcock, Austin, Beasley, Bell, Bishop, Carper, Dudley, Ferebee, Kelly, Litchfield, Walker, Woodhouse and many more surnames)
Lindsey, Daniel  [1769-1872]
(Lindsey, Reed, Sanderson)
Lindsey, Wade  [1819-1970]
(Lindsey, Walker)
Litchfield, John  [1767-1813]
(Allen, Everton, Jones, Litchfield, McHorney, Taylor)
Mann, Mary "Polly" Johnson Tillett  [1829-1881]
(Barnett, Mann, Tillett)
Meekins, Daniel  [1843-1928]
(Curles, Meekins, Midgett)
Meekins, Rodger [1769-1839]
Mercer  [1842-1921]
Beasley, Gibbs, Griggs. Litchfield, Mercer, Merrell, Wilson, Wright)
Merrell, Mary M.  [1830-1921]
(Beasley, Gibbs, Litchfield, Mercer, Merrell, Wright)
Morrisett, William M.  [1830-1939]
(Garrenton, Morrisett, Owens, Rooks, Toler, Vogel)
Morrisette, Leonard & Maud [1857-1977]
(Brown, Byrne, Lutfy?, Morrisette, Richardson, Smith)
Morse Family  [1773-1895]
(Boswood, Boushall, Bunnill, Dauge, Morse, Mulder, Simmons, Speer, Wilroy, Wright)
Morse-Boswood Bible [1879-1960]
(Boswood, Lewis, Morse, Poyner, Walker)
Morse, Augustus B. [1773-1895]
(Boswood, Boushel/Boushall, Doxey, Litchfield, Morse, Mulder, Spear/Speer, Simmons, Wilroy, Wright)
O'Neal /Owens Family  [1832-1938]
(Forbes, O'Neal, Owens, Payne)
O'Neal, Bailey and Ann Matilda (Evans) [1856-1966]
(Chapman, Cole, Evans, Gray, McKinney, Miller, O'Neal, Smith, Walton, Waterfield, White, Wise)
O'Neal, Benjamin W.  [1850-1971]
(Etheridge, Gray, Midgett, O'Neal, Webb)
Owens, Ammon & Sally Ann (Davis) [1820-1910]
 (Davis, Fisher, Gallop, Ives, Owens, Sawyer)
Owens, Noah and Ann Elizabeth Sanders [1767-1982]
(Banks, Bennett, Brown, Croom, Gallop, Harrison, Joseph, Newbern, Owens, Patton, Sanderlin, Sanders, Sloss, West, Wray)
Owens, Zachariah  [1808-1863]
(Crain, Etheridge, Meekins, Owens, Sawyer)
Owens, Zachariah III [1803-1887]
(Harrison, Owens)
Parker Bibles [1795-1893]
(Gallop, Murrill, Parker, Payne, Sowers, Toler)
Perry, Ivey Dowdy [1849-1978]
(Harrison, Morgan, Parker, Perry, Power, Richardson, Sawyer)
Poyner, Mary Yula (Woodhouse) [1835-1938]
(Gallop, Poyner, Woodhouse)
Poyner, Rev. Nathan [1759-1876]
(Dailey, Griggs, Pitts, Poyner, Lindsey, Woodhouse)
Poyner, Peter [1804-1904]  [see transcription]
(Dunton, Poyner)
Rose Family [1899-1999]
(Anderson, Baker, Banks, Bray, Capps, Cary, Cotter, Daniel, Dozier, Hodges, Rose, Phelps, Sawyer, Wright, )

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Sanderson, Thomas  [1740-1883]
(Chamberlain, Northern, Sanderson, Thorougood, Woodhouse)
Simpson, George V. & Mary Alice (Smith) [1875-1977]
(Aydlett, Caffee, Evans, Gray, Hampton, Lane, Simpson, Smith)
Smith, Dempsey & Barbara (Evans) [1840-1983]
(Evans, Powell, Smith)
Smith, Dempsey & Melissa S. (Hampton) [1834-1901]
(Hampton, Simpson, Smith)
Smith, Joseph Frank & Ella Whedbee [1890-1931]
(Outlay [Outlaw], Smith)
Smith, Thomas E. & Willie Louise Outlaw [1899-2002]
(Harrell, Haas, Lymn, Mohr, Outlaw, Powers, Smith, Stewart, Wade, Wise)
Smith, William E.  [1875-1920]
(O'Neal, Simpson, Smith)
Taylor Family Papers [1714-1790]
(Beard, Eskridge, McHenry, Morris, Taylor, White)
Taylor, Spencer  [1793-1917]
(Dozier, Etheridge, Floyd, Johnson, Rich, Taylor)
Tillett, Mary Etta [1885-1919]
(Briggs, Merrell)
Tillett, Josiah Holly  [1829-1957]
(Baum, Melson, Merrell, Sanderlin, Tillett, Twiford)
Walker-Ballance [From NC Digital Collection]
Walker, Caleb W.  [1847-1984]
(Chesson, Eborn, Jones, Latham, Layton, Peebles, Tucker, Walker)
Walker, Thomas Agustus [1858-1893]
Walker, Wiley O.  [1836-1945]
(Ferebee, Griggs, Hamilton, Owens, Scott, Walker)
Walker, Willis  [1835-1902]
(Bright, Simpson, Walker)
Waterfield, Malachi & Fanny [1787-1913]
(Bowden, Simpson, Stiron, Waterfield)
West, Manley  [1854-1952]
(Hamilton, Mathias, West)
Williams, Charles  [1806-1850]
(Hassell, Keeling, Morgan, Wicker, Williams)
Woodhouse, James E. [1865-1892]
(Frost, Woodhouse)
Woodhouse,Tilmon [1822-1873]
(Holaway, Williams, Woodhouse)




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