From American Bible Society, New York
(Bible believed to be in possession of Margaret Creekmore Pritchard)
Amanda Virginia the daughter of William T. Creekmore and Mary his wife was born August 18th 1874
William Hillary son of William T. Creekmore and Mary his wife was born May 21st 1877
Annie Lienner daughter of William T. Creekmore and Mary his wife was born May 24th 1880
William Cleveland Theodore Creekmore the son of Wm. T. Creekmore and his wife Mary was born in the year our Lord
the 2nd day of August 1887
Edward Thomas Creekmore the son of W. T. Creekmore to Mary his wife was born March 25, 1890
Mamie died young
Maud died young
[The above 2 entries were added later by Margaret Creekmore Pritchard whose father, Vernon F. Creekmore, told her that he had 2 older sisters who died young but he did not know when they died nor when they were born....only that he heard his parents talking about them.]
Vernon Fulford Creekmore the son of W. T. Creekmore and Mary his wife was born Oct 27, 1898
Annie Lena daughter of W. T. Creekmore and Mary his wife departed this life in the year of our Lord August 18, 1898
This Bible record was contributed by Barbara Creekmore. No part of these records may be used for any commercial purposes. However, please feel free to copy any of this material for your own personal use and family research. If you find anything here that pertains to your families, I would strongly suggest that you look at the record on your own to check for errors or possibly other additional and helpful information.
© 2005 Kay Midgett Sheppard