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Currituck County Wills

Stephen Munden

Sept. 21, 1800 - Oct. 10, 1800
Currituck Co. Will Book 2, p. 165

State North Carolina
Currituck County

This day appeared before me Anna MUNDEN widow of Stephen MONDEN dec'd. and proved by the oath of William GARRETT that her afsd. Husband Stephen MONDEN told the afsd. William GARRETT to take notice that he give all his estate to his afsd. Wife Anna MUNDEN during her life and after her deceas to his Daughter Polly MUNDEN after the debts is paid etc.

Proved before me October the 10th 1800 by the afsd.
    /s/ William [his mark] GARRETT

Sworn to before Willis ETHERIDGE JP

The afsd Stephen MUNDEN deceased this life the 21st day of September 1800

Currituck November Term 1800
The above noncupative will was proved in open court in due form of law by the oath of the aforesaid William GARRETT

Recorded and examined this 4th day of December 1800

This will was contributed by Judy Merrell Brickhouse. No part of this document may be used for any commercial purposes. However, please feel free to copy any of this material for your own personal use and family research. If you find anything in these records that pertains to your families, it is strongly suggested that you look at the original record on your own to check for errors or possibly other additional and helpful information. Thank you!




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