Currituck County Wills
North Carolina }
Currotuck County}
In the name of God amen The Thirtheenth Day of January One Thousand Seaven hundred and forty Three/four I Joseph SANDERSON of the County and province afore said Being very sick of Body but of a true and perfict mind and memory Thanks be given to Almighty God for the same and knowing That it is apointed once for all men Chind To Die Do make This to Be my Last will and Testament In manner and form fowllering ferst of all I Give my Sole In to the hands of Almighty God that Gave it me Nothing Doughting But att The Last Day To Recev The Same By The mighty power of God and as for my Body I Recommend To the Earth To be Buried In a Christien Like and Desant manner acording to The Dischrision of my Executor hear after menchioned and as Touching my worldly Estate whare with It hath pleased God To Bless me with I give and Dispose of in manner and form as following
Viz I give to my Dearly Beloved wife Julia SANDERSON The fifth part of all my Cattell That Belongs To the plantasion whare on I now Live and Eight Ews and one Ram and Two maires know by the Names of primes and Three Beds one Ragg to each Bed one Blanket to each Bed one paire of sheets To each Bed one Bolster and one pellow To Each Bed also I Give to my Beloved wife Teen Two year old hogg if they can be found and if teen year old hogg and I give also one horse called Jockey To her and her heirs.
Viz. I Give To my son Richard SANDERSON The manner plantasion whare on I now live and all The Land Belonging to it from Powers Branch To the hamock Branch Joyning on the Land that I Gave to Thomas SANDERSON To him and his heires Lawfully Begooting for Eaver But In case The afore said Richard SANDERSON should die with out Lawfull Issue Then the afore said plantasion and persell of Land To Be Given To Samuel SANDERSON to him and his heirs Lawfully Begootin of his Body for Ever also I Give to my son Richard SANDERSON fifty accors of Land Be the same more or less Beginning on the South side of the main Rode and Then Running a crose The Ridg To the main Rode To Robert GISPANs Corner Tree a holly near the Rode Then acros the Rode in to the North River Swamp Then by verious Coses Tell it Comes against the Slabb Bridge and then By verous coses a Long the Gum Swamp tell it comes to the Goving(?) of the said Swamp To him and his heirs Lawfully Begooting for Eaver and if the said Richard should Die with out Lawfull Issue Then the said Land Be Given To Samuell SANDERSON and the heirs of his Body Lawfully Begooten for Ever. I give also to my son Richard SANDERSON The plantasion on the Sandey Bankes known by the Name of Pawmers To him and his heires Lawfully Begoten for Ever I also Give to my said son Richard SANDERSON the third part of all the Cattle on the Bankes of my mark when he shall com to Age to Receive the Same I also Give to my Son Richard the fourth part of all The Cattell that Belonges to the plantasion whare on I now live To him and his heires I Give to my son Richard one mair called the virginia mare and my New Gun and the Best bed and furniture Except the Beds That I have given to my wife To him and his heires I also Give To my son Richard SANDERSON two Negros viz one cald Tom and one Garel caled Judy To him and his heires for Eaver and Eight Good Ews and one Ram and Teen hogges year olds.
Viz I Give To my Son Samuel SANDERSON The plantasion That Jane GISPAN now lives on Beginning att the first Branch To the South Side of the Said plantasion Containing Seventy accors Be the Same more or Less and Running By North River SwampTo the Land that I Gave to my Son Richard SANDERSON Then a Long the Rode Southerly Tell it Comes By Robart GISPONs Line Then an Easterly Cose a Long The head of the Swamp Crosing the main Rode tell it Comes against the Branch Then a westerly Cose to the first Station To him and his heirs for Ever I also Give to my son Samuel six Cows and Calfes with all Their In Creas to him and his heirs for Ever and Negro Garrel Caled Sarah with all her Increas To him and his heires for Ever and one Gray mare and all her Increas for Eaver and my Best musket.
Viz I Give to my son Joshua SANDERSON The plantasion whare on Matthew HANNAH Now Lives after the said Mathew HANNAH has Lived on The said plantasion @ Seaven year Then the said plantasion to be To my Said Son Joshua to him and his heirs Lawfully Begooting and I also Give to my Said Son all the Cattell and Sheep that shall Be Left att the Said plantasion att the End of the years as afore Said also I Give to my son one Bed one Ragg one Blankit one pair of Sheets one Bolster one pellow one Bed Steed. Also I Give To my Son Joshua SANDERSON all The Land from Philip EAVENS @ Sandey Valey near whare John BARRAT now Lives Then an Easterly Cose To the Eastard Swamp & Then a Southerly Cose To Philip EAVINS Line
Viz I Give To my Son Thomas SANDERSON The plantasion That John BARRAT Now Lives on Begginning @ Sandey Valy att the South End of the Said plantasion and so to Richard BARRAT Line To him and his heirs for Ever.
Viz I Give to my Son William SANDERSON one hundred accors of Land Be the Same more or Less Beging at a Branch at South End of the plantasion that Jane GISPAN now Lives on Then Running a long The North River Swamp to Henry GISPANs Line Then an Easterly Cose By a Line of marked Trees a Cros the main Rode Tell it Comes to a old Line of marked Trees Then a westerly Cose to the Branch The first Station. I Give To my son William one Boy Caled James But if the said Wiliam Should Die with out Lawfull Isue the Said Negro Boy Be Given To my son Samuel to him and his heirs for for Eaver I Give to my Son Wiliam SANDERSON one Gun that I had of Henry GISPON.
Viz I Give To my Son Beniamian SANDERSON Sixty Five accors of Land Be the Same more or Less Running a Long North River Swamp a Southly Corse to my Son Richard SANDERSON Line Then a Cross his Line over the Slabb Bridge To the Eastard Swamp & Then a Northley Cose a Long the Eastermost Swamp Tell it Comes against Joseph SANDERSON Line Then a westerly Cose to North River Swamp To the first Station.
Viz I Give To my Son Joseph SANDERSON fifty accors of Land Lieing on the Sandey Bankes Begining at the Creek and Then Running Down the Creek to a Littell Gut Runing In to a fresh pon Then and Easterly Cose to the Sea Side hills Then a South Cose to the first Line To him and his heires for Eaver.
My will and Desire is that all the Land that Lies on the Sandey Bankes from the old house Landin to Sweet Janes Beach Be to Be Sold to Raise mony pay anny Charges that Shall Arise on my Estate To Be Sold By my Executor hear after menchend.
Viz I Give To my Son Beniamian SANDERSON one Negro Garrel Named Sarah to him and his heirs Lawfully Begooting for Eaver.
Viz I Give To my Son Richard SANDERSON Two Negros viz Cooper Tom and Hannah To him and his heirs for Eaver.
My will and Desire is that all my hole Estate That is Not Given all Ready Be Equeley Devided Between my Three younges Sons Viz Richard Samuell and Joshua and They to Receve the Same when they com of age.
And further my will and Desire is that my Executor [torn, several words illegible] cear of the afore Said Richard Samuell and Joshua and Instruct Them acording To their Intrest and Estate
And further my will and Desire is that my Trusty True and will Belovd frend John LURRY Be my hole and Sole Executor of This my Last will and Testament Disalowing and Disowning anny other to Be my Last will and Testament In testamony whare of I have hear unto Sett my hand fixed my Seal This Thirteen Day of January one Thousand Seaven hundred and forty Three/four
William BAGLY
Samuel JARVESNorth Carolina } October County Court 1746
Currituck County}
Present His Majastys Justices &c.
These may Certify that it being Certified unto the Justices of said Court that Julian SANDERSON Thomas SANDERSON & Joseph SANDERSON having been (by his Excelly. Gabriel JOHNSON Esqr. &c. Chief Ordinary of said province) Allowed Administration on the Estate of Joseph SANDERSON late of said County Deceased But the afsd. Julian came into open Court and Relinquished her Right of Administration to the afsd. Thomas and Joseph, she Complaining that she was not able to Assist in the Business[?] of said Administration through her great age which is ordered to be Certified; then the said Thomas and Joseph SANDERSON came into Court and Entered Security in the Sum of one Thousand Pounds Proclamation Money and took the Admrs Oath. Certified at the Clerks Office the 25th day of November Anno Dom 1746.
Test Richd. McCLURE
This will was contributed by Marty Holland. No part of this document may be used for any commercial purposes. However, please feel free to copy any of this material for your own personal use and family research. If you find anything in these records that pertains to your families, it is strongly suggested that you look at the original record on your own to check for errors or possibly other additional and helpful information. Thank you!
© 2003 Marty Holland