Peleg S. Mann and Sarah His Wife Was Married october 14th
Peleg S. Mann and Elizabeth His Wife Was Married
June the 6th 1872
Peleg S. Mann and Zeneth B. Mann Was Married March
23, 1884 John P. Midgett and Sarah G. his wife was married
July 2th 1882 Pelege S. Midgett
and his wife Minnie P. Midgett was Married October 12, 1902. |

[First 9 lines xx'd out but basically says what
the 3 lines below say] Ann Elizar Mann The Daughter of
Peleg S. Mann and Sarah his Wife Was born august the 18th
1861 Sarah galveston Mann The daughter of Peleg S. Mann
and Sarah his Wife was Born march the 19th 1863 Theadore Johnson Mann The Son of Peleg S. Mann and
Sarah his Wife Was born may the 25th 1865

Ann L. Mann The daughter of Peleg S. Mann and
his Wife Was born december th6 ----1866 Lenoir F. Mann
the daughter of Pelelg S. Mann and Sarah M. Mann his Wife was born
February 28th 1868 Ida E. Mann the daughter of Peleg S. Mann and
Elizabeth his Wife
Was born Sept 5th 18[74] Juletta C. Mann the daughter of
P.S. [Mann] and Elizabeth his
[Wife] Was born march 8th 1878 Peleg S. Midgett the son of
John P. Midgett and Sarah G. Midgett
his wife was Born April the 16, 1883 Alexander W. Midgett the Son of
John P. Midgett [insert] and Sarah G. Midgett his Wife
[end insert] Was Born
May the 18 1884 |

Ann Elizar Mann the daughter of Peleg S. Mann Died
September the 23 1863 Sally M. Mann the Wife of Peleg S. Mann died december 23th 1871
[This line scratched out] Theadore J. Mann the Son of
P.S. Mann and
Sally his Wife died March 22, 1883 Mary Elizabeth Mann the Wife of
[P.] S. Mann departed from her friends July 1th 1883
Sarah F. Midgett Daughter of J.P. Midgett and Sarah G. Midgett
[insert] his
wife [end insert] Died August th5 1896
Armece? Midgett Daughter of J.P. Midgett and S.G.
Midgett his wife Died June 16, 1900
Little N. [Nicodemus]
Midgett Son of J.P. Midgett
and S.G. Midgett his wife Died January 13 1902 |

Top several lines are almost too dim to discern but
this whole page seems to be a chronological list of the births of the
11 children of John Pugh Midgett and his wife Sarah Galveston Mann,
daughter of Pelege Spencer Mann. P.S. Midgett
____________ Sarah G. Midgett his wife was born _________ 16
[This is likely Peleg Spencer Midgett who was born to John Pugh
Midgett and Sarah Galveston Mann on April 16, 1883.]
Alexander W. Midgett Son of John P. Midgett and Sarah
G. Midgett his wife Was born May 28th 1884
Elenior W. Midgett Daughter of John P. Midgett and
Sarah G. Midgett his Wife was born May September
the 20th 1885 Asker [Oscar]
S. Midgett Son of John P. Midgett and his wife Sarah G.
Midgett Was Born April [1st 1887]
John D. Midgett Son of the [sic] John P. Midgett and
Sarah G. Midgett his wife was Born November
August 14, 1889 Vincin G. Midgett
Son of
John P. Midgett
and Sarah G. Midgett his wife was Born
November 3 1890 Birdy U. Midgett Daughter
of John P. Midgett and Sarah G. Midgett his wife was
Born March 25th 1892 Levenier Midgett
Daughter of J.P. Midgett and Sarah G. Midgett his wife
was Born August 28th 1893 Sarah F.
Midgett Daughter of J.P. Midgett and Sarah G. Midgett
his wife was Born February 5th 1896
Little N. Midgett son of J.P. Midgett was Born October the
6 1898 Armece? Midgett Daugher [sic] of J.P.
Midgett was Born Nov November th5 1899 |
Mrs. Sarah G. Midgett
died Feb. 27, 192[5] to Elizabeth City, N.C. Mr. J.D. [John Dammon] Midgette died May 2nd 1933 at
Fredericksburg Maryland Virginia. |