Graham County, NC

A part of the NCGenWeb Project

Graham was formed in 1872 from Cherokee. It was named in honor of William A. Graham, United States Senator, Governor of North Carolina, Secretary of the Navy, and a Confederate States Senator. It is in the western section of the state and is bounded by the state of Tennessee and Cherokee and Swain counties. The present land area is 291.58 square miles and the 1990 population was 7,196. The first meeting of the county commissioners was ordered to be held at King & Cooper's store; commissioners were named to lay out a town as a county seat. The county seat is Robbinsville.

Neighboring Counties
Cherokee County, NCGenWeb
Swain County, NCGenWeb

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The Graham County Coordinator is Crystal S. French
This Graham County page is part of the NCGenWeb Project

The North Carolina page is part of the USGenWeb project, a group of volunteers working together to provide Internet websites for genealogical research in every county and every state of the United States. The Project is non-commercial and fully committed to free access for everyone.

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Last Update: May 17, 2021
Death Certificate Transcriptions through 1916

  Copyright ©2000-2021 Crystal S. French - Graham County, NC Coordinator

The information found at this site is for the purpose of non-commercial genealogical research. Information submitted by researchers is copyrighted by that submitter. Queries are also copyrighted by the submitter. Send all questions and/or comments to Crystal S. French