ROBESONIAN (Lumberton, North Carolina) September 6, 1904 Issue

Contact: Myrtle Bridges

Colonel J.O.L. Harris as counsel, instituted suit yesterday for Mrs. Stella M. McDonald of Harnett county, asking a divorce from 
Paul McDonald, whose whereabouts are unknown. This is a case of unusual interest. Some two years ago the charge was made that Paul 
McDonald had betrayed a young woman of good family in Harnett county under promise of marriage and had fled the country. This young 
woman was the present Mrs. McDonald who now asks for the dissolution of the bonds of matrimony from Paul McDonald. 

It will be remembered that there was great indignation in Harnett county against McDonald and sympathy for the young woman who had 
been forsaken by her sweetheart to whom she had committed herself, and the attention of the Governor was directed to the fact that 
McDonald had fled the State and, after consultation with State officials and prominent citizens, he offered a reward of $200 for the 
arrest and return of the fugitive to this State. This reward was supplemented by the Harnett county authorities and the notice of 
rewards, with the cut of the man was printed in many newspapers in and out of the State, this being the first instance in the history 
of the State, so far as is known, where cuts of the betrayer of a woman's love were published along with the notices of the reward. 

Finaly McDonald was captured in South Carolina and brought back. He consented to come without requisition papers, declaring that it 
had been his intention all along to marry the girl. He was brought back, the marriage arranged and the ceremony performed and the 
prosecution dropped. However, two days after the marriage McDonald disappeared again and he has not been heard from since. Now the 
stricken wife asks for a divorce on the ground of abandonment. She also asks that she be allowed to retain the care of her child. 
Raleigh Post.

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