Hertford County's Civil War Soldiers

Civil War Flags
The Civil War ~ One Nation Divided ...
Some Important Civil War Events:

The First Battle at Bull Run -
July 1861

Grant captures 14,000 Confederate soldiers at Fort Donelson -
February, 1862

Farragut takes New Orleans -
February 1862.

Union victory at Antietam -
September 1862

The Emancipation Proclamation -
January 1865

Gettysburg -
July 1863

Sherman marches into Georgia -
May 1864

Lincoln Reelected -
November 1864

Confederate government evacuates Richmond -
May 1865

Surrender at Appomattox -
May 1865

Pvt. Bryant MITCHELL, Blacksmith, 17th Regiment, Co. D, North Carolina Troops. Gen. WHITING assigned him as blacksmith to the citizens of Hertford County, NC, from 1 March 1864 to 1 October 1864. He lived and died in Hertford County, but may have been born in Bertie.
Generously contributed to the Hertford County Archives by: G-Granddaughter Raymond Parker Fouts

Click Here for an Example of Hertford County
Confederate Soldiers Military Records:

These are the military records of: Joseph Willoughby, Confederate Army - North Carolina. Enlisted in Hertford County, NC - March 14, 1862 - 30 years of age. Rank in Pvt. - Rank out Pvt. Served with the 17 N.C. Infantry - (2d. Organization) - Company "D" [Gratitude to: Bill Williams for this contribution.]


Civil War Veterans from Hertford, Nothampton, and Southampton (VA) Counties at old
Buckhorn Baptist Church 1880
Gratefully Acknowledging: E. Frank Stephenson, Jr., & The Murfreesboro Historical Association, Inc.

Obtaining your Ancestors Civil War Military Records:

NARA Genealogy Research Access to Military Service and Pension Records.

The National Archives and Records Administration
NARA holds the Largest Compilation of Genealogical Records in
the Country. Forms and assistance are available on line via this link!

North Carolina State Archives

To obtain North Carolina Pension Records and other information that may be
available regarding your Civil War Ancestor.

Bits of Blue and Gray

An American Civil War Notebook. Great site with many noteworthy
Civil War files and links!

The Past Whispers

A remarkable collection of Civil War information and a wonderful window into
the lives of our ancestors living through those difficult days.


Copyright 2013 Linda Gamel

The information on this website may be copied for personal use, providing proper credit is given, but commercial distribution is strictly prohited.