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Guide to Research Materials in the North Carolina Archives
Hyde County


Apprentice Bonds and Records, 1771-1911; 1 volume, 2 Fibredex boxes.
     Bastardy Bonds and Records, 1740-1907; 1 volume, 2 Fibredex boxes.
     Officials’ Bonds, 1755-1910; 1 volume, 3 Fibredex boxes.

     County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions
     Minutes, 1736-1737, 1744-1868; 19 volumes, 1 manuscript box.
     Appearance, Reference (Trial), Crown (State) and Execution Dockets, 1744-1797; 4 volumes, 1 manuscript box.
     Appearance and Trial Dockets, 1790-1820; 3 volumes, 1 manuscript box.
     Appearance Dockets, 1820-1868; 4 volumes.
     State Docket, 1825-1828; 1 volume.
     Trial Dockets, 1818-1868; 9 volumes, 1 manuscript box.
     Superior Court Minutes, 1807-1921; 10 volumes.
     Equity Minutes, 1808-1868; 1 volume.
     Equity Enrolling Docket, 1808-1852; 1 volume.
     Equity Execution Docket, 1808-1868; 1 volume.
     Equity Trial Dockets, 1816-1868; 2 volumes.
     Appearance Docket, 1822-1860; 1 volume.
     Execution Dockets, 1808-1852; 3 volumes.
     State Dockets, 1813-1859; 3 volumes.
     Trial and Appearance Docket, 1807-1822; 1 volume.
     Trial Dockets, 1822-1869; 3 volumes.
     Civil Action Papers, 1736-1914; 7 Fibredex boxes.
     Civil Action Papers Concerning Land, 1791-1914; 6 Fibredex boxes.
     Criminal Action Papers,1741-1909; 4 Fibredex boxes.
     Executions, 1737-1898, 1909; 11 Fibredex boxes.

     Record of Elections, 1878-1970; 6 volumes.
     Election Records, 1755, 1800-1844, 1920; 1 Fibredex box.

     Record of Estates, 1837-1868; 3 volumes.
     Record of Accounts, 1869-1905; 3 volumes.
     Administrators’ Bonds, 1868-1919; 3 volumes.
     Estates Records, 1735-1933, 1944; 82 Fibredex boxes.
     Guardians’ Records, 1744-1925, 1946, 1951; 4 Fibredex boxes.
     Guardians’ Bonds, 1884-1919; 1 volume.
     Record of Settlements, 1869-1905; 1 volume.

     Record of Deeds, 1736-1840; 9 volumes.
     Deeds and Miscellaneous Deeds, 1759-1927; 1 Fibredex box.
     Cross Index to Deeds, 1736-1840; 1 volume.
     Ejectments, 1786-1887; 2 Fibredex boxes.
     Land Entries, 1778-1795; 1 volume.
     Land Grants, 1779-1857; 2 volumes.
     Land Sales for Taxes, 1837, 1851, 1870-1920; 1 Fibredex box.
     Foreclosures, 1842-1934; 1 Fibredex box.
     Petitions for Partition and Sale of Land, 1757, 1801-1916; 1 Fibredex box.
     Miscellaneous Land Records, 1758-1916, 1933, 1952; 2 Fibredex boxes.

     Marriage Bonds, 1742-1868; 1 Fibredex box.
     Marriage Register, 1868-1873; 1 volume.
     Cohabitation Records, 1866; 1 volume.
     Divorce Records, 1829-1914; 2 Fibredex boxes.

     Alien Registration, 1940; 1 volume.
     County Accounts and Claims, 1853-1873; 1 volume.
     County Accounts, 1746-1926; 1 Fibredex box.
     County Claims, 1752-1928, 1933; 2 Fibredex boxes.
     Insolvent Debtors and Homestead and Personal Property Exemptions, 1795-1916; 1 Fibredex box.
     Jury Lists and Records, 1742-1918; 1 Fibredex box.
     Records of Justices of the Peace, 1760-1917; 1 Fibredex box.
     Registry of Licenses to Trades, 1881-1903; 1 volume.
     Licenses to Catch Oysters, 1895-1902; 2 volumes.
     Receipts from Oyster License Tax, 1895-1904; 1 volume.
     Minutes, Wardens of the Poor, 1837-1868; 1 volume.
     Records of Paupers, 1763, 1769, 1849-1935; 2 Fibredex boxes.
     Canal and Drainage Records, 1792-1935; 2 Fibredex boxes.
     Minutes, Franklin Society, 1861; 1 volume.
     Lake Landing Township Minutes, 1869-1877; 1 volume.
     Miscellaneous Records, 1735-1952; 5 Fibredex boxes.
     Records of Assignees, Receivers and Trustees, 1841-1926; 1 Fibredex box.

     Minutes (Rough), Board of County Commissioners, 1878-1885; 1 volume.

     Road Docket, 1855-1879, 1923; 1 volume.
     Road Records, 1742-1928, 1935; 4 Fibredex boxes.
     Bridge Records, 1748-1928; 1 Fibredex box.
     Railroad Records, 1901-1923; 1 Fibredex box.

     Minutes, Board of Superintendents of Common Schools, 1841-1861; 1 volume.
     Minutes, County Board of Education, 1880-1885; 1 volume.

     Lists of Taxables, 1837-1868, 1910; 5 volumes, 1 manuscript box.
     Merchants’ Returns of Purchases, 1883-1903; 1 Fibredex box.
     Tax Records, 1740-1936; 1 Fibredex box.

     Record of Wills and Estates, 1755-1818; 9 volumes.
     Wills, 1760-1908; 9 Fibredex boxes.


     Apprentice Bonds, 1868-1912; 1 reel.

     County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions Minutes, 1736-1815, 1820-1868; 5 reels.
     Appearance, Crown, Reference and Execution Dockets, 1744-1761;
1 reel.
     Superior Court Minutes, 1869-1921; 3 reels.
     Superior Court Minutes, 1869-1921; 3 reels.
     Superior Court Minutes, 1869-1921; 3 reels.
     Equity Minutes, 1808-1868; 1 reel.
     Equity Enrolling Docket, 1808-1852; 1 reel.

     Record of Elections, 1880-1956; 1 reel.

     Record of Estates, 1845-1868; 2 reels
     Record of Accounts, 1869-1921; 3 reels.
     Administrators’ Bonds, 1869-1919; 1 reel.
     Appointment of Executors, 1868-1919; 1 reel.
     Cross Index to Administrators and Executors, 1870-1960; 1 reel.
     Guardians’ Accounts, 1849-1860; 1 reel.
     Guardians’ Bonds, 1884-1919; 1 reel.
     Guardians’ Settlements, 1837-1845; 1 reel.
     Cross Index to Guardians, 1870-1960; 1 reel.
     Record of Settlements, 1856-1905; 1 reel.

     Record of Deeds, 1736-1918; 34 reels.
     Record of Mortgages and Deeds of Trust, 1882-1915; 6 reels.
     Index to Real Estate Conveyances, Grantor, 1736-1937; 4 reels.
     Index to Real Estate Conveyances, Grantee, 1736-1937; 4 reels.
     Entry Takers’ Book, 1891-1892; 1 reel.
     Grant Book, 1782-1787; 1 reel.

     Marriage Bonds, 1741-1868; 2 reels.
     Marriage Registers, 1855-1975; 1 reel.
     Index to Vital Statistics, 1877-1958; 1 reel.

     Record of Armed Forces Discharges, 1917-1987; 3 reels.

     Orders and Decrees, 1869-1941; 1 reel.
     Special Proceedings, 1885-1968; 8 reels.
     Cross Index to Special Proceedings, 1859-1960; 1 reel.
     Minutes, Wardens of the Poor, 1837-1868; 1 reel.

     Road Overseers’ Book, 1858-1879; 1 reel.

     Lists of Taxables, 1837-1868; 2 reels.

     Record of Wills, 1764-1968; 7 reels.
     Record of Wills, Inventories and Sales of Estates, 1756-1762, 1765-1802; 3 reels.
     Cross Index to Wills, 1764-1970; 1 reel.

Ordering Information by David A. French

The North Carolina State Library handles interlibrary loans of microfilm.  The North Carolina State Archives handles purchases of microfilm and copies of original records and copies of items on microfilm.

Interlibrary Loans of Microfilm Records
     According to Mr. Steve Case, Interlibrary Loan Librarian at the North Carolina State Library and Mr. Victor Jones, Head History Librarian at the New Bern-Craven County Public Library, the North Carolina State Library does interlibrary loans of microfilm from the Core microfilm records.  Core usually means Wills, Estates, Deeds, Marriage Indexes, Court Minutes and some others.  They only do interlibrary loans of these Core records on microfilm for libraries within North Carolina.  You can see which items are noted as Core via the search link below.
This search will tell you specifically on which microfilm reel the information you are seeking may be located.

State Library Catalog Search
     1.  In the "Find This Box" type County Name followed by Co
          Example:  Onslow Co
     2.  In the "Find Results In"
          Select "Call Number Browse" (Note:  You do not need to know the actual call number to find the record.)
     3.  Press "Begin Search"
When the list comes up, select the one you need, then click on it and it will tell you on which reel the info is located.  The "Core" items are marked as such.

How to Obtain Microfilm Records from the State Library via Your Local North Carolina Library
     1. Use the information from the "North Carolina County Records Guide" and State Library Online Catalog Search to determine which microfilm you need.
     2. Fill out a microfilm request form available at your local North Carolina library.  Your local history or reference librarian should be able to assist you.  You need to list the county, type of record, title of record, the dates and complete name of person(s).  It is best to be as specific as possible so that you receive the correct reel(s).
     The microfilm usually arrives from the State Library in about a week or so from when the State Library receives the order.  The only cost involved is the postage when the microfilm arrives which is a few dollars for six reels of microfilm.  Your local North Carolina library may keep the microfilm for 30 days and may renew it once for another 30 days.  In some cases, the item may be able to be renewed a second time depending on availability.  There is usually no cost to renew.  There is a limit of six reels per patron at a time.  Keep in mind, the microfilm cannot leave your local North Carolina library so they will need to have a microfilm viewer and/or printer for you to use.

State Library Interlibrary Loans

How to Obtain North Carolina Records when you live outside North Carolina
     If you live outside North Carolina, you have two options for obtaining the North Carolina microfilm records:  One is the North Carolina State Archive and two is a local LDS Family History Center in your area.

North Carolina State Archive Microfilm Purchase Program
     You may purchase microfilm from the North Carolina State Archives.  The microfilm is $12.00 per reel including postage.  The turnaround time is about three weeks from when the order and payment are received.  When you purchase microfilm you are not limited to just the Core records, but may order any records they currently have available on microfilm.  Some of the records are organized by year and some alphabetically.  I spoke with the State Archive and the gentleman who handles purchases of microfilm by the public. is Mr. Larry Odzak at (919) 807-7306

By using the information you should be able to determine which microfilm you need and compile a list of the microfilm reels so that you can order them from the Archives. I could not find a microfilm order form on the Archive website so a letter or email with the detailed information may suffice or give them a call to verify.  Their email is .

The mailing address for the State Archives is
     North Carolina State Archives
     4614 Mail Service Center
     Raleigh, N.C. 27699-4614

Note:  If you live outside North Carolina, it is usually less expensive to order the entire reel of microfilm than to have a copy of something made from it as there is a $20.00 research fee per inquiry plus the copy costs for out of state record requests.  See this link for more info on obtaining copies of original records:

LDS Family History Center Microfilm Loan Program
     They usually have all of the same North Carolina County microfilm that the State Archive and Library has.  You can search the LDS microfilm catalog as noted below.  You receive the microfilm on loan via a local LDS Family History Center.  The cost per reel of microfilm is $5.50 per 30 days.  It may be renewed for an additional $5.50 for another 60 days.  In most cases, depending on the microfilm, another renewal of $5.50 will keep the microfilm in the local family history center forever. The total would be either $5.50, $11.00 or $16.50 per reel.  The microfilm/microfiche must be ordered from and viewed at your local Family History Center.  You do not have to be a member of the LDS to use their Family History Centers.

LDS Microfilm Search Example
   1. Select "Place Search"
   2. In Place Box Type, Onslow (Note:  Do Not Type the word County as no records will show.)
   3. Select "North Carolina, Onslow"
   4. Select "North Carolina, Onslow - Court records"
   5. Select "Minute docket, 1869-1926  North Carolina. Superior Court (Onslow County)"
   6. Click on "View Film Notes" Button in the upper right hand corner.
   7. This will show the detail note on the items and the location/film number.
   Note:  Minute docket, Vol. A 1869-1876
   Location:  FHL US/CAN (This means the Family History Library.)
   Film Number: 267592 (This is the number you will need to order the film.)

LDS Microfilm Loan info:
LDS Family History Center Locator:

     Thanks to Mr. Case, Mr. Jones, the LDS technical support staff and others for their assistance in clarifying how to obtain records.
     I trust this information is helpful to both current and future researchers.  /s/ David A. French


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