Carrowon / Carawan Family Deeds
{Hyde Co., N.C. Record of Deeds; Book N, Page 167}
Hyde County Ss November Term 1806 -
On Petition of the heirs of William Carrowon Desd ordered that Zach Jarvis - Mitchel Rose - Joseph Harris -Thomas Bridgman & Jms English - be Appointed as Commissioners to divide the Land of William Carrowon Desd and make Return thereof to Court - a copy from the Minutes
Test Bn Foreman Clk
No 7.
8 _ Acres.Number 4
8 _ Acres -No one
8 _ Acres
No 8 -
8 _ AcresNo 5.
8 _ AcNo 2.
8 _ AcresEt No 9.
8 _ Acres.No 6
8 _ AcNo 3 -
8 _ Acres
In Persuance to an order of November Court 1806 for a Devision of a certain piece of Land belonging to William Carrowon desd lying between Juniper bay and Mattamuskeet Lake - I have Run and Caused the Severel devision lines to be made amongst the Severel heirs and drew by Lot Reuben Benson Number 5 - for 8 _ Acres - Green Carrowon No 4 for his part 8 _ Acres - Elenor Swindell No 7 for his part 8 _ Acres - Jms Bridgman No 3 for his part Avery Williamson No 8 for his part 8 _ Acres Manning Carrowon No 9 for his part 8 _ Acres - Fanny Carrowon for her part No 2 8 _ Acres - Sarah Carrowon No 6 for her part 8 _ - Washington Carrowon No 1 for his part 8 _ - January 5th 1807 -
Mitchel Rose }
Joseph Harris } Com
Thos. Bridgman}
James English }
/s/ Z. JarvisHyde County SS Febr Term 1807 -
This devision of 75 Acres of Land was Returned into by the Com and ordered to be Rd
/s/ Test Bn Foreman, ClkRd 10th of Apr 1807 -
by Henry Clark, PR
{Hyde Co., N.C. Record of Deeds; Book P, Page 345}
State of No. Carolina}
Hyde County}
This Indenture made this Seventh Day of May Eighteen hundred and Fourteen between Manning Carrowon of the County of hyde of the one part and Green Carrowon of the other part of the same County. Witnesseth that I the said Manning Carrowon have bargained and sold unto the said Green Carrowon A Certain piece of parcel of Land Situate and Lying in the County of hyde lying and being between the head of Juniper bay and the Lake lying in the Six hundred and Forty Acres patent of Wm Turner lying on the West side of the middle Line begining one hundred and fifty pole to the north on the Ditch that is but on the middle line Runing south to a ditch thence west one hundred and Six poles and two thirds then North to Sarah Carrowons Corner East to the begining to Include three Acres and A half be the same more or Less or the sum of Seven Dollars to me in hand paid before the Ensealing and Delivering of these presents and I Manning Carrowon Warrant and Defend the Said Land from All my heirs Executors Administrators or Assigns unto the said Green Carrowon him his heirs Executors Administrators or Assigns for Ever In Witness where of I have here unto Set my hand and seal this Day of May Eighteen hundred and fourteenSigned In presents of us
Attest: Uriah Bell; Elizabeth x (her mark) Carrowon
/s/ Mannan Carrowon (Seal)Hyde County Ss February term 1815
The Due Execution of this Deed was proved by the oath of Uriah Bell on Evidence thereto. Let it be Registered.
/s/ B Foreman, ClkRegistered 20th April 1815
/s/ John Selby, PR
{Hyde Co., N.C. Record of Deeds; Book Q, Page 277}
State No Carolina}
Hyde County}
This Indenture made this 26th of September 1814 Between James Bridgman of the one part and Maning Carrowon of the other part. Witnesseth that for and in Consideration of the sum of one Hundred Dollars to me in hand paid by Maning Carrowon before the Ensealing and Delivery of these presents the Receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge my Self therewith Sattisfied Contented and paid have Bargained and Sold and by these presents do fully freely and absolutely Give Grant Bargain and Sell unto the Said Manin Carrowon A Certain peice or parcel of Land Lying and being Between Juniper Bay and Mattamuskeet Lake Beginning in William Turners Line at William Moss Corner Runing East one hundred and forty nine poles then South one hundred and Seven poles then Wt to William Moss deed then to the begining To have and to hold the Said Land and premises Containing one hundred Acres to him and his heirs and I the Said James Bridgman do forever Warrant and defend the Said Land with all the priviledges unto the Same belonging from me my heirs and assigns or any other person Whatsoever Claiming any title thereunto the Said Maning Carrowon his heirs and assigns forever In Witness Whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal this day and year above Written -
Z Jarvis
William Moss/s/James x (his mark) Bridgman
May Term 1819 - Hyde County SS
Then was this deed proved in open Court by the oath of William Moss Let it be Registered.
/s/ Jno. B. Jasper, ClkRegistered the 30th July 1819
By D. W. Martin, P. Regr
{Hyde Co., N.C. Record of Deeds; Book S, Page 350 }
This Indenture made this Twenty fourth of August in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty one Between Manen Carrowon of the State of North Carolina and County of Hyde of the one part and Reuben Benson of Said State and County of the other part, Witnesseth that the Sd. Mannen Carrowon for the Consideration of one Thousand Dollars to me in hand paid the Receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge myself therewith Sattisfied Contented and paid have and by these presents do fully freely & absolutely Give Grant Bargain and Sell, unto the Said Reuben Benson his heirs and assigns forever, a Certain piece or parcel of Land Situate and Lying in Hyde County and on the Poplar Ridge, Begining at Washington Carrowon's upper Corner at the Middle line in Turner's big Patent Runing No with the Middle Line of Said Patent to Said Reuben Benson's Corner then with Said Benson's Line West to Sarah Masons Westermost Corner thence No to Said Reuben Benson's Line, then Ws to the Patent Line thence South with said Patent Line to Washington Carrowons Corner, then with Said Washington Carrowons Line East to the Begining Containing Fifty five Acres of Land. To have and to hold the above Granted and described Land together with all the priviledges and Emoluments to the Same Belonging or in any wise appertaining Warrant and defend free and Clear from me my heirs and assigns or any other Person or Persons Laying any Lawful Claim or Claims to the above described Land unto the Said Reuben Benson his heirs or assigns Forever. In Witness Whereof I hereunto Set my hand and Seal the day and year above written.Note Interlined before Sign'd Warrant and Defend
Signed Sealed and Delivered in presence of
Carrowon Benson
John A. Stokesbury/s/ Manan Carrowon (Seal)
February Term 1823 Hyde County Ss Then was this Deed proved by the oath of Carrowon Benson. Let it Be Registered.
/s/ Jno. B. Jasper, ClkRegistered the 20th August 1823.
by Danl W. Martin, P. Regr
{Hyde Co., N.C. Record of Deeds; Book U, Page 15 & 16}
This Indenture made this twenty fourth day of December in the year of Our lord One thousand Eight hundred & twenty four Between Manning Carrowon of the one part and Henry Boomer both of the state of north Carolina and County of Hyde of the other part Witnesseth that the Said Manning Carrowon for the Consideration of the sum of Seven Hundred & fifty Dollars to me in hand paid by Henry Boomer and before Sealing and Delivering of these presents the Receipt whereof I the Said Manning Carrowon do hereby acknowledge myself thereof to fully satisfyed Contented and paid have Bargained and sold Conveyed and confirmed and by these presents doth Bargain and sell Convey and confirm unto the Said Henry Boomer his heirs and assigns forever a Certain piece or parcel of Land Situate in the County of Hyde lying on the south side of Mattamuskeet lake on the west Side of Heron Bay begining at a Cypress at James McGowen's Corner at the Lake Side Runing North 86 poles with the windings of the Lake to a Cypress pole at the Lake Side at SamuelL Williamson's Corner thence Runing north seventy nine west Eighty poles thence south Eighty six poles thence south Seventy nine East to the first Station 80 poles to Contain forty Three acres and a fourth to have and to hold the Said Bargained land together with all and singular the priviledges and appertainances thereunto Belonging or in any wise appertaining unto him the Said Henry Boomer his heirs and assigns forever and I the said Manning Carrawon for myself my heirs Executors administrators and assigns the Said Bargained land and premises with all the appertainances unto the Said Henry Boomer his heirs and assigns doth warrant and will forever Defend by these againts the claim or Claims of any person or persons Claiming the same or any part thereof In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and fixt my seal the day and year above written Signed Sealed and delivered in presents of us
Josiah Hodges
Matthew Boomer/s/ Manan Carrowon (Seal)
State of North carolina}
December 5th 1825}
Then was this execution of the foregoings Due proved before me due form of Laws by the oath of Josiah Hodges one of the Subscribing Witnesses thereto Let it be registered.
J. R. Donnel, J G L G?Registered the 11th Decr
By Daniel W. Martin, D. Reg
{Hyde Co., N.C. Record of Deeds; Book U, Page 121}
This Indenture made this 14th Day of September In the year of our Lord Eighteen Hundred and Twenty five between Manin Carrowon of the one part and James Credle of the other part both of the County of Hyde and State of North Carolina Witnesseth that for and In consideration of the Sum of three Hundred Dollars to me in hand paid by James Credle the Receipt Whereof I the Said Manen Carrowon Doth hereby Acknowledge that I have Bargained and Sold and by these presents do Bargain Sell and Convey unto James Credle A Certain Piece or parcel of Land Situate In Hyde County on Mattamuskeet Lake on the south Side of heron Bay Beginning at a post at the mouth of a Small Ditch that Runs Between Avery Williamson and Samuel Williamson thence Runing with the Lake to Allen Mason's Corner thence with Allen Mason's Line to a post thence to the Division Line thence with the Division to the Begining Containing twenty one and three Quarter Acres being one third of Sixty Acres that I bought of Bartee Gibbs for the Said Manin Carrowon doth forever Warrant and Defend the Said one third of Sixty five Acres unto the Said James Credle his heirs and assigns free from the Claim of me or my heirs or Assigns or any other person or persons Claiming any part thereof In Witness Whereof I the Said Manin Carrowon hath hereunto Set my hand and Seal this day and year above Written.Signed Sealed and Delivered in presence of us
Cason Harris
Matthias Credle/s/ Manan Carrowon (Seal)
Hyde County SS
May Term 1827
Then was this deed proven in open Court by the oath of Matthias Credle on Evidence Let be Registered.
Jno B. Jasper, CCRegistered the 20th Augt
by Danl W. Martin, P. Regr
{Hyde Co., N.C. Record of Deeds; Book V, Page 19 }
State of North Carolina}
Hyde County}
This Indenture made this September the twenty eight 1827 between Manan Carrowon of the one part & Washington Carrowon of the other part one of the County of Hyde the other of the County of Beaufort and State aforesaid "Witnesseth" that for and in consideration of the Sum of four Hundred dollars to me in hand paid before the ensealing & delivering of these presents have this day bargained and Sold Conveyed and Confirmed unto the Said Washington Carrowon a Certain tract or parcel of land containing fifty acres lying on the east Side of Swanquarter Bay Begining at A Post on the side of a small ditch Cut by James Credle, runing with Cason Harris's line to the Corner, thence North to the patent line, thence with the patent line to my other North East corner, thence with the division line to the corner of the division line and from thence to the begining to have and to hold the aforesaid land and premises hereby granted and Sold unto the Said Washington Carrowon, him and his heirs forever, and I the Said Manan Carrowon do for me my heirs Executors administrators and assigns forever warrant & defend the Said land & premises hereby granted Sold to be showed & clear from us and all other person or persons Whatsoever In Witness I have hereunto Set my hand & Seal this day & date above written Signed Sealed in the presents of us
Attest Green Bridgman; Edward Rose/s/ Manan Carrowon (Seal)
Hyde County Ss
May Term 1828
Then was this Deed duly proven by Green Bridgman, on oath let it be registered.
Benj. Foreman, ClkRegistered August 6th 1828
Danl W. Martin, P.R.
{Hyde Co., N.C. Record of Deeds; Book V, Page 100 & 101}
This Indenture made this 14th Day of October In the year of Our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and twenty two Between Manan Carrowon of the State of North Carolina and County of Hyde of the one part and Reuben Benson of the Same State and County aforesaid of the other part Witnesseth that the Said Manan Carrowon for and in Consideration of the Sum of one Thousand and Fifty Dollars to him in hand paid by Reuben Benson at or before the Sealing and Delivery of these presents the Receipt Whereof he doth hereby Acknowledge have Bargained Sold and Conveyed and by these presents Do bargain Sell Convey and Confirm unto the Said Reuben Benson his heirs and assigns forever A Certain tract or parcel of Land Situated In hyde County and on a place known by the Name of Poplar Ridge and in William Turners Big Patent Begining at the South End of the Middle Line of Said Patent Runing East to the South East Corner of the Patent then North with the Patent Line to one of Reuben Benson Lines and then with Said Bensons Line West to the Middle Line of the Patent and With the Middle Line to the first Station Containing One Hundred and Fifteen Acres, To have and to hold the above Bargained and Described Land Together with all the preveledges and Emoluments unto the Same Belonging or in any wise appertaining unto the Said Reuben Benson his heirs or Assigns forever. And the Said Manan Carrowan for himself his heirs Executors Admrs or Assigns unto the Said Reuben Benson his heirs Executors Admrs or Assigns the above Bargained and Described Land Together with all the preveledges and Emoluments unto the Same belonging Doth forever Warrant and Defend by these presents against the Claim or Claims of any or all persons Claiming in any Lawful Manner Whatever. In Witness Whereof the Said Manan Carrowon hath hereunto Set his hand and Seal this day and year above Written.Signed Sealed & Delivered in presence of
Wm. Watson
Michael Hollowell/s/ Manan Carrowon (Seal)
Hyde County Ss
Novr Term 1822
This deed was proved by the oath of Michael Hollowell Let be Registered.
Jno B. Jasper, CCRegistered 20th Febry 1829
by Danl W. Martin, P. Reg.
{Hyde Co., N.C. Record of Deeds; Book X, Page 122}
This Indenture made the Seventh day of February in the year of Our Lord Eighteen hundred and Twenty nine between John Credle of the County of Hyde and State of North Carolina of the one part and Maning Carrowon of the County and State aforesaid Witnesseth that the Said Maning CarrowonN for the consideration of the Sum of Fifty Dollars to me in hand paid by John Credle the Receipt I hereby acknowledge hath bargained and Sold unto John Credle a Certain parcel of Land Lying in Heron bay on the Claton pattern begining at James Credle Corner and running with his line south and along Henry Boomer's line to his corner thence west to the Clayton pattern line thence along said pattern line one hundred and Twenty five poles Easterly to the beginning to contain four acres be the same more or less For which I the Said Maning Carrowon do warrant and defend the said from me my heirs and assigns or any person claiming from me unto the aforesaid John Credle to him his heirs and assigns forever in Witness I set my hand and Seal The day and year above written.
John Credle
Major Clark/s/ Manan Carrowon (Seal)
Hyde County Ss}
Augt Term 1836}
Then was this Deed duly proven in open Court by the oath of John Credle a subscribing witness thereto & ordered to be Registered.
Test Riley Murray, ClkRegistered the 23rd of Oct 1836
by B. S. Midyett, PR
{Hyde Co., N.C. Record of Deeds; Book X, Page 393 & 394}
55 acres Lot No Five
45 Lot No F
This plot represents a tract of Land containing one hundred Acres in Hyde County on Swanquarter in Sadler's Patent it being the tract formerly belonging David Green and also known as the Baum Land Beginning in said Patent line on the Credle Ditch, it also being Credle Patent line, Two hundred and Twenty one Poles from the Patent beginning, running side the ditch with the Patent line No 13 East 79 poles to Ezekiel Harris's line Letter B. then So 17 Et 284 poles to another of the patent lines letter C. then with the Patent line So 53 wst 96 Poles letter E. then No 77 West to the beginning. Plotted by a Scale of 80 pole to an Inch.
This 13 February A. D. 1838
By R.M.G. Moore, clkState of North Carolina}
Hyde County }
In Pursuant to the annual Session and Summons, we the under Signed Commissioners Set upon the premises set forth in the Petition, and having been duly Sworn according to the requirements of the act of Assembly providing for the partition of Estates owned in Common - We the said Commissioners proceeded to have the above described tract of Land surveyed and viewed & divided the same in the following manner between the parties concerned, and have allotted, & set off to John Credle Lot No 1 containing Forty five acres beginning at the beginning of the tract and running No 13 East with the Patent line, 35 poles to letter A then south 77 East with the dotted line across the patent (or tract) to letter D. then with the Patent line So 53 west to letter E then No 77 West to the beginning - We have also alloted and set off to Nathaniel Credle or those who claim under him lot Number two containing 55 Acres, Beginning at letter A running No 13 East 39 poles to Ezekiel Harris's line then So 77 Et 248 poles to the Patent line then with the patent line to 53 West to letter D, then with the dotted line No 77 Wst to the beginning, all of which is respectfully Submitted. In confirmation whereof we have unto set our hands & Seals the 13 day of February A. D. 1838.
J. A. Gibbs (Seal)
W. T. Jarvis (Seal)
Nasa Farrow (Seal)
Jesse Gibbs (Seal)
Benjamin Mason (Seal)
Manan Carrowon (Seal)Attest Josiah G. Jarvis, Shff for Israel Brooks, Sheriff
Hyde County Ss}
February Term 1838 }
Then was this report returned unto Court and ordered to be registered.
Test R.M.G. Moore, ClkRegistered May the 18 1838 by Benj. S. Midyett, P. Register
{Hyde Co., N.C. Record of Deeds; Book Y, Page 29}
This Indenture, made this twenty-fourth day of August in the year of our Lord, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty-one between Bartee Gibbs of the one part of the State of North Carolina and County of Hyde, and Manning Carrowon, of the same State and County aforesaid. Witnesseth, that for the consideration of Nineteen Hundred Fifty Dollars to me in hand paid by Manning Carrowon, the receipt I do hereby acknowledge, have bargained and sold and by these presents do bargain, sell and convey unto Manning Carrowon, a certain piece or parcel of land situate in Hyde County and lying on the South side of Heron Bay. Beginning at James Mason's Southermost corner at a post running North Seventy-nine West to a post, thence South to James McGowen's line, thence Eastwardly to a marked cypress to the Lake, thence with the windings of the Lake to the first station to contain sixty-five acres for which I, the said Bartee Gibbs do warrant and defend the above described land from me, my heirs, and assigns, forever, unto the said Manning Carrowon, his heirs and assigns, forever. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year above written.
Carrowon Benson
John A. Stotesbury/s/ Bartee Gibbs (Seal)
Hyde County May Term 1838
Then was this deed duly proven in open court by John A. Stotesbury, a witness thereto on oath. Ordered to be Registered.
Test, R.M.G. Moore, ClerkRegistered 6th of December 1838
By: Green Bridgman, Public Registrar
{Hyde Co., N.C. Record of Deeds; Book 2, Page 335}
State of North Carolina}
Hyde County}
To the worshipful the Justices of the County of pleas and Quarter Sessions Febry Term 1847 we A.B. Swindell, Thomas Bridgman, Dorset Mason, Thomas R. Burrus, Benj. O'Neal, Samuel G. Boomer, Leroy M. Swindell, Silvester Jarvis, Levi McGowenN, Josiah G. Jarvis, Manan Carrowon, Redden R. Quidley, free holders having been duly Summoned and Sworn by Thomws R. Gibbs Sheriff of Hyde County to go on the premises or lands belonging to poor in said County and view and lay off a drain way through the said lands to the Swan Quarter ditch leading down by the poor house for Thomas J. Jennett a petitioner for the same as also for a privilege for the waters of said ditch prayed for to pass down the said Swan Quarter ditch to the Bay.
We the Jury as summoned and sworn as aforesaid report that we have this the 22nd day of Febry 1847 gone on the premises aforesaid and layed out a drain way 4 feet wide from Thomas J. Jennett, Jr. land through the poor house land along and old ditch that passes to the Northward of the poor house to the Swan Quarter ditch for which we assess the sum of sixty cents Damage and for the privilege of draining the said water down the public or Swan Quarter ditch we assess the sum of sixteen dollars and 33/100 damage all which is respectfully Reported under our hands and seals of the Jurors aforesaid. Febry 22nd 1847
A.B. Swindell (Seal)
Benja. O'Neal (Seal)
Levi McGowen (Seal)
Dorset Mason (Seal)
Silvester Jarvis (Seal)
Manan Carrowon (Seal)
J.G. Jarvis (Seal)
S.G. Boomer (Seal)
Leroy M. Swindell (Seal)
Thomas Bridgman (Seal)
R.R. Quidley (Seal)
Thomas R. Burrus (Seal)Hyde County Ss}
Febry Term 1847}
Then was this Report returned into open Court, confirmed and ordered to be recorded.
Test R.M.G. Moore, clkRegistered July 21st 1848
By Green Bridgman, P.R.
{Hyde Co., N.C. Record of Deeds; Book 3, Page 608}
State of North Carolina}
Hyde County}
This Indenture made this January 9th 1851 by and between Manan Carrowon on the first part and Anson Credle on the second part both of the County and State aforesaid. Witnesseth that for and in consideration of the sum of three hundred and fifty dollars to the said Manan Carrowon in hand paid or secured to be paid by the said Anson Credle, the receipt and payment of which is hereby acknowledged by the said Manan Carrowon and himself therewith fully satisfied, contented and paid, hath bargained, sold, conveyed, confirmed and delivered and by these presents doth bargain, sell, convey, confirm, set over and deliver unto the said Anson Credle, his heirs, exrs or admrs and assigns forever a certain piece or parcel of land lying and being on Swan Quarter on the East side of Swan Quarter Bay near the head thereof Beginning thirty poles North seventy five degrees west from Midyett's Beginning, running North seventeen degrees East one hundred and four poles to the back line of the patent, then West with the patent line to the corner, then South Eight and a half degrees East seventy five poles and from thence to the Beginning containing fifty acres, to have and to hold the aforesaid land and premises hereby granted and sold unto the said Anson Credle, his heirs and assigns forever. And the said Manan Carrowon for himself, his heirs, exrs, admrs and assigns to the said Anson Credle, his heirs, exrs, admrs and assigns do forever warrant and defend the right and title to said fifty acres of land and premises and to be free and clear from the lawful claim or claims of any person or persons whatsoever. In witness of all which the said Manan Carrowon hath hereunto set his hand and seal day and date above written. Signed, Sealed and delivered in presence ofInterlined before signed with the words "containing fifty acres"
Test Green Bridgman/s/ Manan Carrowon (Seal)
Hyde County SS. Febry Term 1851
Then was this deed from Manan Carrowon to Anson Credle duly proven in Open Court by the oath of Green Bridgman a subscribing witness thereto and ordered to be Registered.
Test Will W. Spencer, ClerkRegistered April 1 1851
By Green Bridgman. P.R.
{Hyde Co., N.C. Record of Deeds; Book 4, Page 136}
State of North Carolina}
Hyde County}
This Indenture made this August the twenty eight day 1830 between Washington Carrowon of the one part and Foster Jarvis of the other part both of the County of Hyde and State afforesaid witnesseth that for and in consideration of the sum of three hundred dollars to me in hand paid before the ensealing & delivering of these presents have this day bargained and sold, conveyed and confirmed unto the said Foster Jarvis a certain track or parcel of land containing fifty acres land lying on the East side of Swan Quarter Bay Beginning at a post on the side of Small ditch cut by James Credle running with Cason Harris line to the corner, thence North to the Patent line, thence with the Patent to Manin Carrowon corner, then with Manin Carrowon line to the corner of the Devision line and from thence to the Beginning to have & to hold the afforesaid land & premises hereby granted and sold unto the said Foster Jarvis him and his heirs for ever & I said Washington Carrowon do for me, my heirs, executors, administrators & assigns for ever warrant and defend the said Land & premises hereby granted sold to be free and clear from me & all other person or persons whatsoever in witness I have hereunto set my hand & seal this day and year above written.Signed, Sealed and delivered in the present of us
attest Martin Jarvis; Lory Gaskill/s/ Washington Carrowon (Seal)
Hyde County Ss
Feby Term 1852
Then was this deed produced in open Court and duly acknowledged by the said Washington Carrowon and ordered to be Registered.
Test Will W. Spencer, ClerkRegistered April 28th 1852
By Green Bridgman, P. R.(Manning Carrowon deeds kindly submitted by Donnie and Sandy Carawan)
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