Jennett Family Land Grants
Pg. 1
Partial wording of page 1:
You are forthwith to admeasure and lay out unto John Jennett a plantation containing Six hundred & forty Acres of Land in the County of Hyde Between Stumpy point & Long Shole River near the Head of Clarks Creek & running towards Deep Creek for the Comp't. Given at Newbern under my Hand the 19 Day of May Annoque Domini 1773. [signed] Jo. [Josiah] Martin
Pg. 2
Wording of page 2:
Surveyed for John Jennett 640 Acres Land in Hyde County On the North East Side of Long Shoal River Between Thomas Pains Line and said River Beginning at said Pains lower Corner on Pains Creek then with Pains Line No. 45 Wt. 360 poles then So. 57 Wt. to Long Shoal River Side then down the River its Several Courses to a _____ Marsh at the Mouth of the East Bay then up the said Bay and Pains Creek the Several Courses thereof to the Beginning. [signed] Chris'r. Neale, Survey'r.
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Pg. 1
Wording of page 1:
Surveyed for John Jennett 400 Acres Land in Hyde County On the Head of Walkers Creek to the Eastward of Old Mattamuskeet beginning at a Pine at the North Point or head of the Cutting Sedge Marsh at the Side of the Gum Woods near the head of said Walkers Creek then Running No. 50 Et. 200 poles then No. 32 Wt. 160 poles then So. 50 Wt. 250 Poles then So. 16 Wt. 222 poles then So. 74 Et. 160 poles then No. 16 Et. 160 poles to the Beginning. [signed] Chris'r. Neale, Survey'r.
Robert Jennett & _______ Berry} Chain Bearers
Pg. 2
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