Slade Family Deeds,
Patents & Will Abstracts
(various counties)
1 May 1668 Source: Old Albemarle Co. NC Book of Land Warrants and Surveys 1681-1706
__emarle. SS: Willm. Earle of Craven Palatine and the rest of the true and absolute Lds. Proprietos. of all Carolina to all to whom these presents. shall come Greeting in our Lord God everlasting Know ye. that we the sd. Lds. and absolute Proprietors according to our great deed of Grant bearing date ye. first day of May Ano. Dm. 1668 Given to our County of Albemarle under our hands and great Seal of our said County Doe hereby Give and grant unto Mr. John West of our sd. County a tract of land containing Six hundred acres lying in Pasquot. Prect. Begining at a Locus Standing on the banks of ye. Sound thenc North Seventeen degrs. East three hundred and Ninety? pole to a Gum then West thirteen degrs. North two hundred and fifty pole to an Hickory then South Seventeen degrs. west three hundred and Ninty pole to a Pine on the bank of Little River then down the River and the Sound by various courses to ye. first station the said land being due to ye. said Jno. West for ye. transportacon of one Pson. for every fifty acres heryby granted as appeares upon Record under this Patent To have and to hold ye. said land wth. all rights and priviliges of hunting hawkingfishing fowling wth. all Woods Waters and rivers wth. all profitts comoditys and heriditamts. to ye. same belonging or apptaining except on halfe of all Gold and Silver Mines unto him ye. said Jno. West his heirs and assignes for ever in as alarge and ample maner to all Intents and purposes as by ye. said Deed is granted of Intended yeilding and paying unto us our heires and successors yearly every twenty Ninth day of September ye. fee rent of one Shilling for every fifty acres hereby granted to be holden of us our heires and successors in free and comon Soccage Provided yt. if ye. said Jno. West his heires or assignes doe not seat or plant cause to be seated or planted theron Within three yeares after the date herof then this Patent be void otherwise to stand and be of full force. Given under ye. seal of our sd. County of Albemarle ye. first day of January Ano. Dm. 1694. Witnes our trusty and well beloved Philip Ludwell Esqr. Governor and Capt. Genril. of our said province and our trusty and welbeloved Councellors who have here_ sett their hands. Philip Ludwell, Thomas Harvey, Danl. Akehurst, Ffrancis Tomes. Thomas Pollock.
The Psons. Imported are Winifred West, Jno. Wade, Peter Quon?, Caesar negro, Henry Slate, Wm. Loverige, Elizabeth Bolt, Geo: Kemp, Jno. Browne.
7 Sep 1669 Source: Old Albemarle Co. NC Book of Land Warrants and Surveys 1681-1706
Albemarl. These are in ye. Names of ye. honrble ye. Lords proprietos. to will and require you to Survey & lay out for Henry Slade Sixty acres of Land which is due to him for ye. transportacon of one pson whose name is herunder and make returne of this Warrt. wth. ye. Survey to ye. Secret. office fail not as you will answer ye. Contrary given under our hand & ye. Seal of ye. Collony ye. 7th. day of Septembr. 1669. Saml. Stephens, James Blount, Jno. Jenkins, Rich FFoster, Jno. Harvey, Henry Slade. To ye. Surveyr. Genrll. or his deputyI, Henry Slade doe assigne all my right & title of these rights within specifyed unto George Harris as witnes my hand this 16th. of March 1693/94 Henry Slade.
These may certify all whom it may concern that Henry Slade proved five rights whose names are upon Record & are under written Wm. Loverige Sen., Temporance his Wife, Wm. Loverige, Jur., Hanah Loverige, Jacob Carver. Certifyed ye. 17th. day of March 1693. Assigned over to George Harris by Henry Slade. P: Edw. Mayo Clrk.
3 Oct 1671 Source: Virginia Land Patents of the Countys of Norfolk, etc.
William Hancock 700 acres on Lynnhaven Parrish in Lower Norfolk County on the Northerne Side of the Easterne Branch of Elizabeth River and bounded on the southerne parts therewith and on the south Easterne side of a Creeke called Hoskins Cr. pting this land from the land of Mr. Wm. Moseley beginning at a mkd cedar standing by the side of the said Easterne Branch and from thence running by a line drawne NNE 202 po & then WNW 400 po & then SSW 80 po & then ESE 104 po & then SSW 142 po and then WNW 160 po unto the Creeke called Hoskins Creeke and then downe the South Easterne side of sd Creeke unto its mouth at the Easterne Branch and then South Eastwood runing up the sd Esterne branch unto the Cedar where it began and 100 acres pt hereof was formerly granted to Geo. ffowler by pattent dated 6 Nov 1663 and by sd. fflowler sold and assigned to the sd WM. Hancock and the other 600 acres is due for trans of 12 persons: Mary & Henry Slade, Charles Baker, Eliz. Vouse, Jno. Ree, Jno. Quelcy, Jayne Joflin (or Joslin), Charles Regarall, Wm. Richardson, Jno. Cooke, Barth. Shoae, Teage at (or et) Dovell. (Nugent 539 Nov 1663)
15 Mar 1693 Source: Old Albemarle Co. NC Book of Land Warrants and Surveys 1681-1706
These may certify all whom it may condern yt. Henry Slade has proved Twelve Rights whose names are upon Record and are hereunder written Namely Jno. Daws, An Indian named Nak? one named Sue, Tony a Negroe, Sarah, Mol, Jack & Sarah, Jno. Slade, Joseph Slade, Benj. Slade, Saml. Slade, Hannah Slade, Wm. Slade. Certifyed ye. 15th. of March 1693. P: Edw. Mayo C_. Regstd. & Wart. given ye. 16th. of March 1693. Wm. Glovr.
29 Apr. 1693 Source: Cavaliers and Pioneers, Vol. 2, Part 2, Patent Book 8, page 385
Henry Slade, Senr., 1078 acrs., being his seated plantation; Norf. Co., in Currotucke Precincts; upon the lower Indian Cr. of the Northwest River, 29 Apr. 1693, p. 311. Beg. neare Black Water roade; along SE side of sd. Creek to the mouth; to Mossy point; by path to Hector’s Damms; to mouth of Cyprus Br; &c. Imp. of 22 pers: Henry Avery, Will. Burett, Wm. Rundell, Evan Rundell, Wm. Price, Mary Wheeler, Robert Paine, Thomas Hubert, Susana White, Mary James, Lewis Servant, Hester Hardiman, Isaac Showard, William Mosse, Peter Proby, 4 times; Hanah, Mariah, Peter, Indians; Francis, a Negro.29 Apr. 1693
Henry Slade, 330 acrs., Pr. Anne Co; on NE side of the Northwest River; 29 apr. 1693, p. 306. Imp. of 7 pers: Lemuel Mason, Mary Davies, Thomas Moore, Joseph Blunt, Francis Loyd, Frances Evans, Mary Ross.
c1710 George Slade Chowan Co. SS 875/32
Slade, George. Jan. 23, 1710. Wife Mary, my boy James Packet; witnesses Daniel
Leigh, Richard Lawrence, Will Newland. (Early NC Will Abstracts) Chowan Pct.
March 4, 1713/14
Henry Slade, 353 acres on E. side of Matchepungo River, joining N. side of Slade’s Creek, his former land, a small Creek, Mouth, and Branch. Witnesses: Thos. Pollock, Thos. Boyd, N. Chevin, Wm. Reed, T. Knight (Patent Book 2)
1717 Joseph Slade
Dead without a will. Edward Francis in right of his wife Susannah, widow of deceased, Administrator. Jan. 3, 1717.
1718 Henry Slade Jr. Hyde Co.
To: Oldest son - William - plantation in Virginia on the head of lower Indian Creek joining land of James Warden, Co. of Norfolk; also 383 acres adjoining the Manor plantation "whereon I now live" when of age
Dau. - Dorcas - 1 feather bed and furniture to be delivered to her on the day of her marriage.
Wife - Abigail - one-half manor plantation with house for her natural life
Son - John - other half of manor plantation when of age, and at death of wife, other half. Until comes of age, whole plantation in hands of his mother.
Remainder of estate to be divided between wife and children as they come of age. If wife should remarry, estate to be divided, one-half to wife and one-half to children.
Executor - Wife - Abigail
Wit: Gi. Halliday, Will. Wynn, Richd. Wm. Silvester
1721 Henry Slade Hyde Co. 009 DB-1/299 009/AR
Henry Slade Bath County Parish and Precinct of Hide County
page 95 [224] original date; 3-15-1721 according to account used in England. No probate.
Two Sons: John Slade and Benjamin Slade, cattle, negro.
Son: Samll. Slade, tarr owing to me by James Bright and others.
Son-in-law: Benjamin Sandorson, cows.
Grandchildren: William, John, Samuell, Ebeaner[?] and Henry Slade, children of my son Henry Slade decd., their mother’s plantation.
Executor: Son Samuel Slade.
No signature. No witnesses. Remarks: No mention of recording
1729 Richard Silvester Hyde Co. Will written 30? Jan 1728; probate at court held in Bath Town, 10 June 1729.
In his will a wife is mentioned but he does not name her. It mentions a son Richard William Silvester and grandchildren Ebenezer and Henry Slade (minors). He leaves land to son at the Bridge town in Norfolk County, VA and land "in Machapungo River. To William Wormintun he leaves 2 bits of "ground in Virgia" at Bridge town.
1. Richard William (Richard II)
2. daughter __________ Slade ( minor children: Ebenezer & Henry)
1739 William Downing Beaufort Co.
Wife: Dorcas
Son: William Downing
Brothers in law: Henry Slade and Ebenezer Slade
Son in law : Thomas Lee
1740 John Avery Hyde Co.
Agnes Slade, the wife of an Ebenezer Slade, receives property from John Avery, Gentleman, in a will written 27 Oct 1740.1743 John Slade Hyde Co. SS 878/55 SS/AR
December Court, 1743
Sons: John (“the plantation whereon I now live”), Benjamin (land bought of John Smith Cooper), Hezekiah and William Hodges Slade (land bought of Francis Banks)
Daughters: Mary (wife of Benjamin Jewel), Sarah and Kezia Slade. Stock marks of children are as follows: William, “under square ye left ear”; Benjamin, “crop & an under bit and one slit in the Right ear”; Sarah, “under square the right ear”
Wife and Executrix: Abigail
Witnesses: Richard Leath, William Wilkinson, Uriah Collins. Clerk of the Court: William Barrow.
1746 Samuel Slade Beaufort Co. SS 878/45 SS/AR
December Court, 1746
Daughters: Elizabeth (wife of William Dunbarr), Hannah (wife of William Fosque), Jane (wife of James Blount), Susannah (“my manner plantation”). Grandchildren: Samuel Blount, Mary Blount (1 slave to each), Mary Dunbarr (1 negro), Samuel Dunbarr (plantation on south side of Pamtico River “att the head of Blount’s Creek and on a branch known by the name of good neighborhood branch”)
Executors: Benjamin Rigney and Jacob Nevell
Witnesses: Thomas James, Philip Shute, Mary Dunbar. Clerk of the Court: John Forbes.
1750 John Leath, Sr. Hyde Co.
Wife: Elizabeth
Sons: Charles, Peter, Thomas, Samuel
Daughters: Sary Leath, Francis Leath, Dorcus Leath, Casia Leath, Catherine, Hanna Hodges Slade
1752 Hezekiah Slade Hyde Co. 028 DB-5/241 SS AR
January 10, 1752. March Court, 1752.
Son: Jeremiah.
Daughters: Dianah and Rebecca.
unborn child
Wife and Executrix: Sarah.
1752 Harmond Hill
Son-in-law was Joseph Slade married to his daughter Ann. Ann was willed land grant of 350As which was willed to her son, when Ann Slade married Richard Grist II he purchased the property.
1759 William Fortescue Hyde Co.
Sons: John, Samuel, William
Daughters: Lurana Jasper, Rachael Fortescue, Jane, Philanda, Casandra, Winifred
Wife: Hannah Fortescue (I believe she was a Slade)
c1760 John Slade Beaufort Co. Source: Old Will Book, pp. 72, 73
page 93[219] original date 1-21-1760. No probate.
Wife: unnamed
Son: Major [minor], negro, 300A with Grist Mill
Daughter: Sarah [minor] negro
Daughter: Kathrine [minor], negro [later Cathrine]
Brother: Joseph Slade, plantation whereon I now live two years after my decease
Executors: Wife; unnamed, Henry Locksey?
Signed: Jno. Slade
Witnesses: Wm. Dunbarr, Thomas Jones, [another name too light to read]court 1760 Rebeckah Slade and Henry Lockey were executors to Jon Slade will
Ward: Catherine Slade guardian Lazarus Pearce 3-14 176? Beaufort County
Ward: Sarah Slade guardian Rebecca Slade 12-1761. 3- 14 1764 Lazarus Pearce Beaufort Cty
Ward: Major Slade-guard Henry Lockey 3-1-1762
Ward: Major Slade guardian Lazarus Pearce 6-14-1763 Beaufort County
1763 John Slade Hyde Co. Source: Orphans Book A; pg. 58
"of Hyde County" 12 October 1758 - Probate: March Court 1763
Son: Jeremiah
Wife: Elizabeth Slade
Dau: Jemima (not yet of age)
Dau: Dorcas Slade (not yet of age)
Executors: son Jeremiah and wife Elizabeth
Wit: Tho. Smith, Daniel Wells, Timothy Green
SOURCE: "In the Name of God, Amen" by Ellen A. Williams1764 Joseph Slade Beaufort Co. Source: Old Will Book; pp. 95-96
page 94[221-223]. Original. Date 4-20-1764. Probate; Sept court 1764, oath Rachel Bartholomew by Wyriott Ormond
Wife: Ann Slade, negro
Son: William Slade [under 21], 350A, negro
Son: Harmon Slade [under 21]; 200A E. side Little contenteny Creek I bought of my brother John Slade, negro, gun I bought of Capt. Grow?
Son: Benjamin Slade [under 21]; plantation S. E. side Blounts Creek which was bequeathed to me by my brother John Slade
Son: Joseph Slade, negro
Daughter; Mary Slade [under 18]; negro
Excutors: Coll. John Barrow, Harmon Hill. Signed.
Witnesses: Margaret Calef, Rachel Bartholomew
1766 Henry Slade Tyrrell Co. Source: Will Book 1; pg. 38
Wife: Ann Slade (her 1st husband was Lovick Worly)
Daughter: Millia Slade (Amelia?)
Daughter: Barbary Slade (Barbara?)
Son: Joshua Slade
Son: John Gray Slade [Bertie Co. will Feb. 1797] (wife Sarah Slade)
Brothers: Ebenezer Slade, William ?1766 Lydia Slade Hyde Co. Original Only at Archives
Son: William Slade I give on Shilling Sterling, to be Raised and Leveyed Out of My Estate, in full of his part and no more.
Son: Henry Slade I give One Shilling Sterling, to be Raised and Leveyed Out of my Estate, in full of his part and no more.
Daughter: Ann Eborne I give One Shilling Sterling, to be Raised and Leveyed Out of my Estate, in full of her part and no more.
Daughter: Dorcus Slade I give One Shilling Sterling, to be Raised and Leveyed Out of my Estate, in full of her part and no more.
Son: Reuben Slade I give an old Negro Woman named Jenny and three Cows and Calves and two heifers of two years old Each, in full of his part of my Estate and no more.
Son: Samuel Slade I give a Negro man named Jack with all in Singular my Right, Title, Claim and Interest to or in one moiety or half of a Tract of Land Lying and being on the head of Pungo River, to him and his heirs for Ever, With all in singular my household goods and Stock of horses, hogs, Cattle, Sheep, With all my Crop of Corn, wheat and all Whatsoever I have now in possession or is my Right, title, Claim or Interest, Whether by Book accompt or Otherwise, that is not heretofore given or Bequeathed, With Every part and parcel, Implements and utensils, To him and His heirs freely to be possessed and Enjoyed by them for Ever according to the true intent and meaning of this my Will.
Executor: Samuel Slade
/s/ Lydia [x] Slade
Witnesses: Joshua Tison; Daniel Tison1772 Benjamin Slade Hyde Co. Source: Record of Wills Book 1-2-3; pg. 33
Son: David Lot Slade
Son: Nathan Slade
Son: Furnifold Slade
Nephew: Samuel Slade (son of John Slade)
Nephew: Enoch Slade (on of John Slade) (Enoch deceased by 1785?)
/s/ Benjamin Slade
Witnesses: James Rawlins, William Slade, Jesse [x] Slade
Note: an inventory of the goods and chattles of Benjamin Slade, dec'd., was exhibited into June Court 1772 on oath of Dorcas Slade, executrix.1775 Daniel Slade Craven Co.
mentions Daniel, Eleazer?, John, Dorcas Becton, John D______?
c1781 Henry Slade Martin Co. WB-1/87
Sisters - Fanny Slade; Elizabeth Smithwick
Brothers - William Slade; Ebenezer Slade
Father - Ebenezer Slade
22 Jul 17821782 Hannah Slade Hyde Co. Record of Wills 1,2,3; pg. 100 Microfilm roll C.053.80001
Son: Ebinezer Slade
Dau: Lydia Leath (also written as Leith in other places)
Dau: Asenah Bell
Dau: Mary Slade
Dau: Keziah Porter
Son: Samson Leith
Wit: James Thomas; John Thomas1785 Enoch Slade Hyde Co. Source: Hyde Co. NC Court Minutes & Orphans Book 1756-85 Book II
On Motion Administration is granted to Sarah Slade on the Estate of Enoch Slade decd. who Entered into Bond in the sum of three Hundred Pounds With William Satterthwait and Nathan Slade her Securities and Qualified by taking the oath of an Admtr. Orderd that Letters Issue. An inventory of the estate of Enoch Slade decd. Retd. into Court on Oath by Sarah Slade, his Admtx. Ordered to be Recorded.
On Motion Administration is Granted to Nathaniel Tuley on the Estate of Thomas Anderson Decd. and Enterd into Bond in the sum of Two Hundred Pounds with Fedri.. Rew and Ebenezer Slade his Securities and took the Oath of an Admtr. Ordered that Leters Issue.1786 Benjamin Blount, Senr. Tyrrell Co. Source: Will Book 1; pg. 158 Will dated November 4, 1786
Item - I give and bequeath unto my beloved daughter Chloe Slade one negroe girl named Hettie and one boy Harry to her and her heirs forever1787 Hezekiah Slade Hyde Co. Source: Microfilm roll C.053.80001 - Record of Wills Book 1-2-3; pg. 162
Wife: Ann Slade
Son: John Easter Slade
Dau: Susannah Slade
Dau: Agness Slade
To: Sarah Meekings (no relationship named)
Executor: Thomas Easter
Wit: Ebenezer Jewell, John Fortesque, Jesse Slade?c1787 Ebenezer Slade, Jr. Martin Co. Source: Will Book 1; pg. 130
Children: Nancy Slade, Ebenezer Slade, Thomas Slade, Henry Slade, William Slade, Edmund Slade
Father: Ebenezer Slade1788 Ebenezer Slade, Sr. Martin Co. Will Book 1; pg. 138
Son: William Slade
Daughter: Elizabeth Southwick [Smithwick]
Grandsons: Ebenezer Griffin, Ebenezer Slade, Thomas Slade, Henry Slade, William Slade, Edmund Slade
Granddaughter: Nancy Slade
Son-in-law: John Grifens (dec’d)1789 Samuel Slade Craven Co. Will Book A; pg. 202
Wife: Mary
Sons: Lewis, Samuel
Dau.: Sarah, Nancy, Mary
Trusted friend: Ebenezer Slade
NOTE: Very Difficult to Read (too light)
1790 Reuben Slade Hyde Co. Record of Wills 1,2,3; pg. 197
Wife: Ann I give & bequeath my land & plantation and at her death I give it to my cousin, Reuben Slade. Ann is also to have Negro man Sam and Negro boy Cain and at her death to my cousin, Reuben Slade.
Exec: Benjamin Russell
Wit: John Fortescue, Ebenezer Slade
1791 William Slade Martin Co. Will Book 1; pg. 172
Wife: Ann Slade
Sons: Ebenezer Slade and his wife Liddie Slade, William Slade and his wife Lyddia, Henry Slade, Jeremiah Slade1794 Ann Slade Hyde Co. Record of Wills 1,2,3; pg. 233 Microfilm roll C.053.80001
Ann Slade---1 July 1793 - Probate: Feb. Term 1794 Hyde Co.
To: John Slade (no relation stated)
Dau: Susannah
Dau: Agness (of the 1800 will below)
Dau: Sara Golson (probably the same as Sarah Meekings in above will, 1787)
Son: Nimrod Meekins
Executors: Ebenezer Jewell & Jonathan Bell
Wit: Dorcas Easter; Prudence Jewell1795 Elizabeth Leith
Will of Elizabeth Leith left her daughter Mary Slade one negro (10 Jan 1795)1796 Samuel Slade Hertford Co. Will Book A; pg. 80
Wife: Polly Slade
Dau: Amy Slade
Will objected to by Silas Parker and Thomas Slade1797 John Gray Slade Bertie Co. Will Book E; pg. 2
Wife: Sarah Slade who was pregnant.
c1799 Henry Slade, Snr. Beaufort Co. Old Will Book; pg. 363
Wife: Mary Slade
Son: Henry Slade
Son: John Slade
Son: William Slade
Son: Samuel Slade (had a son named Jeremiah)
Son: Reuben Slade
Dau: Cady Slade (married Allbard?)
Dau: Mincy Pate
Dau: Lidair? Slade
Dau: Artiamiss Slade
Grandson: Adim Slade
1800 Lazarus Pearce, Sr. Beaufort Co. Old Will Book; pg. 366 Date: Jan. 31, 1800
Major Slade’s children; Uriah, Mary, William, John, and Benajah, negro in lieu of a negro I bought at Slades vendue and gave to my daughter Mary, the mother of said children of Slades.
Children: George Hill, Mary Lee, Lydia (dec), Lizzey, Rachel Bedscot, Sarah, Betsey, Abner, Edney and Lazarus , Mary Slade m. to Major SLADE
Orphan: Ann Salter, dau. of Edward Salter
Wiley Salter
Executors: George Hill Pearce & Frederick Grist
Witnesses: Wm. Conway, Reading Grist, John Grist
1800 Agnes Slade Hyde Co. Record of Wills 1,2,3; pg. 318 Microfilm roll C.053.80001
Agness Slade---25 Jan 1800 - Probate: Feb. Term 1800
Bro: John Slade
Bro: James Meekins
Sis: Susannah Slade
Executor: "worthy friend" John Gaylord
Wit: John Gaylord; Francis K. Moore
c1801 Ebenezer Slade Craven Co. Will Book B; pg. 124
Wife: Elizabeth
Sons: Philip, Ebenezer, William
Daughters: Nancy Slade, Cady Messick, Betsy Ann Slade
mentions: Jerimiah Slade who gets 1/5 (relationship not stated)c1807 Euridice Slade Beaufort Co. Old Will Book; pg. 447, 448
Original date Sept. 21, 1807 no probate
Niece; Mary Ann Crosby Worsley, daughter of Thomas Worsley, 2 negroes
Nephew; Josial Crosby Worsley, son of Thomas Worsley, negro and "such parts of the estate of my two brothers Joseph and John Worsley, decd. As due me as a heir." Sally Godley, daughter of John Godley, decd.
Execs. Brother Thomas Worsdley, Joseph W. Godley, Miles Blount
/s/ Euridice Slade
Wit. Bryan Blount, Mary Pearce[?]1813 William Slade
Death of William Slade, Esq. in Edenton, NC. William was born abt 1753 (60 yrs. old). Wife was Eleanor Slade who died in Dec. 1812. (all of their children were daughters). Oldest dau. may have been Nancy Slade who married John Beasley in Apr. 1799.1813 Furnifold Slade Hyde Co. Record of Wills 1,2, 2; pg. 479
Feb. 9, 1813/Probate: May Term 1813
To: William Slade, son of Stephen Slade, I give my land and tenements.
To: Benjamin Slade, son of Stephen Slade, I give 4 cows & calves.
To: Prudence Jewell, I give one feather bed, my mare and all my notes & accounts
The remainder of my estate to be equally divided between Prudence Jewell and my sister, Lydia Slade.
Exec: William Slade, son of Stephen Slade, and Prudence Jewell
Wit: Hector Scot, Juaneas Bell, Jr.1815 Jeremiah Slade Beaufort Co. Orphan Book A; pg. 242
Sisters: Artimiss and Linner Slade
“I make my [unnamed] mother and Icabud Pringle sole Exec’x of this my...”
Exec’x: Mary Slade
Wit: Samuel Pate1822 Henry Slade Beaufort Co. Orphan Book A; pg. 321
page 97 [229,231. Original date 3-7-1818. Probate Feb. term 1822, oath Warren Seely
Wife: Fanny Slade
Son: Henry Slade 30 acres
Daughter: Betsey Richards, $3.00
Exec: friend Jesse Robason
Signed by mark
Wit. Warren Seely[?], W. Davisson, John Clark1824 Jeremiah Slade Martin Co. Will Book 2; pg. 100
Wife: Janet Slade
Sons: Alfred M. Slade, James B. Slade, Thomas B. Slade, William Slade
Daughters: Mary Ann Henderson, Elizabeth Slade
1830 David Lot Slade Hyde Co. Original Only at Archives
Wife: Ann
Sons: John, Reubin, Laben, Daniel, Edmond
Daughters: Lydia, Emelia, Celina
c1832 John G. Slade Hyde Co. Will Book 5; pg. 449
Brother: Daniel S. Slade to have the land I bought of Noah Bell
Brother: Edmond Slade to have the land and plantation whereon I now live provided he never sells it. If he doesn't accept these conditions then to go to my Sister, Selina Slade.
Sister: Selina Slade to have one riding horse, also my right & title in the Negroes that I inherited from the estate of my brother, Laben B. Slade. If Salina dies without lawful heir of her body then to go to my niece, Martha Ann McWilliams.
To: Morgan Syl McWilliams all my right in 100 acs which was set off to Winafred Bell, widow of Noah Bell, for her dower. Abraham McWilliams and his wife Milly are to be permitted to live on said land until Morgan S. McWilliams comes to the age of 21.
To: Martha Ann McWilliams my right & title to 91? acres on Bell Island on Rose Bay, it being the land that was bought by my father, David L. Slade, from Wm. Bell
Exec: brother Daniel S. Slade
Wit: Nancy T. Moore, R.M.G. Moore
Note: In the 1835 will of Ormond Tooly, he gives 8 slaves to Polly Slade, wife of John G. Slade.
1835 Henry Slade Martin Co. Will Book 2; pg. 210
Wife: Nancy Slade
Daughters: Hellen B. Slade, Cloe Ann Hinton
Son-in-law: Noah Hinton
Grandson: Henry Slade Lloyd
Note: may have had son named William who died 25 Oct 1852
1835 Samuel Slade Hertford Co.
Wife: Polly Slade
Daughter: Amy
unborn child
Will objected to by wit. Silas Parker and Thomas Slade1843 Reubin Slade Craven Co. Will Book D; pg. 72
Daughters: Sarah Donnley?, Sally Slade, Mary Slade, Jacky Tipps?
Wife: Pricilla?
note: difficult to read1846 Ann Slade Hyde Co. Will Book 7; pg. 59 Microfilm roll C.053.80003
Granddaus: Martha & Ellen Selina M.C. Williams (McWilliams)
Son: Daniel S. Slade
Son: Edmond Slade
Exec: son Edmond Slade
Wit: Zacheus Fortescue1847 Rachael Walls Beaufort Co.
left furniture to her daughter Sally Slade. [at her death to go to her grandchildren - unnamed]1853 William Slade Martin Co. Will Book 2; pg. 387
Will of William Slade mentions wife, Penelope Slade
1854 Catherine Slade Craven Co. Will Book D; pg. 222
Sister?: Margaret Bogg in Dooley Co. GA. (wife of M. E. Bogg)
Note: very difficult to read
1854 Edmond Slade Hyde Co. Will Book 8; pg. 66 Microfilm roll C.053.80004
18 Nov. 1854 - Probate: Nov. Term 1854
Wife: not named
Son: Daniel E.S. Slade (will states age 2)
Guardian to son Daniel until age 21: "friend" Jones Spencer
Executors: Z.A.G. Bell & Jones Spencer
Wit: William J. Smith, J.R. Selby, W.H. Fortescue
1860 Sarah Slade Beaufort Co. Orphan Book L; pg. 145-147
Original date June 21, 1851 Probate Mar term 1860 by oaths of Israel Harding, Frederick Harding
Daughter; Rachel [Rachael] M. Godley then to her children [unnamed]
Executor; Friend Nathaniel Harding
Witnesses; Israel Harding, Frederick Harding
Remarks: probate; Nathaniel Harding refuses executor. Benjamin F. Harding appointed Administrator
Note: Sarah Slade -widow- 1860 mortality for Washington township Sarah Slade died age 80 in Feb. cause pneumonia she was ill 30 days1876 Zaccheus Slade Craven Co. Will Book E; pg. 130
late wife
Daughter: Susan F. Dudley
Relation: Gilly F. Pritchard, wife of Rev. F. H. Pritchard(Thanks to Ken Slade of Grapevine, Texas who kindly submitted these abstracts.)
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