Hyde County People Found in White Co., TN Records
SOURCE: White Co., TN Deed Abstracts (1801-1820); Vols. A-F Deed Books by Joyce Martin Murray
Deed Book E; pg. 415 - June 28, 1815 - George W Raymar to Christopher & Richard Midyett (no relationship stated), for $300, a tract of land on the waters of the Caney Fork (microfilm very dim). Wit: John Knowles, Sen., & Has. Townsend
Deed Book E; pg. 422 - Jan. 31, 1815 - Abel Hutson to Cason Swindell, for $60, a tract of 05 acres on the Caney Fork.
Deed Book F; pg. 10 - Feb. 24, 1817 - Richard and Christopher Midyett (no relationship stated), for $2.00, a tract of 1 acre whereon my house and mill stand. Wit: Benjn. Gibbs, Archabal Hutson.
Deed Book F; pg. 178 - Apr. 20, 1818 - Cason Gibbs to Thomas Robertson, for $64, 16 1/2 acres in the 1st Dist, on the Caney Fork, it being part of the land Gibbs now lives on and beginning at a stake in Joseph Walling & Joseph Smith on the North line of the Gum Spring survey.
Deed Book F; pg. 314 - Jan. 14, 1819 - Abel Hutson the Matthew Hutson, son of Abel, for love & affection, 184 acres on the Caney Fork, Wit: William Knowles, Isaiah Hutson.
Deed Book F; pg. 317 - Jan. 14, 1819 - Abel Hutson to Julianna Laurence, daughter of said Abel, for love & affection, 25 acres on the Caney Fork, beginning at the NW corner of 20 acre survey of John Templeton.
Deed Book F; pg. 318 - Jan. 12, 1819 - Matthew Hutson to William Laurence, for $60, 18 acres on the Caney Fork adjoining John Templeton's 24 acre survey, part of Certificate #1699. Wit: William Knowles, Isaiah Hutson
Deed Book F; pg. 335 - Dec 27, 1817 - Christopher Midyett to Uriah Gibbs, for $400, 111 acres on the Caney Fork & beginning at the foot of Gumspring mountain and adjoining the land of Richard Midyett. Wit: Cason Gibbs, Benjn. Gibbs
Deed Book F; pg. 380 - July 3, 1819 - Harrison Holland to John Mason, for $600, 100 acres in the 1st Dist. on the Caney Fork beginning in the west boundary line of Rolly Rolls 300 acre survey. Wit: Benjn. Gibbs, Richard Midyett
Deed Book F; pg. 401 - Oct. 22, 1818 - William White to Richard Midyett, for $80, 20 acres on the Caney Fork. Wit: Samuel Jarvis, Thos. Mays, Benjn. Gibbs
Deed Book F; pg. 410 - Sept. 24, 1819 - Bartee Gibbs of Hyde County, NC to Benjn. Gibbs, Sen., for $327, for Negro named Lue (?). Wit: Uriah Gibbs, Cornelius Jarvis
Deed Book F; pg. 411 - Feb. 6, 1819 - William Balch to Cornelius Jarvis, for $150, for 50 acres on the Caney Fork adjoining the Archa McDaniel survey. Wit: John Templeton, Uriah Gibbs
Deed Book F; pg. 414 - Dec. 16, 1818 - Cason Gibbs, Junr. to John Jett, for $1010, a Negro woman named Agnes, aged 30, and her 2 children, Sabre age 4 and Nancy age 2 months. Wit: Benjn. Gibbs, James Owens
Deed Book F; pg. 415 - Oct. 1, 1819 - William Lawrence to Abel Hutson, for $60, 18 acres on the Cabey Fork. Wit: Matthias Hutson, Isaiah Hutson.
SOURCE: White Co., TN Deed Abstracts (1820-1834); Vols. G & H Deed Books by Joyce Martin Murray
Deed Book G; pg. 173 - Jan. 11, 1822 - John Mason to Benjamin Gibbs, for 100 acres in the 1st Dist. on the Caney Fork, beinhg the west boundary line of Pooly Potts survey of 300 acres. Wit: Thomas Robertson, Joseph D. Robertson
Deed Book G; pg. 174 - Dec. 5, 1820 - Thomas Bridgeman to Levi Jarvies, for $200, for 50 acres, beginning at the SE corner of William Alston tract of 457 1/3 acres held by Grant # 2057 dated Apr. 17, 1810. Wit: Cornelius Jarvis, Cason Gibbs
Deed Book G; pg. 174 - Oct. 15, 1821 - Thomas Bridgeman, Jun., to James Purser, for $112, for 457 1/3 acres on Jenkins Creek, being near the William Alson tract Grant #2457. Wit: Jo. Templeton, Robert Mason
Deed Book G; pg. 339 - Feb. 23, 1824 - Christopher O'Neal and his wife Sally O'Neal, said Sally being one of 2 heirs of Isaac Swindle [another abstract says heirs of Jane Swindle] who is a legal heir at law of Jesse Swindle of Hyde Co., NC, sold to Richard Midyett of Wilson Co., TN, for $130, all their right to 1 undivided 1/4 part of 2 tracts in White & Warren counties, TN. The one in White Co. being on the Calf Killer fork of Caney Fork granted in #2813, beginning on a sink hole in Joseph Robertson's NW corner adjoining Robert Burton, being 514 acres. The other part in Warren Co., TN on the river was Grant #2412, beginning on the South boundary of Stubblefield's entry of 74 acres....the tract being 126 acres. Wit: Joseph Gaskill, Aaron Saddler. Acknowledged before John B. Jasper, CC & and Benjamin Sanderson, J.P. Sarah O'Neal acknowledge the same before said Jasper. Jonathan Harris, CHC
Deed Book G; pg. 607 - Mar. 3, 1827 - Uriah Gibbs to L.B. Fain, for $600, a tract begining at the foot of Gum Spring mountain and a line between Christopher Midyet & Richard Miyett and being 111 acres. Wit: Eli Sims
Deed Book G; pg. 626 - Jan 23, 1822 - Richard Midyett of Wilson Co., TN sold to Sarah Swindell now but formerly Sarah ONeal, wife of Christopher ONeal deceased, , both of Hyde County, NC, for $130, the undivided 1/4 part interest Midyett has in 2 tracts of land in White & Warren counties in TN lying on both sides of Calf Killers fork or the Caney Fork, Grant #2813, beginning in the NW corner of Joseph Roberts & adjoining Robert Burton and Joseph Burton land, 513 acres. The other tract on Grant #2412 adjoining Stubblefield's entry, 126 acres. Wit: Rowland W. Grssom. Thoams Harney. Registered Dec. 4, 1827
Deed Book H; pg. 128 - Oct. 14, 1829 - Christopher Swindle to Levi Jarvis, for $350, 3 pieces of land granted to Swindle by TN, adjoining John Townsend, Desha Randal and Ragsdale, being 38 acres & 36 poles. Wit: Robert Mason, Alexander Glenn, Junr.
Deed Book H; pg. 281 - Nov. 27, 1824 - Thomas Swindle of Humphreys Co., TN to William Marloe, for $250, 2 tracts on the Caney Fork granted to Swindle by TN, beginning on John Townsend's N. boundry line at the SW corner of Robert Glenn's and running to the corner of William Glenn's 30 acre survey. 30 acres in the 1st tract. The 2nd tract has 20 acres. Wit: Christopher Swindle, Nathaniel Marlow. [There is a statement that Thomas Swindle has died by Jan. 9, 1832]Deed Book H; pg. 128 -
Deed Book H; pg. 4434 - Feb. 10, 1832 - William Marloe to Caleb Mason, Junr., for $500, 2 tracts of land in White Co., TN on the Caney Fork and adjoibing the loands of Thomas Swindle & Robert Glenn. Wit: Joshua Moore,Alfred Merril
SOURCE: White Co., TN Probate Deed Book B (April 1837-June 1840)
pg. 122; Caleb Mason to Levi Jarvis - Deed for 108 acres of land in 3 tracts
Personally appeared before me, Nicholas Oldham, Clk., Joshua Mason & George A. Martin, the subscribing witnesses to the within indenture, who living first sworn, deposed and said they are acquainted with Caleb Mason, the within conveyor, that he executed the within deed to Levi Jarvis for the purposes therein contained which is recorded. Witness my hand at office the 27th day of July 1838. /s/ N. Oldham, Clk.
Pg. 142; Elizabeth Midyett to Richard Midyett - Letters of Attorney
Personally appeared before me, Nicholas Oldham, Clk., Elizabeth Midyett, wife of Richard Midyett, citizens of the county of White and State of Tennessee and being examined separate and apart from her said husband after having heard the foregoing letter of attorney read carefully and explained as to its nature she acknowledged voluntarily and understanding by executing the foregoing letter of attorney for the purposes therein contained which is recorded. In testimony whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the seal of said court at office in Sparta the 31st day of October 1838. /s/ N. Oldham, Clk.
SOURCE: White Co., TN Probate Deed Book C (June 1840-Jan. 1848)
pg. 33; Hiram Knowles issued a mortgage deed to Anson Gibbs on February 4, 1841. Witnesses: John Swindle; Cason Swindle
Pg. 51; Joshua Mason sold to Joseph H. McDaniel a tract of 90?/94? acres. This indenture was probated by Nicholas Oldham, Clk. of White Co., TN Court on May 14, 1841.
Pg. 53; Cornelius Jarvis made a trust deed to Oliver P. Sims, trustee for Levi Jarvis, Joshua Mason and Robert Mason. This deed was probated by Nicholas Oldham, Clerk of Court, on May 27, 1841.
pg. 55; Theophilus Kyle made a mortgage deed to Risi Jarvis. This deed was probated by Nicholas Oldham, Clerk of Court, on June 2, 1841.
pg. 63; Henry M. Gibbs sold to Wm. Knowles, Sr. 100 acres. This indenture was probated by Nicholas Oldham, Clerk of Court, on July 5, 1841.
pg. 68; Robert Mason sold to Nancy Glenn 190 1/2 acres in 6 tracts. This deed was witnessed by Gilmore Wilson and William C. Pascal and probated by Nicholas Oldham, Clerk of Court, on July 24, 1841.
pg. 136; Cornelius Jarvis sold to Thomas Holland 70 acres of land, This indenture was probated by Nicholas Oldham, Clerk of Court, on Aug. 1, 1842.
pg. 150; Levis Jarvis made letters of attorney to Joshua Mason. This was witnessed by Joseph Glenn and Gilmore Wilson and was probated by Nicholas Oldham, Clerk of Court, on Nov. 14, 1842.
pg. 312; Joshua Mason made a trust deed to W.G. Sims, trustee for the use of I G. Mitchell. This deed was probated by William Little, Clerk of Court, on June 15, 1846.
SOURCE: White Co., TN Probate Deed Book D (Jan. 1848-Oct. 1852)
pg. 10; Matthias Hutson made a trust deed to William Boson, trustee for Jesse Franks, John Swindle, Thomas E. Hutson, Isaiah Hutson, Waman Leftwich & George Dibrell. This trust deed was probated by George G. Dibrell, Clerk of Court, February 25, 1848.
pg. 174; Joshua Mason made a deed of trust to Joseph Brown, Trustee. This deed was witnessed by David W. Byrum and Samuel V. McMannes and was probated by Geo. G. Dibrell, Clerk of Court, on Dec. 17, 1850.
pg. 281; Levi Jarvis sold to Sarah Glenn 71 1/2 acres. This deed was probated by Geo. G. Dibrell, Clerk of Court, on July 24, 1852.
pg. 291; Levi Jarvis sold to John Knowles 145 acres. This deed was witnessed by Wm. Knowles and probated by Geo. G. Dibrell, Clerk of Court, on Sept. 16, 1852.
pg. 294; Abel Hutson sold to James H. Rhodes 5 acres. This deed was witnessed by Archibald Hutson and Joseph Knowles and probated by Geo. G. Dibrell, Clerk of Court, on Sept. 18, 1852.
SOURCE: White Co., TN Probate Deed Book E (Oct. 1852-Dec. 1857)
pg. 2; Cornelius Jarvis sold to Thomas Robinson 32 acres. This deed was witnessed by John W. Cope & Levi Jarvis and probated by Geo. G. Dibrell, Clerk of Court, on Oct. 4, 1852.
SOURCE: White Co., TN Court Minutes; Book 10 [WPA Records] (Oct. 1814-Apr.1817)
pg. 129; April 22, 1815 Abel Hutson to Cason Swindle - Deed of conveyance for 95 acres was this day acknowledged in open court by Abel Hutson for the purpose therein mentioned & ordered to be recorded. Let it be registered.
pg. 135; (Same date as above) George W. Rayman to Christopher & Richard Midyett - Deed for 200 acres was this day proven in open court by the oaths of John Knowles, Sen. and James Townsend, the subscribing witnesses thereto, for the purpose therein mentioned & ordered to be recorded. Let it be registered.
pg. 235; January 15, 1816 Levi Rodan to Cason Swindle - Plat & certificate of survey for 70 acres was this day proven in open court by the oaths of Edward Helton & Christopher Swindle, the subscribing witnesses thereto.
pg. 237; (Same date as above) Thomas Walling to Benjamin Gibbs - Deed of conveyance for 135 acres was this day acknowledged in open court by Thomas Walling for the purpose therein contained and ordered to be recorded.
pg. 243; Jan. 16, 1816 This day Rezia Jarvis was appointed adm'r. of all singular goods and chattels of Alexander Carr, dec'd., _____ administered by William Jarvis, dec'd., and thereupon took the oath of administrator and together with John Rose and Thomas Etherby entered into bond in the sum of $500.00. This day Rezia Jarvis, adm'r. of the estate of Alexander Carr, dec'd., returned unto court an account of the proceeds of the estate of the decedent.
pg. 515; April 22, 1817 Richard Midyett to John Templeton - Deed for 109 acres was this day proved in open court by the oaths of Cason Swindle and Cason Gibbs, two of the subscribing witnesses thereto.
pg. 520; (same date as above) Richard Midyett to Christopher Midyett - Deed for 1 acre was this day proven in open court by the oaths of Benjamin Gibbs and Archibald Hutson, the subscribing witnesses thereto.
SOURCE: White Co., TN Court Minutes; Book 11
Pg. 112; January 20, 1818 Christopher Midyett to Uriah Gibbs - Deed of conveyance for 111 acres was this day acknowledged in open court by Christopher Midyett for the purposes therein mentioned.
Pg. 144; January 24, 1818 A deed of conveyance from Cason Gibbs to Thomas Robertson for 16 1/2 acres was this day acknowledged in open court by Cason Gibbs for the purposes and things therein mentioned.
Pg. 290; January 18, 1819 A deed of conveyance from Abel Hutson to Julianna Lawrence for 25 acres of land was acknowledged in open court by Abel Hutson for the purposes & things therein mentioned. A deed of conveyance from Matthias Hutson to William Lawrence for 18 acres was acknowledged in open court by Matthias Hutson for the purposes & things therein mentioned.
Pg. 291; (same date as above) A deed of conveyance from Abel Hutson to Matthias Hutson for 194 acres was acknowledged in open court by Abel Hutson for the purposes & things therein mentioned.
Pg. 299; January 19, 1819 A deed of conveyance from William White to Richard Midyett for 20 acres was this day proven in open court by the oaths of Thomas Mays and Benjamin Gibbs, the subscribing witnesses thereto.
Pg. 430; July 24, 1819 Ordered by the Court that John Rose and John Wallace be appointed commissioners to settle with Rezia Jarvis, adm'r of Alexander Kerr [Carr in other places], dec'd., and report to next term of this court.
SOURCE: White Co., TN Court Minutes; Book 12
Pg. 3; Monday, October 18, 1819 This day John Rose, one of the commissioners here before appointed by this court to settle with Reissah Jarvis, adm'r. of Alexander Kerr, dec'd., returned into open court a report of their settlement which was ordered to be recorded.
Pg. 9; (Same date as above) Harrison Holland to Joseph McGowen - A deed of conveyance for 200 acres was this day acknowledged in open court by Harrison Holland for the purposes & things therein mentioned & ordered to be recorded. Let it be registered.
Pg. 166-167; Saturday, January 22, 1820 A deed of conveyance from William Lawrence to Abel Hutson for 18 acres was proven in open court by the oaths of Matthias and Isaiah Hutson, the subscribing witnesses thereto. A bill of sale from Barton [Bartee?] Gibbs to Benjamin Gibbs was proven in open court by the oaths of Uriah Gibbs and Cornelius Jarvis, the subscribing witnesses thereto.
Pg. 177; (same date as above) A bill of sale from Cason Gibbs to John Jett for Negro slaves named Agness, Sabra & Nancy was proven by the oaths of Benjamin Gibbs and Jarvis Owens, witnesses thereto.
SOURCE: White Co., TN Court Minutes; Book 13
Pg. 2; Monday, April 10, 1820 A deed of conveyance from William Lawrence and his wife Julianna Lawrence, to Abel Hutson for 10 acres was this day proven by the oaths of Isaiah Hutson and Matthias Hutson, the subscribing witnesses thereto.
SOURCE: White Co., TN Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions Minute Book (1820-1823)
Pg. 235; Saturday, April 21, 1821 Ordered by the court that Amos McGowen be appointed overseer of the road from the top of Gum Spring Mountain to the home of Joseph Franks, Esq. and that Joseph Franks, Esq. assign the bounds in which lands reside to work on said road, and that said bounds so assigned be released to the next term of this court.
SOURCE: White Co., TN Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions Minutes (1824-1827)
Pg. 99; Monday, October 18, 1824 Archibald Hutson & Darius Clarke were summoned as jurors to serve on January Term 1825.
Pg. 132; Friday, January 18, 1825 Archibal Hutson [and others] were appointed to the grand jury.
SOURCE: White Co., TN Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions Minutes (1835-1841)
Pg. 423; Monday, January 4, 1841 Amos McGowen, adm'r. of the estate of James McGowen, dec'd., returned into court upon oath an account of the sales of the property of the deceased which is ordered recorded.
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