John Smith Engravings (1624)

(Click here to see enlarged map)

Captain John Smith

Captain John Smith (c.1580-1631) was governor of the Virginia colony from 1608 to1609. He saved the floundering venture with his energy and decisiveness. In 1624 Smith published a Historie of his exploits in Virginia, illustrated by this series of engravings. They show him encountering and overcoming various perils, including being rescued at the last minute from King Powhatan's executioners by the monarch's daughter, Pocahontas. Also included was a map of "Virginia" showing the Algonkian villages which were located in the area of present day North Carolina. An enlarged version of this map appears on the following page.

Captain John Smith. The Generall Historie of Virginia, New-England, and the Summer Isles. London: Michael Sparks, 1624, p. 40.

Courtesy of Rare Book and Special Collections Division, Library of Congress.

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Carolina Algonkian Project