July 2, 1840 - May 15, 1929

From a Confederate Soldiers' Reunion photo.
Princeton, Caldwell Co., KY (ca. 1880's).
(Amos McGowen is the 2nd from the left.)

[ Lineage: Amos M. 5, Bryant 4, Joseph, Jr. 3, Joseph, Sr. 2, William, Sr. 1 ]

Amos M. McGowen, son of Bryant & Rebecca (Clark) McGowen), was born July 2, 1840 in White Co., Tennessee. In the Civil War, Amos was a Private in Company A of the 22nd Infantry Battalion, Tennessee Volunteers. Soon after the end of the Civil War, he accompanied his family to Caldwell County, KY. There, he married Alma Chambers on December 24, 1878. She was born in October, 1848, the daughter of W. P. Chambers of Caldwell County. About 1881, Alma had a child which died. Not long afterwards, Amos and Alma were divorced. Alma returned home to live with her father. It was during the period between his two marriages that Amos fathered a son, named Ollie C. Pollard, who grew up with his mother (name unknown). Family tradition says that Ollie moved to West Franklin, Franklin County, Illinois, where he operated an Emporium and became quite successful.

(ca. 1903)
Front row: Amos (1840-1929), Sarah Frances (1859-1939) and Robert Ramey (1898-1977)
Back row: Earnest (1887-1947) and Octa (1889-1963).

On May 18, 1890, Amos remarried to Sarah Frances Smiley, born in September, 1859 in Kentucky. Her mother was Susan Smiley. The 1910 Census showed that Frances had eight children, three of whom were living. Amos died on May 15, 1929 and Sarah in January, 1939, both in Caldwell County, Kentucky. They are buried in the Lance Nichols Cememtery located in between Princeton and Dawson Springs, in the same plot with his parents, Bryant and Rebecca McGowan.

(ca. 1922)
Amos & Sarah Frances (Smiley) McGowen in their later years.
Identities of children in the background unknown.

Children of Dempsey Bryant & Rebecca (Clark) McGowan:

1. Unknown child, born about 1881 and died young.

2. Ollie C. Pollard was born before 1885. Ollie was an illigimate cchild and the name of his mother is unknown. As an adult, Ollie was resentful of his father's family. It is believed he moved to West Frankford, Franklin Co., IL where he owned a mercantile store.

3. Bryanty McGowan, twin, died shortly after birth.

4. Rebecca McGowan, twin, died shortly after birth.

5. Earnest McGowan was born in May, 1887. He never married and spent most of his adult life in a mental institution. He had been injured by a blow to the head by his father. He died on Jan. 20, 1947.

6. Octa McGowan was born in July, 1889. About 1905, she married John Urey Peek. He was born Mar. 17, 1887 in KY, the son of Ben and Peggy (Hall) Peek.. He was a farmer and they had eleven children. Octa died in 1963 and Urey died on Jan.17, 1980.

7. Robert Ramey McGowan was born on Dec. 1, 1898 near Princeton, Caldwell Co., KY. On Nov. 22, 1928 he married Anna May Stewart in Princeton, KY. Robert died on Nov. 18, 1977 in Murphysboro, Jackson Co., IL and Anna Mae died there on Apr. 16, 1988.

Photos and information contributed by Pamela Jane McGowan Tippy & Perry McGowan, great-grandchildren of Amos M. McGowen. Thanks, Cousins!

Copyright 2003

McGowan Family History