1861 - 1865
Below are listed McGowans/McGowens of our family who served during the Civil War, including the spouses of McGowan women. If anyone has further information or photos on any of these soldiers, information on their lives before, during and after their service, or information on other family members who served, please let me know. I need your help. The Civil War has been called a war of "brother against brother," as indeed it was. Above the data on each soldier, I have placed either a Union or or a Confederate flag, and for a few men, both flags.
Caleb S. Boomer (1840-1913)
Caleb Swindell BOOMER (1840-1913), born in Hyde Co., NC; Farmer; Enlisted on Oct. 17, 1861 in Co. H, 33rd Regt. NC Infantry (CSA); mustered in as Sergeant but reduced to ranks on Sept. 6, 1862. The 33rd Regiment participated in a number of major battles as part of the Army of Northern Virginia under General Lee. Caleb was present or accounted for until he was wounded in the shoulder at Fredericksburg, Virginia, Dec. 13, 1862. Reported absent wounded through Feb. 1863; reported AWOL from Apr. 1, 1863 until Aug. 29, 1864. Retired to the Invalid Corps on Nov. 2, 1864, by reason of disability. After the war, Caleb returned to farming and was active in his community and his church, in which he was a deacon. He is buried in the Soule Methodist Cemetery in Swan Quarter Township of Hyde County. (f. Henry Boomer, m. Sarah McGowan (1808-1866); d/o James & Betsy (Hodges) McGowan; w1. (c1868) Martha A. Caffee; w2. (1873) Dorcas E. Midyette; w. (1876) Mary Ann Swindell.)
Note: Caleb was the great-grandfather of Gen. Walter Boomer, USMC, Ret., who was commander of the U. S. Marines in the Desert Storm Operation.
Samuel BRICKHOUSE (1840-1920), born in Tyrrell Co.; age 20, Farmer. Enlisted on May 16, 1861 in Tyrrell Co., NC as a Private in Co. L, 12th Reg't. NC Infantry (CSA); Present or accounted for until transferred on Oct. 15, 1861 to Co. A, 32nd Reg't NC Infantry (CSA). Present or accounted for until he deserted on May 2, 1862. On Dec. 29, 1863 he enlisted in Co. E, 2nd Regt. NC Union Volunteers (USA) at New Bern, NC. Missing in Action at Beech Grove, NC on Feb. 1, 1864; later returned to duty; transferred to Co. E, 1st NC Union Volunteers (USA) on Feb. 27, 1865. Discharged from hospital in New Bern, N.C. in May, 1865 and mustered out on June 27, 1865. Received a Union pension for service in the United States Army. Died Portlock Station (Berkley), Norfolk, Virginia. (f. John L. Brickhouse, m. Dolly Sawyer, w1. (1863) Nancy Cooper, w2. (1867) Carolina Richardson (1846-1879); d/o Willoughby & Mary "Polly" (McGowan) Richardson; gd/o Job McGowan, w3. (1879) Floria E. Simmons.)
James Green CARAWAN (1840-1875), born in Hyde Co., NC; Schoolteacher; Enlisted on May 15, 1861 at Swan Quarter as a Private in Co. B, 17th Regt. NC Infantry (1st Org.) (CSA), known as the "Hyde County Rifles". On March 26, 1862, the regiment was mustered out of Confederate service. On Oct. 25, 1863 he enlisted at Washington, NC as a Private in Co. B, 1st Regt. NC Union Volunteers (USA). He was listed as age 22, height 5 feet 71/2 inches, with dark complexion, dark eyes and black hair. He served with this unit for the duration of the war. Some of his duties during his service are as follows:
May 1863: Nurse in Regimental Hospital;
June 1863: Hospital nurse;
Aug. 1863: In charge of ordnance at Fort Jones;
Nov. 1863: On daily duty in Regimental Hospital;
Jan. 1864: On duty Regimental Hospital;
Mar. 1864: On duty at Hospital;
Apr.-June 1864: Absent sick in Hospital, Beaufort, NC;
July 1864: Absent sick in Regimental Hospital, Fort Macon, NC;
Aug. 1864: On daily duty in Hospital, Fort Macon;
Sept. 1864: On duty at Fort Macon;
Apr. 1865: Guard duty at (Cape Lookout) Light House;
He mustered out with the 1st NC Union Volunteers on June 27, 1865 at New Bern, NC.
(f. Mannen Carawan, m. Rebecca McGowan (c1803-1851), d/o James & Betsy (Hodges) McGowan; m. (c.1873) Mary Elizabeth "Lizzie" Chadwick (1851-1918).)
Zachariah EMORY (1832-1893), born in Hyde Co., NC; Farmer; Enlisted on Jan. 16, 1864 at Washington, NC as a Private in Co. B, 1st Regt. NC Union Volunteers (USA); Mustered out with regiment on June 27, 1865 at New Bern, NC. (f: John Emory, m: Olivia (___?___), w. (1870) Eliza Mason (c1849-by1910), d/o James Mason & Nancy E.McGowan (c.1821-aft.1883); d/o Job McGowan of Tyrrell Co., NC).
Note: Zachariah Emory's brother, William Emory, Co. H, 33rd Regt. NC Inf. (CSA) died Oct. 5, 1862 of wounds recieved at Shepherdstown, Va. His brother James H. Emory, Private, enl. Apr. 10, 1863 at Juniper Bay, NC, age 33, born in Hyde Co., NC; Cos. B & H, 1st NC Union Volunteers (USA).
Tilman Ferdinand JARVIS, Sr. (1842-1888), born in Hyde Co., NC; Farmer; Enlisted on May 1, 1862 at Hyde Co., NC, age 20, as a Private in Co. B, 17th Regt. NC Infantry (1st Organization) (CSA), known as the "Hyde County Rifles"; present or accounted for until the company was disbanded and reorganized on Mar. 26, 1862. Served in the same unit after reorganization, Co. B, 17th NC Infantry (2nd Organization) (CSA). (f. Jonathan Jarvis, m. Elizabeth Sawyer, w1. (1865) Mahettable "Hettie" Jane MCGOWAN (1844-1865); d/o Isaac & Dorcas (Carawan) McGowan; w2. (1866) Mary Frances Bridgman (1849-1871), w3. (1871) Dorcas Elizabeth Bridgman (1848-1876) (Mary Francis & Dorcas Elizabeth Bridgman were sisters and nieces of Hettie Jane McGowan, and d/o Jesse & Agnes (McGowan) Bridgman), w4. (1876) Mary Ann Holiday, w5. (1885) Louisa David Jarvis).
Thomas LIVERMAN (c1842- ? ) residence of Tyrrell Co., NC; Farmer; enlisted on Feb. 4, 1862 at age 20 in Tyrrell Co., NC as a Private in Co. B, 3rd Reg't NC Light Artillery (CSA). He deserted on Nov. 10, 1864. (f. Unknown, m. Unknown, w. (1865) Kezia McGowan (c1843- ? ); d/o Hardy & Malanny (__?__) McGowan; gd/o Job McGowan).
James MASON (1819-1882), born in Hyde Co., NC; Enlisted on Oct. 17, 1861 as a Private in Co. H, 33rd Reg't. NC Infantry (CSA). Present and accounted for until Mar. 1, 1863 when he was reported absent without leave. He was listed as a deserted on Jan. 15, 1864 and dropped from the muster rolls. He enlisted in Co. A, 2nd NC Union Volunteers (USA) on Nov. 18, 1863 in Beaufort, NC at age 44. He transferred on Feb 27, 1865 to Co. F, 1st NC Union Volunteers (USA) at Fort Macon to be near his son Jesse Mason (below). He was discharged on June 27, 1865 at New Bern, NC with the regiment. After the war, he lived near Leechville in Beaufort County where he was a laborer in a grist mill due to ill health. His ill health was due to being shot twice in a skirmish near New Bern, NC. He lost and index finger and was shot through the right leg just above the ankle. (f. John Mason, m. Nellie (___?___), w. (c1846) Nancy E. McGowan (c.1821-aft.1883); d/o Job McGowan).
Jesse MASON (1848-1878), born in Hyde Co., NC, Enlisted on Sept. 28, 1863 at Washington, NC at the age of 17 as a Private in Co. B, 1st Regt. NC Union Volunteers (USA); Mustered out with regiment on June 27, 1865 at New Bern, NC. (f. James Mason, m. Nancy E. McGowan (c1821-c1883); d/o Job McGowan; w. (1866) Harriett Higson).
James William McGOWAN (1847-1882) born in Hyde Co., NC; Enlisted as a Private in Co. I, 2nd Junior Reserves (71st Reg't. NC Infantry) (CSA). This regiment was composed of boys 17 & 18 years old in 1864 / 1865. Fought with General Johnson against Sherman's Union Army at Bentonville, NC, the last major battle of the War. There they yielded to the force of overwhelming numbers. General Joe Johnson, second only to Lee, with his small army, would soon capitulate to an army of invaders of far superior strength. The fate of that army was shared by the Junior Reserves. It moved with the brigade and the right wing of our army from Bentonville on through Smithfield, Raleigh, Durham westward until the final surrender April 26, 1865 near Greensboro, NC, along with the scar-worn veterans who had fought the Federal advance from Chickamauga, Atlanta, Savannah, Charleston, Columbia, Bentonville to Greensboro. The boys laid down their arms to return to their homes and enter again the paths of civil life. Each officer and man in the army was paid $1.25 in silver. The Junior Brigade received their paroles May 2, 1865, at Bush Hill, between High Point and Trinity College, in Randolph County. James returned to farming in Hyde County but died at the age of 35 in 1882. (f. William McGowan, m. Rebecca Davis; gs/o James & Betsy (Hodges) McGowan; w. (1873) Frances E. Berry (1852-1905).
Joseph McGOWAN (1837-c1871), born in Hyde Co., NC, a 25 year old farmer; Enlisted there as a Private on Oct. 17, 1861 in Co. H, 33rd Reg't. NC Infantry (CSA); present and accounted for until wounded in the head and face at Sharpsburg, MD, on or about Sept. 17, 1862. Reported absent wounded through Feb., 1863; Absent without leave from July, 1863-Aug. 1864; returned to duty on Aug. 29, 1864; retired from service on Feb. 14, 1865 by reason of disability from wounds. Retirement papers give his age at 28. (f. Isaac McGowan, m. Dorcas Carawan; gs/o James & Betsy (Hodges) McGowan; Not Married).
William H. McGOWAN, (c1839-c1870s) born in Hyde Co., NC; Enlisted there on May 1, 1862 in Co. B, 17th Reg't. NCST (1st Org.)(CSA), age: 23, farmer, height: 5'9"; present and accounted for; on Mar. 26, 1862 company disbanded and reorganized as Co. B, 17th Reg't. NCT (2nd Org.)(CSA); present and accounted for through Oct., 1864; detailed on Provost Guard since Sept. 15, 1864. (f. Isaac McGowan, m. Dorcas Carawan; gs/o James & Betsy (Hodges) McGowan; w. (1869) Martha A. Williamson).
William W. McGOWAN (1838-1862) from Hyde Co., NC; Enlisted May 3, 1862 at Washington, NC by Col. Potter. Age 23, Height 5'9"; Complexion: Light; Eyes: Blue; Hair: Brown; Farmer; Sergeant in Lt. Lyon's NC Volunteers (became Company B of the 1st Reg't. NC Infantry) (USA). Killed In Action at a battle at Washington, NC on Sept. 6, 1862: "Shot dead while gallantly trying to retrieve a field piece, all the maners of which had been killed;" Col. H.T. Leopold. Jan. 26, 1863, effects claimed by and given to his widow: 1 overcoat, 1 blanket, 1 pr. drawers, 1 pocket knife. [Britty was pregnant when her husband died and she named the baby girl Sarah Washington McGowan, probably after the town and battle in which he died.] (f. Hosea McGowan (c1805-1855), m. Nancy Liscomb, w. (1860) Brittania Spain).
Sylvester McGOWAN (c1818-c1900), from Hyde Co.; according to testimony given to the Southern Claims Commission in 1872, Sylvester claimed he served as a captian in the 2nd Reg't. Union Volunteers (USA) for three years, from 1862 to 1865. Not Yet Proved. (f. Levi McGowan, m. Sarah Eborn; gs/o James & Betsy (Hodges) McGowan; w. (1865) Ellen (Thomas) Chadwick).
North Carolina Sources:
-- "Roster of North Carolina Troops in the War Between the States," Compiled by John W. Moore; Raleigh, NC: Ashe & Gatling, 1882.
-- "Histories of the Several Regiments and Battalions from North Carolina in the Great War, l86l-'65". Walter Clark, editor; Wendell, NC: Broadfoot, 1982.
-- "North Carolina Troops, 1861-1865, A Roster," Compiled by Louis H. Manarin & Weymouth T. Jordan, Jr. Raleigh, NC: Office of Arch & Hist, 1977. Vol.VI, p. 130
-- National Archives Microfilm, No. 401, Roll 6: "Compiled Service Records of Volunteer Union Soldiers Who Served In Organizations from the State of North Carolina"; Washington, D.C. 1962.
--McGowan family genealogical information from John McGowan.
Joseph CLARK, Jr. (c1825-1889), born in White Co., TN; Private in Co. A, 22nd Infantry Battalion, Tennessee Volunteers (CSA). (f. Joseph Clark, Sr., m. Martha (_?_), w. (1844) Kessiah C. McGowen (c1826-1903) (d/o James McGowan & Nancy Morris; gd/o Joseph McGowan, Jr.)
William Riley HELTON (c1834-1922), born in White Co., TN; Enlisted on Oct. 1, 1862 at McMinnville, TN by Col. Murray as a Private in Co. A, 22nd Infantry Battalion, Tennessee Volunteers (CSA) for three years. On Jan. 4, 1863, Riley was listed as Absent Without Leave. He was then listed as a prisoner in the Dept. of WVa & East TN, but no date was given, and was under arrest Feb. 24,1863 through April. By July & Aug., 1863, he was present and accounted. The 22nd Battalion was merged into the 38th Tennessee Infantry Regiment in the Summer of 1863 and participated in a number of battles, including Sherman's March to the Sea. As part of General Joseph Johnson's Army fighting Sherman through Georgia and up through the Carolinas, the 38th was combined with other TN regiments into the 3rd Consolidated Tennessee Infantry Regiment. After Johnson's surrender, they were paroled at Greensboro, North Carolina on May 1, 1865. Riley married his step-sister, Roxanna McGowen. Her mother, Nancy (Morris) McGowan, widow of James McGowan (c1801-1840) married Riley's father Leroy Helton in 1845. After the Civil War, Riley and Roxanna lived in White County until about 1895 when they moved to Cherokee Co., Oklahoma with other members of the family, the Clarks and Hays. (f. Leroy Helton, m. Elvira Lawson, w. (1853) Roxanna McGowen (c1833-1916) (gd/o Joseph McGowan, Jr.)
Note: William Riley's father, Leroy Helton, enlisted on July 26, 1861 in White Co., TN at age 50 as a Private in Co. C, 25th Regt. Tenn. Vols. (CSA). He was discharged a year later at Tupelo, Mississippi on July 4, 1862. Also, two of Riley's brothers: James M. Helton and Lawson C. Helton, enlisted as Privates in Co. G, 16th Regt. Tenn. Vols. (CSA) and served with Ozias Denton McGowen (below) and Darius Clark. Both Helton boys were captured at the Battle of Perryville, KY.
Amos M. McGOWEN (c1840-by 1900) - born in White Co., TN, enlisted on Nov. 21, 1862 at McMinnville, TN as a Private in Co. A, 22nd Infantry Battalion, Tennessee Volunteers (CSA). One of the first battles he encountered was the infamous nine-day battle of Stone River, near Murfreesboro, TN between Dec. 31, 1862 and Jan. 2, 1863. After the Battle of Murfreesboro the 22nd Battalion was placed in General M.J. Wright's Brigade and that summer the unit became part of the 38th Reg't. Tennessee Infantry. They were engaged at Franklin, TN on Nov. 30, 1864 and opposing the Union Army in Sherman's march to the sea. In March, 1865 the regiment was with General Joseph E. Johnston's Army at Smithfield, NC. On April 9, 1865, the 38th formed part of the 3rd Consolidated Tennessee Infantry Regiment commanded by Colonel James D. Tillman, composed of survivors of nine Tennessee Infantry Regiments. As part of this regiment it was surrendered and paroled at Greensboro, NC on May 1, 1865. After the war Amos moved with his parents from White Co., TN to Caldwell Co., KY and worked as a farmer and a wagonmaker. (f. Dempsey Bryant McGowen, m. Rebecca Clark, m1. (1878) Alma Chambers (c1850-aft.1900), m2. (1890) Sarah Frances Smiley; gs/o Joseph McGowen, Jr.) See: The Southern Rebel by Pamela (McGowan) Tippy.
Ozias Denton McGOWEN (c1835-1862) - born in White Co., TN; enlisted on May 20, 1861 in Co. G, 16th Reg't. Infantry, Tennessee Volunteers (CSA). He was promoted to 5th Sergeant and then to 1st Sargeant. He was killed in action at the Battle of Perryville, Kentucky on Oct. 8, 1862 when General Bragg's army invaded Kentucky to bring it into the Confederacy, gather supplies and recruits, and to give battle to Union General Buell's Army of the Ohio. In the same battle, two of his step-brothers, James Helton and Lawson Helton, were taken prisoners. James died in a Yankee prison canp but Lawson was able to escape. Ozias' friend Darias Clark was also killed at Perryville. He had kept a diary until the day he was killed. These boys were unfortunate enough to be under the command of two of the Confederacy's worst generals in the Battle of Perryville: Gen. Braxton Bragg and Maj. Gen. Leonidas Polk. (f. James McGowen (c1801-1840) & Nancy Morris (c1808-1882), Not Married; gs/o Joseph McGowan, Jr.)
Note: On Aug. 8, 1863, Ozias' mother Nancy Helton, who had remarried in 1845 to Leroy Helton, accompanied by David Clark, a Justice of the Peace of White County, petitioned the Confederate States for "whatever may have bin due my Des'd son at the time of his death for pay, Bounty, clothing or other allowances as a soldir in said company and regiment..." It is unknown whether she received anything.
James Aumbers McGOWEN (1842-1899), born in Marion Co., Al, enlisted on Dec. 15, 1862 at Corinth, Mississippi and served for one year as a Private in Co. K & Co. A, 1st Regt. AL Cavalry, (USA). The 1st Alabama Cavalry operated in northern Mississippi and Alabama. He was mustered out of service on Dec. 22, 1863 at Memphis, Tennessee. He then made his way to Illinois (possibly Cairo, IL or Saline Co., IL where his father's cousin, Wiley McGowan, lived) where he stayed for the remainder of the War. (f. Walker McGowen, m. Jane Markham, w. (1869) Martha E. Bozeman (1840-1925); grandson of Joseph McGowen, Jr. (c1869-c1850s).)
Note: When the Civil War broke out, most people in northern Alabama, small farmers and miners, and weren't for Secession. Many refused to serve in the Confederate Army, just wanting to be left alone. Instead, when Confederate Army recruiters came to enlist or arrest them, they hid out in the hills and caves of that area. When conditions became unbearable, many of them made their way to Union lines on Mississippi or Tennessee where they enlisted in the U.S. Army. Some, who had be forceably drafted into the Confederated Army, deserted and later joined the Union Army. [See: William Franks]
William FRANKS (1841-1911), born in Marion Co., AL; enlisted in Co. A, 1st Alabama Calvary (USA) on Dec. 15, 1862 at Glendale, MS, along with his brothers, James, Peter and Jeremiah Franks and his brother-in-law, James W. McGowan. William was mustered into service on Dec. 31, 1862 at Corinth, MS and served was one year. He was present on all muster rolls during his tenure. During Nov. 1863 he was listed as in detached service at the refugee camp at Corinth, MS. He was mustered-out on Dec. 22, 1863 at Memphis, TN. His military medical records show that he was treated from Feb. 27 to Mar. 31, 1863 for Rubeola and from Apr. 8 to Apr. 17, 1863 for pneumonia at the General Hospital in Corinth, MS. Earlier on Feb. 2, 1863, William's older brother James Franks, had died in the army hospital at Corinth. For the first few months of service, the 1st Alabama Cavalry was headquartered at Glendale, MS. They were largely engaged in successful scouting and foraging expeditions in northern Mississippi and Alabama oweing to their acquaintance with the area. In early May of 1863, Brig. Gen. Grenville M. Dodge in a report to Maj. Gen. Stephen A. Hurlbut praised the 1st AL Cavalry for bravely charging Col. Phillip D. Roddy's Confederates at Bear Creek with unloaded muskets. Col. Florence M. Cornyn, who had been closer to the Alabamians in their baptism of fire than his Brig. Gen., was less complimentary in his report: "I ordered a charge by the 1st AL Cavalry, which I am sorry to say, was not obeyed with the alacrity it should have been. After charging to within short musket-range of the enemy, they halted for a cause I cannot account for, and the enemy escaped into the woods..." What Cornyn probably couldn't understand was that when these men came into musket-range of the Rebel forces and could see the enemy face to face, it came home to them that they weren't fighting some unknown enemy but friends, neighbors and in many cases members of their own families. Two companies of the 1st AL Cavalry were attached to Col. Abel D. Streight in his famous charge across Alabama against Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forest which ended in a battle near Gasden, AL. In Oct., 1863 the 1st AL under the command of Col. George E. Spencer, a force of about 650 men, was ordered to move out of Corinth toward Columbiana, AL. It's objective was to destroy the railroad from Line Station to Elyton. However, about 40 miles out of Glendale at Jones' Crossroads (present-day Red Bay, AL), the regiment was attacked by 2000 Confederates commanded by Brig. Gen. Samuel W. Ferguson, who scattered the small band, killing 20 and taking 40 prisioners. During the remainder of 1863 the main body of the 1st AL Cavalry remained in the Memphis, TN area recuperating. From time to time, a picked patrol or a company of this regiment was sent out on reconnaissance expeditions, sometimes skirmishing with Confederate cavalry patrols. After leaving the U.S. Army in late 1863, William went back to Marion Co., AL, where his wife and young son, James W., were living. Times were hard in Marion County during this time as people were starving. He took his family, along with two nieces, and travelled to Memphis, TN and boarded a river boat for Cairo, IL (possibly to join Margaret's brother James who was also living in Illinois). The Franks family lived in or near Cairo, IL for four years and about 1868 moved back to Marion Co., AL where he lived for about two years. He then moved his family to McNairy Co., TN where his brothers and their families were living. In about 1879, he moved his family to Itawamba Co., MS where they remained. (f. Lemuel Franks, m. Huldah Jane Gann, w. (c1862) Margaret Caroline McGowen (1843-1910); d/o Walker McGowen & Jane Markham; gd/o Joseph McGowen, Jr.).
Jesse A. McGOWAN (1841-aft.1900). born in White Co., TN. Private. May have served in any, or all, of the following units: Capt. Hubbard's Independent Command for one year; Co. H, 11th (Perrin's) Reg't. Mississippi Cavalry (CSA); Co. K, 41st Reg't. Mississippi Infantry (CSA); Co. K, 1st Confederate Cavalry (CSA). From "Hill County (TX) Trilogy" by Col. Harold B. Simpson, where Jesse last lived, there is also a J. A. McGown who served in Co. B, 12th Reg't. Texas Cavalry, (Wheeler's Brigade)(CSA) . In 1865 Jesse returned to Oktibbeha Co., MS but soon moved to Texas. He lived first in Henderson Co., TX, next, in Johnson Co., TX, then to McLennon Co., TX in 1867 for two years and finally to Freestone Co., TX in 1869. Jesse later moved to Hill Co., TX and he was still living there in 1900. (f. Samuel McGowen, m. Sarah Markham, w1. (1865) Deoliece Rosamond; w2. (1876) Louisa Williams; gs/o Joseph McGowen, Jr.)
Francis "Frank" M. McGOWAN (1842-1918) born in Alabama, Enlisted on Sept. 5, 1862 at Saltillo, Mississippi as a Private in Co. G, 35th Mississippi Infantry for a period of 3yrs.; trans. He was transferred on March 11, 1863 to Capt. Thomas R. Tobin's Company of Horse Artillery at Memphis,TN. They were attached to 15 Reg't Confederate Cavalry, and he was employed as teamster. They were captured at Vicksburg on July 4, 1863 and paroled on July 10, 1863. In Nov. & Dec, 1864, Frank was sick in hospital, and appeared on a register of Ross Hospital, Mobile, AL; complaint: febris intermitting tertiana, admitted: Dec. 28, 1864. He returned to duty on Jan. 8, 1865 and appeared on a Roll of Prisoners of War at Meridian, MS on May 10, 1865. He filed for pension in 1911 from Oktibbeha County, MS, listing his unit as the 35th MS. (f. Samuel McGowan, m. Sarah Markham, w1. (1867) Malinda Franklin, w2. (1873) Morier (Logan) Myers; gs/o Joseph McGowen, Jr.)
Joseph W. McGOWAN (1844-1929) served as a Flag Corporal in Co. K, 3rd Reg't. Mississippi Infantry; may have also served in Co. D, 7th Confederate Cavalry; buried Double Springs Methodist Cemetery, Otibbeha Co., MS; (f. Samuel McGowan, m. Sarah Markham, w. (1874) Emma Jane Davis; gs/o Joseph McGowen, Jr.)
Source: "The Roster of Confederate Soldiers, 1861 -1865" by Janet B. Hewett, Vol. X.
James McGOWAN (1841-1927) - moved with his parents from White Co., TN to Saline Co., IL around 1857. Enlisted on Nov 5, 1862 with his brother John in Co. H, 128th Reg't. Illinois Volunteers. When that regiment was disbanded about six months later, in Apr., 1863, due to mass desertion (only 161 men remained out of 860 in the regiment), James was transferred to Co. K, 9th Reg't. Mounted Infantry Ill. Vols. On May 14, 1864, while engaged in the first major battle in Sherman's invasion of Georgia and the March to the Sea, at the Battle of Snake Creek Gap near Resaca, Georgia, James was captured. He was imprisoned at Richmond, Virginia, probably at Belle Isle Prison in the James River. James was parolled ten months later, in Feb., 1865 and was discharged on May 3, 1865. He received three months extra pay for his time of imprisonment. He later moved to Conway Co., Arkansas and then Rooks Co., Kansas. (f. Wiley McGowan, m. Tabitha Morris, w1. (1866) Amanda M. Martin, w2. (1876) Eliza Ann Eaton, w3. (1886) Lilly Agnes Shannon; gs/o James & Betsy (Hodges) McGowan).
John McGOWAN (1842-1914) - born White Co., TN, moved with his family from White Co., TN to Saline Co., IL around 1857. Enlisted with his brother James in Co. H, 128th Reg't. Illinois Volunteers on Nov 5, 1862. Within six months, April, 1863, the 128th was disbanded due to dissertions. Out of 860 men, only 161 remained. John was also listed as absent without leave. He returned home to Carrier's Mill, Saline Co., IL, to help on his father's farm. He was also beginning to go blind due to illness during his service, according to his pension application. After his marriage and the death of his parents, he moved his family to Boone Co., Arkansas, then to Taney Co., Missouri. Probably sometime around 1907, John noved the family to Cherokee Co., Oklahoma. (f. Wiley McGowan, m. Tabitha Morris, w. (1868) Marinda Robertson; gs/o James & Betsy (Hodges) McGowan).
Henry McGOWAN (1844-1871) - born White Co., TN, he journeyed with the family to Saline Co., IL ca.1857. He was too young for service at the outbreak of hostilities. He enlisted on Aug. 23, 1864 in Co. G, 29th Reg't. Infantry Ill. Vols. (USA) at the age of 20. He was described as being 5'4 1/2" tall, dark hair, blue eyes, of light complextion, a residence of Harrisburg, Saline Co., IL and a farmer. In the Fall of 1864, the Regiment operated in Western Kentucky and Tennessee on routine patrol and in January, 1865 they were shipped to New Orleans. In Feb. and Mar., 1865 they participated in the continuous seige of Mobile, AL including the charge made against Fort Blakely on March 9th, which resulted in the capture of the entire defending force. They remained in Mobile until they were sent to Galveston, TX, arriving on July 9th. From there the Regiment was posted at Millican, Hamstead, Brenham and Beaumont along the Texas Central Railroad. The Regiment remained in the Eastern District of Texas until Nov. 6, 1865, when it was mustered out of the United States service. They were then placed enroute for Illinois and arrived Nov. 26th, receiving final pay and discharge, Nov. 28, 1865. (f. Wiley McGowan, m. Tabitha Morris, w. (1866) Julia Adkinson; gs/o James & Betsy (Hodges) McGowan).
John J. RUPERT (1836-1885) - John J. Rupert, born in White Co., IL; enlisted on Aug. 2, 1862 as a Private in Co., C, 87th Reg't. Illinois Infantry at Elm Grove, IL for 3 years and mustered into service on Sept. 22, 1862 at Shawneetown, IL. Description of John J. Rupert given as: age: 26, ht: 5' 11", hair: light, eyes: blue, complexion: light, martial status: single, occupation: farmer. The 87th Reg't. moved to Memphis, TN where 250 men in died or were disabled from the measels, They then participated in the siege of Vicksburg, MS from May to July 4th, 1863. There he became ill with lung disease. The regiment operated in Mississippi and Louisana and became a mounted regiment in Nov. 1863. They took part in the Red River Campaign from March to May, 1864. The regiment was mustered out on June 16, 1865 at Helena, AR. (f. John Rupert, m. Mary "Polly" Garrison, w1. (1857) Elizabeth Nelson, w2. (1876) Anna McGowan; d/o Wiley & Tabitha (Norris) McGowan). Anna (McGowan) Rupert died on July 14, 1883 and John J. Rupert died on June 14, 1885 from consumption. He was buried on the Holderby Farm, once the Sally Bryant Cemetery, in Emma Township, White Co., IL. The guardian of their sons filed for a federal pension, which was approved and began on June 14, 1885 at $8/mo., increased on Mar. 19, 1886 to $12/mo. The pension ended on Apr. 12, 1898.
Anson McGOWEN (c1821-c1861/3) Volunteer in Home Guard (?) (No Record Found); f. (___?___), m. (___?___), w. Lucinda (Philpott) Robinette (c1831-1912)
Russell G. JONES (c1823-by1880) born in Georgia; farmer in Texas Co. MO; Enrolled Aug. 15, 1863 in Co. K, 6th Provisional Reg't. Enrolled Mossouri Militia (EMM) (USA), which was formed to protect and patrol the area of southern Missouri. Ordered into service on Dec. 31, 1863 at Houston, Texas Co., MO by Lt. Wright. Served until Mar. 15, 1864. According to the regimental history of the 6th Provisional Reg't. EMM, this unit had the following service: "Operations against (Gen. Joseph O.) Shelby (Confederate Cavalry), Sept. 22-Oct. 26 (1863). Scout from Houston to Jack's Fork, Nov. 4-9, 1863 (Detachment). Scouts from Houston, Dec. 9-19. Ordered from Springfield to Rolling Prairie Feb. 6, 1864. Duty in Christian, Douglass, Wright, Dade and Stone Counties til July, 1864." Russell's brother-in-law, Morgan Sylvester McGowan, also served in this unit. After their discharge from the Army, Confederate General Sterling Price raided into Missouri in early 1865. Some Confederates from a regiment of Shelby's Cavalry forced Morgan, and his horse, and Russell, to accompany them down into Arkansas. They wasn't made to enlist nor were they imprisoned, but they couldn't leave. After about 4 or 5 weeks, Morgan and several others escaped and returned home. f. (___?___), m. (___?___), w. (by1850) Elizabeth P. McGowen (c1824-by1900).
[Goodspeed's Texas Co., MO History states that R.G. Jones served in both the Confederate and Federal Armies.]
Jesse McGOWEN (c1823-by1911), born White Co., TN. Enlisted as Private on Aug. 8, 1862 at Marshfield, Webster Co., MO in Co. G, 74th Reg't. Enrolled Missouri Militia, (USA). Served to Mar. 1, 1863; also from Oct. 6, 1863 to Oct. 24, 1863. Served a total of 223 days in the Union Army under Capt. Jones. Enlisted as a Private in Co. I, 74th Reg't. Enrolled Missouri Militia, (USA) at Marshfield in May 1864 . Ordered into service Sept. 25, 1864 by Gen. Holland until Nov. 15, 1864. Served 51 days. (f. Amos McGowen, m. Louisa (___?___), w. Margaret "Peggy" Mahan; gd/o Joseph McGowen, Jr.
Martin Ross McGOWEN (c1825-aft.1900), born in White Co., TN; Enlisted on Aug. 8, 1862 at Marshfield, Webster Co., MO, as a Private in Co. G, 74th Reg't. Enrolled Missouri Militia (USA). Served until until Mar. 1, 1863. Again ordered into active service Oct. 6, 1863 and served until Oct. 24, 1863. Served 223 days under Capt. Jones. Enlisted again as a Private in May 1864 at Marshfield, MO in Co. I, 74th Reg't. of the Enrolled Missouri Militia (USA) and served from Sept. 25, 1864 until Nov. 15 1864 under Gen. Holland. Served 51 days. (f. Amos McGowen, m. Louisa (___?___), m. Minerva Elizabeth Nance (c.1833- ); gd/o Joseph McGowen, Jr.)
Morgan Sylvester McGOWEN (c1825-1911), born White Co., TN; named on a list of Texas Co., MO men participating in the Missouri State Guard (CSA) (along with brother, Robert) in 1862. Enrolled Aug. 15, 1863, Houston, MO, age 36 in Co. L, 73rd Reg't. Enrolled Missouri Military (USA), under Capt. McKinney. Enrolled in Co. K, 6th Provisional Reg't., Enrolled Missouri Military (USA), by Capt. McKinney. This company was detailed on Aug. 31, 1863 and ordered by Lt. Wright into active service on Sept. 2, 1863 at Houston, Texas Co., MO and relieved from duty on Mar. 15, 1864. Morgan returned home and to farming. In early 1865, Confederate General Sterling Price raided into Missouri. Some Confederates from a regiment of General Joe Shelby's Cavalry forced Morgan, and his horse, and his brother-in-law Russell Jones, to accompany them down into Arkansas. They wasn't made to enlist nor were they imprisoned, but they couldn't leave. After about 4 or 5 weeks, Morgan and several others escaped and returned home. (f. Amos McGowen, m. Louisa (___?___), m. Martha Allen (c.1830- ? ); gd/o Joseph McGowen, Jr.)
[Goodspeed's Texas Co., MO History]
(Mildred's Scrapbook, Houston Herald).
National Archives Pension Papers.
Andrew DENNY (c1830-by1866), born in Indiana; married Celia McGowen in Wesbter Co., MO on Oct. 11, 1859. No Military Record Found; Goodspeed's Texas Co., MO History lists "Andrew Demney (sic) - Confederate." Andrew may have died during the Civil War. (f. & m. Unknown; w. Sealy (Celia) McGowen (c.1828-by1911).)
Note: The administrator of Andrew Denny's estate was Cornelius B. Lynch (below), who became Celia (McGowen) Denny's second husband on Feb. 14, 1867.
Cornelius B. LYNCH (c1814-aft.1880), born in Kentucky; Private, Co. B, 4th Reg't., Missouri Infantry (CSA). He was also named on a list of Texas Co., MO men who participated in the Civil War (16th Calvary) in 1862. (Mildred's Scrapbook - Houston Herald). (f. & m. Unknown, w. Sealy (Celia) (McGowen) Denny (c.1828-by1911); gd/o Joseph McGowen, Jr.)
Robert McGOWEN (1836-1911) born in White Co., TN; listed in the Missouri State Guard in 1862; enlisted as a Private, Co. B, 4th Reg't., Missouri Cavalry (CSA), known as Burbridge's Regiment. They were part of the 5th Brigade of the 2nd Division of the 2nd Corps in the Trans-Mississippi Department. He saw a great deal of service in Missouri and Arkansas. After surrender at the war's end, they were paroled on June 5, 1865. Robert's calvary cape had numerous bullet holes but he had never been wounded. (f. Amos McGowen, m. Louisa (___?___), w. (1868) Mary Ann Matilda Gentry (1834-1917); gd/o Joseph McGowen, Jr.)
Mildred's Scrapbook - Houston Herald
Goodspeed's Texas Co., MO History - State Guard
Samuel P. HUGHES (c1831-1899) born in Tennessee;
(1) Co. B, 14th (Wood's) Reg't. Missouri Cavalty, (CSA)
(2) Co. A, 6th Provisional Reg't. Enrolled Missouri Militia (USA)
(3) Co. H, 74th Reg't. Enrolled Missouri Militia (USA)
(f. Samuel Hughes, m. Emily (___?___), m. Frances McGowen (c.1833-1871), d/o Amos & Louisa (___?___) McGowen.)
[Goodspeed's Texas Co., MO History - Confederate]
* {In 1981, Etta Hughes Shepherd received the following from the National Archives: "Samuel Hughes - Co. B, Wood's Regiment Missouri Cavalry, CSA, Appears on a Roll of Prisoners of War, Mar. 29, 1864, captured at Longview, Ashley Co., Arkansas. Released June 23, 1864." However, the Missouri State Archives has no record of such a unit. There was a Col. Wood of the "Kansas Rangers" who operated in Southern Missouri at various times.}
Jasper B. GENTRY (1843-1872), born in Wright Co., MO; enlisted on Aug. 7, 1862 at Thomasville, MO with older half-brother, Lorenzo Gentry. Jasper was 19 and Lorenzo was 32. They both had grey eyes and were both 5'9" and both had dark hair. Jasper enlisted as a private and was later promoted to sergeant in Co. B, 8th Reg't. Missouri Infantry (CSA) in Gen. Kirby Smith's Trans-Mississippi Command. His regiment surrendered in Louisana at the end of the War. His parole papers, dated June 7, 1865, were issued at Alexandria, Louisana. f. Bartlett Gentry, m. Pricilla Munday, m. (1868) Bethany McGowen (c1849-aft1880); d/o Austin McGowen & Elizabeth L. (___?___).
See: 1863 Letter from Jasper B. Gentry to Bethany McGowen.
See: 1865 Parole Letter for Jasper B. Gentry.Source: Goodspeed's Texas Co., MO History - Confederate;
Diary of Captain Pinnell of the Eighth Missouri Infantry.
James W. McGOWEN (c.1830-c1909), Volunteer in Reserves (?) (No Record Found); (f. Amos McGowen, m. Louisa (___?___), w1. (1864) Mary A. Philpott (c.1836-c.1871), w2. (1873) Hannah Mary Herndon (c.1850- ); gs/o Joseph McGowen, Jr.)
Robert Samuel MAHAN ( ? -by1870), * (No Record Found) (Parents Unknown, w. (1860) Charity McGowen (c.1832-by1870).
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