Division of the Estate
of Henry McGowan (1882)

C. S. Boomer, Adm
In a/c with the estate of Henry McGowan, dec'd.

1882    Feb. 18 To a/c Sales                      $170.71  51.55   222.26


1882    May 17     Paid    W. A. Carawan            14.00   4.01    18.01
 "       "  21       "     Jno. S. McGowan           7.25   2.08     9.33
 "       "  "        "     H. L. McGowan             7.25   2.08     9.33
 "       "  28       "     H. J. Boomer             14.50   4.13    18.63
 "       "  29       "     D.A. Hathaway & wife      3.12    .88     4.00
 "     Sept. 6       "     Jno. J. McGowan           9.66   2.59    12.25
 "      "    1       "     Jos. Pledger & wife       9.66   2.58    12.24
1883   Jan. 1        "     McClaud Shff  taxes       2.68    .67     3.35
 "     Feb. 9        "     D.E. Hathaway            11.00   2.68    13.68
 "     Apr. 25       "     H. L. McGowan, Adm.       7.25   1.52     8.77
 "      "   27       "     Syl McGowan               9.62   2.02    11.64
 "     July 10       "     James E. Berry, Guard.    7.25   1.47     8.72
 "     Sept. 6       "     A. J. Whealton            3.10    .64     3.74
 "      "   24       "     Mary Banes                4.00    .82     4.82
 "      "   24       "     Jno. J. Rupurt            4.00    .82     4.82
 "      "   24       "     Rachel Hutchcraft         4.00    .82     4.82
 "      "   24       "     Alemeda Fowler            4.00    .82     4.82
 "      "   29       "     John McGowan              3.25    .66     3.91
 "     Nov. 16       "     McClaud Shff  taxes        .38    .07      .45
 "     Dec. 11       "     Jas. McGowan & F. Sutton  4.00    .77     4.77
1884    "   23       "     T. F. Jarvis              9.66   1.26    10.92
1882   Feb.  2       "     H. Bridgman  a/c                         30.24
1887   Mar.  2       "     A. Berry, Clk.                            7.54
 "      "    "       "     Debt @ 2 %                                4.92
                     "     Balance due estate                       20.22

To be distributed as follows: Green Annah Carawan                   14.00
                              Addie & Della Williamson               3.11
                              Mary, Sylvester & Jacob Tanner         3.11

                                        Caleb S. Boomer
Sworn & subscribed                              Administrator
to before me the 
5th day of March 
1887   Alex Berry
        Clerk Supr. Court

Hyde County     }               Superior Court
March 5th 1887  }
This was the foregoing account audited and approved.  Let it be recorded 
and filed.
                                Alex. Berry
                                        Clerk Supr. Court

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