Hyde Co., NC Deeds
1782 - 1900

As is obvious, the surname McGowan is spelled in a variety of ways by clerks down through history. Here I have used the original spellings. The below records were compiled and transcribed by John B. McGowan.

1 Jan. 1782 - Guardian Account of Samuel WESTON : leases annually for three years the following: Wesocking plantation to Elizabeth WESTON; Ridge plantation to Cason GIBBS; Berry plantation to Major NUTON; Joining plantation to Mary HARRIS; Lower plantation on Heron Bay to Joseph McGOWOND; and Upper plantation on Heron Bay to James MASON. Source: Hyde Co., NC Guardian Papers: Box C.R. 053.506.7 (High Tides, Vol. XV, No.1, Spring, 1994, pp. 23-24.)

Bk. I, p. 362 - 22 Sept. 1795 : Salathiel LAREY to Joseph MAGOUNE; 50 acres for 35 Pounds, on South West Bay joining Joseph LAREY'S. Wit: William MAGOUND, Joseph LAREY. Signed: Salathiel LAREY. {Nov. Term, 1795}

Bk. K, p. 210 - 7 Sept. 1796 : Joseph MAGAUN to Salathiel LAREY; 50 acres for 39 Pounds, on the SW Bay joining John DAVIS’s uppermost corner on the Lake. Wit: Joseph SWINDLE, Joab DANIELS. Signed: Joseph MAGAUN. {Feb. Term, 1797}

Bk. M, p. 369 - 18 Feb. 1804 : Thomas BRIDGMAN to Joseph McGOUND; 50 acres for 150 Pounds, lying on Mattamuskeet Lake on the SW Bay, beginning at Martan (?) BOOMER’S upper corner cypress tree at the lake side, to the patent line. Wit: Joseph SWINDELL, Shadrack DANIELS. Sogned: Thos. (hisXmark) Bridgman. {May Term, 1804}

Bk. O, p. 482 - 18 Aug. 1812 : Joseph MAGOUND to John MAGOUND; lease of 10 acres for $3, on South side of Mattamuskeet Lake on the West end of my land from my back ditch to the back line of my deed,. Wit: Wm. ASHLY. Signed: Joseph MAGOUND. {Aug. Term 1812}

Bk. Q, p. 371 - 1 Sept. 1819 : Elliott CLAYTON to John & Sarah (his wife) McGOUND; lease of 50 acres for 1/3 of crop. Wit: William LATHAM, Josiah HARRIS. Signed: Elliott CLAYTON, John MCGOUND, Sarah (her x mark) McGOUND. {Nov. Term, 1819}

Bk. S, p. 12 - 3 Apr. 1820 : Cason HARRIS to Levi McGOWEN; 25 acres for $50, lying on Swanquarter, beginning at HANCOCK’S. Wit: James McGOWEN, Isaac McGOWEN. Signed: Cason HARRIS. {May Term, 1820}

Bk. S, p. 13 - 3 Apr. 1820 : Cason HARRIS to Levi McGOWEN; 50 acres for $200, lying on Swanquarter, beginning at John FODDRY’S northwest corner, running to HANCOCK’S northeast line. Wit: James McGOWEN, Isaac McGOWEN. Signed: Cason HARRIS. {May Term, 1820}

Bk. S, p. 114 - 8 Mar. 1819 : Joseph McGOWEN to Samuel & Ann TOPPING; 50 acres for $1,575, on South West Bay on South side of Mattamuskeet, where Joseph McGOWEN now lives, at Isaac SWINDELL’S upper corner at the lakeside, now called Matthew BOOMER’S line. Wit: Benj. BRINN, Ira HOLLOWELL. Signed by Joseph McGOWEN. {May Term, 1821}

Bk. U, p. 260 - 10 Feb. 1824 : Allen MASON to James McGOWN; 8 1/3 acres for 4 Pounds; on West side of Heron Bay being my part of the undivided land that belonged to the heirs of James MASON, Sr.. Wit: Joseph McGOWN, Michiel MASON. Signed: Allen MASON. {Aug. Term, 1827}

Bk. V, p. 107 - 26 Sept. 1827 : Preston HAMBLETON to Levi McGOWN; 50 acres for $100; lying on Swanquarter beginning at the head of the Middle Prong of the Oyster Creek… to Benjamin JEWEL’S deed then to the home line of Foster JARVIS'S Patent. Wit: James McGOWN, Allen MASON. Signed: Preston (X) HAMBLETON. {Feb. Term, 1829}

Bk. V, p. 109 - 13 Jan. 1829 : Allen MASON to Levi McGOWN, 10 acres for $125; on South West Bay beginning on the Lake side at the corner between MASON and Nathan BOOMER. Wit: James McGOWN, Abraham BOOMER. Signed: Allen MASON. {Feb. Term, 1829}

Bk. V, p. 491 - 7 Jan. 1829 : Levi McGOWEN to John HARWOOD, 50 acres for $110; at the head of the Middle Prong on Oyster Creek… to Benjamin JEWEL’S deed.. to the home line of Foster JARVISES patent. Wit: F. JARVIS, Thos. BRIDGMAN. Signed: Levi McGOWEN. {Feb. Term, 1831}

Bk. W, p. 156 - 12 Mar. 1833 : Levi McGOWAN to Burrage HUDSON, 10 acres for $160; on South West Bay beginning on the Lakeside at the corner between Dorset MASON and Nathan BOOMER. Wit: Jordan P. DAILEY, Jesse GIBBS. Signed: Levi McGOWAN. {May Term, 1833}

Bk. W, p. 159 - 12 Mar. 1833 : Jesse GIBBS to Levi McGOWAN, 20 acres for $140, on Mattamuskeet Lake, land formerly belonging to Joseph JARVIS & wife & Simeon MASON. Witt: Jordan P. DAILEY, John MIDYETTE. Signed: Jesse GIBBS. {May Term, 1833}

Bk. W, p. 165 - 20 May 1828 : Levi McGOWEN to Preston HAMBLETON, 25 acres for $20; on Swan Quarter, beginning at HANCOCK’S line. Wit: Mannan CARRAWON, Washington CARROWON. Signed: Levi McGOWEN. {May Term, 1833}

Bk. W, p. 173 - 26 Sept. 1827 : Levi McGOWAN to Preston HAMILTON, 50 acres for $100; on Swanquarter… at John FODRY’S corner… to HANCOCK’s line. Wit: James McGOWAN, Allen MASON. Signed: Levi McGOWAN. {May Term, 1833}

Bk. W, p. 377 - 3 July 1833 : Allen MASON to Levy McGOWEN, 5 acres for $75; on South West Bay of Mattamuskeet Lake, at MASON’S and McGOWEN’S division line. Wit: Isaac McGOWEN, Wm. WILLIAMSON. {Feb. Term, 1835}

Bk. X, p. 333 - 15 Dec. 1837 : Doeset MASON to A.B. SWINDELL, G.W. CARROWON, Josiah HARRIS, Avery WILLIAMSON, Thos. BRIDGMAN, John MASON, James McGOWEN, Bryan ENGLISH, Wade SWINDELL, Willis NEAL, Joseph BRIDGMAN, Wm. MOSS, Levi McGOWEN, William C. WILLIAMSON, John EMERY, Carrowon BENSON, R.M.G. MOORE, Joseph S. MAY, Cason HARRIS, Lancaster BRIDGMAN, Albert FISHER, Wm. BELL, Jr., Nancy JONES and Hilery WILLIAMSON; one acre and house for $74.50 for the sole use of the South Mattamuskeet United Baptist Church, lying on the South Side of Mattamuskeet Lake, Heron Bay Point where said MASON’S family lived., to the Public Road to Henry BOOMER’S line. Wit: William BRIDGMAN & Elanour BRIDGMAN. Signed: Dorset MASON. {Nov. Term, 1837}

Bk. Y, p. 417 - 10 Sept. 1839 : David G. WESTON to William McGOWEN, 120 acres for $220; on South side of Swan Quarter road on Heron Bay, Leroy M. SWINDELL’S line to the back line of James CLAYTON’S Patent, East to Henry BOOMER’S line, to the bay, excepting only John Silvester WESTON’S lot which descended to him by the death of his brother Bryon WESTON. Wit: Dixon SWINDELL, Leroy M. SWINDELL. Signed: David G. WESTON. {Nov. Term 1839}

Bk. 1, p. 128 - 26 Dec. 1842 : Alban B. SWINDELL to William McGOWEN, 25 acres for $500; on Southwest Bay of Mattamuskeet Lake… Samuel TOPPAN’S (TOPPING’S) corner to Levi McGOWEN’S corner and line to the Lake . Wit: Thos. F. CREDLE, Zachariah GIBBS. Signed: A. B. SWINDELL. {Feb. Term, 1843}

Bk. 1, p. 199 - 26 Dec. 1842 : William McGOWEN to Nathaniel CREDLE, 120 acres for $500; on South side of Swan Quarter road on Heron Bay… running with M. SWINDELL’S to the back line of James CLAYTON’S Patent… to Henry BOOMER’S line… to Heron Bay, excepting only John Silvester WESTON’S lot which descended to him from the death of Brion WESTON. Wit: Thos. F. CREDLE, Zachariah GIBBS. Signed: William McGOWEN. {Nov. Term, 1843}

Bk. 1, p. 390 - 9 Aug. 1844 : Levin SAWYER to Henry McGOWEN, 25 acres for $200; on South side of Mattamuskeet Lake on the South West Bay… at Joseph S. HASTON’S corner to the Lake. Wit: Zion T. BRIDGMAN, Joseph FARROW. Signed: Levin SAWYER. {Feb. Term, 1845}

Bk. 2, p. 282 - 8 Dec. 1847 : Samuel G. BOOMER to Silvester McGOWAN, 1/7 of 50 acres for $5; on Mattamuskeet Buttes, being a tract of land which I heired from my Father, Henry BOOMER, beginning at the head of Long Tree Creek to the marsh division line between Cason GIBBS and Thomas JONES, dec’d.. Wit: M.S. GIBBS, J.F. LATHAM. Signed: Samuel G. BOOMER. {Feb. Term, 1848}

Bk. 2, p. 305 - 8 Dec. 1847 : Samuel G. BOOMER to Silvester McGOWAN, 33 1/3 acres for $400; on South side of Mattamuskeet Lake, being one half of a tract of land which Samuel G. BOOMER heired from his father, Henry BOOMER… at the Lake side between the line of the lands laid off to the heirs of Jon. W. SPENCER and Abraham BOOMER. Wit: M.S. GIBBS, J.F. LATHAM. Signed: Samuel G. BOOMER. {Feb. Term, 1848}

Bk. 2, p. 335 - 22 Feb. 1847 : Levi McGOWEN, Manan CARROWON, Silvester JARVIS,, a jury to lay off drainage ditch at Poor House for Thomas J. JENNETTE. {Feb. Term, 1847}

Bk. 2, p. 455 - 18 Feb. 1848: Bill of Sale: Tilson G. CREDLE to Henry and Anna McGOWEN, a negro girl by the name of Roday, about twelve years old. Wit: James McGOWAN. Signed: Tilson G. CREDLE {Nov. Term, 1848}

Bk. 2, p. 459 - 14 Nov. 1848 : Silvester McGOWAN for Edward ROSE, security bond on a note of $4 held by Thos. J. JENNETT; for security: one cow, (?) of hogs, all my standing crop and three barrells of corn. Wit: Daniel G. CREDLE, Henry JESTER. Signed: Edward ROSE. {Nov. Term 1848}

Bk. 4, p. 205 - 12 Mar. 1852: Samuel WARNER of Beaufort County to Hosea McGOWEN of aforesaid county, 50 acres for $200; in Hyde County on East side of Pungo River and South side of Slades Creek, beginning at Washington DIXON’S line down to the water’s edge at the mouth of Slade’s Creek. Wit: Bartemus SATTERTHEWAITE. Signed: Samuel WARNER. {May Term 1852}

Bk. 4, p. 331 - 1 Nov. 1852 : Henry BRIDGMAN to Sylvester McGOWEN, 10 acres for $250; on Rose Bay, on the North side of the Rose Bay Turnpike Canal, opposite Thos. H. BLOUNT'S old turnpike road that lead to Swan Quarter… to Jesse E. THOMAS’S line, to Dorset MASON’S line… to A.B. SWINDELL’S line of the land he bought of Levin SAWYER. Wit: James BRIDGMAN, Thos G. BRIDGMAN. Signed:Henry BRIDGMAN. {Nov. Term 1852}

Bk. 5, p. 260 - 12 Jan. 1854 : Sylvester McGOWAN, Henry L. SWINDELL & Dorset MASON to Sylvester McGOWAN, Dorset MASON & Burrage HUDSON, Committee for the Common School; 1 ½ acres for $1, for a school at Rose Bay adjoining lands now owned by Sylvester McGOWAN, Henry L. SWINDELL & Dorset MASON, on the NorthWest side of the ditch cut by A.B. SWINDELL, Henry BRIDGMAN, Jesse E. THOMAS, Thomas BRIDGMAN and Thadeus BROWN. Wit: A.B. SWINDELL, J.E. THOMAS. Signed : Syl. McGOWEN, Dorset MASON, Henry L. SWINDELL. {Feb. Term 1854}

Bk. 6, p. 48 - 6 Sept. 1854 : Henry McGOWAN to Burrage HUDSON, 25 ½ acres for $375; South West Bay of Mattamuskeet Lake, beginning at Burrage HUDSON’S upper corner on the Lake side, to the back line of the Patent, to Festus A. GIBBS' lower corner, to the Lake side. Wit: Green BRIDGMAN, Thos. G. BRIDGMAN. Signed: Henry McGOWAN. {Nov. Term 1854}

Bk. 6, p. 113 - 28 May 1855 : Festus A. GIBBS to Silvester McGOWAN, 33 acres for $1,000; on South side of Mattamuskeet Lake & East side of the Old Turnpike, beginning at a post in Jas. CLAYTON’S back line… to Burrage HUDSON’S line… to the Lake… to the Turnpike. Wit: Jas. F. LATHAM. Signed: Festus A. GIBBS. {May Term 1855}

Bk. 6, p. 140 - 15 May 1855 : Joel LUPTON, by D.M. CARTER, his attorney, to Rebecca McGOWAN; 17 ½ acres for $17.50; on Southside of Mattamuskeet Lake at Rebecca McGOWEN’S upper corner… to Rebecca McGOWEN’S lower corner which is the same as Samuel TOPPING’S NorthWest corner, to the lake water. Wit: E.L. MANN. Signed: Joel LUPTON, by D.M. CARTER, his attorney. {May Term 1855}

Bk. 6, p. 141 - 10 May 1855 : Joel LUPTON, by D.M. CARTER, his attorney, to Sylvester McGOWAN, 30 acres for $30; on Heron Bay at the North West corner of H.H. WATSON’S flats land to H. McGOWEN’S corner and line, then along the Lake. Wit: E.L. MANN. Signed: Joel LUPTON, by D.M. CARTER, his attorney. {May Term 1855}

Bk. 6, p. 233 - 16 June 1855 : Sylvester McGOWEN to Edward JONES, 30 acres for $36.40; on Heron Bay of Mattamuskeet Lake, beginning with the NW corner of H.H. WATSON’S flats land… to H. McGOWEN’S corner and line. Wit: Green BRIDGMAN. Signed: Sylvester McGOWAN. {Aug. Term 1855}

Bk. 6, p. 301 - 12 Nov. 1855 : Edward JONES, adm. of Burrage HUDSON, to Sylvester McGOWAN, 51 acres for $833; lying on the South side of Mattamuskeet Lake, being land that Burrage HUDSON purchased from Joseph S. HASTINGS & Green W. HASTINGS on 8 Mar. 1850 and from Henry McGOWAN on 6 Sept. 1854. Wit: N. BECKWITH, W.H. FORTISCUE. Signed: Edward JONES {Nov. Term 1855}

Bk. 6, p. 303 - 18 Aug. 1855 : Silvester MacGOWEN to Thomas JENNETTE, 24 acres for $1,025; on the South Lake, the Lake side at Samuel TOPPING’S corner… James CLAYTON’S patent line. Wit: Samuel ENGLISH, Hiram BRIDGMAN. Signed: Sylvester McGOWEN. {Nov. Term 1855}

Bk. 6, p. 335 - 1 June 1855 : Sylvester McGOWEN to James LATHAM, 10 acres for $375; on the North side of Rose Bay turnpike canal opposite Thos. H. BLOUNT'S old turnpike road that leads to Swan Quarter, to Jesse E. THOMAS’S line… to Dorset MASON’S line… to S. SWINDELL’S line. Wit: Needham CANADAY, Jepthia SADLER. Signed: Sylvester McGOWEN. {Nov. Term 1855}

Bk. 6, p. 336 - 28 Jan. 1856 : Power of Attorney: Joseph McGOWAN of Beaufort County appoints Sylvester McGOWAN my true and lawful agent and attorney for my interest in what hereafter becomes due as my distributive share of my Father, James McGOWAN’S Estate, Dec’d. Wit: William DAY, Henry G. WILSON. Signed: Joseph McGOWAN. {Feb. Term 1856}

Bk. 6, p. 367 - 11 Feb. 1856 : At May Term (1855) of the Court of Equity, in the case of Levi McGOWAN and others in a petition to sell lands, offerd for sale said lands on the 12th day of August when Edward JONES became the purchaser for the sum of $3,138.26:

Whereas at May Term of the Court of Equity for Hyde County a decree was had in the case of Levi McGOWAN and others in a petition to sell lands advising & directing the Clerk and Master to sell the lands therein set forth on a credit of six months and whereas in obedience to said decree the Clerk and Master offerd for sale said lands on the 12th day of August at the Court house when Edward JONES became the purchaser for the sum of thirty one hundred and thirty eight dollars and 26/100 and Whereas at November Term of said Court an order was made directing the Clerk and Master to collect said purchase money & when paid to make title to the purchaser. Now this Indenture witnesseth that for and in consideration of the sum of thirty one hundred and thirty eight dollars & 26/100 and in obedience to said decree I Nathaniel BECKWITH Clerk & Master in equity have given, granted bargained, sold, alianed, en(*) and conveyed to Edward JONES and doth hereby give, grant, bargain, sell, alien, en(*), and convey to Edward JONES, his heirs and assigns a certain piece or parcel of land situated in said County on the South side of Mattamuskeet Lake on the West side of Heron Bay Beginning at Samuel WILLIAMSON'S Southermost corner in the edge of the Lake running with the Lake So 6 West 116 poles to Samuel WESTON’S line at the edge of the Lake, then South 68 degrees & 30 West 80 poles to the back line of the new patent, then North 5 East 120 poles to Samuel WILLIAMSON’S corner, then with said WILLIAMSON’S line to the first station containing fifty eight acres of land more or less to have and to hold said lands to him and the said Edward JONES his heirs and assigns forever; and I Nathaniel BECKWITH do covennant to and with the said Edward JONES, his heirs and assigns to warrant and forever defend the title to said land so far forth as my duties as Clerk and Master enjoins and the powers confered require and no farther. In testimony whereof I Nathaniel BECKWITH have hereunto set my hand and seal this the 11 day of February 1856. Test: N. BECKWITH (seal) Will W. SPENCER

Hyde County ) Then was the execution of the within deed of conveyance from N. BECKWITH C & M.E. to Edward JONES duly acknowledged in open Court by said BECKWITH & ordered to be registered. Test Will W. SPENCER, Clk Registered March 25th 1856 By Green BRIDGMAN, P. R. {Febry Term 1856}

Bk. 6, p. 390 - 5 Jan. 1855 : Jonathan H. GIBBS to Henry McGOWEN, 56 acres for $600; at the head of Heron Bay, it being the 108 acre tract of land which Henry BOOMER owned at his death and which in the division this was allotted to James and Eliza… on the road side… the division line between Jon. H. GIBBS and Eliza BOOMER, excepting only the life estate of Sally [McGowan] BOOMER (widow of said Henry BOOMER). Wit: Riley MURRAY. Signed: Jonathan H. GIBBS {Feb. Term 1856}

Bk. 6, p. 423 - 13 Oct. 1854 : State of Tennessee, White County: Wiley McGOWEN of Tennessee to Sylvester McGOWEN, 54 acres for $100, on West side of Heron Bay, his interest in the lands belonging to the heirs of James McGOWEN, dec’d., (his father), beginning at a post in the lake side at Leroy SWINDELL’S corner running westwardly 80 poles to CLAYTON patent line, then North with said patent line to the Northernmost corner of the Tract, then East to the Lake, then with the meanders of the Lake to the beginning. Wit: James P. RASCOE & Levi S. HUDSON. Signed: Wiley McGOWEN. (7 Nov., 1854) Signed: George G. DIBRELL, Clerk of White County (TN) Court.

Bk. 6, p. 434 - 14 May 1856 : Joel LUPTON, by D.M. CARTER, his attorney, to Levi McGOWEN, 20 acres for $20; at Rebecca McGOWEN’S beginning stake... to Abram BOOMES’S corner… to the Lake… to Rebecca McGOWEN’S line. Wit: G.W. SWINDELL. Signed: Joel LUPTON, by D.M. CARTER, his attorney. {May Term 1856}

Bk. 6, p. 440 - 14 May 1856 : Joel LUPTON, by D.M. CARTER, his attorney, to Sylvester McGOWEN, 20 acres for $20; at a stump in G.W. SWINDELL’S beginning… to the Lake… at the old wash of the Lake to McGOWEN’S beginning. Wit: G.W. SWINDELL. Signed: Joel LUPTON, by D.M. CARTER, his attorney. {May Term 1856}

Bk. 6, p. 572 - 6 May 1856 : Dower: Samuel BROOKS, Sheriff of Hyde County attended by J.R. SELBY, Daniel G. CREDLE, Wm. M. CREDLE, A.W. SILVERTHORN, Martin G. SAWYER, Noah SLADE, W.L. RUSSELL, G.M. SWINDELL, Peleg JONES, Cornelius HOWARD, Ebenezer WILLIAMS, Henry O. TOOLEY, freeholders unconnected with Nancy McGOWAN, widow of Hosea McGOWAN, dec’d., and duly sworn came to allot and set off to said Nancy McGOWAN one third part of the plantation of said Hosea McGOWAN lying on Slade’s Creek, containing 110 acres, beginning at the side of Slade’s Creek, containing 36 2/3 acres including the dwelling house, etc. (Assigned by Sheriff and above named Jury). {May Term, 1856}

Bk. 7, p. 141 - 6 Jan. 1854 : Lott O. & Sally Ann EVETT (EVERITT) to Hosea McGOWAN, 60 acres for $120; on East side of Pungo River at Sandy Point to PARMELIE’S line of marked trees that was deeded the heirs of Johnathan BELL, dec’d., to the heirs of Mr. PARMELY., dec’d, then to the River, along the River to Slades Creek. Wit: J.B. MARSH, John S. KEECH, Alexander MASON. Signed: Lott O. EVETT & Sally Ann EVETT. {Nov. Term 1856}

Bk. 7, p. 159 - 6 Sept. 1857 : Mortage of John SPENCER to Sylvester McGOWEN, Note for $30.08; security given is my growing crop of corn, three head of cattle and twelve head of hogs. Wit: Hiram BRIDGMAN, William McGOWEN. Signed: John Spencer. {Sept. Term 1857}

Bk. 7, p. 402 - 20 Nov. 1855 : Joel LUPTON by D.M. CARTER, his attorney, to Henry McGOWAN, 6 acres for $6; at a stake in Martin HOWARD’S corner… to Leroy M. SWINDELL’S post… along the Lake to said McGOWAN’S ridge land on the South side of the main road. Wit: Geo. W. SWINDELL. Signed: Joel LUPTON by D.M. CARTER, his attorney. {May Term, 1858}

Bk. 8, p. 208 - 3 Feb. 1858 : DOWER: James S. JENNETT, Shff. of Hyde County, in the 83rd year of our Independence, attended by J.B.M. SWINDELL, D.W. JARVIS, Thos. H. CREDLE, Tilman F. CREDLE, John CREDLE, Thos. D. HARRIS, Geo. CREDLE, Elisha B. CREDLE, Anson CREDLE, James N. JARVIS, John MIDYETT, Leroy M. SWINDELL, freeholders unconnected with Rebecca McGOWAN, widow of William McGOWAN, dec’d., came to allot and set off one third of his land of about twenty acres lying on the South side of Mattamuskeet Lake beginning at a cypress post on the old wash of the Lake on the South West side of the old main road… to the back corner of the tract the same being the Levi McGOWAN corner, containing 8 ½ acres, including the dwelling house. (Signed: Sheriff & Jury). {Nov. Term 1858}

Bk. 8, p. 338 - 17 May 1860 : Martin HOWARD to James G. CARROWON and William H. McGOWAN, ½ of 1/10 acre for $100; adjoining the Canal which empties in the head of Heron Bay in Lake Mattamuskeet, it being the land said Martin HOWARD purchased of D.M. CARTER, attorney for Joel LUPTON, and is called Lake flat lands. Wit: Green BRIDGMAN. Signed: Martin HOWARD. {May Term, 1860}

Bk. 8, p. 391 - 18 Sept. 1858 : William LINTON to Jabez R. McGOWAN, 60 acres for $120; at the mouth of SIMMON’S Ditch… to LINTON’S Ditch Wit: Jesse E. THOMAS, Hezekiah BROWN. Signed: william LINTON {Aug. Term, 1860}

Bk. 9, p. 86 - 19 May 1862 : William H. McGOWAN to James G. CARROWON, ½ of 1/10 acre for $50; at head of Heron Bay on Mattamuskeet and lies below the Public Road which leads from Swan Quarter road to Lake Comford and in the angle formed by said road and the canal which empties in Heron Bay. Wit: Henry J. BOOMER. Signed: William H. McGOWAN {Aug. Term, 1866}

Bk. 9, p. 195 - 3 July 1866 : Polly HUDSON, widow of Burrage HUDSON, dec’d., to Sylvester McGOWAN, her dower right for $100; on South West Bay of Mattamuskeet Lake. Wit: Geo. W. SWINDELL. Signed: Polly ( X ) HUDSON. {July Term, 1866}

Bk. 9, p. 196 - 15 Aug. 1866 : Thomas JENNETT to Levi McGOWAN, 36 ½ acres for $550; on Swan Quarter in the John G. BLOUNT Patent where the G.T. VALLENCE patent line intercepts L.E. SWINDELL’S back line… to William CARROWON’S Patent line, then SW to the Lindon E. SWINDELL line Wit: Sylvester McGOWAN. Signed: Thomas JENNETT {Feb. Term, 1867}

Bk. 9, p. 291 - 2 Mar. 1867 : Levi McGOWEN to John J. McGOWAN, Deed of Gift: 50 acres in consideration of the Natural Love and affection I have for my son, lying on South West part of Mattamuskeet Lake whereon I now live… in CLAYTON’S back line… corner of the lands of the heirs of Abram BOOMER, dec’d., to the public road, adjoining land of heirs of William McGOWAN. Wit: Sylvester McGOWAN. Signed: Levi McGOWAN {May Term, 1867}

Bk. 10, p. 127 - 28 May 1868 : Linden E. SWINDELL to Levi McGOWAN, $1 for the privilege to drain 36 acres which said McGOWAN bought of Thomas JENNETT. Wit: Thomas W. HARRIS. Signed: Lynden E. SWINDELL {Jan. Term, 1869}

Bk. 10, p. 144 - 5 Feb. 1869 : Homestead: to Sylvester McGOWAN, 50 acres and 20 acres of Lake flats at a value of $800 and personal property valued at $398; formerly belonging to Burrage HUDSON, dec’d. Wit: Joseph M. WATSON, William B. TOOLY, Jr., Pelege W. SPENCER. {Feb. Term, 1869}

Bk. 10, p. 342 - 10 July 1869 : Mortage: Joseph P. Flowers to Sylvester McGOWEN, for $5.

Bk. 11, p. 128 - 8 Aug. 1870 : Tax Sale: George CREDLE, Sheriff, to Sylvester McGOWAN, 24 acres for $2.25, the unpaid taxes on lands listed by J.F. SATHERTHEWAITE, on West side of New Lake Canal and adjoining the canal of D.L. BURGESS. Wit: J.B. WATSON. Signed: George CREDLE, Former Sheriff. {Aug. Term, 1870}

Bk. 11, p. 350 - 13 Feb. 1870 : Ira H. TOPPING and Thos. A. TOPPING of Beaufort County to John J. McGOWAN, 24 acres for $350; in Swan Quarter Township at the old wash on the West side of Mattamuskeet Lake on the back line of the CLAYTON patent… to Wm. McGOWAN heirs corner. Wit: J.B. WATSON. Signed: Ira H. TOPPING, Thos. A. TOPPING, Eveline Ann TOPPING, Margaret L. TOPPING. {Oct. Term, 1869}

Bk. 11, p. 604 & 605 - 13 Feb. 1873 : Mortage: John W. & Cordelia VERNELSON of Pitt County to John J. McGOWAN, 76 ¼ acres for $750; on the settlement of South Lake, part of Samuel TOPPING’s (dec’d.) division, on the South Lake road leading from the Old Turnpike to Lake Landing, to CLAYTON’S back line. Signed: John J. McGOWAN. {Feb. Term, 1873}

Bk. 12, p. 89 - 14 Apr. 1873 : George V. CREDLE to John J. McGOWAN, 80 acres for $340, in Swan Quarter Township, it being one half of Abram BOOMER’s land on South West Bay and the lake flats in front of BOOMER’S land purchased from D.M. CARTER, at a stake on the bank of the Lake at James CLAYTON’S South West Bay Patent... to John J. McGOWAN’S line… to the line of the flats of John A. LEE and Martha LEE’S line. Signed: George V. CREDLE, Martha Ann CREDLE. {Apr. Term, 1873}

Bk. 12, p. 243 - 16 Aug. 1873 : Sylvester and Ellen McGOWAN to George CREDLE, Mortage: 130 acres for $132, in Swan Quarter Township at the head of the Lake, lying between the old Turnpike road and George W. SWINDELL’S line, and James CLAYTON’S Bay Patent and Mattamuskeet Lake, being the land conveyed to the Sheriff by Thomas M. JONES. Signed: Sylvester McGOWAN, Ellen McGOWAN. {16 Aug. 1873}

Bk. 12, p. 247 - 16 Jan. 1870 : Thos. M. & Sarah E. JONES to Ellen McGOWAN; $500 for 130 acres, in Swan Quarter Township at the head of the Lake, lying between the old Turnpike road and George W. SWINDELL’S line, and James CLAYTON’S Bay Patent and Mattamuskeet Lake, being the land conveyed to the Sheriff by Thomas M. JONES. Signed: Thomas M. JONES, Sarah E. JONES. {16 Aug. 1873}

Bk. 12, p. 273 - 25 Sept. 1873 : George CREDLE to Ellen McGOWAN, Mortage: $1 Quit Claim on the tract of land conveyed by me to the said Ellen McGOWAN which she has this day conveyed to Jerusha HOWARD. Signed: George CREDLE. (25 Sept. 1873}

Bk. 12, p. 284 - 25 Sept. 1873 : Sylvester McGOWAN and wife Ellen McGOWAN to Jerusha HOWARD, wife of Daniel HOWARD; Mortage: 65 acres for $1100, from my middle ditch... to CLAYTON’S line, to Geo. W. SWINDELL’S corner, to the Lake. Signed: Sylvester McGOWAN, Ellen McGOWAN. {25 Sept. 1870}

Bk. 12, p. 285 - 25 Sept. 1873 : Jerusha HOWARD to Ellen McGOWAN, Mortage: 30 acres for $1000, beginning at Henry L. SWINDELL’S corner on the old Turnpike Canal… to Dorset MASON’S line, to Thomas BRIDGMAN’S line to the old Turnpike Canal. Signed: David G. HOWARD, Jerusha HOWARD. {25 Sept. 1873}

Bk. 12, p. 286 - 11 Oct. 1873 : Ellen McGOWAN, wife of Sylvester McGOWAN, to Thomas BROWN, 65 acres for $1,232, in Swan Quarter Township, on the main road at Daniel HOWARD’S line, to CLAYTON’S Patent line, to the Old Turnpike Road… to the old wash of the Lake, with the Lake waters, reserving to Ellen McGOWAN a graveyard the size four rods square. Signed: Ellen McGOWAN. {Oct. 11, 1873}

Bk. 12, p. 287 - 15 Feb. 1873 : Power of Attorney / Mortgage: Sylvester and Ellen McGOWAN of Pamlico County to Alex BERRY to cancel a mortgage on Thomas BROWN for $1000. Wit: John J. McGOWAN. Signed: S. McGOWAN, Ellen McGOWAN. {15 Feb. 1884}

Bk. 12, p. 341 - 4 Nov. 1873 : Reubin BENSON to James W. McGOWAN, 23 acres for $350; in Lake Landing Township in Juniper Bay District, adjoining lands of John BERRY, reference a deed from Marshall H. SWINDELL to Tully WILLIAMSON (See Below).

Bk. 12, p. 342 - 4 Nov. 1873 : Mortgage: James W. McGOWAN to Reubin BENSON, $300 due 1 Jan. 1875 for 23 acres.

(See Above)

Bk. 5, pp. 290-91 - 7 Jan., 1854 : Indenture between Marshall H. SWINDELL and Tully WILLIAMSON, $1500 for several tracts of land; a tract of land sold by Robert FISHER to Reuben BENSON the 6th of Jan. 1818 lying between Juniper Bay and Mattamuskeet Lake beginning at Benj. BOOMER’s upper corner on James ENGLISH’s east ditch…. including 38 acres; Also one other tract sold by James CREDLE to Reuben BENSON on 27th Nov. 1826 lying between Juniper Bay and Mattamuskeet Lake beginning at Thomas ENGLISHes westerly line in David GREEN’S Patent, to Juniper Bay road, containing 70 acres subject to a reservation of 20 acres covered by the deed of William MURRAY to his son David MURRAY. Also 1/6 part of an undivided tract lying betwen Machupungo Bluff and SwanQuarter Bay on the east side of Doe Cove of said Bay containing 200 acres more or less; Also 1/6 part of one other tract being in SwanQuarter at Thomas MASON’s back corner of Zachariah JARVIS patent… to Jesse Jarvises line… to Roger Mason’s line… containing 50 acres. Wit: Wm. WATSON.

Bk. 5, pp. 328-29 - 16 Mar. 1854 : Indenture between Tully WILLIAMSON and Reuben BENSON; $1550 for several tracts of land; a tract of lying between Juniper Bay and Mattamuskeet Lake beginning at Thomas ENGLISHes in David GREEN’s patent… to the side of Juniper Bay Road, containing 70 acres subject to a reservation of 20 acres that William MURRAY conveyed by deed to his son David MURRAY om 27 Nov. 1826. Also one other tract which was sold by Robertson FISHER to Reuben BENSON lying between Juniper Bay and Mattamuskeet Lake beginning at Benjamin BOOMER’s upper corner and james ENGLISH’s ditch… including 38 acres and bearing the date of 6 Jan. 1818. Also 1/6 part of an undivided tract lying betwen Machupungo Bluff and SwanQuarter Bay on the east side of Doe Cove of said Bay containing 200 acres more or less; Also 1/6 part of one other tract being in SwanQuarter at Thomas MASON’s back corner of Zachariah JARVIS patent… to Jesse JARVIS’s line… to Roger MASON’s line… containing 50 acres. Wit: G.W. SWINDELL, Jordan BELL.

Bk. 12, p. 589 - 12 Oct. 1874 : Wm. B. TOOLY, Ser. & wife Nancy T.M. TOOLY to Eleanor McGOWAN, wife of Sylvester McGOWAN; 93 acres for $175, on Rose Bay, a tract of land which A.B. SWINDELL, dec’d., possessed and descended to Nancy T.M. TOOLY. Wit: L.E. SWINDELL. Signed: Wm. B. TOOLY, Ser., Nancy T.M. TOOLY. {16 Oct. 1874}

Bk. 12, p. 597 - 14 Oct. 1874 : Henry L. SWINDELL to Ellen McGOWAN; 50 acres for $300; on the North side of Rose Bay adjoining the lands of Dorset MASON, dec’d., to Nathaniel TOOLY’S survey, to the head of the canal creek, to the ditch that John G. BLOUNT cut to make a road to Swan Quarter, to Ellen MCGOWAN’S corner. Wit: Riley B. STOTESBURY. Signed: H. L. SWINDELL, Margaret A. SWINDELL. {23 Oct. 1874}

Bk. 12, p. 598 - 14 Oct. 1874 : Henry L. SWINDELL to Ellen McGOWAN; 93 acres for $500; in Swan Quarter Township known as the A.B. SWINDELL land adjacent the lands of H.L. SWINDELL and T.D. SWINDELL on the North, by the lands of T.D. SWINDELL on the East, on the South by Rose Bay Creek and on the West by lands of H.L. SWINDELL; Wit: Riley B. STOTESBURY. Signed: H. L. SWINDELL, Margaret A. SWINDELL. {14 Oct. 1874}

Bk. 13, p. 378 - 6 Sept. 1875 : James W. McGOWAN and wife, Fanny E. McGOWAN, to Stephen B. EMORY, 23 acres for $300, in Lake Landing Township in Juniper Bay District, land purchased from Reubin BENSON, and known as the Tully WILLIAMSON land; Mortgage due 10 Mar. 1876. Wit: Zacheus EMORY. Signed: James W. McGOWAN, Fanny E. McGOWAN. {13 Nov. 1875} Marked Paid.

Bk. 14, p. 324 - 15 Jan. 1878 : Ellen McGOWAN to Albert CARTWRIGHT; 80 acres for $1,000; on the North side of Rose Bay adjoining lands of Dorset MASON, dec’d., to the G.W. CARAWAN ditch… Nathaniel TOOLY’S survey, to the head of the Canal Creek… to John BRIDGMAN’S corner to the back line of the tract formerly owned by Dorset MASON. Signed: Sylvester McGOWAN & Ellen McGOWAN. {16 Jan. 1878}

Bk. 14, p. 326 - 15 Jan. 1878 : Ellen McGOWAN to Albert CARTWRIGHT; 93 acres for $1,000; in Swan Quarter Township known as the A.B. SWINDELL land bounded on the North & East by the old & new Turnpike roads, on the SW by the lands of A.C. SWINDELL and Rose Bay Creek. Signed by Sylvester McGOWAN, Ellen McGOWAN. {16 Jan. 1878}

Bk. 14, p. 359 - 4 Mar. 1878 : Silvester & Ellen McGOWAN to Thos. H. LATHAM; 24 acres for $25; in Currituck Township on the West side of New Lake Canal adjoining the lands of D.L. BURGESS... AT Wm. WINFIELD'S corner at the canal bank; Wit: Daniel L. BURGESS. {Mar. Term 1878}

Bk. 14, p. 396 - 4 Feb. 1874 : Sally Ann WILLIAMSON to James W. McGOWAN; her dower thirds for $60, lying on Juniper bay adjoining John BERRY, land sold by Marshall H. SWINDELL to Tully WILLIAMSON. Wit: David MURRAY, Henry L. McGOWAN. Signed: Sally Ann (X) WILLIAMSON {May Term, 1878}

Bk. 14, p. 574 - 1 Jan. 1879 : John J. McGOWAN & Sarah F. McGOWAN to John BERRY; 76 ¼ acres for $518.91; known as the Sam’l. TOPPING land which I purchased of J.W. VERNELSON & wife, on the South Lake road leading from the Old Turnpike to Lake Landing ... to CLAYTON'S back line, to Samuel TOPPING'S heirs corner, to the waters of the Lake; a mortgage due 1 Jan. 1880. Wit: Alex. BERRY. Signed: John J. McGOWAN, Sarah F. McGOWAN. {April 1879}

Bk. 15, p. 113 - 21 June 1879 : Marshal H. & Dorcas SWINDELL to James W. McGOWAN; 23 acres in Lake Landing Township, Juniper Bay District, adjoining lands of said James W. McGOWAN and S.B. EMORY; Mortgage of $250 due 1 Jan. 1885; Wit: H.L. McGOWAN, B.H. SWINDELL. Signed: Marshal H. SWINDELL, Dorcas SWINDELL. {June 26, 1879}

Bk. 15, p. 234 - 12 Apr. 1880 : J.J. McGOWAN & Sarah F. McGOWAN, his wife, to H.W. WAHAB; 24 acres for $150; in Swan Quarter Township, at the Lake, to the back line of the CLAYTON Patent, to Wm. MCGOWAN heirs corner, to the old wash of the Lake; Wit: B.G. CREDLE. Signed: John J. McGOWAN, Sarah F. McGOWAN. {April 1880}

Bk. 16, p. 253 - 13 Feb. 1882 : John S. McGOWAN and wife Florence McGOWAN of New Berne, N.C. and Henry L. McGOWAN and wife Gildeppie D. McGOWAN to James W. McGOWAN; 50 acres for $200; land adjoining the lands of Jno. J. McGOWAN on the South West Bay of Mattamuskeet lake in James CLAYTON'S Patent, it being the land heired from William McGOWAN, at a stake in the public road... McGOWAN'S line, CLAYTON'S back line, to the corne of the land that John J. McGOWAN purchased of Thos. and Ira TOPPING, to the Waters of the Lake. Signed: John S. McGOWAN, Florence McGOWAN, Henry L. McGOWAN, Gildeppie D. McGOWAN. {Feb. 1882}

Bk. 16, p. 558 - 22 Nov. 1883 : H.G. McCLAUD, Sheriff, attended by Seth O. HARRIS, R.B. WESTON, and R.D. HARRIS, jurors, to allot and set off to Fanny McGOWAN, widow of Jas. W. McGOWAN, her dower of the tract of land lying on Juniper Bay and bounded on the West by the Juniper Bay road, on the South by the lands of John BERRY, on the East by the lands of the heirs of Jno. R. DONNELL, and on the North by the lands of M.H. SWINDELL, containing 23 acres with all the buildings, etc. Fanny McGOWAN vs. Dorman S. McGOWAN, Ethel McGOWAN and James W. McGOWAN. {MAY 21, 1884}

Bk. 17, p. 169 - 3 Feb. 1883 : Sylvester McGOWAN and Ellen McGOWAN, his wife, of Pamlico Co. to W.S. HARRIS; 37 ½ acres for $50, in Swan Quarter in the John G. BLOUNT Patent, land that Thomas JENNETT sold to Levi McGOWAN. At G.T. VALLANCE patant line, L.E. SWINDELL’S heirs back line, at William CARROWON’s Patent line. Wit: Catherine Tooly. Signed: S. McGOWAN, Ellen McGOWAN. {Feb. 1883}

Bk. 1, p. 118 - 23 Jan. 1884 : Robt. JENNETT and Veannah JENNETT, his wife, W.S. JENNETT & Lutie JENNETT, his wife, and T.H. JENNETT to Henry L. McGOWAN; 70 acres for $200, situated in Lake Landing Township, bounded on the East by lands of J.S. JENNETT, on the West by the lands of John S. Northan and known as the Henry JENNETT land; to be paid by 1 Jan. 1885. Signed: Robt. JENNETT, Veannah JENNETT, W.S. JENNETT, Lutie JENNETT, T.H. JENNETT. {March 1884}

Bk. 18, p. 77 - 22 May 1886 : Charles A. STOTESBURY to Henry L. McGOWAN, 190 acres for $500, in Lake Landing Township on Poplar Ridge, adjoining the land of John BERRY and John W. Spencer; known as the John STOTESBURY land, purchased from T.F. STOTESBURY, Wit: A. BERRY. Signed: Charles A. STOTESBURY. {May 1886}

Bk. 1, p. 131 - 12 Aug. 1889 : State of N.C. to J.J. McGOWAN; Oyster Grant of 8 acres for $2.

Bk. 20, p. 67 - 6 May 1890 : W.W. BOOMER, J.M. BENSON, George CREDLE, J.M. COFFEE and M.G. FISHER, Trustees of Soule M.E. Methodist Church, to Fannie E. McGOWAN; a burial lot, #18, in Soule Cemetery for $12, being lands of the Homestead of Reuben BENSON, dec'd. at Lake Comfort in Lake Landing Township. Wit: A.S. CREDLE. Signed: (Above Trustees)

Bk. 20, p. 320 - 29 Sept. 1891 : George H. WESTON and wife Etta F. WESTON to Henry L. McGOWAN; 13 ¼ acres for $304.75, in the settlement of Juniper Bay adjoining the lands of Z. Emory, Juniper Bay Ditch, to M.G. FISHER’S corner, being part of the land George WESTON bought from T.H. JENNETT and known as the R. BENSON Juniper Bay land. Signed: G.H. WESTON, Etta F. WESTON. {Sept. 1891}

Bk. 20, p. 346 - 20 Oct. 1890 : J.W. HAYES, Jr. and Dorcas E. HAYES to Sylvester McGOWAN; 40 acres for $400, in Currituck Township adjoining the lands of Hezekiah BROWN on the Public Road leading from O’Neal’s Fork to Brick House Fork, with Hezekiah BROWN'S line... W.S. SPENCER line... with F.D. SPENCER'S, the grave yard excepted. Signed: J.W. HAYES, Jr., Dorcas E. HAYES.

Bk. 20, p. 348 - 5 Dec. 1891 : Sylvester McGOWAN and Ellen McGOWAN, his wife, to W.B. RICHARDS and his wife Minerva L. RICHARDS, 50 acres for $540; in Currituck Township adjoining the lands of Hezekiah BROWN on public road leading from O’Neal’s Fork to Brick House Fork, to the new canal, to W.S. SPENCER line, the grave yard excepted. Signed: Sylvester McGOWAN, Ellen McGOWAN.

Bk. 20, p. 365 - 11 Dec. 1891 : J.W. OVERTON and Brittie A. OVERTON, his wife, to Sylvester McGOWAN; 3 acres for $250, in Swan Quarter Township on the public road leading from Court House to Oyster Creek Bridge, at the corner of the undivided land of William CREDLE, E.S. CREDLE, J.R. CREDLE and H.S. CREDLE, to include one square of land in the William CHESTER field, it being the land J.W. OVERTON bought from William CHESTER. {Dec. 1891}

Bk. 1, p. 201 - 14 June 1892 : State of N.C. to Dorman McGOWAN; Oyster Franchise for $2.50; 757 yards from U.S.C.G. Triangulation Point "Judith".

Bk. 20, p. 577 - 8 Jan. 1892 : Samuel M. MANN and wife Sarah Jane MANN to F. Jarvis McGOWAN; adjoining lands of Thomas CREDLE, at Lightwood Creek Canal; ( ? ) acres for $37.50. Signed: Samuel M. MANN, Sarah Jane MANN. {Jan. 1892}

Bk. 3, p. 131 - 21 Mar. 1892 : Sylvester McGOWAN to David F. JARVIS of Craven Co.; Mortgage, 30 acres, 2 acres and 8 acres for $400 on the road leading from Swan Quarter to Oyster Creek, one piece on north side of public road adjoining lands of Oliver O'Neal, E.S. CREDLE,, it being the William CAHOON homestead, also three other pieces on the South side of said road including the little field adjoining the heirs of Tilson G. CREDLE, also a piece of marsh land near Oyster Creek Bridge, that William CHESTER bought from John MIDYETT, also one other piece of woods and march adjoining E.H. GASKILL. Wit: Joseph M. WATSON. Signed: Sylvester McGOWAN. {March 1892}

Bk. 3, p. 296 - 1 Jan. 1893 : Henry L. McGOWAN and Deppie McGOWAN, his wife, to George H. WESTON; 60 acres for $140, on Poplar Ridge known as the John A. STOTESBURY land, being the one third interest Henry L. McGOWAN bought from George W. WILLIAMSON and Cora L., his wife. Signed: Henry L. McGOWAN, Deppie McGOWAN.

Bk. 21, p. 91 - 5 Aug. 1892 : George W. WILLIAMSON and wife Cora L. WILLIAMSON to Henry L. McGOWAN; 60 acres for $140, on Poplar Ridge adj. lands of J.W. SPENCER, known as lands of John A. STOTESBURY, it being the part that Cora L. WILLIAMSON inherited from her father Tilman F. STOTESBURY and Henry L. McGOWAN bought from George W. and Cora L. WILLIAMSON. Signed: George W. WILLIAMSON, Cora L. WILLIAMSON {Jan. 1893}

Bk. 21, p. 94 - 28 Mar. 1893 : Sylvester McGOWAN and Ellen McGOWAN, his wife, to A. BERRY, W.T. BERRY and John J. McGOWAN, 5 acres for $1, in Swan Quarter Township near the Oyster Creek Bridge, where the store house stood in the side of the road as mentioned in deed John Midyet to Y.R. MIDYETT & Jno. W. FLOWERS. Signed: Sylvester McGOWAN, Ellen McGOWAN. {March 1893}

Bk. 21, p. 137 - 18 Oct. 1892 : Sylvester McGOWAN and Ellen McGOWAN his wife to J.W. OVERTON; 3 acres for $250, on the right hand side of the road leading from the Court House to Oyster Creek Bridge, at the corner of the undivided land of William CREDLE, E.S. CREDLE,, including one square of land in the William CHESTER field. Signed: Sylvester McGOWAN, Ellen McGOWAN. {March 1893}

Bk. 21, p. 200 - 21 Mar. 1892 : David F. JARVIS of Craven Co. & Elizabeth CHESTER to Sylvester McGOWAN; 20, 8 and 2 acres for $400, in Swan Quarter Township on both sides of the road leading from Court House to Oyster Creek Bridge; (1) by land of Oliver O'NEAL and E.S. CREDLE containing 30 acres, it being the homestead tract of the late William CHESTER, (2) adj. lands of E.H. GASKILL containing 20 acres, bought from Thomas BALLANCE by William CHESTER, (3) land that Tilman G. CREDLE bought from Joseph PLEDGER at Elisha BURRUS ditch containing 8 acres, (4) part of Elisha BURRUS land bought from William OVERTON containing 2 acres. Wit: J.M. WATSON, T.C. CREDLE. Signed: David F. JARVIS, Elizabeth ( X ) CHESTER. {Oct. 1893}

Bk. 3, p. 439 - 24 Mar. 1894 : Sylvester McGOWAN and Ellen McGOWAN his wife to Charles BRINN and Greely BRINN; 30 acres and 20 acres for $60, in Swan Quarter Township on road leading from Court House to Oyster Creek bridge, by land of Oliver O'NEAL and E.S. CREDLE, it being the homestead tract of the late William CHESTER, also land adjoining lands of E.H. GASKILL, bought from Thomas BALLANCE by William CHESTER. Wit: S.S. MANN. Signed: Sylvester McGOWAN, Ellen McGOWAN. {March 1894}

Bk. 21, p. 343 - 1 Jan. 1892 : C.J. SQUYARS and Mary A. SQUYARS to J.C. McGOWAN; 3 acres for $100, in Currituck Township near New Lake in the William HOWARD patent. Signed: C.J. SQUYARS, Mary A. ( X ) SQUYARS. {Jan. 1892}

Bk. 22, p. 45 - 30 May 1895 : William L. SAWYER and wife Laura SAWYER to Josephus McGOWAN; the dowery that belonged to my wife Nancy E. SAWYER, daughter of Timothy SQUIRES and Delila his wife, on the East side of New Lake, Daniel B. SQUIRES corner, to Delila SQUIRES line, 20 acres for $35. Wit: C.B. DANIELS, Joseph WILLIAMS. Signed: William L. ( X ) SAWYER and wife Laura ( X ) SAWYER. {June 1895}

Bk. 4, p. 61 - 1 Jan. 1896 : O.T. CREDLE and Laura CREDLE his wife, to F.J. McGOWAN; Mortgage, ( ? ) acres for $300 in Lake Landing Township at Thomas CREDLE'S corner 40 feet from Lightwood Creek Canal. Signed: O.T. CREDLE, L.D. CREDLE. {Jan. 1896}

Bk. 22, p. 483 - 5 Dec. 1896 : Sylvester McGOWAN and wife Ellen McGOWAN to John J. McGOWAN; 30, 20 and 2 acres for $10 and the further consideration that J.J. McGOWAN is to maintain Sylvester and Ellen McGOWAN as long as they live; in Swan Quarter Township on both sides of the road leading from Court House to Oyster Creek Bridge; land of Oliver O'NEAL and E.S. CREDLE containing 30 acres, it being the homestead tract of the late Wm. CHESTER, also adjoining lands of E.H. GASKILL containing 20 acres, bought from Thomas BALLANCE by William CHESTER, also land that Tilson G. CREDLE bought from Joseph PLEDGER at Elisha BURRUS ditch containing 8 acres, also part of Elisha BURRUS land bought from William OVERTON containing 2 acres. Signed: Sylvester McGOWAN, Ellen McGOWAN. {Dec. 1896}

Bk. 23, p. 56 - 14 May 1897 : Dorman S. McGOWAN to Calhoun TOOLY ; Oyster rights for 10 acres for $1; Grant #11741, between Judith Island and the main marsh. Signed: D.S. McGOWAN. {May 1897}

Bk. 23, p. 222 - 31 July 1897 : Martin H. CUTRELL and his wife Lavinia F. CUTRELL to Jesse G. McGOWAN; 1/3 of 19 ¾ acres (6 ½ acres) for $50; in Currituck Township at the old ditch on division between C.J. SAWYER and Daniel B. SQUYARS and known as the Nancy E. SAWYER land. Wit: D.L.S. DUNBAR. Signed: Martin H. CUTRELL, Lavinia F. CUTRELL. {July 1897}

Bk. 23, p. 391 - 22 Nov. 1890 : Foster J. McGOWA and wife Nancy McGOWAN to O.T. CREDLE; 1 acre for $300, Lake Landing Township adjoining lands of Thomas M. CREDLE, forty feet from Lightwood Creek Canal. Signed: Foster J. ( X ) McGOWAN, Nancy ( X ) McGOWAN.

Bk. 24, p. 28 - 13 Jan. 1899 : Henry L. McGOWAN and wife Deppie D. & G.W. WILLIAMSON and wife Cora L. to R.B. STOTESBURY; 18 and 4 acres for $316, in Lake Landing Township adjoining land of C.A. STOTESBURY, Martha WESTON,, being a part of the land sold by C.T. BARBER and A. O'NEAL to Mary C. BOOMER, known as the WESTON Long Patent adjoining C.A. STOTESBURY. Signed: Henry L. McGOWAN, Deppie D. McGOWAN, G.W. WILLIAMSON, Cora L. WILLIAMSON. {Jan. 1899}

Bk. 24, p. 375 - 10 Aug. 1899 : Partition to divide the Estate of John BERRY, dec’d., as directed by his will, in Lake Landing Township, by W.W. BOOMER, a Justice of the Peace; We assign and allot to James E. BERRY: a parcel of land in 69 acres (in deed dated Mar. 12, 1891, also another tract of land in Swan Quarter Township between Juniper Bay Canal and Honey Creek ditch containing 50 acres in deed dated Apr. 12, 1897 (Book 23, page 37), the sum of $247.25 to be paid to the Executors to make his share equal. We assign and allot to W.T. BERRY a parcel of land 85 ¾ acres North of the road leading from Tynie Oak to the Donnell Farm in the Piquit patent in Swan Quarter Township by deed dated Sept. 4, 1895 (Book 22, pages 108 & 109), also $12.75 to be paid to him. We assign and allot to R.T. BERRY a parcel of land in the two SPAIN patents in Swan Quarter Township by Deed dated Mar. 12, 1890 for 150 acres and pay $9.25 to the Executors to make his share equal. Lot No. 1 of 60 acres in the Small SPAIN Patent allotted to Nancy and C.A. JONES, at the NW corner of R.T. BERRY'S land, with the back line of the Little SPAIN Patent, also part of John BERRY'S undivided interest in the 500 acre SPAIN Patent after deducting the 85 3/4 acres conveyed to R.T. BERRY, plus pay $7.25 to the Executor. Lot No. 2 of 67 acres in the Small SPAIN Patent allotted to Miranda SPENCER, also part of John BERRY'S undivided interest in the 500 acre SPAIN Patent, plus pay $17.25 to the Executor. Lot No. 3 to Fanny McGOWAN of 79 ¾ acres in the Small SPAIN Patent and the Henderson patent, beginning at Miranda SPENCER'S Lon # 2 corner, to the back or North line of the Little SPAIN Patent, to the line of the Piquit Patent, also the 8th tract in Lake Landing Township at Tolbert SELBY'S lower corner in the ditch , to the SW corner post of Tully WILLIAMSON (reserving for the said WILLIAMSON one square acre in the NW corner within the limits of the public road) to Juniper Bay ditch, land which formerly belonged to Mitchell ROSE, of 114 acres, also $97.75 to her from the Executor. We allot to J.H.C. BERRY & Reuben BERRY land in Lake Landing Township: 1st tract in Poplar Ridge of 189 acres conveyed by David MURRAY to John BERRY by deed dated Aug. 10, 1868 (Book 10, page 389) lying on Poplar Ridge on William TURNER'S 640 acre Patent, to Juniper Bay Road, also the 2nd tract conveyed from the State to John BERRY on Aug. 28, 1880 on the west of William TURNER'S Patent, to Isaac ROSE'S Patent; 3rd tract, at the head of Juniper Bay Creek being land bequethed by Reuben BENSON in his last will and testament to John BENSON for 100 acresand conveyed by John BENSON to John BERRY on Nov. 6, 1847, also $170.00 to be equally divided between them. Signed: Charles F. BENSON, M.G. FISHER, Greely BRINN. {Oct. 1899}

Bk. 26, p. 54 - 16 Jan. 1899 : Jos. C. McGOWAN & Catherine McGOWAN his wife of Beaufort Co. to Jesse G. McGOWAN; 3 acres for $100, at New Lake adjoining the lands of D.B. SQUYARS, at New Lake in the William HOWARD Patent. Signed: Jos. C. McGOWAN, Catherine McGOWAN. {Jan. 1899}

Bk. 30, p. 5 - 26 Dec. 1899 : Nancy E. SQUYARS to Jesse G. McGOWAN; 14 4/5 acres for $50, adjoining lands of Andrew DUNBAR & the said Jesse G. McGOWAN, C.J. SQUYARS at the Lake. Wit: B.L.S. DUNBAR. Signed: Nancy E. SQUYARS. {Nov. 1904}

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