Estate Papers for
James McGowen, Dec'd.

Hyde Co., NC & White Co., TN

Issue of YearsProvisions for Widow

    Report of Commissioners on this assignment of one years provisions to the widow of James McGOWEN dec'd. made at the January term A.D. 1841 of White County Court, to wit: 8 head of Hogs for meat, The home Crib of Corn -----, 10 Bushels of Wheat -----, 35 (lb.) Coffee or money to buy with, say $7.00 --, 35 (lb.) Sugar or money to buy with, say $3.37 1/2, 4 Bushels Salt - 2 on hand - $3.00 for Shoes this sum $15 a. For Cotton besides whats on hand $5.00 Given under our hand and our seals this 29th day of December 1840.

          Peter BURUM {Seal}
          Thomas ROBERTSON {Seal}
          Joseph HERD {Seal}

    Recorded 14th January 1840 Test. N.Oldham, Clk.

James McGowen, Deceased,Letters of Administration

    State of Tennessee }
    White County } Whereas on this 7th day of December A.D. 1840 the
    death of James McGOWEN late of the County of White Deceased was
    suggested in open Court and that he departed this life intestate
    whereupon Amos McGOWEN was appointed and qualified as administrator.
    These and therefore to enpower the said Administrator to enter and
    upon all and singular the goods and chattles, rights and Credits of
    the said Deceased and then unto his possessions take whatsoever the
    same may be found in this state and an Inventory to return unto the
    Court within the time limited (?) by law and all the Just debts of
    the Deceased to pay so far as said Estate will extend or Amount to.
    Witness: Nicholas OLDHAM clerk of White County Court at office the
    first Monday of December A.D. 1840.

      Test. N. OLDHAM , Clk. Recorded the 9th December 1840.

James McGowen,Deceased, Letters of Administration
    State of Tennessee } White County } Whereas on this 7th day of December A.D. 1840 the death of James McGOWEN late of the County of White Deceased was suggested in open Court and that he departed this life intestate whereupon Amos McGOWEN was appointed and qualified as administrator. These and therefore to enpower the said Administrator to enter and upon all and singular the goods and chattles, rights and Credits of the said Deceased and then unto his possessions take whatsoever the same may be found in this state and an Inventory to return unto theCourt within the time limited (?) by law and all the Just debts of the Deceased to pay so far as said Estate will extend or Amount to. Witness: Nicholas OLDHAM clerk of White County Court at office thefirst Monday of December A.D. 1840.                                     Test. N. OLDHAM , Clk. Recorded the 9th December 1840.
Source: White Co., TN Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions Minute Book, Vol. 1 (1835-1841), p. 416. 

Inventory and Sale of the Property of the Estate of James McGowan, Dec'd.

Return of An Accountof the Estate of James McGowen, dec'd. 

James McGowan heirs Petition to Sell Land
In the above Cause the Clerk of this Court who was appointed to        sell said Land made his report which being unexcepted (?) to is        in all things confirmed and upon application of Petitioners the        Sum is continued with the next Term of this Court.Source: White County Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions Book, 1848-1853,        p. 288.

Leroy Helton & others Heirs of James McGowan, Deceased
Pet. to Sell Land

    Be it remembered that the above cause came on to be heard beforethe Court upon the report of the Clerk and interlocutory(?) Decreemade in permance thereof which is suscepted(?) to and is in allthings Confirmed, from which it appeared that the Clerk, afteradvertising as directed in the interlocutory Decree sold the saidtract of land mentioned in the pleadings upon the promises on the30th day of October 1851 when the sum was bid off by PleasantGLEESON at the price of Four hundred and fifty dollars he being thehighest and best bidder.  And executed Bond and Security for thePurchase money which is good and retaining a Lein upon the Land,Whereupon it is decreed that as soon as the purchase money is paidthat the Title to the said Land be diverted and vested in thepurchaser, And that the Clerk of this Court execute to him a deedthereof.  It is further Decreed that Samuel TURNEY be allowed forhis services as solicitor Fifteen dollars in this cause to be paid outof the bond,  And that all cost is this cause be paid out of the bondarriving from the sale and it is decreed accordingly.

Source: White County Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions Book, 1848-1853, p. 301.

Family of James McGowen

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