Nancy McGowan Mason
(Widow of James Mason)

1882 Widow's Yearly Allottment
Hyde Co., NC

In the Matter of      }               Hyde County

Nancy Mason, Widow    }               Currituck Township

Of James Mason        }               Report of Commissioners

The Under Signed Jas. B. Davis, J.P., and Charles Russ & Geo. H. Howard, 

Comiss. -- duly Summons & Sworn, do hereby assign and allot to Nancy Mason, 

Widow of James Mason, deceased, the following articles of personal property 

of the value annexed. to wit:

1 Cow & Calf        $8.00 10X $10.00 - Meat 125 lbs. @10c           $30.00  

3 Head Hogs @ $1 ea $3.00 2 Beds and furniture @ 15.00               33.00

9 Chairs @ 25c ea   $2.25 2 tables @ $1.50 ea - 1 lot crockery 1.50   6.75

Cooking utensils   $2.50 1 lamp 75c - 1 trunk 25c - 1 chest .50      4.00

1 lot of tools      $2.50 25 chickens @ 15c ea $3.75 - 1 canoe 5.00  11.25

2 Nets 50cts ea     $1.00 4 Stock Bees @ 1.00 ea  4.00                5.00


      Residue on plantation & one Discharge from U.S.              $100.00

      Total amount -- one hundred & ninety 50/100 dollars          $190.50

We also find upon examination that the no. of family is none exclusive of 

herself there being a defiencey of the Articles on hand to make a years' 

support. We assess such defiency at one hundred & nine dollars & fifty 

cents ($109.50) to be paid by the personal representive.  Witness our 

hands and Seals this 4th day of March 1882 

Jas. B. Davis,  J.P.    }

Charles R. Russ         }       Commissioners

George H. Howard        }

In this case the Commissioners who were appointed to lay off and allot to 

Nancy Mason widow of James Mason Decd. her years allowance out of the crop, 

stock and provisions of her deceased husband, having filed a descriptive list 

showing a deficiency to the amount of One hundred and Nine 50/100 Dollars 


It is therefore ordered, adjudzed & Decreed that the said Nancy Mason _____ 

of the personal representative of the said James Mason the said Sum of of 

One hundred and Nine 50/100 Dollars to be paid when personal assets come to 

his hands, together with the costs of this proceedings.

        Apl. 6th 1882                         Jas. W. Wahab, Clerk

Copyright 2003

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