Obituary for
Morgan Sylvester McGowen

Houston (MO) Herald
June 22, 1911
Page 4, Column 3

Morgan S. McGowen

. . . Born in White County, Tennesee, January 31, 1827. Died at the home of his sister-in-law, Mrs. Hannah M. McGowen, near White Rock, at 2:30 p.m., Wednesday, June 14, 1911. Age 84 years, 4 months and 13 days.
. . . He was visiting at the home of his sister-in-law when taken sick a week or more before his death with stomach trouble. He had been making his home with his son, S. D. McGowan, for some time past.
. . . Uncle Morg has lived in Texas County for over 57 years. He was married to Martha Allen Dec. 23, 1853. When a boy he moved with his parents to Arkansas; lived there one year and his father died there; moved with his mother to Webster County, Mo., and from Webster County to near Huston in 1854.
. . . He has been a church member for 36 years and was a menber Of the Baptist church at Plum Valley at time of his death.
. . . A man simple in his life, living always upright and honest, with kindliness in his heart for all and a friendly, cheery word of greeting for friends and neighbors, this pure, good man will be sadly missed by all. He was a regular visitor to the Herald office when in Houston and we counted Uncle Morg as one of our real friends and will join in earnest sympathy with the grief-stricken family.
. . . Ten children resulted from the union, seven st. ill living: James R., Casper, Wyo., age 55; John W., Tilden, Neb., 54; Carrol G., Cabool, Mo., 51; Sampson D., Bucyrus, Mo., 45; George M., Chin, Alberta, Canada, 41; Alice Grogan, Yates Co., Kansas, 38; Oma Grogan, Bronson, Kansas, 33. He also leaves 36 grandchildren and 26 great grandchildren.
. . . He had five brothers and four sisters, only one brother being alive, living in Washington.
. . . Burial took place at Emery graveyard Thursday at 3 o'clock p.m., funeral services being conducted by Rev. W. T. Watson in the presence of a large gathering of sorrowing relatives and friends.

Obituary contributed by Dennis Prock.  Information contributed by Terry Love.  Anyone with further information, please contact John McGowan.

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