Estate Records of Wiley McGowan

Affidavit of Decease and Names of Heirs
January 14th, 1868
James McGowan, Administrator

Transcription of Affidavit

Affidavit of Decease and Names of Heirs.

State of Illinois }
Saline County     }
                          James McGowan            being duly sworn 
Deposes and says that    Wiley McGowan        Late of the County of 
Saline and State of Illinois, is dead, and that he died on or about the 
    19th     day of         December                 A. D.  1868       
and that his Personal estate will probably amount to the sum of $250.00 
that said         Wiley McGowan        left at the time of his decease 
James McGowan,John McGowan, Amanda J. Hester, Henry McGowan, Elizabeth 
Tanner, Mary McGowan, Almeda McGowan, Anna McGowan & Rachel McGowan
his children.                                   James McGowan           
        Subscribed and Sworn to me this          14th     
day of  January   A. D.   1869
                                         T. A. Jones             Clerk

Transcription of the
Appraisers' Bill and Sale Bill
of the Estate of
Wiley McGowan, Deceased


Estate of Wiley McGowan Deceased

 Saline County    } In County Court              Term, 186_
 An Appraisement Bill of Goods, Chattels and Personal Estate 
 of  Wiley McGowan Late of said County, deceased, so far as 
 the same have come to our sight and knowledge, which 
 appraisement has been made by us by virtue of the annexed
 Warrant from the County Court of said County, we having 
 been duly sworn, as required by law.
           ARTICLES                        Dollars.Cents
 One Lot of Bedding & Bed Clothen               15.00
  "   "  "  cotton & Barrels & Boxes             1.35
  "   "  "  cooking Vessels & Earthenware        2.50
  "  par cards & Spinning Wheel                  4.00
 One lot of Books                                 .25
  "   "  Girring & Bell                          1.00
  "  Log chain & chines & Axe                     .75
  "  old Plow & 2 weading hoes                    .50
  "  crop of Tobacco                            45.00
 One old Loom & its appendages                   1.00
  "  crop of corn                               75.00
  "  yoak of yearlings                          30.00
  "   "   "     "                               20.00
 One cow & calf                                 20.00
  "  lot of stock hogs                          15.00
  "  old horse                                  30.00
  "  bay mare                                   75.00
 One lot of Pork Hogs                           50.00
 The Pasture of the Stalk field                  5.00
 One Table                                       2.00
  "  lot of chairs                               1.50
 One Bucket & 2 Plates                            .75
 One par Girring                                 2.00 
                                              $397. 60

            SALE BILL

      ESTATE OF Wiley McGowan DECEASED

 The following is a true bill of sale of the Chattel 
 Property of the Estate of Wiley McGowan late of the 
 said County of Saline Deceased, made on the 22nd 
 day of February 1869, (in pursuance of notice thereof, 
 a copy of which is hereunto attached,) by the 
 undersigned, ______________ at his residence. 
 TERMS OF SALE---All sums of Five Dollars and under, 
 Cash; all sums over Five Dollars, on a credit of 
 ____________ month.                               
 NOTE: The sale bill to be certified by the Clerk and 
 Crier, and to be filed in the County Court within three 
 months from the issuing of letters.
     ARTICLES SOLD          PURCHASER      Am't of Sale
 One Log chain & clines    David Tanner        1.30
  "  Table                 James Mcgowen       2.00
  "  Lot of Earthen ware   Levi Tanner          .95
  "  cooking vessels        "      "           1.00
  1  lot barrel & Busels   James Mcgowen        .25
 One  "  cotten              "      "          2.00
  "  lot of Bedding        Levi Tanner        10.00
  "  Bed quilt             James Mcgowen       2.50
  "  Par card              Levi Tanner          .55
  "  Spinning wheel        Elijah Miller       4.00
 One Stone Jar             Thomas J. Tanner    2.00
  "  lot of Chairs         John Mcgowen        1.50
  "  chairs                James   "            .25
 One Tin Bucket            Thomas J. Tanner    1.00
  "  Lot of Books          James Mcgowen        .40
  1  old Loom              John     "          1.60
  1  Back Band             Thomas J. Tanner     .50
  1  lot Girring (?)         "    "    "       1.20
 One old plow              Anias Davis          .20
     Hoes & H--- (?)       James Mcgowen        .80
 First lot of corn         W. J. Hill         15.12 1/2
  2    "  "   "           Thomas J. Tanner    15.50
  3   lot of corn         James Mcgowen       16.25
  4    "  "   "           W. J. Hill          15.12 1/2
  5    "  "   "           James Mcgowen       16.25
 One crop of Tobacco         "      "         70.00
 first lot of hogs         A. J. Abner        40.00
  2    lot "   "           B. G. Henderson    35.75
 One Black Sow             James B. Henderson 11.25
  "  white  "              James Mcgowen      10.00
  2  Shoats                Wesly Adkinson      7.00
  3  Shoats                James Mcgowen       9.50
 One old horse             J. N. Hesters      51.00
  "  Sorl Mare             Charles Miller     90.00
  "  yoak of yearling      Absling Tanner     50.00
 One  "   "    "           Levi Tanner        32.50
  "  calf                  John Willims        6.50
  "  cow                   James Talbert      27.00
 One Small Bull            Willis Johnson      6.50
 The pasture of the 
       Stalk field         James Mcgowen       5.00
  1  par Girring (?)       Thomas J. Tanner    2.50
  1  lot of corn           James Mcgowen       7.00

Transcription of the Report
On the Condition of the Estate of
Wiley McGowan, Deceased
James McGowan, Administrator

 State of Illinois}       January Term  A. D. 1871 of the County 
 Saline County    }       Court of Saline County, Illinois

      To the Honorable Moses P. McGehee, Judge of the County 
 Court of Saline County, Illinois, sitting for the transaction 
 of Probate business.

     The Undersigned James McGowen, Administrator of the Estate 
 of Wiley McGowen, dec'd. would respectfully report the following 
 Condition of said Estate:

 To Amt of Sale Bill                            566.50
 By Commissioners on sale bill 56650 @ 6 prct            33.99
  " Amt allowed James McGowen May17/69          150.00
  " Amt pd. John Neely for Coffin for dec'd.
                 See Rect. No. 1                          7.50
  "  "  pd. Gillam Harris …. …..      No.2                4.50
  "  "  "   Elizabeth Vinson on claim  " 3               10.00
  "  "  Taxes W. H. Paukey             " 4                1.00
  "  "   J. T. Burks                   " 5                3.00
  "  "   John McGowen                  " 6               28.20
  "  "   Costs paid on Judgement rendered }
          against John McGowen for burial }               4.20
          clothes for the deceased        }
  "  "   T. A. Jones, clerk for Estate " 7               12.35
  "  4 days services to Estate in Attending}
        Court and collecting debts &c.                    4.00
  "  "  pd. C. S. Blackman               8                8.30
  "  "  "   G. Y. Ozmint                 9                4.50
  "  "  "   Mary Robertson due her on 
            account on Settlement - - - - -               2.00
                Carried forward - - - - - -     566.50  274.15


 To & By Amounts brought forward                566.50   274.15
 By amt, Paid Raum & Christy, Atty fee 
        for making report  -  -  -  -  -                  10.00
  "  balance on hand carried down  - - -                 282.35
                                                566.50   566.50

 To Amt balance due Estate brought down        $282.35

 The claims still unpaid are as follows -
 Balance due Elizabeth Vinson                             30.10
 Amount due James R. Harris                                2.50
   "     "  J. Y. Vinson, appraiser                        2.00

   There will be in my hands when collected the sum 
 of $247.75 after paying all the debts, that sum being 
 subject to distribution it will require six months to 
 collect the amount due the Estate and be ready for 
 distribution, And I ask six months additional time 
 to make collections preparatory to a distribution of 
 said Estate ---

   The following named persons are heirs at law of 
 Said deceased --- 
 James McGowen          John McGowen
 Amanda J. Hester       Elizabeth Tanner
 Mary Bains             Almeda McGowen
 Ann McGowen            Rachael McGowen
 Children of siad deceased & Entitled to share 
 and Share alike in Said Estate, 
   And Wm. G. McGowen, John W. McGowen & 
 Rachael H. McGowen, heirs at law of Henry 
 McGowen, dec'd., said Henry McGowen being 
 a son of said Wiley McGowen, deceased & said 
 three children being entitled to one share 
 between them.

 All of which is respectfully submitted ---
                       James McGowen
               Admr. of Wiley McGowen, dec'd.

Source: Saline County, Illinois Probate Records: Volume 1 (Boxes 1-16), Box 16 - 18: McGowan, Wiley.
Died: Dec. 19, 1868;
Final Report: Feb. 21, 1871;
Bondsmen: James McGowan, John McGowan and Thos. Murray;
Appraisers: Gilbert Y. Ozment, Gilliam Harris, Jonathan Vinson.

Contributed by John B. McGowan, gg grandson of William McGowan (c1814-c1854), a younger brother of Wiley McGowan of Hyde Co., NC, White Co., TN and Saline Co., IL.

Children of Wiley & Tabitha (Norris) McGowan (1802-1868)

1. James McGowan (1841-1927) m. on Jan. 18, 1866 to Amanda Malvina Martin (c.1850-1874) in Saline Co., IL. Amanda was a daughter of Samuel J.B. & Nancy A. Martin.
- James McGowan (1841-1927) m. on May 23 1876 to Eliza Ann Eaton (d.1878) in Conway Co., AR.
- James McGowan (1841-1927) m. on Nov. 7, 1886 to Lilly Agnes Shannon (1867-1946) in Lincoln Co., KS.

2. John McGowan (1842-1914) m. on Apr. 9, 1868 to Malinda Robertson (1846-by1914) in Saline Co., IL. She was a daughter of Thomas & Mary Robertson.

3. Amanda J. McGowan (1843-by1882) m. on Sept. 29, 1867 to William C. Hester in Saline Co., IL.
- Amanda J. (McGowan) Hester (1843-by1882) m. on Jan. 18, 1869 to James R. Hall in White Co., IL.

4. Henry McGowan (1844-1870) m. on Feb. 23, 1866 to Julia F. Adkinson (1851-1928) in Saline Co., IL.
- Julia (Adkinson) McGowan m. in 1877 to James T. Holmes in Union Co., IL. Henry was deceased before his father's death.

5. Elizabeth McGowan (1848-1881) m. on Aug. 9, 1868 to Levi Tanner in Saline Co., IL.
- Levi Tanner m. on June 2, 1881 to Susan Reynolds in Saline Co., IL.

6. Mary McGowan (1850- ? ) m. on Sept. 22, 1870 to James Banes(Bains) in Saline Co., IL.
- Mary (McGowan) Banes m. on Nov. 9, 1882 to John Thomas Hutchcraft (1840- ? ) in White Co., IL, his 3rd wife.

7. Almeda McGowan (1854- ? ) m. by 1882 to Alexander Fowler in White Co., IL. Need more info.

8. Anna McGowan (1859-1883) m. Apr. 9, 1876 to John J. Rupert (1836-1885) in White Co., IL, his 3rd wife.

9. Rachel McGowan (1861-) m. on Sept. 6, 1882 to J. C. "Hiram" Hutchcraft in White Co., IL, his 3rd wife.

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