WAR OF 1812
Miscellaneous Records
Office of the Adjutant
Volunteer Organizations and State Militia
War of 1812
Muster Rolls, Pay Rolls, and Similar Papers
Record Group 94, Box 167
Muster Roll of Company Commanded by Lt. Isaac HELLONS 31 Jany - 22 Mar 1815 James LLOYD, corporal, Died in Hyde County, 9th February 1815.
Muster Roll of Lieut. Isaac HELLONS's Detachment of the 2 Regt North Carolina Detached Militia in the service of the United States Commanded by Lieut. Colonel Nathan TISDALE from the 30th day of November 1814 to the 31st day of January 1815.
Benjamin MC KINNEY - - Died - 22 Dec 1814
Jesse MC KINNEY - - - - Absent with leave
Source: High Tides, Volume XIX, Number 2, Fall, 1998, p. 19; Abstracted and submitted by R. S. Spencer, Jr.
Pay vouchers for Carawans for service in the Hyde Militia for July and August, 1813. All signed in Raleigh on 15th Oct. 1814 by William Hawkins.
Name Rank Company Payment Warrant #Benjamin Carrowon Private Capt. Gibbs' $1.20 1710Green Carrowon Private Capt. Neal's $1.20 2038Joseph Carrowon Private Capt. Gibbs' $1.20 1772Mannen Carrowon 1st Corp. Capt. Neal's $1.40 1989Patrick Carrowon Private Capt. Gibbs' $1.20 1744William Carrowon Sergeant Capt. Gibbs' $1.60 1700Source: N.C. State Archives; Contributed by Kitty Humphries.Anyone with information on Captain Gibbs' or Captain Neal's Companies of Hyde County Militia, please contact me.
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