WAR OF 1812
Asa O'Neal (1792-1867)
Father: William O'Neal; Mother: Olivia Pugh.
Born: Oct. 25, 1792; Died: Nov. 10, 1867 in Hyde Co., NC.
1st. Claressa "Clara" Midyett on Aug. 13, 1813; Born: Nov. 17, 1787; Died abt. 1833 in Hyde Co., NC.
2nd. Jo Anne "Joanna" Mixon abt. 1834; Born Jan. 11, 1802; Died Apr. 1837 in Chocowinity, NC.
3rd. Mary "Polly" O'Neal on Oct. 12, 1837; Born Aug. 9, 1813; Died May 12, 1887 in Washington, NC.Note: Asa O'Neal spent most of his early life at Lake Landing in Hyde County. Lake Landing is on Hwy 264 on the southeast side of Lake Mattamuskeet between New Holland and Engelhard. The property acquired by Asa from his father, William O'Neal, referred to in paragraph 4 below, was at Mount Pleasant. Mount Pleasant is approximately 4 miles south of Lake Landing on Wysocking Bay of the Pamlico Sound, between Browns Island and Mackey Point.
Military Service, War of 1812
Muster Rolls of the Soldiers of the War of 1812, Detached From the Militia of North Carolina in 1812 and 1814. Published in pursuance of the resolutions of the General Assembly of Jan. 21, 1851 and a resolution of the General Assembly of Feb. 25, 1873. Under Direction of the Adjutant General, Raleigh, 1851. Resolution directing the Adjutant General to publish copies of the Muster Rolls of the soldiers of the War of 1812. Adjutant General's Office, Raleigh, N.C. Mar. 22nd 1851.
(a) I do hereby certify...the foregoing is a true copy of the names of the Officers and Soldiers of the Detached Militia of North Carolina...
Robert W. Haygood, Adjutant General of the Militia of N. Carolina. Adjutant General's Office, Raleigh, N.C., March 6th 1873. ...
Officers: Simon Burton, Lt Colonel, Commandant; Nathan Tisdale, Lt Colonel; Thomas H. Blount, First Major; James W. Clark, Second Major.
Second Regiment - Hyde County
... Oneal, Asa ...
... Jordan, Seth B. Captain ...(b) Asa O'Neal's muster record:
(1) 31 Oct. - 30 Nov. 1814, Lt. Sear Bryan's Co., 2 Reg. (Tisdale's), NC Detached Militia: entered service 30 Sep. 1814 for six months; present-sick;
(2) 30 Nov. 1814 - 31 Jan. 1815, Lt. Isaac Hellen's Co.; absent without leave;
(3) 31 Jan. 1815 - 22 Mar. 1815, Lt. Isaac Hellen's Co.; signed for six months service 9 Nov. 1814, present;
(4) 29 Sep. 1814-22 Mar. 1815; pay per month, 8 & 5; amount of pay, 31 dollars and 96 cents.Note: Unit was called up by the Governor of NC when British landed on the Outer Banks. They mustered at New Bern, but the British were preparing to attack Virginia and departed before NC Militia arrived. I don't believe they ever saw combat.
Source: Hyde County Historical Society; Library of Congress Catalog Card # 76-49418, 1976, pp. 72-73; National Archives, Washington, DC.
Census Records:
1820 Hyde Co. Census: Asa Neal; 2 m - 0-10; 1 m - 16-26; 1 f - 0-10; 1 f - 26-45.
1830 Hyde Co. Census: Asa Neal; 1m - 10-15; 1 m - 30-40; 1 f - 0-5; 1 f - 5-10; 1 f - 40-50.
1850 Hyde Co. Census: p. 36: Asa O'Neal - 57, Occupation "Laziness", b. NC; Mary - 37; William W. - 9; Henry W. - 6; Thos R. - 1; Delaney Bruffet - 70.
1860 Hyde Co. Census: p. 18, 126-1: Asa O'Neal - 67, Farmer; Mary O'Neal - 45; W. O'Neal - 19, Laborer; H. W. O'Neal - 14; A. B. O'Neal - 6; M. O'Neal - 5.
Asa O'Neal's land bounty claim, 18 Dec 1850
Land Bounty Claim
State of North Carolina
County of Hyde
On this eighteenth day of December AD one thousand eight hundred and Fifty {blank}, personally appeared before me a Justice of the Peace within and for the County and State aforesaid, Asa O'Neal aged 58 years, a resident of Hyde County in the State of North Carolina who being duly sworn according to law, declares that he is the identical Asa O'Neal who was a private in the Company commanded by Lieut. Isaac Hellen's in the 18th Regiment of Militia commanded by Col. Nathan Tisdale in the war with Great Britain declared by the United States on the 18th day of June, 1812, that he was drafted at Lake Landing on or about the 30th day of September A.D. 1814 for the term of Six Months and continued in actual service in said War for the term of Six Months and was honorably discharged at New Bern on or about the first day of April A.D. 1815. as will appear by reference to the muster rolls of said company, having never received a written discharge. He makes this declaration for the purpose of obtaining the bounty land to which he may be entitled under the act granting bounty land to certain officers and soldiers who have been engaged in the service of the United States passed September 28th 1850.
/s/ Asa O'Neal (seal)State of North Carolina
County of Hyde
I hereby certify that Robert Jennett Esqr, before whom the foregoing declaration was made, was at the time thereof a Justice of the Peace in and for the County and State aforesaid and duly authorized to administer oaths for general purposes.
In Testimony Whereof I
have signed my name and affixed
my seal this first day of April 1851
Wm. W. Spencer, ClerkThe Commissioner of Pensions will please forward my warrant to E. B. Grayson Esq, at Washington D.C. who as my agent will receive the same, and transmit it to me, having specially contracted therefor.
/s/ Asa O'NealNote: Asa's handwriting and signature indicate he was well educated for the time.
Source: Asa O'Neal Pension File, National Archives, Washington, DC.
Claim filed again, 28 Apr 1857
For Soldier Who has never received Bounty Land.
State of North Carolina
County of Hyde
On the 28th day of April A. D. 1857 personally appeared before me, a Justice of the Peace within and for the County and State aforesaid, duly authorized by law to administer oaths, Asa O'Neal aged 65 years, a resident of Hyde County, in the State of North Carolina who being duly sworn according o law, declares that he is the identical Asa O'Neal who was a Private in the Company commanded by Simomn Bruton Lixer, Col {?} in the war with Great Britton in June 1812, that he entered the service at Mattamuskeet Hyde on or about the 20th day of August 1814 and continued his actual service in said war for the term of fourteen days and upwards, and was honorablt discharged at New Bern NC on or about the 10th day of March 1815 & I think was mustered out of Service with out Sertifficate in writing. He makes this declaration for the purpose of obtaining the bounty land to which he may be entitled under the act approved March 3rd, 1855. He also declares that he has not received a warrant for bounty land, under this or any other act of Congress, nor made any other application therefor. James G. Austin is authorized to prosecute this my claim and to receive any warrant that may be issued hereon.
/s/ Asa O'Neal (seal)Affadavit of two Witnesses:
We David L. Gibbs and Carney Gibbs residents of th4e County of Hyde State of North Carolina upon our oaths, declare that the foregoing declaration was signed and acknowledged by the above Asa O'Neal in our presence, and that we believe from the appearance and statements of the applicant, that he is the identical person he represents himself to be, and that we have no interest in this claim.
/s/ Carney Gibbs (seal)
/s/ David L. Gibbs (seal)Magistrate Certificate:
The foregoing declaration and affadavit were sworn to and subscribed before me on the day and year above written; and I certify that I know the affiants to be credible persons; that the Claimant is the person he represents himself to be, and that I have no interest in this claim.
/s/ Jno. S. BurrusCounty Clerkâs Certificate:
State of North Carolina
County of Hyde
I hereby certify that John S. Burrus Esq. before whom the foregoing declaration and affadavit were made, is and was, at the time of taking the same, an acting Justice of the Peace within and for the County and State aforesaid, duly commissioned and qualified, ______ {covered and unreadable} genuine.
In testimony whereof I have hereto set my hand and affixed
the seal of my office, this 30 day of April 1857
Wm. H. Spencer Clerk
Source: Asa O'Neal Pension File, National Archives, Washington, DC.
"Polly" O'Neal, widow of Asa O'Neal petitioned for settlement of his estate in 1867.
Source: Hyde County Estate Records, CR 053.508.54, NC Archives.
Mary O'Neal made "War of 1812. Claim of Widow for Service Pension" in Jan 1883. It claims her maiden name was Mary O'Neal and that she was married to Asa O'Neal 12 Oct 1837 by Joseph Gaskill, Magistrate, in Hyde County. It also states his previous wives were "Clara Midyett who died May 1834 in Hyde County, N.C. Also married to Joanna Mixon who died June 1836 (at Chocowinity, N.C.". Witness accounts to the previous marriages of Asa and to the deaths of his wives confirm their maiden names, but the death dates vary. Joanna Mixon O'Neal's death was given as Apr 1837 by a witness. I've used that date because she had a child, Malissa, born in Jul 1836 according to the family Bible. Three different dates are given for the death of Claressa Midyett O'Neal, so I've used "Abt 1833". A document dated 1 Apr 1920 gives the death date of Mary O'Neal as "May 12 1887 Washington, Beaufort Co NC". This document lists "Bounty Land Warrants 31225-80-50 and 47207-80-55". It also states Asa O'Neal lived from 1850-1857 in Washington, Beaufort Co., but died 12 Nov 1867 in Hyde Co.
Sanford A. Long, MD, age 60, and Samuel M. Mann, age 65, declared in 1883 they were neighbors & well acquainted with Asa O'Neal & Mary O'Neal his wife...know they lived together as man & wife for 25 years... "I Sanford A. Long M.D. was the family physician and attended the deceased husband of Mary O'Neal at the time of his death Nov. 12th 1867." Their address were Lake Landing, Hyde Co., NC.
Source: Asa O'Neal Pension File, National Archives, Washington, DC.
Notes for Claressa "Clara" Midyett:
Maiden name of Claressa as Midyett given in Mary O'Neal's request for pension, 1883. The pension request stated she died in May 1834 in Hyde County. In 1883 a witness to the marriage of Claressa to Asa ONeal, L_____ Gaskins, age 70 of Lake Lancing, Hyde County, stated "...she was a near neighbor of Asa O'Neal at the time of the death of his first wife Clarassey Midyett, and that she died in ___ 1833 in Hyde County and she helped to shroud and prepare the deceased woman for burial..."
Notes for Jo Anne "Joanna" Mixon:
Maiden name of Joanna as Mixon given in Mary O'Neal's request for pension, 1883. The pension request staed she died in June 1836. In 1883 a witness to the marriage of Joanna to Asa ONeal, L. B. Patrick, age 76 of Chocowinity, stated "...he was a near neighbor of Asa O'Neal at the time of the death of his last wife Joanna, and that she died in April 1837 and he was at the burial of his wife Joanna in Beaufort County Chocowinity Township..."Notes for Mary "Polly" O'Neal:
Mary's claim for a pension:
War of 1812 Claim of Widow for Service Pension
State of North Carolina
County of Beaufort
On this .... {blank} day of January, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and 83, personally appeared before me, Clerk of the Superior Court, the same being a court of record within and for the county and State afoesaid, Mary O'Neal aged 70 years, a resident of Washington, in the State of North Carolina, who, being duly sworn according to law, declares that she is the widow of Asa O'Neal deceased, who was the identical Asa O'Neal, who served under the name of Asa O'Neal as a Private in the company commanded by Captain Seth B. Jordan, in the 2nd Regiment of N.C. Militia, commanded by Simon Bruton Lieut-Col., Com., in the war of 1812; that her said husband Enlisted at New Bern NC on or about the 15th day of October, A. D. 1812, for the term of Six months, and continued in actual service in said war for the term of Six Months, and whose services terminated, by reason of Honorable Discharge, at New Bern, N.C., on or about the 2nd day of May, A. D. 1813. She further states that the following is a description of her said husband at the time of his enlistment, viz. 20 years of age 5 ft. 5 in. high eyes blue hair dark complexion dark occupation carpenter. She further states that she was married to the said Asa O'Neal, at city (or town) {lined out}, in the county of Hyde, and in the State of N. Carolina, on the 12th day of October, A. D. 1837 by one Joseph Gaskill, who was a Magistrate; and that her name before her said marriage was Mary O'Neal; and she further states that Asa O'Neal was married to Clara Midyett who died May 1834 in Hyde County, N.C., also to Joanna Mixon who died June 1836 (at Chocowinity N.C.) and that her said husband Asa O'Neal, died at Hyde County, in the State of N.C., on the 12th day of November, A. D. 1867, and that she has not again marriedd; and she further declares that the following have been the places of residence of herself and her said husband since the date of his discharge from the Army, viz: Hyde County North Carolina to soldiers death, that she lived in Pitt Co. N.C. from 1868 to 1881, since then in Washington, NC. She makes declaration for the purpose of obtaining the pension to which she may be entitled under Sections 4736 to 4740, (inclusive) Rvised Statutes, and the Act of March 9th, 1878, and hereby appoints ......, of ....., {blank} her true and lawful attorney, to prosecute her claim; and she further declares that she has heretofore made No application for Bounty Land or Pension. if Land Warrant was issued to her husband she does not know. none to hersel----- and that her residence is No. .... {blank} street, city {lined out} (or town) of Washington county of Beaufort, State of North Carolina, and that her post-office address is Washington, Beaufort County North Carolina.
/s/ Mary (her x mark) ONealAttest:
George H. Weston
Edward G. LeggettAlso appeared G. H. Weston, aged 32 years, residing at Washington N.C., and E. G. Leggett, aged 45 years, residing at Greenville, N.C., persons whom I certify to be respectable and entitled to credit, and who, being by me duly sworn, say that they have known the said Mary O'Neal for 20 years and 16 years, respectively; that they were present and saw her sign her name (or make her mark) to the foregoing declaration; that they have every reason to believe, from the appearance of said claimant and their acquaintance with her, that she is the identical person she represents herself to be; and they further say that they are able to identify her as the person who was the wife of the identical Asa O'Neal who rendered the service alleged in the above application (in the company of Seth B. Jordan in the regiment of 2nd N.C. Infty, in the war of 1812) by the following named facts and circumstances, viz: Witness Weston says he knows Claimant as the wife of said Asa O'Neal being a neighbor of theirs before and since his death to this date - Witness Leggett says he knew Claimant in Hyde County and also while she resided in Pitt County and up to this date - and that they have no interest in the prosecution of this claim.
George H. Weston
Edward G. Leggett
(Signatures of witnesses)Sworn to and subscribed before me this 11th day of January, A. D. 1883; and I hereby certify that the contents of the above declaration, &c., were fully made known and explained to the applicant and witnesses before swearing, including the words .... {blank}, erased, and the words .... {blank} , added; and that I have no interest, direct or indirect, in the prosecution of this claim.
G. Milheus {?}
Clerk, Sup. CourtAugustus W. Watson, age 70, declared in 1883 he was an eyewitness to the marriage of Asa ONeal to Mary O'Neal Oct 12th, 1837 in Hyde Co., NC , by Joseph Gaskill, J.P. and that she did not remarry after his death. His address was Lake Landing, Hyde Co., NC.
Asa O'Neal's pension file included document dated 1 Apr 1920 with the following information:
Soldier: O'Neal, Asa
War of 1812 Widow: O'Neal, Mary Wid Orig --- 42,633
Service: Pvt, Capt Hellen's Co. N.C. Mil
Wid C__ --- 33,318
Bounty - 31225-80-50
Land - 47207-80-55
Enl. Nov 9, 1814 - Dis. March 22, 1815
Residence of Soldier - 1850-1857 - Washington, Beaufort Co., NC.
Residence of Widow - 1883 Washington, Beaufort Co., NC.
Maiden name of Widow - Mary O'Neal; Soldiers 1st wife - Clara Midyett; 2nd wife - Joanna Mixon.
Marriage of Soldier and Widow - Oct 12, 1837, Hyde Co., NC.
Death of Soldier - Nov. 12, 1867, Hyde Co., NC.
Death of Widow - May 12, 1887 Washington, Beaufort Co., NC.
Exr. H_W Rev'r
Apr 1, 1920
Children of Asa O'Neal and Claressa Midyett:
1. Thomas Hezekiah O'Neal, b. May 11, 1814; m. Oct. 17, 1857 to Patsy Hawkins.
2. Frances O'Neal, b. May 14, 1816.
3. William C. O'Neal, b. Sept. 23, 1819; m. Martha Ann Porter (1845-1870).
4. Pollie O'Neal, b. Feb. 13, 1821; m. William Caswell.
5. Clarissa Ann O'Neal, b. Nov. 29, 1829.Child of Asa O'Neal and Joanna Mixon:
6. Malissa Cescelice O'Neal, b. July 20, 1836; m. Bernard Carawan.Children of Asa O'Neal and Mary O'Neal:
7. Henry Alonzo O'Neal, b. June 27, 1838.
8. William W. O'Neal, b. Mar. 23, 1841; Co. F, 33rd NC Regt., NCST; died Oct. 12, 1862 at Winchester, VA.
9. Rebecca O'Neal, b. Dec. 25, 1842.
10. Henry Winn O'Neal, b. Dec. 03, 1844; Co. B, 17th NC Regt. NCST; wounded at Petersburg, VA; m. 1870 to Martha Carolina Bishop.
11. Mary JoAnn O'Neal, b. Mar. 13, 1847.
12. Thomas Redmon O'Neal, b. May 16, 1849; d. Feb. 17, 1919; m. Nov. 26, 1874 to Salina Jewel Jinnett (Jennett) (1852-1929).
13. Asa Ben O'Neal, b. Dec. 3, 1850; m. Sept. 25, 1873 to Della Dennis.
14. Melinda O'Neal, b. May 13, 1854; d. Aug. 20, 1911; m. Dec. 8, 1876 to Anson Walter Sawyer (1851-1923)
15. Sandford O'Neal, b. Jan. 29, 1858; d. June 3, 1926; m. Mar. 2, 1881 to Susan Emily Crawford.The above information has kindly been submitted by: Sammy A. Pierce. For anyone interested in information on the family and descendants of Asa O'Neal, please contact Sammy A. Pierce at the above email address.
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