"The Spirit of '76" by Archibald M. Willard (ca. 1876)
1775-1783 |
The links below contain information on the men from Hyde County in the American Revolution. Please keep in mind that research in this area is an ongoing process, and that this is not a definitive list. There may be veterans whose names do not appear on this list and some listed who were not veterans. If you know of any omission or errors, please e-mail me. Much research remains to be done. Please contribute any information you may have, before, during and after their service, including all sources for this information. For information on Beaufort County Militia, 1781, please see links below.
A - W
ADAMS, Lanier (Lenoir), Lt.
ADAMS, Thomas - Doctor. Census 1800.
ADAMS, William - Census 1790, 1800.
ALLEN, Jeremiah - f. John (d. 1790). Step-Mother. Hannah Bartee?
ALLEN, Josiah - f. John (d. 1790). Step-Mother. Hannah Bartee?
ARTHUR, John - Militia. Census 1790.
BAKER, Solomon - Enlisted in Continental Army for 3 years - Halifax, Sept. 3, 1778. Description: Ht: 5’6”; Age: 23; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Gray.
BALANCE, Benjn. - Hyde County Militia, 7 Feb., 1782.
BARTEE, Reuben, Ensign - Hyde County Militia, Cordwinder/Shoemaker, f. Joel Bartee, m. Sarah .
BELL, George
BONNER, James, Colonel - b. 1719. d. After 1790. Col. Bonner was born in either Hyde or Beaufort Precincts, Bath County. Daughter, Elizabeth, was married on Dec. 11, 1782 to Caleb Foreman (Hyde County), Lt., 8th Regt., NC Troops, and Clerk of Hyde County Court 1781, 1785-1787. f. Thomas. m. Abigail. Thomas Bonner, was a "freeholder in Hyde Precinct in 1715."
BRIGHTMAN, Pelig - Enlisted in Continental Army for 3 years - Halifax, Sept. 3, 1778. Born: Boston, MA; Resided: Craven Co., NC. Description: Ht: 5’10”; Age: 21; Hair: Brown; Eyes: Gray.
BRINN, John - Enlisted in Continental Army for 3 years - Halifax, Sept. 3, 1778. Description: Ht: 5’8”; Age: 20; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Black.
BRINN, Richard, Senr. - Hyde County Militia, 7 Feb., 1782. Over 50 years of age.
BROOKS, Stephen - Hyde County Militia, 7 Feb., 1782. Over 50 years of age.
BROOKS, Thomas - Hyde County Militia & Continental Line. Born bet. 1726-1755. Died: June 13, 1822 Wilson Co., TN. Wife: Angelica Riordame. Known children: Christopher, Stephen, Polly, Jeremiah and Midget Brooks. View Thomas' pension for further details.
BROWN, Nathan - Census 1790.
CAHOON, William
CALLEM, Nathnil
CAMPBELL, William - w. Tooney (Fanny) Windley of Hyde County, Daughter of Israel and Elizabeth Windley (d. ca. 1767).
CANNON, John - Census 1786.
CARROW, Henry - Hyde County Militia, 7 Feb., 1782.
CARROW, Thomas - Hyde County Militia, 7 Feb., 1782.
CARROWON, John, Jr. - listed on Hyde County Militia List dated 7 Feb., 1782. f. John Carrowon, Sr.
CARROWON, Joseph - listed on Hyde County Militia List dated 7 Feb., 1782. f. John Carrowon, Sr.
CARROWON, William - listed on Hyde County Militia List dated 7 Feb., 1782. d. 1804; m. Amy Green; f. John Carrowon, Sr.
CARTWRIGHT, Lemuel - Hyde County, NC; Applied for pension 7 June 1832, rejected, no reason given.
CLARK, Major - b. Oct. 31, 1727. d. Feb. 23, 1786. Married Mary Wilkinson (b. Oct. 27, 1732) March 29, 1750, f. John Clark, Merchant in Hyde Precinct and member of first vestry of St. Thomas Church, Bath. A Major Clark was reportedly on the vessel which captured Teach (Blackbeard), beheaded him and carried his head to Washington, NC.
CLARK, Thomas, Captain - Hyde County Militia. Continental Army, 9th NC Regt. Lt., Feb. 1, 1777; transferred to 4th NC Regt. on July 1, 1778; Capt., Feb. 10, 1779. d. circa 1805.
CLARK, William - Militia. Census 1790, 1800.
CLAYTON, John - Hyde County Militia, 7 Feb., 1782.
COLEY, Gabriel - Enlisted in Continental Army for 3 years - Halifax, Sept. 3, 1778. Born in Boston, MA; Resided in Northampton Co., VA. Description: Ht: 6’; Age: 49; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Gray.
COLLINS, Henry - Militia. Millwright/Carpenter. d. ca. 1791. f. Uriah (d. ca. 1752). w. Sarah.
COX, William - Hyde County Militia, 7 Feb., 1782. Over 50 years of age.
CRADLE, Francis - Hyde County Militia, 7 Feb., 1782.
CUTRELL, Charles - Hyde County Militia, 7 Feb., 1782. Over 50 years of age.
CUTRELL, David - Hyde County Militia, 7 Feb., 1782. Over 50 years of age.
CUTRELL, Peter - Hyde County Militia, 7 Feb., 1782. Over 50 years of age.
DANIELS, Daniel - Hyde County Militia, 7 Feb., 1782. Over 50 years of age.
DANIEL(S), Thomas - Census 1800.
DAVENPORT, George - Militia. Census 1790.
DAVENPORT, Joel - Militia. Census 1790.
DAVISON, James - Hyde County Militia, 7 Feb., 1782. Over 50 years of age. Quaker.
DAVIS, David
DAVIS, James - Census 1800. f. Samuel (d. ca. 1795). m. Jean.
DAVIS, John - Census 1790, 1800.
DAVIS, William - Continental Army. Census 1790, 1800. d. ca. 1803. w. Elizabeth.
DIXON, John - Hyde County Militia, 7 Feb., 1782. Over 50 years of age. Census 1786. (also spelled DIXSON, DICKSON)
DUDLEY, George
EBORN, Joachim, Capt.
EBORN, John, Colonel - Militia. Continental Army, 5th N.C. Regt. 2nd Lt., Apr. 1776; Lt., Oct. 1, 1776; later promoted to Colonel. Battle of Guilford Court House. Member of NC House of Commons 1782-1788. Member of NC Senate 1789-1791. Canal Commissioner when Canal was cut from Juniper Bay to Mattamuskeet Lake. b. 1747. d. 1796. w. Arcadah Foreman. b. Feb. 8, 1754. d. June 10, 1839.
EBORN, Zenos (Zeneth) (Zenas) - Militia. Census 1786, 1790. f. Aaron (d. ca. 1785). m. Elizabeth.
EGGLESTON, Noah (Noe) - Continental Army. Census 1786, 1790, 1800. Planter. d. ca. 1809. (Also spelled EGLETON, EAGLETON)
FOREMAN, Caleb, Captain - Commissioned Lt. Nov. 28, 1776, 8th NC Regt., Continental Army. Captain in Hyde County Militia 1779-1780. Clerk of Inferior Court 1781, 1785-1787. b. 1751, d. Feb. 18, 1790. Married Dec. 1782 to Elizabeth Bonner (Dau. of Colonel James Bonner). b. July 18, 1755, d. Feb. 2, 1806-07. (Also spelled FORMAN)
FORTESCUE, John, Lieutenant. - Hyde County Militia May 24, 1790. d. 1806. (Also spelled FORTISCUE)
GAYLORD, Benjamin(e) - Militia. Planter. f. Thomas, Snor. m. Rosannah. Married Rebecca Friley, Feb. 26, 1771, Tyrell County, who died Beaufort County, ca. 1803. (Also spelled GAYLARD, GALARD, GAILERD)
GAYLORD, James - Census 1786, 1790, 1800. Planter. f. Thomas, Snor. (d. ca. 1784). m. Rosannah Winfield. (Also spelled GAYLARD, GALARD, GAILERD)
GAYLORD, Jeremiah, Ensign - Hyde County Militia, Company 3, May 24, 1780. Commissioned by Gov. Richard Caswell in 1779. d. ca. 1823. f. John, m. Lucretia. (Also spelled GAYLARD, GALARD, GAILERD)
GAYLORD, Stephen, Captain - Hyde County Militia, Company 3, May 24, 1780. Planter. d. ca. 1795. f. Thomas, Senr. m. Rosannah. w. Rebecor (Rebecca). (Also spelled GAYLARD, GALARD, GAILERD)
GAYLORD, Thomas, Captain - Hyde County Militia Aug. 23, 1774. Freeholder in Hyde County 1760. d. ca. 1794. (Also spelled GAYLARD, GALARD, GAILERD) Description: Ht: 5’10”; Age 39; Hair: Sandy; Eyes: Blue.
GAYLORD, Winfield - Militia. Census 1790. Planter. d. ca. 1794. f. Thomas, Snor. (d. ca. 1784). m. Rosannah Winfield. (Also spelled GAYLARD, GALARD, GAILERD)
GIBBS, Benjamin(e), Lieutenant - Hyde County Militia May 24, 1780. Hyde County Militia, 7 Feb., 1782. b. Jan. 11, 1761 d. 1813. f. William, Sr. m. Cassandra Spencer. w. Ruthy.
GIBBS, Benjamin, Jr., Capt.
GIBBS, Case (Cason), Ensign - Hyde County Militia May 24, 1780. Hyde County Militia, 7 Feb., 1782. d. ca. 1828. f. Joseph, Sr. m. Mary. w.l. Dinah Bartee. w. 2 Nancy Lockhart (Locker). w. 3. Pheba Harris.
GIBBS, Henry, Senr. - Hyde County Militia, 7 Feb., 1782.
GIBBS, Jeremiah - Hyde County Militia, 7 Feb., 1782.
GIBBS, John - Militia. Census 1800. f. Robert, Senor (d. ca. 1794). m. Rachal. (Also spelled GUEBBS)
GIBBS, Joseph, Junr./Senr., Captain - Hyde County Militia May 24, 1780, Hyde County Militia, 7 Feb., 1782. f. Joseph, Senr., m. Mary Brinson, w1. Dorcas Bartee, w2. Unconfirmed, w3. Esther Farmer. (Became Senior afther the death of his father.)
GIBBS, Joseph, Senr. - Hyde County Militia, 7 Feb., 1782. Over 50 years of age.
GIBBS, Robert, Senr. - Hyde County Militia, 7 Feb., 1782. Over 50 years of age.
GIBBS, William, Ensign - Hyde County Militia May 24, 1780. Hyde County Militia, 7 Feb., 1782. b. Oct. 27, 1754.
GRAY, Edward, Ensign - Hyde County Militia, 7 Feb., 1782. Over 50 years of age.
GRAY, Robert - Hyde County Militia, 7 Feb., 1782.
GREEN, David - Hyde County Militia, 7 Feb., 1782. Over 50 years of age.
GURGANUS, Aaron (Aron) - Militia. Census 1790, 1800. d. ca. 1812. w. Weltha. (Also spelled GERGAINUS, GURGAINS)
HAMBLETON, James (Also spelled HAMILTON)
HARRES, Joseph (Also spelled HARRIS)
HARRIS, Abel - Enlisted in Continental Army for 3 years - Halifax, Sept. 3, 1778. Description: Ht: 5’9”; Age: 17; Hair: Fair; Eyes: Blue.
HARRIS, Daniel - Militia. Census 1786, 1800.
HARRIS, Elijah (Elizah) (Elisha) - Enlisted in Continental Army for 3 years - Halifax, Sept. 3, 1778. Enlisted in 10th NC Regt., Continental Army, June 1, 1781 for 12 mos. Left service June 1, 1782. Description: Ht: 5’5”; Age: 17; Hair: Fair; Eyes: Blue.
HARRIS, Ezekiel - Hyde County Militia, 7 Feb., 1782. Over 50 years of age. Quaker.
HARRIS, John - Hyde County Militia, 7 Feb., 1782.
HARRIS, Stephen - Hyde County Militia, 7 Feb., 1782. Census 1790.
HARRIS, Thomas - Census 1786, 1790, 1800. Planter.
HARRIS, William - Census 1786, 1790, 1800. d. circa 1810. w. Sarah.
HARVEY, James - Enlisted in Continental Army for 3 years - Halifax, Sept. 3, 1778. Born and lived in Beaufort Co., NC. Description: Ht: 5’3”; Age: 17; Hair: Fair; Eyes: Blue.
HENRY, Hugh - Hyde County Militia, 7 Feb., 1782.
HENRYS, Samuel - Hyde County Militia, 7 Feb., 1782.
HODGES, James - Census 1790. (Also spelled HOGES)
HOLLOWAY, Wm. (William) - Militia, Census 1790. (Also spelled HOLLAWAY)
HOVEY, Seth - Militia. Census 1786, 1790, 1800. Doctor. d. ca. 1815.
HOWARD, William
HUTSON, Anthony - Hyde County Militia, 7 Feb., 1782.
HUTSON, William - Hyde County Militia, 7 Feb., 1782. Over 50 years of age.
JARVIS, Samuel, Colonel - Militia. Census 1800. Exec. of Will (circa l8O7) Jesse Jarvis. Deed of Sale (1799). (Also spelled JARVES) [There may have been two Samuel Jarvis', one from Currituck County, the colonel, and another from Hyde County.]
JENNETT, John - Hyde County Militia, 7 Feb., 1782.
JENNETT, Solomon, Lt.
JOHNSON, Jeremiah - Militia. Census 1800. Planter. (Also spelled JOHNSTON, JONSTON)
JOLLEY, Mallachi (Mallacha) - Census 1786.
JONES, David - Census 1790.
JONES, Abram, Colonel - Hyde County Militia, 7 Feb., 1782.
JONES, Abraham, Senr. - Hyde County Militia, 7 Feb., 1782. Over 50 years of age.
JONES, Abraham - Hyde County Militia, 7 Feb., 1782.
JONES, James - Census 1800. Land Grant by Gov. Alexander Martin (1782). Deed of Sale (1791).
JONES, Rich'd. (Richard) - Hyde County Militia, 7 Feb., 1782. Census 1786, 1790. Planter. f. David (d. ca. 1753). m. Elizabeth. w. Jean (Jain).
JONES, Solomon, Captain - Hyde County Militia, May 24, 1780. Hyde County Militia, 7 Feb., 1782. Planter. d. ca. 1791-92.
JONES, Thomas, 2nd Major - Appointed 2nd Major Hyde County Militia by Provincial Congress at Hillsboro, Sept. 9, 1775. Planter, Mattamuskeet. d. 1806. w. Mary.
JORDAN, John - Continental Army. Census 1790, 1800. Hyde County Legislature 1775 and Hyde County representative to Hillsboro Convention. b. 1736 d. 1792 f. John, Merchant (d. ca. 1775). m. Margaret (?Bailey) w. Elizabeth Smith. (Also spelled JORDIN)
JORDAN, Thomas - Hyde County Militia. High Sheriff of Hyde County. Resided at Woodstock. f. Thomas m. Diana Wilkinson, their marriage May 25, 17.?, d. 1786.
LATHAM, Rotheas, Colonel - Appointed Colonel in Hyde County Militia by Provincial Congress at Hillsboro, Sept. 9, 1775. Delegate to Provincial Congress at Halifax Apr. 4, 1776. Millwright. d. ca . 1784. w. 1. ? - w. 2. Mrs. Sarah Jordan Martin. b. ca. 1725-26.
LINTEN, William
LOCKHART, John - Hyde County Militia, 7 Feb., 1782. Over 50 years of age.
MACKEY, Robert - Enlisted in Continental Army for 3 years - Halifax, Sept. 3, 1778. (Also spelled MACCAY) Description: Ht: 5’9”; Age: 22; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Black.
MANN, Thomas - Census 1790, 1800. d. ca. 1805. w. Elizabeth.
MARTIN, Dnl (Daniel)
MARTIN, Hosea (Hosiah) (Hosey) - Continental Army. Census 1786, 1790. m. Sarah Jordan. (Also spelled MARTAIN)
MASON, Benjamin(e) - Enlisted in Continental Army for 3 years - Halifax, Sept. 3, 1778. f. Benjamin Mason (d.c. 1771/72) m. Elizabeth Jones. Description: Ht: 6’; Age: 20; Hair: Fair; Eyes: Blue.
MASON, Caleb - 8 July 1823 made application for pension for his service in the Revolutionary War. He enlisted in 1775 for 6 months. He enlisted again for 2 years in 1776 in NC and served as a Lieut and again as Capt. He mentioned Hyde County. (It says this record can be found in Dic Co., TN County Court Minutes, 2/no number. I assume "Dic" stands for Dickson Co., TN)
MASON, Christopher, Lt. - Hyde County Militia May 24, 1780. Planter. f. Benjamin. m. Elizabeth. w. Sarah.
MASON, James
MASON, John - Hyde County Militia, 7 Feb., 1782.
MASON, Thomas
MOONEY, Charles - Hyde County Militia, 7 Feb., 1782. Over 50 years of age.
MOOR (MOORE), Frances
MOOR, John - Hyde County Militia, 7 Feb., 1782. Over 50 years of age. Quaker.
MORRES (MORRIS), Samul (Samuel)
MORRIS, Francis
MURDEN (?), Jeremiah - Hyde County Militia, 7 Feb., 1782. Over 50 years of age.
MURRAY, Timothy - Enlisted in Continental Army for 3 years - Halifax, Sept. 3, 1778. b. 1757. d. ca. 1803. w. Easter(Esther) Watson. (Also spelled MURREY) Description: Ht: 5’10”; Age: 21; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Dark.
NEAL(E), Benjamin(e), Pvt. - Enlisted in Continental Army for 3 years - Halifax, Sept. 3, 1778. d. 1793. w. Margaret. Born: Kent, Maryland; Description: Ht: 5’9”; Age: 20; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Black.
NEAL, John - Hyde County Militia, 7 Feb., 1782. Over 50 years of age.
OWENS, Nathaniel - Hyde County Militia, 7 Feb., 1782.
PARMARLE, Benjamin(e), Lt. Col. - Appointed Lt. Col. Hyde County Militia by Provincial Congress at Hillsboro Sept. 9, 1775. Delegate to Provincial Congress at Halifax Apr. 4, 1776. Planter. d. ca. 1794-97. w. Jane. (Also spelled PARMERLIN, PARMELE, PARMELY)
PAUL, Robert
PIERCE, Israel - Continental. Free Person of Color. 1790 Census - Tyrrell Co.; 1800 & 1810 Census - Hyde Co.; 1820 Census - Beaufort Co.
POOL(E), Levi - Militia. Census 1800.
RATCLIFF, James - Census 1786, 1790, 1800. Planter. (Also spelled RATLIFF, RATCLEFT, RATLAFF)
REED, James - Census 1786. w. Fanne. (Also spelled READ. READE)
ROGERS, Benjamin(e) - Militia. Census 1790.
RUE, Solomon, Captain - Hyde County Militia May 24, 1780. d. ca. 1803. f. Southy. m. Rachel (d. circa 1788), w. Agness. (Also spelled REW)
RUE, Sonthy (Southy) - Militia. Census 1790, 1800. (Also spelled REN, REW)
ROSS, Abel - Enlisted in Continental Army for 3 years - Halifax, Sept. 3, 1778. Born and Lived in Beaufort Co., NC. Description: Ht: 5’5”; Age: 42; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Dark.
ROSS, Thomas - Continental Army. Enlisted at Halifax on Sept. 3, 1778 for 3 years. Description: Ht: 5’7”; Age: 19; Hair: Black; Eyes: Black; Skin: Black.
RUSSELL, William, Colonel - Appointed lst Major by Provincial Congress at Hillsboro Sept. 9, 1775. Colonel, Hyde County Militia May 24, 1780. b. ca. 1750. d. ca. 1795.
SANDERS, Andrew - Continental Army. Census 1786, 1790.
SANDERS, William - Census 1790.
SATERTHWAIT(E), William, Lt. - Hyde County Militia May 24, 1780.
SELBY, Burridge Hutchins - Colonel - Hyde County Militia, 7 Feb., 1782.
SELBY, John - Hyde County Militia, 7 Feb., 1782.
SELBY, Saml., Junr., Sergeant - Hyde County Militia, 7 Feb., 1782.
SELBY, Samuel, Senr. - Hyde County Militia, 7 Feb., 1782. Over 50 years of age.
SELBY, William - Hyde County Militia, 7 Feb., 1782.
SILVERTHORN, Robert, Pvt. - NC Militia and Revolutionary Pensioner in 1833. b. ca. 1752.
SLADE, Stephen
SLADE, William - Census 1790, 1800.
SLOAN, Alexander - Census 1790. (Also spelled SLOW)
SMITH, Benjamin(e) - Census 1800. d. circa 1819. f. John. w. Elizabeth.
SMITH, James - Census 1786, 1790, 1800. Farmer. d. ca. 1802. w. Lizabeth.
SMITH, John - Census 1800.
SMITH, Joseph - Census 1786, 1790, 1800. f. Joseph. m. Lucretia (d. ca. 1801). Married Dinah Gurganius July 28, 1778.
SMITH, Solomon - Militia. Census 1790, 1800. f. John, Cuper (d. ca. 1772).
SMITH, Thomas, Captain - Hyde County Militia May 24, 1780.
SMITH, William - Census 1786, 1790, 1800. Planter. f. John, Merchant (d. June, 1751). m. Dinah Cordain.
SPARROW, Paul - Hyde County Militia, 7 Feb., 1782.
SPENCER, Edward - Hyde County Militia, 7 Feb., 1782. Over 50 years of age.
SPENCER, John, Senr. - Hyde County Militia, 7 Feb., 1782. Over 50 years of age.
SPENCER, Nathan - Hyde County Militia, 7 Feb., 1782.
SPENCER, William, Pvt. - NC Militia and Pevolutionary Pensioner in 1833. b. ca. 1752.
SWINDELL, Abraham - Enlisted in Continental Army for 3 years - Halifax, Sept. 3, 1778. f. Josiah (d. ca. 1806). m. Esther. Description: Ht: 5’7”; Age: 23; Hair: Fair; Eyes: Blue.
SWINDELL, Caleb - Hyde County Militia, 7 Feb., 1782. Over 50 years of age. (also spelled SWINDAL)
SWINDELL, Caleb, Senr. - Hyde County Militia, 7 Feb., 1782. (also spelled SWINDAL)
SWINDELL, Joseph - Hyde County Militia, 7 Feb., 1782. (also spelled SWINDAL)
SEINDELL, Josiah - Hyde County Militia, 7 Feb., 1782. (also spelled SWINDAL)
SWINDELL, Zedekiah - Hyde County Militia, 7 Feb., 1782. (also spelled SWINDAL)
SURMON, Job - Hyde County Militia, 7 Feb., 1782.
SURMON, Joseph - Hyde County Militia, 7 Feb., 1782.
SURMON, Peter - Hyde County Militia, 7 Feb., 1782.
SURMON, Thos. - Hyde County Militia, 7 Feb., 1782. Over 50 years of age.
THOMAS, John - Census 1800.
THOMAS, Rass (Ross) - Enlisted in Continental Army for 3 years - Hatifax, Sept. 3, 1778. (Enlistment papers state he Is a Black man.)
THORNTON, Thomas - Census 1786, 1790. d. ca. 1794. w. Clark (Clarky). (Also spelled THORONTON, THORINGTON)
THORNTON, William - Planter. w. Letishee ? or Mary (May) ? (Also spelled THORONTON, THORINGTON)
TURNER, Ezekiel, Lieutenant - Hyde County Militia May 24, 1780. w. Rebekah ?
TYSON, Aron (Aaron) - Census 1800. d. ca. 1815. w. Esther. (Also spelled TISON)
TYSON, Zachariah - Census 1800. f. Daniel (d. circa 1786). m. Rebeccah. (Also spelled TISON)
WATSON, William - Hyde County Militia, 7 Feb., 1782.
WESTON, Samuel - Hyde County Militia, 7 Feb., 1782. Over 50 years of age.
WHITE, Caleb - Hyde County Militia, 7 Feb., 1782. Over 50 years of age.
WHITEHEAD, Willis - Census 1790, 1800. f. Ruling (Reeling).
WILKINS, Thomas - Census 1786, 1790. d. ca. 1799. w. Susannah.
WILKINSON, John - Census 1790. Bro. Jesse, Planter (d. circa 1786). (Also spelled WILKERSON)
WILLIAMS, George, Private - NC Militia and Revolutionary War Pensioner in 1834. b. ca. 1757. d. ca. 1837.
WILLIAMS, Joseph - Applied for pension on 7 June 1832, rejected because he did not serve six months. Appeared in Hyde County census in 1786, 1790, 1800.
WILLIAMS, William (Wm.) - Census 1786. f. Joseph, Arromoskeet (d. circa 1773). m. Elizabeth. b. Gorge (d. circa 1837).
WISE, Andrew - Hyde County Militia, 7 Feb., 1782.
WILSON, John - Census 1790, 1800.
WILSON, Willis - Census 1790. f. Malachi.
WINDLEY, Eligah (Elijah)
WRIGHT, James - Census 1800. d. circa 1814. f. John. (Also spelled RIGHT)
WRIGHT, William, Ensign - Hyde County Militia May 24, 1780. d. ca. 1786-1800. f. Thomas (d. ca. 1797). m. Martha. w. Sarah. (Also spelled RIGHT)
1. Hyde County History, A Hyde County Bicentennial Project, 1976; Hyde County Historical Society; pp. 122-123. "The Swan Quarter Bicentennial Committee, with the assistance of the Hyde County Historical Society, compiled the following roster of individuals who participated in the Revolutionary War. The individuals on this list were verified as Hyde County residents by one or more of the following sources: Roster of Solders From North Carolina in the American Revolution; Some Colonial and Revolutionary Families of North Carolina, Vol. 1; Index to Hathaway's Register; "Hyde County Census 1786, 1790, 1800”; "Hyde County 1700 Wills and Deeds”; "1800 Wills”; "Marriage Bonds”; Bible Records."
2. Hyde County History, A Hyde County Bicentennial Project, 1976; Hyde County Historical Society; pp. 123-125. "The following list of Soldiers in the Continental Line has been abstracted from the Roster of Soldiers From North Carolina in the American Revolution. These men were not designated as Hyde County, but were either Newbern Militia District or appeared without a District designation. Supportive data from Hyde County Court Records, Federal Census Records, Index to Hathaway's Register, and Estate Papers (State Department of Archives and History) strongly indicates these men were residents of Hyde County. However, we present this data hoping anyone having information to confirm or disprove these findings will share such with us."
3. "High Tides", Vol. 2, No. 1, Spring 1981; Hyde County Historical Society; p. 20. Sept. 3, 1778, Halifax, NC; List of volunteers in the Continental Army, for nine months service.
4. "High Tides", Vol. 2, No. 1, Spring 1981; Hyde County Historical Society; pp. 21-22. Hyde County Veterans of the American Revolution.
5. NC Department of Archives and History; 7 February, 1782, A list of Invalids above and below the age of fifty years.Revolutionary War Links
Southern Campaign Revolutionary War Pension Statements
Daughters of the American Revolution
Sons of the American Revolution
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