Hyde Co., NC Soldiers
who served in the
1st & 2nd Regiments
North Carolina Union Volunteers
(Researched and compiled
by Kay Midgett Sheppard and John B. McGowan)
It is generally unknown that during the Civil War a significant number of Southerners fought for the North. Four regiments of White soldiers were recruited into the Union army in North Carolina, of which two were from the coastal area. They were the First and Second North Carolina Union Volunteer Infantry. These two infantry regiments remained in that region for the entire war.
The 1st NC Infantry Regiment was organized June 27, 1862 and the 2nd NC Infantry Regiment in Nov., 1863 in New Bern, NC. These two regiments served in the Union garrisons of eastern North Carolina at New Bern, Washington, Beaufort and Plymouth. The 2nd NC Infantry Regiment, which never reached full strength, was merged with the 1st NC on February 27, 1865. Shortly after the end of the war, the 1st NC was mustered out at New Bern on June 27, 1865.
The below alphabetical list of Hyde County Union soldiers in the 1st & 2nd NC Infantry Regiments includes those men from Hatteras Island, which was part of Hyde County from 1823 to 1870, and Ocracoke Island, which has been part of Hyde County since 1845.
Anyone having further information on any of the above soldiers, or any of the Union or Confederate soldiers from Hyde County, NC, including photos, military records, pension records or information on these soldiers after the War, please contact me. Thanks for your contributions and support.
For further information on the 1st and 2nd NC Union Volunteers and the complete roster, please see: NCUV Home Page.
Hyde Co., NC Union Veterans
Atkins - Burrus |
Carrawon - English |
Farrow - Gibbs |
Gray - Harper |
Hooper - Linton |
Manning - Midgett |
Miller - O'Niel |
Outlaw - Saddler |
.Scarborough - Swindle |
Tolson - Wilson |
1819 - That part of Hyde County lying on the west side of the Pungo River was ceded to Beaufort County.
1823 - Hatteras Island, formerly part of Currituck County, became part of Hyde County; then became part of Dare County which was formed in 1870.
1845 - Ocracoke Island, formerly part of Carteret County, became part of Hyde County.Sources:
1. Almasy, Sandra Lee. North Carolina, 1890 Civil War Veterans Census.
2. Carawan, Seth D. and Sandra S. Carawan. The 1850 Census of Hyde County, North Carolina.
3. Hyde County Bicentennial Committee. Hyde County History. Hyde County Historical Society.
4. Sheppard, Kay Midgett Sheppard. The 1860 Census of Hyde County, North Carolina. (Unpublished).
5. Sheppard, Kay Midgett Sheppard. The 1870 Census of Hyde County, North Carolina. (Unpublished).
6. McGowan, John B., The 1880 Census of Hyde County, North Carolina. (Unpublished).
7. Mallison, Fred M., The Civil War on the Outer Banks.
8. Moore, John W., Roster of North Carolina Troops in the War Between the States. Raleigh: 1882.
9. Oakley, Crestena Anna Jennings. The 1900 Census of Hyde County, North Carolina.
10. Oakley, Crestena Anna Jennings. The 1910 Census of Hyde County, North Carolina.
11. Swindell, Martha Rebecca, and Romulus Sanderson Spencer. "In Memory Of..." an Index of Hyde County Cemeteries.
12. Thomas, Gerald, transcriber; Records of Volunteer Union Soldiers Who Served During the Civil War From the State of North Carolina. (Record Group 94) M401, Rolls 1-13, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
13. United States Military and Pension Records, National Archives and Administration Records (NARA), Washington, DC. Transcribed by Kay Lynn Sheppard.
14. Selection (April 6-10, 1863) from Edwin Graves Champney's Diary for Dec. 21, 1862 - July 2, 1863, pp. 30-36; Microfilm Roll #2898, Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. (by Permission of Owner - Edwin A. Champney, 115 Pine Hill Road, Bedford, MA 01730 - August 4, 1997) (Drawings by Edwin Graves Champney Courtesy of the Outer Banks History Center, Manteo, NC.)
15. Microfilm Roll T289-388 (Co. "F" 1st NC Inf. Thru Co. "I" 28th NC Inf.
16. 1870 - 1920 Censuses of Dare County, North Carolina, from Ascentry.com.
17. 1870 - 1900 Censuses of Pamlico County, North Carolina, from Ascentry.com.
18. 1850 - 1900 Censuses of Tyrrell County, North Carolina from Tyrrell Co., NCGenWeb site.
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