The rewarding story of a serendipidous roots quest:

...In 2000 on my 2nd trip to Lincoln County hunting my roots, we began stopping at just about every cemetery we came upon.  We were riding out Cansler St (I think it is called) and my husband spotted this smaller cemetery across the street from the Old Laurel Hill School Well.  He said that may be a good one to investigate, so he turned around and went back.  Now, this is something he never does!!  We had just about finished walking the whole place, when my cousin was rounding a corner and did a quick double-take.  Lo and behold, there was my daddy's baby brother's grave that I don't think anyone in the family knew where it was located.  We were so excited with this 'find'.  I have a picture taken that day of me (Rachel Haynes Tanner), my brother (Bill Haynes) and cousin (Guy Haynes).  I have attached  it here, hope you don't mind.

The stone reads: 

son of
Mar. 7, 1904
Oct 25, 1905

Parents were William Columbus and Brentie grandparents.

... Rachel Tanner


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