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Transcribed and submitted by Deloris Williams


Following are abstracts from Orphan Bonds of Granville  County:

Aug. 30, 1749 – Benjamin. Onie Darby bound to John Green for instruction to become a blacksmith.

Dec. 5, 1749 -  Agnes, 9 yr. Old child of Thomas Adams, bound to Philemon Hawkins.  Elizabeth, 2 yr. old child of Thomas Adams, bound to Jacob Dansby.

Dec. 4, 1750 – George Floyd, 18 years old,  William Floyd, 14 yrs. old, orphans of Wm. Floyd, bound to Jos. Kimball Sr.,  to learn the art and mistery of a blacksmith.

Mar. 5, 1750/1 – John, 11 year old orphan of John Johnson, bound to George Morris and that the child have a years schooling and be learned the shoemakers trade.

Mar. 5, 1750/1 – John Lawson, 16 years old on March 1, orphan, bound to Thomas Lowe to learn to be a “Taylor”.

June 6, 1751 – John Mulkey, 7 yrs old, orphan of James Mulkey, bound to John Green to learn the blacksmith’s trade.  To be given by Green 2 years of schooling.

Sept. 1, 1751 – Sarah Hulen, 9 years old, bound to Mrs. Sarah Sims.

Sept. 1, 1751 – Betty Jennit, 7 ½ years old, orphan, bound to Capt. John Thornton until 21 years old.

June 3, 1752- Cox… following orphans of John Cox: John, 18 years old, Beverly, 16 years old, George, 13 years old, Amey , 11 years old  all ordered bound out by the Church Wardens, currently living with Wm. Gess.

Sept. 14, 1752 – Susan White, orphan bound to Henry Webb.

Dec. 6, 1752 – Richard Persons, orphan bound to Henry Thornton, to learn the art and mistery of a shoemaker.

Dec. 6, 1752 – Booth and Valentine Perry, orphans of Thomas Perry, dec’d, bound to Littleton Spivey.

March 6, 1753 – John Railey Jr., 12 year old orphan, bound to Joseph Davenport to learn the trade of shoemaker.

March 6, 1753 – Luke Armsby,  orphan 3 years old April 20 next, bound to Joseph Davenport to learn the trade of shoemaker.

May 31, 1753 -  James Logan, 16 year old orphan, bound to Rich’d. Jones to learn the trade of a carpenter.

Sept. 6, 1753 – Geo. Holmes, 14 years old on June 6, 1753, son of Solomon Holmes, bound to Philemon Hawkins till he is 21 years old, to learn the trade of a shoemaker.

Dec. 6, 1753 – William , 15 years old, and John, 10  years old, orphans of John Shaw, dec’d, bound to Robt. Collier to learn the trade of shoemaker.

Dec. 3, 1754 – “Eliza Jennett and Orphan formerly bound to Jn’o. Thornton who is now dec’d. be bound to Sarah Widow and relict of the s’d. John.  She to teach the s’d. child Housewifry and to give her one years Schooling.”

Dec. 5, 1755 – “On complt. Made to the Court on behalf of Eliz’a. Adams, and Orphan Girl in custody of Jacob Dansby, that the s’d. Orphan is very ill used, it is ord’d that Philemon Hawkins take the s’d. child into his keeping till the next Court and tha the Sher. Summon the s’d. Dansby to appear at the next Courtto answer the s’d. complaint.

March 5, 1755 -  Roberts…3 children of William Roberts bound out as follows: Thomas to Jonathan Johnson, to be taught trade of shoemaker.  Mary to Charles Kimbal and Jane to James Paine, Esq. , all to be given a years schooling each.

June 3, 1755 – Jane Bosman, 1 year old, as of Marcy 1, 1755, daughter of Sara Bosman, bound to Thomas Jones until 18 years old.

June 3, 1755 – Mark Harding, son of the dec’d. Thos. Harding , bound to Robt. Jones Jr.

June 4, 1755 – Isham Meadows, 15 years old on Feb. 16, 1755 , orphan of Dan. Meadows. Bound to Col. Wm. Person to learn Cooper’s trade, to be given years schooling.

June 4, 1755 – Joana, about 13 years old, and Delany, 9 years old, orphans of Benj’a. Carrol, wife Eliza Carrol living, bound to Moses Myrick, former to be a Spinster and latter to be a shoemaker.  At 15 years of age both to be given 2 years of schooling.

(On Sept. 4, 1755, the order was suspended due to intervention of mother).

Sept. 2, 1755 – Burgess Reeves, 9 years old on May 1, 1755, orphan of Wm. Reeves, bound to Samuel Maugham, to be taught Carpenters trade and given 2 years schooling between 15 and 21 years of age.

Sept. 5, 1755 – Anne, daughter of Judith Hull bound to Mary Jordan, relict and widow of Thomas Jordan dec’d.  She was also “base born”.

March 4, 1756 -  Dulaney, son of Moses Swinney, bound to Atkin McLemore to learn business of planter, and to be given 2 years of schooling between 15 and 20 years of age.

March 2, 1757 – Samuel Druly, 19 years old this date,  orphan of Sam’l Druly of Albany, bound to Jno. Bullock to teach him trade of Cooper and to read and write.

March 2, 1757 – James Ham, 6 years old July 1756, sond of Jeremiah Ham, bound to Wm. Jones to teach him Cooper’s trade, and to be given 1 years schooling after 15 years.

March 3, 1757 -  Mary Stuart, 13 years old, bound to Joab Mitchell to learn housewifery and to get 1 years schooling after 15 years.

March 3, 1757 – Jesse Stuart, 6 years old son of Stuart, bound to Joab Mitchell to learn shoemaker’s trade, 1 years schooling after 15 years.

March 4, 1757 – Wm. Stuart, 3 years old son of Stuart, bound to Robt. Mitchell to learn the business of Farmer.

Dec. 6, 1757 -  Anne Lucey Tatum, 6 years old on Dec. 1, 1757, orphan bound to Peter Jackson, for housewifry and 1 years schooling after 10 years.  ( June 21, 1758, taken from Jackson and bound to Rachel Phillips, a widow.)

March 9, 1758 -  Thomas Bevin , 13 years old January 1, 1758, bound to Jas. Downey toi learn to be planter and to be given 1 years schooling.

June 20, 1758 – Burgess Reeves, 12 years old May 10, 1758 (different from previous statement) bound to Jno. Thomson, to be cooper and to read and write.

June 20, 1758 – Bartlet Taylor, 14 years old on June 10, 1758, and Eliz’a. Taylor, 12 years old on April 12, 1758, orphans of Babara Taylor, bound to robt. Priddy Jr. to learn to read and write.

June 21, 1758 – Edward Morgan, 13 years old on February 15, 1758, orphan, bound to Chas. Dodson to be a Tanner and read and write.

Sept. 19, 1758 – Martha Foster, 3 years old on Dec. 27, 1757, daughter of Martha Foster, bound to Daniel Potter to learn housewifry, and have 1 years schooling after 12 years.

Sept. 20, 1758 -  Samuel Wells, 11 years old, orphan of Jno. Wells, bound to Wm. Bowden, to learn to be a planter.

Sept. 21, 1758 – Daniel Underwood ordered to take care of Jno. And Richard Davis, orphans of  Thomas Davis until next Court.

Dec. 20, 1758 -  Davis, orphans of Thomas Davis decd as follows:  Jno. 14 years, Thomas 12 years old, Richard, 7 years old, and Mary bound to Daniel Underwood according to Law.

March 20, 1759 – James Wheeler, 7 years old on January 1759, orphan of Samuel Wheeler bound to Vincent Bodine to learn the trade of a shoemaker.

March 21, 1759 – Sam’l Wheeler, 5 years old on January 15, 1759, orphan of Sam’l Wheeler, bound to James Williams, to learn the carpenter’s trade.

March 21, 1759 - William Wheeler, 9 years old on January 1759, orphan of Sam’l Wheeler, bound to Reuben Moss to learn shoemaker’s trade.

March 22, 1759 -  Elinor, 6 year old  on June 1758, daughter or Eliz’a. Armsby, bound to Daniel Williams and his wife Ursula to learn housewifry.

March 22, 1759 -  Drury Jones, 12 years old on January 1759, orphan of William Jones, bound to Thomas Lowe to learn the business of planter.

June 20, 1759 -  William Roy, 4 years old on April 6, 1759, son of Eliz’a. Thurston bound to Henry Barkman to teach him the trade of a taylor and to read and writer.

Sept. 21, 1759 – Sus’a. Douglas, orphan of David Douglas dec’d, allow’d to choose her brother William Douglas of Lunenburg County in Virginia as her Guardian.  Dan’l. Mitchell and Dan’l Carrol of Virginia enter as sureties in 600 pounds proc. money.

Aug. 3, 1768 -  Timmothy and Dennis Driskell, orphans of Dennis Driskell, dec.d. bound to William Todd, until 21 years to learn taylor trade.

Aug. 4, 1768 – Mary Bell, 14 years old, orphan of Thomas Bell dec’d. came into court and chose John Williams, jr. as guardian.

Nov. 1, 1768 -  Elizabeth Springfield, 6 years old, on Dec. 4 following, orphan of Thomas Springfield,  bound to Charles Eaton, until 18 years to become Spinster.

Nov. 1, 1768 -  Aaron Springfield, 8 years old on January next, orphan of Thomas Springfield, bound to James ‘currian until 21 years old, to learn trade of blacksmith.

(Apparently, Thomas Springfield hung himself on Sept. 20, 1768)

Nov. 1, 1768 - John, about 6 years old, orphan of Margaret Morgan, bound to William Brown until 21 years old to learn cooper’s trade.

Nov. 3, 1768 -  Charnock Cox,  about 16 years old, son of George Cox, dec’d.  Jno. Rust appointed Guardian.

Nov. 3, 1768 -  George Cox, 19 years old last February, orphan of George Cox, dec’d. Reubin Moss appointed Guardian.

Jan. 18, 1769 – Charity,  base born mulatto child, about 14 or 15 years old, daughter of Mary Horn, bound to Thomas Bradford until 18 years old to become a spinster.

Jan. 19, 1769 -  William Grant, orphan, bound to William Wilson until 21 years old to learn to be a “taylor”.

Jan. 19, 1769 – George King, 16 years old, on February 6, 1770, orphan of John King, bound to William Wilson until 21 years old. To be a “taylor”.

Jan. 19, 1769  - John King, 14 years old on Mary 18, 1770, orphan, son of John King bound to William Wilson, until 21 years od to be a taylor.

April 18, 1769 – Delilah Jones, about 15 years old, orphan of Jacob Jones dec’d, bound to Richard Harris until 18 years old to be a spinster.

April 18, 1769 – Honor Jones, about 13 years old, orphan of Jacob Jones dec’d, bound to Daniel Standard until 18 years old as spinster.

April 19, 1769 -  Elizabeth and Ann Harrison, orphans of Joseph Harrison, decd.  Mary Hanson appointed Guardian.

April 19, 1769 -  Namrey Renn bound to Michael Pealon until 18 years to become spinster.

July 16, 1769 – Stephen and John Ludlowe bound to William Jones Little until 21 years old as planters.

July 16, 1769 -  Samuel Wheeler, orphan of Samuel Wheeler, bound to William Cooper to learn trade of carpenter.

July 16, 1769 – Mary Morgan, a Mulatto, 16 years old, bound to Saml. Henderson Sr. to learn to be spinster.

July 19, 1769 -  Buckner Rook, 13 years old, orphan of John Rook, bound to William Cooper until 21 years old to learn carpentry.

January 18, 1770 -  John Fines, orphan of William Fines.  Michael Satterwhite is appointed Guardian.

April 19, 1770 -  Clement Wilkins, 14 years old, orphan, bound to Richard Wilkins to become blacksmith.

February 19, 1771 – Edward Irby, orphan of William Irby, bound to Thomas Norman until reaches 21 years of age to become a “taylor”.

May 22, 1771-  Sol, 7 years old, Mack 5 years old, and Barbara Revel about 4 years old, all bastard children, bound to William Alston until 21 years old.

May 22, 1771 – Charles Huet, 18 years old, bound to Jno. Pope, Esq. Until 21 years old, to become planter.

Aug. 22, 1771 – John King, 16 years old on May 18, 1771, orphan of John King, bound to John Blaloch to learn the art of planter.

Nov. 20, 1771 – Rachel Veazey, 16 years old on July 28, 1771, orphan of Edward Veazey, chose Elijah Veazey as her Guardian.

Nov. 21, 1771 – Bishop Hicks, orphan of Absolem Hicks, bound to Thomas Norman to become a “taylor”.

Nov. 21, 1771 -  Nancy Herill, 12 years old orphan, bound to Elisha Sims to learn art of Spinster.

Nov. 21, 1771 -  Willie Kimball, 9 years old on June 16, 1771,  orphan of William Kimball dec’d. bound to Elisha Sims to become a blacksmith

February 18, 1772 -  James Matthews, orphan bound to William Dodson, until 21 years old , to be taught to read and write, and also to be taught art of a “turner”. (one who turns wood on a lathe into spindles)

February 19, 1772 – John King, 18 years old on May 18, 1772, orphan of Jno. King dec’d. bound to Samuel Goodwin to learn the trade of “taylor.”

May 19, 1772-  Edmund Pendleton, about 17 years old, orphan of George Pendleton dec’d, bound to William Sims to learn to be a bricklayer.

May 19, 1772 -  John Wallace, 14 years old, orphan of Robert Wallace dec’d, bound to Giles Hudspeth.  Learning to become a carpenter

May 5, 1774 -  Elisabeth Morgan, about 15 years old, orphan of Margarett Morgan bound to Turner Jordan to become a spinster.

May 5, 1774 -  John Morgan, about 12 years old, orphan of Margarett Morgan bound to William Glass to become a carpenter.

May 5, 1774 – Frances Morgan, about 4 years old, orphan of Margarett Morgan bound to Guelimies Smith, to become a spinster.

August 2, 1774 – Meredith Thruston, about 13 years old, orphan formerly bound to Thos. Bridgers, removed and bound to Benj’a. Whitehead to be a cordwinder until 21 years old.

August 4, 1774- Charles White, orphan bound to John Dennis, to become a blacksmith.

August 6, 1774 – Willis Wren, 7 years old on June 14, 1774, orphan of Rebeca Wren, bound to Michael Peelar until 21 years to become farmer.

Nov. 2, 1774 -  Lettice Thomas, aged 11 years last Sept., bound to Henry Fuller until 18 to become a spinster.

Nov. 7 , 1775 – Harris Hicks, 14 years old, and Absalom Hicks, 12 years old, bound to Henry Milton to become blacksmiths.

May 7, 1776 – Richard Briggs, 18 years old on Nov. 20, 1776, orphan of Richard Briggs dec’d, bound to John Knott to be a planter.

May 7, 1776 – Henry Briggs, 8 years old next November, orphan of Richard Briggs dec’d, bound to David Knott to be a planter.

May 9, 1776 -  Obediah Vowel, 8 years old on April 7, 1776, bound to Ellis Drewry to become planter.

May 7, 1777 – David Driskall, orphan of Dennis Driskall, dec’d., bound to Timothy Driskall to become “taylor.”

May 7, 1777 – Augustine Woodiff, orphan of Geo. Woodiff dec’d, bound to Thomas Hicks to learn the art of house carpenter and joiner.

May 4, 1779 – Christiana Hovemany, 15 years old last January, bound to George Byards until 18 to become a spinner.

Aug. 3, 1779 – Obediah, 12 years old on February 15, 1779, bound to Jno. Russel, until 21, to become a planter.

May 2, 1780 -  Rhody Whaling, 7 years old on August 1780, bound to John Farar until 21, to become a planter.

May 2, 1780 -  Thornton Taylor, 3 years old, bound to Richard Bradford until 21, to become a planter.

February 6, 1781 -  Drury Mitchell, orphan of David Mitchell, bound to Drury pettiford until 21 to become a planter.

Nov. 6, 1781 – Augustine Pettiford, 2 years old, bound to Thos. Satterwhite until 21 to become a planter.

February 4, 1781 – Bass, the following children:  John, 9 years old, Phatha, 6 years old, Sarah , 4 years old, and David, 2 years old.  Orphans of Elijah Bass, bound to Benjamin Bass to become planters.

May 7, 1782 – Jno., 13 years old, and Austin, 11 years old, Cousins, formerly bound to Wm. Gill, are removed and bound to John Hart until 21.

Aug.  4, 1783 – Starling Cooke, 16 years old on May 12 last, orphan of Berry Cooke bound to John Walker until 21 years old to become a planter.

Nov. 1, 1784 – Susannah Wright, 9 years old, orphan of Thos. Wright, bound to Charles Harris until 18 to become a spinster.

Nov. 1, 1784-  Agnes Wright, 12 years old, and Mary, 6 years old, orphans of Thomas Wright, bound to Samuel Whitehead until they are each 18 to become spinsters.

Nov. 2, 1784 -  William Phillips, 14 years old, orphan of Roger Phillips dec’d, bound to Jeremiah Bulloch until 21 to become a planter.

Nov. 2, 1784 – Samuel Phillips, 12 years old, orphan of Roger Phillips, bound to George Lamore, until 21 as a planter.  (might mean McLamore)

Nov. 2, 1784 – Isaac Phillips, 11 years old, orphan of Roger Phillips, bound to James Hawkins until 21  to be come planter.

Nov. 3, 1784 – Lewis Williams, orphan of Stephen Williams, bound to Ephraim Frazier until 21 to become a planter.

May 2, 1785 – Micajah Kennon, 12 years old on July 1785, orphan of Charles Kennon, bound to Charles Noland until 21 to become a planter.

May 2, 1785 – William Kennon, 11 years old, orphan of Charles Kennon, bound to James Noland until 21 to become a planter.

February 9,1786 – Archibald Huddlestone, 12 years old on June 26 next, orphan of William Huddlestone dec’d., bound until 21 to Bishop Hicks to become “taylor.”

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