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Hall's Wilmington Gazette

Excerpts from Hall's Wilmington Gazette 1798
Transcribed by Natasha Miles, January 2010
Hall's Wilmington Gazette
February 8, 1798

Public Auction
On Wednesday the 14th instant will be sold on the spot
The lot with improvements thereon in Nutt's alley, occupied by Mr Crevillier. The house has lately had some improvements, as also the bakehouse with a large new oven. As the same is now rented to the said Mr Crevillier, actual possession cannot be immediately given; but the purchaser will be entitled to the rent from the day of sale. Terms one half to be paid down in cash, the other in six months, with bond and approved security.
William Nutt
Wilmington, Feb 5

All those indebted to the estate of Mary McAllister, dec. are requested to make payment on or before the first day of March next. Notes or bonds remaining unpaid at that time will be put in suit without further notice.
Benjamin Mills, Ex'r
Wilmington, February 1

The copartnership of Jonathan Avery and Co is this day dissolved by the mutual consent of all parties concerned. Those persons having demands against said company are requested to bring in their accounts for settlement; and all persons indebted thereto are requested to make payment to Jonathan Avery, who alone has power to settle the business.
Daniel Ingalls
Sam I Thurston
Jonathan Avery
Wilmington, January 4

All persons indebted to the estate of the late Richard Quince dec'd by bond, note, or otherwise are requested to make immediate payment to the administrators as suit will be commenced against those who neglect to do so without discrimination.
A D Moore
George Davis
January 25

Ran away on the 9th inst from the subscriber, in Sampson county, a Negro fellow by name Ireland formerly the property of Col John Sampson, deceased. He is well known in Wilmington and the neighbourhood thereof, and is supposed to be lurking about there. I do hereby forwarn all persons whatever from employing or harbouring the said slave at their peril.
Thomas Newell
Sampson county, Dec 18

Five Dollars Reward
Ran away from the subscriber, the 29th of January, a negro wench named Sally, about 30 years of age. She has always attended about the house, has a husband belonging to Mrs Ann Quince of Wilmington, named Virgil, by whom she will no doubt be harboured in or about town. Whoever will secure the said wench in Wilmington jail or deliver her to the subscriber at Moorfields, shall receive the above reward, and reasonable expenses paid.
Richard Quince
February 8

The subscriber informs his friends and customers that he continues his store at the old stand and has on hand a general assortment of European and West India Goods suitable to the season; which he offers very low for cash or produce.
Jonathan Avery
N.B. No credit can possibly be given until former accounts are settled.
Wilmington, January 4

Will Be Sold
On Saturday the 13th instant
At Strawberry Plantation, Rocky Point
All the perishable property of the late Mr Thomas Moore, consisting of Household furniture, horses &c. At the same time a number of valuable Negroes will be hired till the first of January 1799. Bonds with approved security, payment in six months will be required for all sums above forty shillings.
Thomas C Howe
Robert Howe
February 8

Hall's Wilmington Gazette
Thursday, February 22, 1798

To Be Sold
As Escheated Property
On the 20th day of March next
An undivided moiety of house and lot in Market Street formerly possessed by Mr Charles Jordan now occupied by Mr Spaulding. The above house and lot will be sold on a credit of one, two, or three years; the purchaser giving bond with approved security under a mortgage on the premises at the expence of the purchaser.
Jos G Wright, Att'y
February 22

Great Bargains for Cash
On the 19th day of March next, being the second day of New Hanover Court, will be exposed to public auction at the court house in Wilmington the following valuable lands:
Be the same more or less, formerly the property of John Rowan, Esquire, deceased viz. situate in Brunswick County.
2120 acres on & near Wood's creek, called the Mill Lands, including one of the best streams near Wilmington, and so well known as not to require further description.
296 acres on the Northwest river, being the plantation whereon the late Mr John Howell lived, called Westmoreland, and lying between Point Repose and Rowan Plantation, part of which consists of rich and well timbered swamp.
400 acres on the Northwest river and Wood's creek, running back to Indian creek, containing within the natural boundaries, a very considerable surplusage.
In Bladen County.
1251 acres on both sides of the Northwest river, by three patents, containing a very handsome situation for a settlement on the south side of the river, and on the north side a large body of well timbered swamp, besides high land sufficient; together (it is said) with a good saw mill seat and stream bounded above by lands formerly the property of Goodwin Ellerson, deceased; and below by those of John Porter Grange, or John Hall, Esquire.
The above lands will be divided into any lots desired by those who offer to purchase, provided such division will increase the total amount of sales.
Also, if no satisfactory offer by private contract, be previously made, will be offered for sale in the same manner and at the same place, those very valuable town houses viz.
One in Quince's alley, which has been long occupied by James Jennet, and in use as a well frequented Tavern; and same having been lately repaired.
The other situated on the north side of Market Street, between Front street and the river, being an excellent stand for business, and carefully built of the best brick and materials. Two rooms on the ground floor and part of the cellar being subject to Mrs Jame's dower. The remainder consists of the other part of the cellar for a kitchen, the passage on the ground floor, and the two upper stories, containing a large hall, parlour, and three chambers. In failure of an absolute sale of the abovementioned houses, they will be rented out and immediate possession given.
An in like manner will be rented out in four lots the three apartments of the Ware-House opposite Dorsey's Hotel and sixty-six feet of the Wharf in front thereof; the very advantageous situation of which, for every valuable purpose of trade, is too obvious to require illustration.
Free Wharfage on the sixty-six feet front joining and above the last mentioned premises, will be given for stone ballast.
To Be Let
and may be entered on at short notice.
The Brick House, Tavern, Stable and Pasture opposite Wilmington, with or without the Ferries and the well noted Tavern and Toll Bridge on Town creek; the same having some good Corn Land fenced in; and for a proportionable rent, every necessary repair and convenient out building will be made and erected. Further information may be had by applying to
Benjamin Smith
Belvedere, February 14
N.B. Several Negro Women to be hired out. They are young, healthy, reputed very honest, and have been used to house work.

For Sale
And ready to be delivered at short notice.
One or two hundred thousand bricks, two or three hundred barrels of rice, and three or four hundred thousand shingles.
Apply as above.

Sheriff's Sales
Pursuant to a Writ of Execution, issued from the Court of Brunswick County, and directed to me, bearing ? the 30th of January last past will be sold on Thursday the 12th day of April next; at Ashton Barn, in Bladen county, late the residence of George Weare, Esquire, now deceased, and now in the hands of the trustees of the University of North Carolina be escheat, or so much of the same as will be necessary to satisfy said execution that is to say, Ashton Barn, that valuable improved plantation whereon the said Geo Ware sometimes resided, in this county, situate on the south side of the Northwest river, between the lands called Newfields and Mr Peter Goutier's Plantation, containing by estimation 700 acres more or less.
Two tracts of land of 640 acres each, adjoining or near to Colley Swamp in said county. Patented by Joseph Howard.
Also one tract containing 640 acres, in the same county, near South river, and adjoining lands now or latterly the property of Joseph Reeves. Patented to C Sutton.
T W Harvey, Sheriff
Bladen County, N Carolina
14th February 1798
N.B. If Ashton Barn does not bring a good price, it will probably be purchased by a person willing to rent it out and be put up to lease at said public auction.

After the above, will be offered for sale, the valuable lands of Dr James Clitherall, situate in Bladen County as follows, viz.
100 acres by deed from Warren Baldwin, dated AD January 1735-6 then joining the lands of John Ashe to the westward and eastward, on lands of Mr Joseph Watters, whereon the said Baldwin lived the day before metioned, known by the name of the White Marsh.
640 acres by patent granted 20th February 1735, to Hugh Campbell, lying on the most westwardly branch of Hammond's creek, and joining the lands of Francis Thomas.
320 acres on both sides of Hammond's creek, whereon Neil Shaw lived, granted to Francis Thomas and by him sold to Hugh Campbell.
640 acres on Hammond's creek, by patent granted to William Flavell, conveyed to David Roach, and by said Roach to Magdalen Campbell, joining lands then belonging to Howe and Singletary, viz. 24th November 1738.
150 acres granted to Magdalen Clitherall, 24th Nov 1738, lying on Plumb branch, being a branch of Hammon's creek, between the lines of land then belonging to Robert Hamilton and David Roach.
640 acres granted to Magdalen Campbell, 9th March 1736-7, lying on the head of White's creek, a branch of Waccamaw river, four miles from the head of Hammond's creek, and the plantation of the then late Hugh Campbell.
320 acres on a branch of Hammond's creek, granted to Hugh Campbell, 17th June 1736.
Further information will be given on the day of sale; and terms which it is expected will be made early, declared at the same time.
Benjamin Smith
Belvedere, Feb 14

To Be Sold
On Tuesday, the 6th day of March next, at the court house in Wilmington, the following lands, or as much as may be necessary to satisfy the taxes due thereon viz.
Fifty-six thousand six hundred and forty acres, entered by Daniel Wheaton and I Carraway, on the south side of Holly Shelter creek, joining a tract of land entered by James Howard, now the property of John Howard, bounded southwardly on lands belonging to Robert Sage, eastwardly and northwardly on the lines of the counties of New Hanover and Onslow. The sale to begin with the first survey of 640 acres.
Also, the following tracts, as the property of George Blyth, deceased.
Patent No. 200. Forty acres on the east side of Cape-Fear river, beginning at a Cypress Clark's lower line and joining the lines of Samuel Blyth and Henry Young.
No. 201. One hundred acres on the east side of Moore's creek beginning at a pine in Lewis's line, near the White Oak Swamp, and joining the line of Nathaniel M'Gufford.
No. 202. Two hundred acres on the west side of the North-East river, and north side of Long creek, beginning at a pine on or near Samuel Bunting's line, bounded on the west by Long creek.
No. 203. One hundred and twenty acres on Stump Sound beginning at a cedar at the head of a cove, Amos Love's corner.
No. 204. Two hundred acres on the east side of the North-East river, beginning at a pine, John Ablin(?) Campbell's corner, and joining lands of John Coston.
No. 205. One hundred acres on the east side of Cape Fear river, near the forks of Evan's road, Henry Book's corner, and joining lands of Jas. Tate.
No. 557. Three hundred and fifty acres between Wilmington and the Sound, to the eastward of Brunswick road.
No. 558. Three hundred acres on the northeast side of the road from Wilmington to Brunswick, lying between two surveys of land granted to Samuel Swann.
No. 596. One hundred acres beginning at a pine near Brunswick road, and joining lands of Roger Moore.
No. 738. Three hundred acres on the east side of the road from Wilmington to Brunswick, joining No. 558.
No. 789. Three hundred and twenty acres on the east side of the road from Wilmington to Brunswick, joining No. 788.
N.B. Mr Wheaton disclaims any title to the above lands, he having transferred them.
Thomas Wright, Sheriff
January 25

Pursuant to a decree of the court of equity, will be sold at public auction, on Saturday the 21st day of April next,
All that lot of land in Wilmington (including the wharf) formerly the property of Charles Jewkes, deceased, and lately occupied by Ward and Langdon, being 99 feet in front; with all the dwelling houses, ware houses &c. situate thereon.
Also, a water lot, 66 2-3 feet in front, with the tar shed &c thereon adjoining the house and lot now occpuied by Samuel R Jocelyn.
Also, that lot and store in Wilmington, now in the occupation of Maclellen and Lord.
Also, that valuable plantation called Porter's Neck, situate in Bladen County on the west side of the North-west river, near to General Brown's containing 640 acres.
The above lands and tenements claim the attention of all those who are desirous of laying out their money to advantage, as they have producted for three or four years past upwards of 700 dollars annual rent.
The terms of the sale will be, one third of the purchase money to be paid within six months from the time of purchase, one other third within 12 months, & the remaining third within 18 months; the purchaser giving bond to the master of the court with good security.
As the above lots and tenements have been already rented out, actual posession of the lot, buildings, wharf, &c now in the posession of Mr Langdon will not be given to the purchaser until June next, and the lot and store occupied by Maclellan and Lord in October next.
But in the mean time the purchaser will be entitled to all the rents in the same manner as they have been or could be received by the Executors or Devisees of the late Mr Jewkes.
Sam R Jocelyn, c & m e
Wilmington, Jan 11

Hall's Wilmington Gazette
Thursday, March 8, 1798

Thirty Dollars Reward
Ran away from the subscriber, a young Negro Fellow named Ned, about five feet eight or nine inches high, has remarkable full eyes and tells a plausible story. He was seen about twelve months ago at Harrison's creek, and possibly is lurking about Topsail, and may endeavour to get amongst a large number of Negroes. If any person will secure him in Wilmington Jail so that I get him, or deliver him at my plantation 30 miles above Wilmington, shall receive the above reward and all reasonable expenses paid.
William Watts Jones
March 8

To Be Let or Hired Out
For Two, Three, or Five Years
And possession given on the first day of January next, the plantations and land following with about thirty working negroes viz.
That valuable, healthy, and pleasant plantation called Castle-Haynes, including legers and the rice field adjoining: There is about 1500 acres in? land between Prince George's Creek and the North East branch of Cape Fear River, which renders the situation extremely compact and convenient; about 60 acres is well cleared land, and properly(?) laid off in sizeable fields for planting, pasturage, &c. all separated by double ditched fences and rails. The rice field contains about 70 acres, the greatest ? is banked and flood gates are fixed. The wood land and swamp within the fence contains a good winter range for cattle and hoggs, and there are fine large Savannahs back, which afford good summer range.
These lands and negroes are well worthy the attention of any active industrious person who is fond of farming and plantation business; the whole lying within eight or nine miles of Wilmington, where there is a ready market for every kind of produce and provisions and there is water carriage from different parts of the land. The owner being far advaced in years and in an infirm state of health, is the only reason for his hiring out these negroes and lands, therefore a great bargain may be had, and the tenant may be supplied at a fair valuation, with strong able working horses and oxen, with ploughs, carts, waggons, and all kinds of plantation tools and implements of husbandry, also forty or fifty head of cattle, as many sheep, and a parcel of breeding mares and colts.
Also to be let and entered upon in June next, that elegant and pleasant villa called the Hermitage, with the very convenient out houses and buildings thereto appertaining, with the gardens and grounds adjacent agreeably laid out and planted with various trees, shrubs and flowers, the kitchen garden well planted with herbs, roots, and a great plenty of vegetables for kitchen use. Prince George's Creek running between this plantation and Castle-Haynes, affords plenty of fine fish and wild fowls.
A final rent will be accepted, and any family wishing to possess so healthy, commodious and pleasant a situation at a small expence, have it now in their power to accommodate themselves, the proprietor intending next May to retire either to the back country or to the northward, for the recover of his health. Whoever hires this place may have any part of the Furniture at a fair valuation, as well as a few milch (?) cows and sheep. He purposes leaving his house servants on the plantation, to assist in taking care of the gardens, &c. to be under the direction of the tenant, without any expense than merely their clothing and provisions. For further particulars enquire of
John Burgwin
Hermitage, 23d Feb 1798

The subscriber being much pressed for the discharge of some large demands against him, and intending soon to leave this part of the country, for the re-establishment of his health, he hopes those indebted to him (after the very long indulgences already given) will make it convenient to discharge their respective debts, and those who have it not in their power to pay, it is expected will immediately renew their obligations, or after the first day of April suits will be commenced without further notice from
John Burgwin
Hermitage, 25th Feb 1798

Ten Dollars Reward
Ran away from my plantation on Saturday morning last, a young Negro fellow named Jem, about 22 years old, five feet 8 inches high, slender made with a smooth likely face speaks plain and plausible, but rather hoarse. He has a negro wench for his wife, belonging to Mrs Maurice Jones and it is probable he may be harboured in Wilmington. Whoever takes up the said fellow and delivers him to me at the Hermitage, shall have the above reward paid by
John Burgwin
Hermitage, 26th Feb 1798
Masters of vessels are warned not to take him off.
The said negro is outlawed and it is said he has been seen near Holley Shelter.

Hall's Wilmington Gazette
Thursday, March 29, 1798

Wilmington, March 29
Died on the 1st inst at his plantation on South-River Mr Matthew Pridgeon, aged 105 years.
Some time ago, Mr John Sykes aged 95; and Mr Thomas Devane, aged 110. There are several persons now living on said River upwards of 100 years of age, and many from 70 to 90.

The subscribers having obtained letters of administration of the estate of the late Charles Jordan, request all persons indebted thereto to make speedy payments; and those having demands of any kind of denomination against the same to bring them forward within the time limited by an Act of Assembly entitled “An Act to amend an Act, entitled an Act concerning proving of wills and granting letters of administration, and to prevent frauds in the management of intestates estates;” passed at Fayetteville, in the year 1789.
Dominick Jordan, Sen
Dillon Jordan
Wilmington, March 29

On the 18th day of April next, will be sold in Wilmington at Public auction the perishable estate of the late Charles Jordan. Six months credit will be given for all sums above five pounds, the purchasers executing their bonds, with approved security. For sums under five pounds, cash to be paid down.
Dominick Jordan, Sen
Dillon Jordan
Wilmington, March 29

Came to my house on the 26th instant a negro wench named Monimen, and her child named Jacob; which negroes I formerly sold to Richard Dowd of Chatham county. Said Dowd is requested to come and take them away, by paying the expense of this advertisement.
Margaret Murtaugh
March 29

To Be Sold
On Friday the 30th instant, at the plantation of William Nichols, deceased, on the Sound, called Poplar Grove, all the perishable estate of said William Nichols, on said plantation.
Also, on the plantation on Mand Creek on Monday the second day of April next.
Thomas Wright, Sheriff
March 22

The subscriber gives thanks to the Ladies and Gentlemen of this town and its vicinity, for their past favors and encouragement. He informs them that he will depart from this to Fayetteville, and from thence to Newbern, in two or three weeks, and perhaps not return until the fall of the year. Should any Ladies or Gentlemen be desirous to have any work done previous to his departure, they will be so kind as to call soon as the time will be but short.
Francis Rabineau
Wilmington, March 22

Hall's Wilmington Gazette
Thursday, April 12, 1798

Those who have any demands against Mr John Barclay are requested in his absense to apply for payment to
Potts & Gibbs
Wilmington, April 2

The subscribers take this method of informing their friends, that they have commenced business under the firm of Wilkings & Scott; and have on hand a general assortment of goods, suitable for the ensuing season, which they will sell low for cash only, as they are determined not to open any accounts.
M R Wilkings
John Scott
April 4

Further Notice
The subscriber having some time ago notified his intention of leaving this place, is sorry to observe, that little or no attention hath been paid to the same, by those indebted to him; he again, and for the last time, requests payment before the 1st day of June next. All accounts not settled at that time will be put into the hands of his attorney.
Marshall R Willkings
Wilminton April 9

Fifty Dollars Reward
A mulatto fellow belonging to me, named Allston, ran away last week from Mr Gorton Chace, to whom I had hired him for one year. He is tall, well made, about the age of 23 years, and remarkably expert as a workman in the shoemaker's trade. It is probable this fellow has left the state; if so, whoever will apprehend him out of the state, and deliver him to me, or to Mr Chace the person delivering him will be paid the sum of Ten Dollars, and all reasonable charges paid.
W H Hill
N.B. Masters of Vessels, it is hoped, will take this as a caution.
April 5

Hall's Wilmington Gazette
Thursday, May 31, 1798

To the electors of the town of Wilmington
At the request of a number of my friends, I offer myself to your consideration as a candidate for the honor of representing you in the next General Assembly. The confidence with which you have formerly honored me, is the best assurance you have for my zeal and exertions in your service.
I am, very respectfully,
Your obedient servant,
Jos G Wright
May 31

Whereas the Heirs of Wimble originally had, and still have in possession a large proportion of the southern or lower part of the Town of Wilmington, and whereas some of the lots within the compass of their property, are said to be claimed by others; the subscribers therefore hereby give public notice, that they are in possession of full power, in regard to the premises, from the heirs of William Wimble, deceased, who was Son and Heir at law of James Wimble, deceased; and that a final decision on the right of lots in dispute will shortly be attempted.
For the particular information of those who may be concerned, the following lots, by the plan of Wilmington, altho' improved or claimed by others, do not appear to be alienated by any deed of Wimble or his heirs, or in any other legal manner or whatever; of course therefore, continue under their claim of continual possession, viz.
Water Lots No 71, 76, 91, 116, 126, 191 – Front Lot No. 92, and back lots No. 93 and 94.
The following lots, by the records of the Court of New Hanover County, appear to have been conditionally conveyed, but it is presumed that the considerations were never complied with by the purchasers; by which means the right of property, by the tenor of conveyances returned to the heris; to say; Water Lot No 209, Front Lots 147 and 210.
The claimants and occupants of the aforesaid lots, are hereby also informed that the heirs of Wimble come all within the savery Clauses of the Statute Limitations, being Infants of Feme Converts.
Those who may be inclined for amicable settlements, will please apply before the first day of July next, in which moderate terms will be accepted, and permanent Rights made.
Repeated advertisements to the above purport, have long since been published at several periods, therefore this is the last notice of the kind that will be given.
Joshua Potts, Att'y in Fact
Ed Jones, Att'y in Law
N.B. The Letters under which the Heirs of Wimble claim, may be seen in the hands of
E Jones
Wilmington, May 23

The subscribers having qualified as Executors to the last will and testament of Thomas Moore, dec. request all persons indebted to the estate of said dec. to make speedy payments; and those having demands of any kind or denomination against the same, to bring them forward within the time limitted by an act of assembly entitled “An Act to amend an Act, entitled an Act concerning proving of wills and granting letters of administration, and to prevent frauds in the management of intestates estates;” passed at Fayetteville, in the year 1789.
Thomas Howe
Robert Howe
Cedar Grove, April 23

James Carr
Informs his friends and the public in general, that he has removed into Capt Hoskin's front house, in Market Street where he has opened a public house, and will endeavor to give satisfaction to those who may choose to call on him. He will accommodate six or eight gentlemen or boarders.
Wilmington, April 26

To the Electors of the Town of Wilmington
Not withstanding my diffidence of my capactiy to serve you, I am induced by zeal for the interest of this place and the country generally, to offer myself a candidate to represent you in the ensuing General Assembly. I am well known among you, and flatter myself I am worthy of your confidence.
I am, very sincerely,
Your most obedient servant,
James Walker,
Nephew of John
Wilmington, 28th May

The subscriber takes this method of informing this friends and the public in general that he has just commenced business in the Painting line. He paints in miniature at a very moderate rate; and also in Hair, natural or disolved.
Fred. J. Jocelyn
No likeness – no pay
Wilmington, May 31

Henry Melville, Watch and Clock-Maker from London,
Makes use of this method to inform the inhabitants of Wilmington and its vicinity that he carries on the above mentioned occupation in the shop of Mr D Lambertoz in Dock Street.
Those who incline to employ him may depend on having their commands attended to with punctuality and dispatch.
Owners of clocks living in the neighbourhood of Wilmington, will be waited on by sending for the subscriber. All good movements of Clocks and Watches will be warranted for one year. He also gilds watch cases &c.
Wilmington, May 24

Ran away from my Overseer at Castle Haynes Plantation, an old negro woman named Nancy & her son named Harry, about 18 years old. They are the wife and son of old Cupid, in Wilmington, by whom it is supposed they are harboured or secreted; or perhaps they may be about Old Town, haboured by some of Mr Carson's negroes. Whoever takes up the said negroes and brings them to me, at the Hermitage, or secures them in the jail at Wilmington, so that I may have them, shall receive Five Dollars for the woman and Twenty Dollars for Harry.
If the said Negro Woman surrenders herself within a month, as an old, and before this elopement, a faithful servant, she will be forgiven. And as I am convinced in my own mind, that Cupid has been the cause of this elopement, I will give to any person Two Dollars, who will deliver the said negro Cupid to me at the Hermitage.
John Burgwin
N.B. Nancy's face is marked with the small-pox, and she has thick lips, but speaks plain. Harry is smooth faced has a sluggish walk, but speaks plain and plausible.
April 26 1798

I am still desirous of selling the house in Mansden's Ally, occupied by Mr Miles Knight, also that in Market Street next above Mr Richard's and will take a very moderate price for both or either, in prompt payment.
For further particulars enquire at Wilmington of Henry Toomer; Esq. Or at Belevedere of
Benjamin Smith
May 31

Hall's Wilmington Gazette
Thursday, June 21, 1798

Not Withstanding the repeated notices given of the subscribers having dissolved their copartnership under the firm of Telfair and Keddy, and that in order to settle the concern, it has often been requested that all those indebted to the said firm, should make speedy payment, and those who had claims to present the same for payment; yet it appears that no attention has been given to the different notices and requests.
We now therefore expect that those concerned will pay some little attention to this memorandum, and make payments without the remedy of law.
John Telfair
William Keddy
Wilmington, June 7

The subscribers having qualified as Executrix and Executor to the last will and testament of Frederick Jones, Esq. deceased, request all persons indebted to the estate of the said Frederick Jones, to make speedy payment; and such as have any demands, are desired to render the same properly attested.
Jane Jones
John Swan
June 7

Whereas it has been too much the custom to apply to my negroe apprentices to repair riding Chairs or other work, which tends to my injury particularly as the materials to complete such jobbs must be purloined from me by said apprentices.
Notice is hereby given that I will prosecute any person, under the law against dealing with negroes, who may hire or employ any of my apprentices without my permission.
John Nutt
Wilmington, June 21, 1798

Persuant to a decree of the Court of Equity, will be sold, on Friday the 10th day of August next, at public auction in Wilmington, the following lots, lands, and tenements, to wit, all that lot of ground in Wilmington on the north side of Dock street and east side of Front street, with the tenements thereon, containing 42 1-3 feet on Dock street, and 33 feet on Front street.
Also that lot or parcel of land on the south side of Dock street, between Front street and the river, containing 50 feet on Dock street and 33 feet back, with the warehouses situate thereon.
Also that plantation on Cabbage-Inlet Sound, containing 550 acres more or less.
Also that moiety or undivided half part of a tract of land held jointly with Thomas Robeson, junior, on the Great Swamp in Bladen county, containing 640 acres.
Also that half lot in the town of Hillsborough, being part of Lot No. 129, containing half an acre.
Also that lot in the town of Fayetteville, joining the lot of the late Isaiah Parvisol, containing half an acre more or less.
Also that lot in said Fayetteville, joining the lands of the late Richard Groves, containing half an acre.
And also all that tract or parcel of land containing 320 acres more or less in Duplin county, on a branch of Rockfish, called James' Swamp.
Also at the same time will be sold, a Negro man named Boatswain, and another named Tom.
The above lots, lands, tenements and negroes (heretofore mortgaged by the late John Robeson, dec.) will be sold to satisfy a decree obtained in the Court of Equity for the District of Wilmington, in a certain cause, wherein the Administrator of Abraham Lott is complainant and Jonathan Robeson and others defendants.
The terms will be made known at the time of sale.
Sam. R. Jocelyn, C & M. E.
Wilmington, May 31

Hall's Wilmington Gazette
Thursday, August 30, 1798

The subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the public that he intends continuing his school during the summer months. Those parents and guardians who will honor him with their patronage, may rely upon the greatest attention being paid those pupils, they may please to put under his care.
Those indebted to him for tuition, are requested to make payment previous to the first day of August, to enable him to settle with his creditors.
W Macvurrich
Wilmington, July 26

To Be Sold
That valuable plantation in Sampson County, whereon the subscriber now lives, containing about 800 acres of land, the principal part good corn and rice land; has on it a commodious two story dwelling house with a brick cellar, and every other necessary outhouses; with a good orchard. There is about 150 acres of cleared ground in good order and under good fence upwards of 50 acres cleared last winter and now in corn. For terms apply to
George Morisey
Sampson County, July 16

Ran away from the subscriber a Mulatto fellow named Isaac, about five and an half feet high, well set, has a surly countenance, wears his hair qued; his common dress homespun breeches and cotton shirt, but has better cloaths with him. He was lately the property of Mr John Beck, of Sampson county, and will probably direct his course to that county or to Fayetteville. Whoever will deliver him to the subscriber in Wilmington, or secure him in some gaol, will receive Ten Dollars reward and all reasonable charges paid.
George Hooper
N.B. It is not improbably that he may now be lurking about somewhere in ?
Wilmington, August 25, 1798

Ran away from Mrs Susannah Quince in Charleston, South Carolina, on the 13th July, 1798, a negro fellow named David, by trade a Carpenter. He is slim made, about five feet eight inches high, light complexioned, twenty-eight years of age, had on when he went away, a brown coat or short jacket. As he originally lived in Wilmington, and was some time with Mr Allen of said town, and his connextions in its neighbourhood, it is possible he may be thereabouts.
A reward of Thirty Dollars (with all expenses) will be given to any person who will secure him in the jail of any place or Charleston by
Richard Quince
Near Wilmington
Abram Motts
No. 118 ? Charleston
August 16, 1798

Ran away from the subscriber, on the first day of this inst. Two negro men; they both speak French & broken English. One is called Grudge, has a remarkable wide foot, across his toes, is about fifty years of age; the other is called Prince, about twenty-five or thirty years of age, branded on his cheek E H. It is expected they will endeavour to return to the West Indies; all masters of vessels are forewarned from carrying away the said negroes, at their peril.
A reward of Twenty Dollars if taken in Jones county, or if taken in any other county, Thirty Dollars for the two, to be delivered to the subscribers, or secured in any gaol so that they get them, or the one half for either of them, to be delivered to them in Jones county.
Joseph Hatch
Edmund Hatch
Jones County, Aug 4, 1798

A Caution
My wife Lewisa Stacks, having left my bed and board without cause, I do hereby forwarn all persons from crediting or harbouring her on my account, as I will not henceforth pay any debs of her contracting.
William Stacks
New Hanover, August 16

An apprentice to the clock and watch making business. None need apply except he can come well recommended, and is of genteel connections.
H Melville
Wilmington, July 19

Sheriff's Sale
Will be sold on Wednesday the 19th day of September next, at the court house in Wilmington, the following lands, in the county of New Hanover, for the taxes due thereon, viz.
2984 acres entered by James Carraway, situate on the south side of the North-east branch of Cape Fear River, above the mouth of Holley-Shelter, beginning at a pine in the county line, 23 poles south of Curling Smith's second corner of land, formerly patented by Job Harrington, and about 180 poles east of the mouth of Rockfish Creek; conveyed by said Carraway to David Allison and by him to J B Bond, of Philadelphia.
14,080 acres entered by Starling Wheaton, on the east side of the North-east branch of Cape Fear River, including the lower and the great Holley-Shelter Pecoson, on the head of Lillington and Merrick's Creek, beginning at a pine on the north side of Ashe's Mill Creek, thence crossing the creek on or near Daniel Mallett's line; conveyed by said Starling Wheaton to Daniel Wheaton, and by him conveyed to Francis Lewis Tancy of George-Town.
44,160 acres entered by Daniel Wheaton, on the east side of the North-east branch of Cape Fear River, including part of the great Holley-Shelter Pecoson, beginning at a large cypress and water oak on the edge of Holley Shelter Creek, on the south side thereof, about one quarter of a mile above James Howard's line.
2280 acres, the estate of Richard Quince, jun. dec'd. On Doctor's Creek, near South Washington.
Thomas Wright, Sheriff
August 9

Hall's Wilmington Gazette
Thursday, October 11, 1798

The subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the public that he intends opening on the 15th inst. in the town of Wilmington, a school, where Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic will be taught. He hopes by his attention to merit encouragement.
The price will be Four Dollars per Quarter – the pupils providing themselves with books, paper, &c.
As much expence has been incurred by fitting up the school room, the subscriber is obliged to require, that each pupil shall pay one dollar in advance.
Robert Harley
Wilmington, October 8

The subscriber has it in contemplation to leave South Washington, therefore requests his friends and customers to make payment of their respective balances due him immediately, as he has already waited a considerable time beyond any degree of reason. Pay to William Taylor, in Duplin, and in South Washington to
Geo McDonald
Sept 28

The copartnership of Potts and Gibbs expires by mutual consent on the thirtieth day of this instant (September). All persons who have unsettled accounts with said firm, will please tender the same for settlement to George Gibbs, who has in possession their books and papers and who is authorized to collect the debts, give discharges, &c.
Joshua Potts
George Gibbs
Wilmington, Sept 25, 1795

Ran away from the subscriber, on Sunday night, the 30th ultimo, a Negro fellow named Cato. He is very talkative and deceitful, has long hair, but not tied when he left me, a high nose for one of his colour, a remarkable good foot, and plays on the violin. He is well known in Wilmington, by Dr Hill and Mr David Jones, and I believe he has made for that place.
Ten dollars reward will be paid to any person who will deliver him to me at Mosely Hall, on Rockey Point, or secure him in the Gaol of Wilmington, so that I get him again.
I do hereby forewarn all master of vessels, and others, from harbouring, employing, or carrying him away at their peril.
Tobias Cobb
October 1

Ran away from the subscriber, about a fortnight ago, a negro fellow named Toney, about 19 years of age, formerly the property of Col Sampson Moseley. He is well known on Rocky Point and is probably about Mrs Moseley's plantation. I will give Five Dollars to any one that will deliver him to me, at the Sound, or secure him in Wilmington gaol so that I get him. Any person harbouring him will be prosecuted agreeable to the law.
William Moseley
Guardian to Maria A S Moseley
October 4

Hall's Wilmington Gazette
Thursday, November 15, 1798

The copartnership of John Calhorda and Co was dissolved on the 11th of September last by mutual consent. All persons having demands against said firm, or John Calhorda, are requested to apply to the subscriber for payment, and those indebted thereto, are desired to make payment without delay. The goods on hand belonging to the company, will be sold very cheap for cash, in order to close the business. No credit will be given to any person whatesoever.
John Calhorda
Wilmington, Nov 8

The subscribers since the fire, have removed their goods to the back part of the store occupied by Mr Nutt, facing Mr Geer's where they have a general assortment suitable for the season.
Wilkings & Scott
Nov 8

All persons who have any demands against the Estate of James Cochran, of Brunswick County, North Carolina, deceased, are requested to have them properly attested and given to Mr William White, at Mulberry, Brunswick County, state aforesaid; and all those any wise indebted to said estate, are requested to make payment on or before the first day of January next, as no longer indulgence can be given.
Thomas Cochran
Charleston, 27th Sept '98

Will be Sold for Cash
On the fourth day of the Wilmington Superior Court, in November next, (at the  Court House) Six or Seven likely negroes, and three well blooded mares. Any person willing to buy previous to that period, may do so by applying to the subscriber.
Richard Quince
Moorfields, Oct 16

Hall's Wilmington Gazette
Thursday, November 29, 1798

For sale, a tract of land on Topsail, containing 325 acres, lying on the Main road 16 miles from Wilmington; a very good stand for a Public House, one mile and an half from the Sound, on it is a good Dwelling House with about 30 acres of cleared land, under good fence. Is a good range for cattle and hogs. Any person wishing to purchase, may apply to the subscriber at the said plantation.
James Jennet
Nov 29

The subscriber having obtained administration on the estate of the late David Williams, of New Hanover county, deceased; he requests all person indebted to said estate, to make immediate payment. Those who have any demands, will please to present them within the time limited by law.
Jonth. Huntington, Adm'r
Nov 29

Ran away from the subscriber, about a month ago, a negro fellow named Peter, about 5 feet 10 inches high, well made, has a pleasing countenance is about 24 years old. He carried away with him a white linen shirt and brown sheeting coat; formerly belonged to Mr Theophilus Pearce, who lives near Wilmington, and is supposed to be in that neighbourhood. I will give Twelve Dollars & an half for securing him so that I get him again, or Twenty five dollars to any person who will bring him to me in Johnston County near Smithfield.
Lemuel Jelks
Nov 20

Whereas Mary Harper my wife, makes a practice of buying, selling, and hireing out Negroes without my knowledge and against my will; I do therefore forwarn all persons whatsoever not to by or sell with her, or hire Negroes from her or to her, or make any contract in writing, or receive any thing by gift without my knowledge and consent, as it will be of no effect; any person acting contrary to the above written, will be prosecuted to the highest extent of the law.
John Harper
Nov 14 98

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